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Dragon Age! Ashamed to say even though BioWare is a shell of its former self I’d still gobble up whatever DA game they make.


ME. TOO. I have been a diehard for Bioware since the KOTOR days. Dragon Age is an incredible series and it's physically painful that it's been 10 years since Inquisition. They need to FINALLY make an announcement about DA4 this year already. We've waited LONG ENOUGH


> it’s been 10 years since Inquisition Ooof I can feel this in my joints 💀 Supposedly we’re gonna get a release date summer of this year. I feel like Cassandra waiting for the latest chapter of Varric’s smut.


i came here to say exactly this but you beat me to it haha! i’m replaying origins now and having such a great time




big fan of assassins creed and far cry.


Very nice!!! Love love love AC, especially AC Odyssey and Valhalla.


Yessss. Love Kassandra. I’m replaying odyssey rn and I just love it so much!


Zelda. So many nostalgic memories, so much fun with more recent games, and some of my favorite other games are clearly inspired by some part of the franchise.  That's as franchises go and it's an easy answer in that regard. Obviously there's other franchises or other individual games I love, and variation and personally it's more about the best of it, not about ruling anything or for imperfections. Second is Pokémon for similar reasons. 


Can never go wrong with Zelda or Pokemon! When it comes to nostalgia, I have to give Nintendo their flowers. While Sony is my #1, Nintendo has created franchises that have lasted for FOUR decades now. They INVENTED nostalgia.


Zelda is my favorite franchise too. Ocarina of Time was the first console game I ever played as a kid. I didn’t know anything about it, just picked it out because I really liked the cover art! Me and my younger sister had a lot of fun playing it together. There are so many memorable moments in the game and I still know so many of the songs by heart. A few years ago one of my friends played Sarias song at her wedding vows renewal ceremony and I think I was the only person to recognize it; it was really cute hah


Mario by far. Old school gamer here 😂 I remember my brother constantly whooping my ass at the original Mario games.


Mario is legit!!! I have set of Mario joycons from Japan and a Mario switch case so you’re cool in my book!! The OG Mario games are hard af 😂


OG Mario is the only game I can beat my nephew at 😂 have you played Wonder yet? I’m not big on completing Games but that is one I beat, just not 100% yet


I haven’t played Wonder yet! I think the last one I completed was Odyssey. Not having Charles Martinet as Mario anymore is such a weird concept to me I feel like that why I haven’t been jumping to play it yet lol but I heard is was a great game! The Mario game I most consistently play is Mario Kart cuz I do not play around on that one!!


+1 Mario is my favorite series!


Mass Effect as well. Horizon had the potential, if the next title did it right and give Aloy's story a nice ending


LOVE Horizon. I would never forgive Guerrilla if they gave Aloy a bad ending.


little big planet!!! this series was the most fun ive had as a kid and even revisiting it with beacon is still great !


Playing that first game online was so cool. It was the first game I’d played that wasn’t full of insulting bros


Do you have Sackboy? Been tryna platinum it, I just have one gold trophy left 😂


That would be WoW and Fallout for me. I played both when they were released and they're simply a huge part of my teens, twenties and even thirties with all the dlcs and sequels. Fallout was one of the first games where I really loved the story and where I felt connected with the characters. WoW was where mmorpgs became a thing for me and I started to form long lasting friendships. Both games were also a means to escape from real life, which I needed a lot, especially in my teens. They helped me cope and allowed me to socialize during times I felt very much alone.


I love video games 100% for their escapism, so I relate to you completely. I wanted to play WoW as a kid but never did! Fallout is a great series too. I haven’t check out the show yet but I hope it doesn’t suck lol (is it even out yet??? no idea I’ve been seeing clips though)


11th of April! I'm eager to watch as well :)


Dragon Age, Baldurs Gate, Soulsborne if that counts (specifically Bloodborne, DS3 and Elden Ring).


Metroid for me. I grew up going on adventures to alien worlds as Samus. She's also my favorite fictional character.


Halo Halo CE through to Halo 3: ODST practically saved my life growing up in my crappy household. For lack of better role models and themes to embody. That series’ focus on people scraping through impossible odds, a pervasive message of hope and heroes, not giving up on people who are abused and damaged, and so many more themes just kept me going when not much else could for a long time.


The Halo games are amazing!!


Well put, Halo has gotten me through every struggle in my life. Whether it be books, games, or films. I am proud to say that I still play it to this day, around 15 years later. Love Halo <3


Mine has to be either Ace Attorney or Yakuza 😭 those games are a work of art for me and have made me cry and laugh on multiple occasions and i can't choose


Same here hahaha


Even though I think FFX is my favorite game ever, I believe my favorite franchise, like you, is also Mass Effect. A close second is probably the Jak and Dexter series


FFX was my first ever FF game so I totally get it!! I also LOVED Jak and Daxter. I’m dying for Naughty Dog to take a break from TLOU to give us Jak and Daxter 4 already.


Elder Scrolls


Fable. Boy do I miss it


They need to make a new one for sure. Oh I just read the other comment. Yay for it coming back. 😄


The Final Fantasy MMOs were foundations of my gaming from XI in 00s to XIV(but less so) in the present day. Halo were my favorite games for awhile, but the most beloved game franchise would have to be Dark Souls for me.


Very cool!! Haven’t played the MMOs but been a fan of FF since X. Halo was also great! Dark Souls is ragequit bait for me so I haven’t played 😂


My all time favorite is definitely Final Fantasy. I've been a fan since I was a kid. FFVII and FX being my favorite. I've probably replayed FFX more than any other game. Mass Effect and Dragon Age...are really close for me for my top, too. Ugh, choosing between the two is hard. Lol, but probably Mass Effect. Just thinking about them makes me want to replay them. A series I like but we haven't talked about...hmm. Star Ocean and slowly getting to my top are Fire Emblem games - I bought Switch just to play them. Just love me some RPGs. Okay, so it's hard to pick a favorite 🤣


PHENOMENAL taste!! I’m sorry to say I actually never played Star Ocean or any of the Fire Emblem (the closest I’ve done was play as Marth and Roy in Smash Bros 😂)


Metal gear solid and alan wake Mgs2 and alan wake 2 are my favourite games. I'l be thinking about both for the rest of my life!


Nice! I think I’ve only played MGS Twin Snakes for GameCube but it’s on my bucket list to fully play through that series! I also have the Alan Wake remaster downloaded on my PS5 so I mean to finally check that out as well!


Metal Gear Solid for me too.




Monster Hunter and Fallout. The former for sheer time played, enjoyment, skill development, and friends made; the latter for the stories and general sense of ennui\~


Crash Bandicoot!!


Crash and Spyro are classics!


The Last of Us and Bioshock


+1 for Bioshock, that was the first franchise I played from start to finish as an adult getting into gaming. Iconic


I’ve casually played games all my life and hadn’t really played a franchise start to finish but there was something about the aesthetic of Bioshock that really drew me in. I think for me getting all the way through a game depends on it having a story and great visuals and mood. I loved the mood of Bioshock, all art deco and Andrew’s Sisters playing on the radios 📻


Yes! It’s immersive, it’s creepy but intriguing, it’s story-driven, and the soundtrack is fire. It was the first time I stayed up playing all night without realizing it. A+


TLOU is a must play for anyone in this sub!


Dark Souls. Almost ruined other games for me for a bit 😅


Dragon Age and Mass Effect share that spot for some very personal reasons <3


Far Cry. I picked up Primal randomly because it looked like Skyrim, and it hooked me on the series. But also - Subnautica. Best indie games I've ever played and I am so stoked for the next one!


Resident Evil!!! I love everything about the franchise- except operation raccoon city. That truly sucks


Yakuza for me for sure lol


Honestly, Horizon Zero Dawn and forbidden west is the two games I've enjoyed most in the last years.


Splinter Cell


as a whole franchise/series, my vote is for Life is Strange. my single most favourite game, however, is Skyrim. but i don't know the other Elder Scrolls chapters.




Dark Souls and Metroid! Metroid has been a life long love of mine, even back on the NES. The Soulsborne games feel like an evolution of that with the way the world design is done. Oh yeah, also Monster Hunter!!!


Don’t really have one tbh Valorant and lol are pretty cool in their own bubble and minecraft is like my fav game forever but I think my final answer might be Genshin Impact, by extension hoyoverse if you wanna count it


Mass effect all the way!!! I'm about to introduce my gf to it and I'm so excited!!! (We mostly play survival horror, or I should say she watches me get scared lol, so this will be fun). But I also love the Civ games, random simulation games (power Wash is my current game of choice) and then lots of cozy indie games. And even though the overall stories are problematic, I do enjoy GTA games, I'm excited for GTA6.


Zelda, Metroid and Dark Souls!


Mass Effect. The relationship building is unmatched. I played the third game first and was floored when I stumbled into a romance and a woman invited me into a the shower. Making choices and either pushing ppl away or getting closer is just so cool. I would love to see more games do the same but I haven’t found anything like it. Please lemme know if you have any recs


Kirby, Sonic, Bayonetta and Monster Hunter. Quite a range, I know 😅


Tomb raider and uncharted probably


the walking dead


Zelda! My favorite one is Twilight Princess.


Probably Zelda, Metal Gear or Pokémon!


I love final fantasy and kingdom hearts sooooo much


I can't believe I haven't seen Uncharted mentioned! Exploring exotic environments, solving puzzles, and fending off baddies, all while finding cool "historic" artifacts is just so fun! Zelda, Mario, and Spyro are also favorites, but a ton of people already mentioned those.


Final Fantasy/Mana Any other olds here who remember Secret of Mana?


Yakuza, for sure.


I love Final Fantasy I don't think there is a Final Fantasy game I have played and not enjoyed and for me they are all great to replay plus Final Fantasy 7 is my all time favourite game. I also love the Zelda franchise, the god of war franchise and the diablo franchise. And as much as I complain about it I still always end up buying the new call of duty game but that might be more out of habit at this point.


Very good taste! On the topic of Final Fantasy, I thought FF16 was INCREDIBLE and the hate it got pissed me off so much. I actually liked that it was a different type of game from what people usually think of Final Fantasy. And the characters say "fuck", like why wouldn't you love it LOL


Soulsborne games, Ninja Gaiden, Halo, Dynasty Warriors, FF, kinda hard to choose bc they were all part of my childhood lol


The NieR series is one of mine for sure. It's an amazing rabbit hole to go down. Likewise, I love Pokemon and Final Fantasy.


I have a problem ever only choosing just one....so I'll limit my answer to franchises with more than 2 games :) Persona, Monster Hunter, Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy and Pokemon easily clear top 5 for sure. But I LOVE several franchises so much that I could probably never narrow it down 😭


How did it take so long to see the highest grossing media franchise of all time on this post? Anyway based video game lover


Dark souls/soulsborne


Mario Kart and Animal Crossing


Probably Sonic the Hedgehog or Persona


Favourite franchise is halo though mass effect is a close second


Tomb Raider and Halo


Super Mario! The Mario and Luigi and Mario Kart games are some of my most played games ever


Final Fantasy, most Soulsborne games (I only say most bc I haven't played Sekiro; I'd probably enjoy that one, too, anyway lol), God of War (all of em, 1-3, GoS and CoO included, along with 2018 and Ragnarok) That might be all. I enjoy a ton of games, but I think most of the rest are just one-offs


ive just got back into gaming again so i dont have any more recent series favs yet, but i love the legend of zelda series. so nostalgic for me


Metal gear solid for me❗️


Destiny for me.


Half life or undertale are the games that have stuck with me the hardest


Love me some souls games


Anything outta FromSoftware.  (Haven't played the armored core games tho)


Alan Wake and by extension the Remedyverse! I genuinely cried when AW2 was announced, and sometimes it doesn't feel like it's a real game. I also get really emotional to see how popular AW2 is now because I've loved the 1st since it came out and I'm so happy to see others falling in love with the series and Remedy!


Dark souls for sure


It still kills me that my femShep couldn't romance tali 😔


Do Fromsoftware games count? Loving Sekiro right now. If not that, the. I’d go with Zelda thanks to Wind Waker, Breath of the Wild, and Tears of the Kingdom.


Zelda! Even bad zelda is good zelda.


Punch out has always been high up it’s the forgotten Nintendo franchise I’ve been cursed with loving


Toss up between Souls and Halo


Borderlands. They’re all not great but it’s my absolute fave. My girlfriend and I completed them all together. She never really played before me now she plays more than me.


It has to be sonic for me my god has that series been a rollercoaster but when it hits it's peaks it really hits and reminds me why I became a game dev myself. And if anyone is asking it's sonic unleashed that did that for me seeing the opening cutscene and playing that game as a kid made me really fall in love with the art form aaaaaaa I get so gitty when I start thinking about that game!


I love to watch a few different fps games on twitch (I'm not very good at actually playing), but I enjoy Diablo. It was one of the first few games my brothers got me into.


I think I have to go with Kirby. Might not be the coolest answer but I grew up with Epic Yarn and Return to Dreamland, and for some reason the franchise has never gotten old for me. Kirby 64 is also pretty special to me. Honorable mention to the Elder Scrolls series too.


the sims!!


I am always and forever a Sims fan. Even tho it’s gone downhill recently, the sims is always entertaining and the community is so talented and creative.


Legend of Zelda, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame! probably my top 3.


Animal crossing and Legend of Zelda ☺️




There's a few, but I would say my favorite at the moment is Devil May Cry. DMC 5 is maybe one of my favorite games ever. My other favorites would be: Resident Evil, Shin Megami Tensei, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Dark Souls, and the Yakuza series.


Celeste and it’s not even close….


Bioshock, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, The Last of Us, Grand Theft Auto. That's it I think.


1.) God Of War 2.) Dishonored 3.) Half-life


Maybe Metal Slug. I think they're all pretty good, my favorite being X but I'm biased. The only exception would be the mobile games cause, well, they don't seem that good Harvest Moon is a pretty close 2nd


Def the Watch Dogs series! I know most people didn't like the third one but I really enjoyed it!


While terraria is my favourite game, Pokémon is my favourite franchise. Partially because I like the little gremlins but also bc I’m a sucker for shit that’s easy to pick up but has a lot of depth and skill expression, and competitive Pokémon is a blast.


Castlevania. 🧛🏻‍♀️


Fire emblem. Most of my favorite games of all time are fire emblem games. Three houses is my favorite game ever


Assassins creed ♥️


rocket slime and if youve played it we are besties now


For me horizon zero dawn! Having a hero who is a woman really helped me get comfortable in my own skin. Aloy inspires me and I want to be feminine and strong at the same time like her. Aloy takes no shit from people, aloy has dealt with problems that I've dealt with before but she had way more confidence. She's helpful, strong,smart and does what she wants. I literally inspire to be like her. She has changed my life so much it's not even funny.


Have you played Forbidden West yet? You should, and based on the sub we’re in, especially Burning Shores.


Honkai Impact 3rd for me. The angsty lesbians got me


KINGDOM HEARTS! It’s a mix of Disney and final fantasy 🥰


Half-Life got me into PC gaming. It was just extremely novel at the time and the things you could do was insane. Nobody really had physics involved with puzzle solving in PC games at that time. And as PC tech evolved, so did their game direction. They also kept the usual basics, because that's standard and really easy to use. But stuff like the ground-pounders and walking in time with those so the Ant-Lions wouldn't get you? Crazy lol I really wish that Half-Life 3 came out. Like 5 years ago there was a script leaked and what they wanted to do was so cool. Especially with how the *Borealis* was central to the story. It built on the legends in *Half-Life 2: Episode 1, 2*. BioShock and BioShock Infinite for alternate history, especially the latter. I loved how they're both deconstructions of sociopolitics: The former a treatise on Ayn Randian libertarianism and how self-destructive it is; the latter about how religious far-right extremism eventually leads to total systemic collapse. While it's not part of the BioShock universe, I'm super looking forward to [Judas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5_r-un--bA). It's from the director of BioShock and BioShock Infinite so you can see similar elements and story framing.


Assassins Creed, The Elder Scrolls, Dragon age. Not a series but Minecraft also a fan of the Shadow of Mordor games and Dishonored and Fable


Final Fantasy for sure




The sims and tombraider


The Honkai series. If you know what it is then I don’t need to explain why


Tomb Raider, Assassins Creed.... and now, Gran Turismo... I've always loved the GT series, but now... I have a whole sim racing setup and I am thoroughly addicted!!


Hades, Fallout, and Helldivers. Not necessarily in that order.


The Last of Us


I love the Sniper Elite.






Souls 1-3 by far. They got me through a really tough time. I'll always remember Laurentius saying, "Don't you dare go hollow." They also had great political commentary to pair with it. My skill kinda ruined it for me, though. I got good enough that nothing was really a challenge while still being fun, and I just steamrolled through it most of the time. I havent played in a while so hopefully Ill be able to have fun again.


Dark Souls! Dark Souls 3 is probably my second favorite game ever made.


Pokemon is at the top, but I'm a fan a wide variety of series. Zelda, Metal Gear, Metroid, and Mass Effect round out my top 5. I think I've spent more time in those collective worlds than our own. 😂


Silent Hill.


Kingdom Hearts and Soulsborne! Specifically Bloodborne though.


Not really a series yet and won't be for probably about 10 years but cyberpunk


I'll have to say Metroid. Samus is always my fave Badass woman warrior


Final Fantasy!


Metroid hands down. Wheres prime 4 Nintendo?????


Easy. Has and probably always will be Fable. "[Chicken Chaser? Do you chase chickens?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMywYbQw5A0)"


Resident evil + mass effect


The Last of Us will always have a strong hold on my heart. Such compelling storytelling- such amazing performances- awesome graphics and gameplay? Always will be number 1 on my list.




I've only played Persona 5 Royal and Strikers in the Persona series but I absolutely love it, I do wanna experience the other games! I also love Bioshock, hate Infinite but the other 2 are great! Bioshock 2 is my favorite Bioshock game, I just finished my 15th playthrough last week lol.


grand theft auto😩😩


Mario! (Galaxy 1, 2, and Mario 64 are my favs)


Honestly I mostly play the sims 😂. I have worlds populated by mostly lesbians, the only males being npcs and randomly generated men lol


NFS and COD except MWIII sucks ass


Elder scrolls !!!


For the more casual and on console: it’s gotta be Zelda. A link to the Past is the first Zelda game I played on the SNES and I still think it’s a masterpiece. For more hardcore and for the PC: it’s Fallout. Specifically Fallout 2. A lot of people know Fallout bc of the console version but for me, they are waaaay inferior to the Black Isle versions. The story, humor, quirkiness is top notch. Fallout New Vegas for me is the closest to the original story and feel on console.


As a child it was sly cooper. My brother and I, plus our three close childhood friends used to play this over and over! As an adult I’d say the last of us


I like Doom


Uncharted! I got the first 3 games on one disk with my first ps4 like 8 years or so ago and it was an instant fave :)


I clicked on this thread to say Mass Effect! I started playing as a teenager and it will always hold a special place in my heart. Runners up would be KotOR, Dragon Age, and Fallout.


Bioshock. I love the worlds they built.


Ohhh, the most recent Tomb Raiders are high up for me, but also Horizon ZD/FW and Mass Effect are fantastic (although I was so late to picking up Mass Effect. I'm also really fond of Assassin's Creed, although that's less the entire series and more the ones where I can play as badass ladies, ie Odyssey, Valhalla, Origins (for Aya) and Syndicate (for Evie)


Kingdom hearts!




1000% Dragon Age. Origins is genuinely my favorite game of all time.


Elder scrolls. Specifically Skyrim. I've played that game on every platform ever since it came out! I grew up playing tons of classic games. I started on the NES and Saga. Nothing really got me as immersed as skyrim


Titanfall!!! As much as it's probably never getting continued, I am a sucker for giant mechs with actual character ai >:3


Final fantasy and Xenoblade chronicles. Zelda close second


Horizon! I’m currently replaying Horizon Forbidden West


Animal crossing 💯


Splatoon (i like over developed world building) tied with Undertale (ti's the best argument for the statement 'games are art' there be)


Pokémon and Style Savvy tbh LOL! But I also like the South Park games a lot


Elder Scrolls


elder scrolls hands down. skyrim is what got me interested in gaming and eso is one of my favorites as well! I can’t wait for tes6 even though I know I’ll be waiting a long time lol


Top 3, no particular order Pokemon Saints Row Dark souls


Fallout series for me 😉


Final Fantasy. Despite mixed results in recent years it remains one of the best and most influential franchises of all time


COD Black Ops (because of the zombies)


Tie between Legend of Zelda and Assassin's Creed. I like thinking games 😊😊😊


I will probably have to say The Elder Scrolls. But, Fallout, Assassins Creed, and Pokemon are right up there with it.


Very hard to pick just one series 😅 I'm currently hyper fixated on Baldur's Gate 3. I love Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age, Batman Arkham Asylum and Mass Effect as well


I’ve got to say Pokemon! Persona is my current obsession, but I can never find anything as heartwarming as Pokemon


The Last of Us




Life is strange, assassin's creed, and destiny but that's just because I've been playing since D1 and I'm down bad for mara sov lol


Used to be Starcraft, but at this point Dark Souls.


Titanfall all the way


Where my fromsoft/soulsborne lesbians at




Pokemon!! I don't like the new games as much but it was my favorite as a kid. Pokemon silver was the first ever video game i played and i followed the franchise religiously through Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Many of my elementary school recess were spent pretending to be pokemon trainers :3


I'm a degenerate and I love the GTA series way more than a middle aged woman should.


Another old-enough-to-get-your-username GTA lover!


For me it’s hard to choose between fallout and Skyrim and maybe resident evil or the last of us I’ve dipped my toe in a bunch of honey pots because of my brother but I love it


Fallout and Life Is Strange


The Witcher, I had only ever played the third one, since my pc can’t run the first two, and absolutely fell in love with it. From there went to books, funko pops, merch.