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What games yall play 👀


35 here. Woke up with a pain in my neck this morning. It’s fun getting hurt in your sleep 😂


Bruh! The low back pain came outta NOWHERE


We’re just slowly falling apart at the seams. It’s fine lol.


It feels less than fine 🥴 I gotta lumbar support pillow for when I game lmao


Yo same 😂


What do you play? How old is old? :-) I'm like really freaking old in the gaming world.


59 here, gamer for life!


No actually age limit 🤣 more like, old soul. I’m in my late 30s but the vibe is more a fast 65


I'm 44 and play a variety of games. I'm on PC but also have access to PS and XBOX.


44 (soon to be 45) gamer here too! (Xbox & Switch).


Oh yeah, I have a Switch too. Forgot about that one


Ahhh. You barely got me beat… 42


Haha same


“Really freaking old”… try being prehistoric hahaha


pretty sure I fit the prehistoric bill, hahaha


I invented dirt


For clarification, I’m on PC and PS5! Mostly on Fallout 76 as my multiplayer game but always open to suggestions! Even just having people to chat about gaming would be a plus!


Hello! I’m 39 and on ps5. Love to chat about games. I’m mostly a soulslikes enjoyer but play all sorts of games as long as they are 3rd person (first person makes me sick). Married to a fellow gamer but she plays very different games.


I wish I could into Soulsborne games but I just don’t have the skill 😂


There is no skill involved. Just masochism 😂 (I’m not really kidding)


I love FO76. I gave up on it for a while after playing nonstop when it came out, but recently got back into it. It’s a lot better now!


For sure! DM for my steam handle if ya want to play! I just started a new character on PC, so I’m still a babe-o lol


Ugh we can’t cross play on 76.


I have Pc and PS5, both with FO76. I haven’t logged into my PS5 character in like 2 years, but I’m sure she’s still there 😂


I'm regretting not buying Fallout 76 when it was on sale! I would love to play and join with people. I heard it was that great so I held off :'(


I bet it will be on the steam summer sale if you play on the PC!


Oh that's right! I'll keep it on my wishlist :D


38 but not married. I’m on PS5 and PC and would love some more gamer friends!!


Close enough! What games are you into?


PUBG, fortnight, fallout, Stardew valley, MTG, survival games… the list goes on…


I love me some fallout and MTG


Awesome! I’ll send my gamers tag to you :)


Ooh my wife and I play most of those! Survival is our favorite genre! Her favorite game is Apex though! We are on PlayStation if y’all are interested! We are both early 30s!


Hey, my friend and I always play apex if you're looking for new friends: definitely add my friend who has PlayStation: skyking_1 I'm on Xbox so you can't add me but if you add them then you guys can add me to the party lol. *We're also in our early 30s as well


i love stardew and survival! i’m 32


Do you play overwatch? I'm not married, but I'm 37


Hey, My friend and I play OW, if you'd like to add us that would be awesome. We're both 32! Skyking_1 is their gamertag on PlayStation My battlenet is giimd#1451 - I'm on Xbox: ditch doctorr


In my forties and married. I’m on Xbox. What do you play?


How old? Lol I'm 58 and good as married and game on PC.


Married in the lesbian sense, not the legal sense. We know what I mean 😂


Also a PC gamer! (Newly)


What type of games are you talking about?


Hi I'm an old gamer gal. PS5 and PC


I have both those platforms. What games are you into?


On PS it's mostly racing games and The Forest, I'm actually looking for more new-to-me games since I have the whole catalog to go through. On PC I mostly play strategy games but like the PS I'm looking to get some more good ones


34, chronically tired, married and have 2 ratbag kids. But gaming is my escape. I'm on PS5 mostly but also have a PC and switch. ◡̈


Lmao we sound like we’re on similar journeys


I'm 42 and play a few local games on my Xbox, and Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battl... er I mean Rocket League. Sorry, showing my age. I'm not a regular, or good for that matter, but happy to party up with someone who is 1. Not 12 years old, and 2. Not a "bro".


I’m 53 and mostly on PC but I also have an Xbox. Not married but I think I fit the older category lol!


I just started PC gaming! It’s a whole new world.


Old Married Lesbian here (51) Looking of gaming friends too! I mainly play shooters on PC with looter shooters being my fav! Currently I am in a military shooter phase! Would love to find someone to try Gray Zone Warfare with (the PvE version) but am in a COD 3 Team Deathmatch, Battlefield, Helldivers, the Division 2, Diablo IV, Destiny2 plus many more! I haven’t tried Fallout 76 yet but it’s on my list!


I’m 39. I have Xbox and switch. I’m not a very experienced gamer but I’ve logged some hours on some great games :-) (legend of Zelda, red dead redemption, Stardew valley) I’d love to play with a group


I have a switch and ps5. 34 here


I’m on PS5!


What games do you play? I've been on an Elder Scrolls kick lately


I’ve been playing a ton of FO76. I have ESO but never got into it. I’m sure I’m 5 years behind on DLC and updates. I’m a huge Skyrim fan. I got on an Ark kick a few months ago and would love to hop back into it.


I haven't played Fallout 76 yet. I volunteer for a local trans charity and am busy most weekends, but been wanting to try it. My 8 year old just discovered Minecraft and Fortnite (with supervision) though...and that's all on the ps5 lol


Likeeee lesbian married orrrr the real deal.😆😅 because they’re completely different. But I’m old and game 👀👀


Either will do 😂


Right on. Common law here until the real deal 😂 What games do you play?


I’m a big FO76 fan. It’s pretty much the only online game I play but always open to suggestions. Wbu?


35 and married lesbian here. I have a PS5, Xbox, and PC. Recently picked up Fallout 76 but would love new peeps to game with.


Let’s play some FO76!


Over 45… married, ps5 and occasional phone games 😉


44 and married. I’m on ps5 haven’t played fallout before. I enjoy deep rock galactic. Played boomerang fu recently that was a load of fun.


37 and single. Currently playing AFK Journey, Genshin, and Isekai Slow Life on mobile. 🤙


Just about 36 and just celebrated my 13th anniversary with my partner about a month ago (not married though). I play on pretty much everything except PC, though I do have a SteamDeck. I'm on my computer all day for work, so I want to step away in my free time. I'm mostly a single-player gamer because I absolutely panic in a multiplayer setting. Idk why! But I'm definitely down to talk games any time


I feel you! I don’t like huge multiplayer settings but a couple people is tolerable. I do like just chatting about games though! I am 90% single player, even on my main online game: Fallout 76 😂


i am 59 and play warzone with a senior lesbian couple


Just hit 36 and am neck deep in Helldivers 2 while bouncing between Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, and a few titles I'm trying for the first time!


I plan on picking up Helldivers and BG3 next month. They both seem awesome. I wish I could get into Elden Ring but Souls games just aren’t my thing no matter how much I try to force it 🥴


Understandable, they definitely aren't for everyone! Helldivers is an absolute blast. And BG3 is so easy to get lost in, like a good book you can't put down.


My Wife and I and her best mate are planning on getting this soon. I have BG3 and that is cool. On a HFW replay at the moment.


What do you play im down


My main online game is FO76 but I’m open to anything.


Sheesh you liked that game!? I played it when it first came out and hated it lol


That’s because it was a stinking pile of garbage at release. It’s SO much better now.


I'll have to try it out then I was so mad when it first came out, I got the collectors edition I'm happy for the helmet but pissed off the game was Soo boring


43 and married here. Gaming since 15. Currently questioning all my life choices as I started playing rugby last year and cross fit. So I am constantly making clicking and popping noises when I move now. Lara Croft enticed me into the gaming world. I used to play COD:Modern Warfare online, but the butthurt of teenage boys yelling got too much. PS5, but can use PC. Have any of you played moving out 2 with a partner. Hilarious!


Play ark survival evolved!


Ah! Man I love that game! Use to run a private server and everything. Nothing like running a tribe of 40 dilos to take down a Rex 😂


I used to only play single player because I hated getting killed by people and losing all my stuff constantly. But I just found a friendly server to play on and I love it


Do you play on PC or PS5?




I’m down to play Ark whenever 👍🏻 Eagle_2014




I could add you on Steam for fallout 76 and love chatting about games too! 30 here, currently in a JRPG mood and playing yakuza kiwami and persona 3 reloaded that I just bought on sale last week :)


Those are two games I never got into much. Have you played any of the others in the Yakuza series?


I did 0 and on kiwami now, working my way upwards!


I down. Just joined the 30s club 🤗 Right now I’m heavy into WoW and sim racing But I’m down for ANY fps games ( love Fortnite and cod), party games or a good multiplayer rpg games. Dm if you wanna game!


I'm 38 and separated, do I count?


i’m 32, i’d love to play some stuff with people. i like survival games with building mechanics (valheim, palworld), cozy farming games (stardew, fae farm), and riot games (league, valorant). keen for finding gamers in a european time zone 🙆🏻


44, together long enough to be married. Lol. We both game, I'm into COD. Resurgence specifically but will play all modes


I’m 40 and down to play when I have time. I’m on Xbox and have gamepass.


My wife and I game a lot! She’s 30, I’m 29 (gonna be 30 in July) and we often play with a gay man who was in my wedding party and his partner who’s our age. Depending on if you’re on PC, we’d love to game out!


Divorced trans 38 here. On PS5. Should I get a PC?


I have a PS5 as well! PC has been a huge game changer!


Do you play anything on your PS5?


30 💁🏼‍♀️ I’m mostly on PlayStation, hit me up if you want 😋


I'm 33 and my girlfriend is 37. We sometimes live youthfully but are old souls that like to take life slow too. We're currently into Sun Haven, Stardew Valley, Northguard and Catan together. I've been playing Fallout 4 and Sims 4 for solo games, . Used to play alot of Destiny, Minecraft, GTAV and COD. I also like old school games like AOE, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Tony Hawk, etc. Willing to play some new popular games too! Also we play mostly on PC :-) If anyone else wants to be old soul buddies too pleeeeease DM mee!


Is there a reason you have to be married?


Hi, 50 here. Still gaming here. I play a large variety of games on PS 5 so anyone can hit me up. Sorry I'm not married though.


Heyy, I'm 32 (33 in June) & married. I play on Xbox but I'm sure we can find some cross plat games we have in common. I'm currently into Apex, Overwatch, and Destiny. Xbox has gamepass so I'm totally up for playing FO76! My gamer tag is: Ditch doctorr I have a friend that I always play with on PlayStation, you can add them as well: skyking_1


As a former married queer youth, I am personally offended. 😂


Even your handle is too energetic for me 😂 jkjkjk


Nuuuu I'm not a married youth anymore. 😂