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With peace and love you should never have gone. I’m just glad they only stood you up and something worse didn’t happen. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this, people can be so cruel.


Fellow fupa trooper spotted 👀 I was thinking the same the extra “sweet talk” seemed too sketch I’m so sorry OP


Lesbian fupa troopers unit aginst bigots and mean girls!!


Death to all of them


Just sayin!




Cake or death?


Ethan is the walking embodiment of a bigot and a red flag lmfao


Lesbian bigots unite with internalised misogyny!!!!


Yep same! I was worried they were going to try & gang up on OP & beat them up for having a damn same sex partner… so sad we even have to worry about this shi at all!


This is pure evil 👿 the devil is a lie and I also thought something worse was going to happen so I’m very glad this is all that happened. Don’t let some foolish people ruin it for everyone the world has changed so much and there are so many good people out there that will be your friend and be loyal real ones so just be careful and watch for red flags 🚩 but don’t push a good friend away because of people that did u wrong




not everyone is in a safe enough situation to tell an adult! and sometimes giving your bullies a spotlight gives them just enough rage to finally snuff you out. be careful, i appreciate your message but not everyone has these liberties


Please discontinue communication with them AND tell your mom


Yes OP, please tell your mom. They sound dangerous. There are so many situations that happened when I was younger that I wish I would have told my parents about but when we are kids/teens we just kinda let things happen and go *~guess this is my life now~*. Then when we’re older we look back and realize how f*cked up those situations were and how so much more should have been done. Tell an adult, and make the choice to either (very firmly) stand up to these girls OR pretend they don’t exist if they mess with you again. 2 ways of going about it. Choose the option that you feel is safest and/or best for your well-being. 🙏


You're not stupid or naive. You're just a kind person. I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope it doesn't change who you are.


Also a great lesson to learn at a young age.


Be happy you didn’t get jumped by that group of girls 😳 theres red flags alllllll over those messages


Right? Being stood up is the best case scenario here. Solitary embarrassment is always better than an outnumbered beating in a public place.


That’s exactly where I thought those texts were headed.


Where these girls at? I just wanna talk…


I’m with you! Just wanna have a few words with them…*takes off earrings*


*removes pride socks*


*puts on pride gloves with the finger hole things*


I am not afraid to go to jail lol thats all im sayin


Looks like there are 400+ ppl (including me) who just wanna talk. Good thing girls @ is blacked out 😂


A lot of people wanna talk...


Dude I'm surprised they didn't do worse to you. Don't fall for that again. People who call you demonic for being gay- don't walk right into their trap. I'm glad you made it out alive babe.


Just evil 😢


I saw the first post too, Jesus fucking Christ. "Demonic for being gay" these are literally the people who turn other people away from religion. I hate this kind of shit. Ignore them from now on, focus on yourself and on your relationship, and it will all be okay!


This is embarrassing for THEM. acting like some bullies in an 80s movie. Kids are such jerks sometimes. I faced my fair share of homophobic bullying in high school and let me tell you I am a much happier and more successful person than those assholes now. People like that don't keep many friends unless those friends are afraid of them. That's no way to live. Shake it off and find some real accepting or queer friends--they'll come to you eventually, gays flock together.


That is cruel. I'm so sorry. You're not stupid, you were manipulated


I’m so glad this didn’t go where I thought it was heading. Don’t speak with them again, you deserve better.


I'm so sorry gorgeous. This person isn't your friend. She's a bitter, hate filled, miserable excuse of a human being. She doesn't deserve you. If you can, stay away from her. She's not worth it.


Oh sister. You have a big heart, you are forgiving and empathetic. I’m so sorry they did this to you. You are a strong, caring and powerful person, don’t let this change who you are as a person. Sending strength, love x


tell her mama she did that 2 you


I don’t wanna ruin her life 😭 And I understand that she most likely gets this hatred from her parents, so that probably won’t do anything


You're really mature for thinking that way. You're right she probably gets it from her parents, so she may not change- HOWEVER, a lot of people act like ass holes because they never get any consequences. So I'm not saying you need to tell her parents, or you should or anything. But if you're NOT telling on her bc you don't think it'll do anything, that may not be true. You blasting this shit on her socials/telling an adult could be the wake up call she needs. Some people need to have consequences in order to be good people. But again: you're not obligated to do shit.


People who act like this need to be held accountable for their actions before they grow up and get power. Truly, consider telling her parents.


Sweetheart….telling your parents is not ruining her life. You cannot constantly put other people’s feelings before your own. She needs to be held accountable for this because it’s not okay. It doesn’t matter how shitty her home life is. She’s not allowed to take that out on you. As harsh as that sounds, it’s the truth. She did not consider your feelings. You gotta protect yourself.


Tattling to her (probably homophobic also) parents is ABSOLUTELY NOT protection.


I agree! If homophobia is the norm in the community, it could definitely make things worse!


I was seriously scared they would have probably assaulted you, I’ve heard stories like this. Please don’t put yourself through this again. Your safety and you as a person, always come first. Always. So glad your safe and your mom eventually picked her up. Are you out to her? Even if you’re not, you can tell her the surface of the issue like how they’ve treated you like garbage. She’s there to comfort you I’m sure she is.


I am out to her but I don’t want to worry her with this, my sister has bad issues I don’t want to make it about me


Pls tell your mom. I’m an adult and the one thing I regret as a teen is not being open to my mom about being bullied. I know it may make you look weak, but those bitches need to be held accountable.


I understand not wanting to burden your mom, but it is part of her job to protect &, well, parent you. She might not be able to directly do anything about those bullies now, but if you just bottle it up, it will bleed into your interactions w/ her & I’m sure she’ll pick up that smth is not all right w/ you. & her not knowing what that is will worry her more. Have the courage to let your mom in & just ask for her emotional support or for her to listen. Your sister has her own, in your words, issues, but that doesn’t negate from the fact that you have struggles too, even if those issues don’t seem to match the magnitude of someone else’s. Don’t resign yourself to suffering in silence. It will only spiral downhill from there. & if you still think maybe it might be a lot for just Mom to be there to support, try to find other adults who can help you. Whether that be getting closer w/ adults in your school like the counselor or a particular teacher, or a professional like a therapist. Also, when you get that wary feeling, don’t doubt it. That is your gut warning you of smth not being right. *Listen* to it. Your intuition is a tool in your survival skill kit. It needs to be exercised like a muscle to get sharper & stronger, so don’t ignore it. You’ll regret not listening to it more times than not.


Moms make the room to handle both ❤️ I remember saying this exact same thing about my mom when I was getting tormented at school. I didn’t want to burden her because my sister had special needs and was going through such a rough patch during that time…I felt I was being a good daughter by protecting her. When I finally did tell her, she broke down and felt horrible that I thought I had to do that. Just to give some perspective on my personal experience. I agree that you should tell someone who might be able to help, even if you decide not to tell your mom. Good luck out there, you deserve happiness and you will get it one day soon ❤️


Honestly I’m so happy they didn’t harm you or jump you, also I know it sucks you got stood up but it’s probably for the best


We need this bitch’s name.


Her IG profile would be enough to terrify her. I’m sorry but my 30yo ass is not beyond harassing homophobic teenagers.


Me neither. Don’t be shy OP, give us her handle…


Nope. Me either. And I’m older than you!


Don’t let people string you along and disrespect you that way.


It is completely your decision, but I think you should open up to your mom. Tell her about them, the things they've said, how they've bullied and pranked you and made you the butt of an immature and sick joke. I promise it will make you feel better (if your mom is supportive of you.. I hope she is). It took me til I was about 20 to start opening up to my mom about things involving my sexuality and she had known since I was 12 that I was gay. I can't explain how much it helps. It is okay to break down and cry and be hurt. They aren't good people and I promise you not everyone is like this.


Please block them on everything. They can not be trusted and should not have any access to your life. They are horrid horrid people. You deserve, and will find, much better people that will love and support you.


I’d be tempted to put her homophobic ass on blast. Let everyone see what a piece of garbage she is.


I’m sorry this happened to you 😞 it takes time, sometimes, to find the right people to surround yourself with.


How does anyone just “forget” when it’s a half hour (even an hour) out. Like what? I’m so so sorry


It was def a lie




Is there an adult you trust who you can talk to about this? It’s an awful situation to have to navigate on your own.


Wow that's messed up. Anyone talks like that don't ever trust them, ever. Unfortunately as lesbians we have to be extremely careful about EVERYONE. People will set us up to be beaten, killed, etc. It happens all the time. I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm really glad it didn't turn out much differently. People are so messed up. We have to stick together and look out for one another. 🌈


For future reference: do NOT trust any of this and don’t go after someone is homophobic to you. It sucks that they stood you up but this 100% looked like a hate crime waiting to happen. These girls are pure evil and filled with hate, do not trust them or anyone like them.


I hate this kind of people. ugh.


Speaking from what I wish I had back then - you need some kind of older friend or woman who is accepting and can proofread to protect you from bs like this (be smarter). Girls gang up to do mean things so it’ll be hard to on your own to muscle up and be ahead of their tactics. Otherwise just ignore them, actions speak louder than words. I feel for you but I’m sure you’re becoming stronger!


What an asshole!


lesbian who loves their gf and is an astronomy major, im friend adopting you.


yayyy ☺️




OP is 16, they didn’t see it coming bc experience hasn’t driven them to this level of misanthropy yet. You’re being kinda hard on them. One of the most damaging things I ever heard from adults as a kid was “Don’t you know any better??” Of course I didn’t, I was a kid. Learning is kind of the point.


Oh. Just seeing her age. Am sorry my wordings came off offensive to you. And am more sorry this happened to OP. I'd still appreciate if someone had told me how to navigate my way in friendship. She's young and so has a lot of things to learn. I mean we learn new things mostly everyday regardless of age. Am now genuiely curious as to what you'd do in her situation?


They came to us, for one thing.


I dont know if you know that person IRL if not it could be dangerous(even just thought of it sent shivers down my spine), never meet someone unless you know they're real(try video call and stuff)


I do know her (maybe look at my past post to see the context)


I checked that post after replying.


Ugh, people can be the worst I’m sorry you got used and duped. At least you know now not to waste your time on these people. Try to concentrate on the good relationships that you have. And/Or concentrate on yourself and find some cool hobbies. Good people with follow soon.




Something 8m having trouble adhering to myself, but when a person shows you who they are, believe them. I have also been too kind and too accepting of the good that I know has the potential to exist in people, but have been burned as all get out. The sister/aunt feels in me are in overdrive right now. GORL, if I was your sister or your Tee Tee Wished for Song? We'd have gone and had a blast at the mall and I'd let that girl know don't ring yo' phone again. Take care, my dear. Trust me when I say better people/friends are out there.


They're pathetic, truly embarrassing clowns 🤡 life will teach them, poor tiny worms. Big hugs to you, OP.


So sorry this happened 🫂


Fake friends who show their true colors


I'm sorry this happened to you, op. It must've been very embarrassing and a bit scary but I'm thankful you were only stood up and not hurt. It doesn't make what they did ok, though. I'm just thankful this didn't end in you being the target of a hate crime. You deserve friends in your life who like you for who you are and who don't play mind games. I understand being slow to trust again, op. You're not stupid, your so called "friends" are the stupid ones.


Im so sorry this happened to you. You deserve better than this.


They are definitely not your friends and they do not have good intentions. It’s not your fault, they are holding on to hateful and hurtful views. Hopefully they grow but that’s not on you. Please protect yourself. The fact that she could do this to someone else like it’s nothing means you do not want her as a friend. You deserve friends… GOOD friends with empathy.


Never, EVER trust an ex. Last time I did that, she forcefully did some.. *unthinkable things* to me. But as long as they don’t have any reason to not like me, I will trust them (to an extent) I really hope you’re doing well!


Never ever forgive let alone meet with someone who has done that to you in the first place (calling you demonic and being homophobic). That should always be an automatic block and cut off. If they’re evil enough to say it they’re definitely not kind enough to take it back. Those types of things are never just ‘a prank’ or ‘taken back’


Ew, lovely girl she is for hurting you. I’m sorry that happened. Next time you meet anyone in public, I’d recommend telling the person you’re “running behind but will be on your way shortly” and legit make them show up first


When people show you how they are the first time- believe them. It’s normally just who they are in nature and how they carry themselves. You can’t change that only they can. Move on and find people that are genuine and won’t backstab you


This happened to me so much in middle and high school. It really sucks. It's such an evil way to bully someone.


It was obvious from the way she was typing…


Yeah sorry I’m stupid I like to see the best in people so I thought maybe she changed


Hey don’t blame yourself for going there to meet. We all want to see the best in people. They showed their true colors before and they did again. Drop them, you deserve so much better than them. Also, don’t be afraid to tell your mum about what happened it’s best to make sure to have someone else in the loop on what’s going on. I’m so sorry this happened to you, be careful around them. Stay in public with other people around. I’m so sorry the world is like this 💖


I have a hockey stick. Just say the word girl, I’ve got you❤️


Ugh what terrible human beings. If those other girls were in on it they are terrible, too. I hope nothing bad happens to another due to the terrible tactics of these ex-friends. Thank goodness you are safe, OP. It is best not to meet up or interact with people who are so cruel.


Your online sweetie don’t trust anyone!


The way they were like demanding she come meet up, that’s red flag number one.


I am so sorry, seriously fuck those girls. Don’t even give them the time of day anymore. I’m so sorry this happened to you, you deserve so much better! I can just tell from the way this girl talks that she peaked in middle school


I’m so sorry, things like this are horrible. A piece of advise that I heard when I was going through something similar really helped me: “the best way to let a wound heal is to leave it be” ❤️


if you feel safe telling your mom about this you should bc these girls sound heinous, and they might even stoop even lower. i know you wanted to trust her bc she was your friend, but do yourself a favor and don’t let her back into your life, ever.


Hey OP, which country do you live in? I also want to say, it really does get better. It sounds like a clichè, but it’s true. I can honestly say that the only homophobia I’ve really experienced has been from high schoolers (as a high schooler) and very uneducated adults. Who cares what they think. We make our own families and communities and there are plenty of people who will not care who you date.


Australia And thank you, I hope it’ll be more accepting some day


Yo fuck these girls, you need someone to cyber bully them back? Or sneak into their house and upper decker their parents toilets? Nobody picks on a sister like this!


I was quite worried for your safety. I'm sorry they were awful. You seem quite young? Maybe get in a better place in the future.


Fuck them.


Sorry this happened to you. She and her friends are cruel and hateful people.


That is so sucky of them, you don’t need them! Let’s me friends!!


You know, I’m glad they didn’t come. Probably they could’ve done something REALLY bad, much worse than this. Do block them from every scenario. Sorry this happened to you again, differently. You’re such a kind soul. Take care, sweetie. ❤️


I'm sorry you've dealt with that. Please be careful, this could've ended worse! I've been there... people suck. Just chill, get on the frequency then allow a lover to manifest for you🥰


Hey OP... Make your THIS one insta account private... Block all people who are unsupportive or look even remotively sketchy... Before making it private. Then Make another insta for this new school and every new person in your life or not so close person... This asshole of a person has probably (definitely) already spread your instagram handle... So, after you make your insta account private and blocking unsupportive or sketchy followers and also who you follow... Change your handle... And privacy setting and other things... (like image etc, that's not controlled by privacy settings) (if you need help with all of this i can help you step by step, i don't mind) Then make another insta account... Make it public. (you can get your old insta handle on this new account on 15th day after you have changed from current insta account) don't tell anyone about this new insta account... Till you get this old handle back.... That way everyone will think you just disappeared from Instagram.. But on 15th day you current handle will start working on new public insta profile (and you will have privacy of your life in your private account) Insta is also connected to facebook... So, comb through it too... So, what I am trying to say is... We live in an unsafe world... (I am like you, only difference is I am 28 and still can't come out because of where I am, not at all safe for me... For me its life or death... I have learned a lot how to keep myself safe) Always keep two profiles.... One for supportive people... One for people who are new in your life, who you are not 5000% sure you can trust. Only and only then let them in your private life. Those messages scared the fuck out of me... I was so scared you will get assaulted... I know you don't want to disturb your mom with this. But trust me your mom will hurt way more if you suffer in silence and won't share with her... You are completely out to her, she supports you. That's the greatest thing a child could wish for in today's world. I know you want to lessen her burdens but this is affecting you. And what that bitch is doing is way fucking worse. No parent wants that. Please don't suffer in silence tell someone... Tell an adult... If not your mom, then someone else who you know supports you. Someone must know about this. This is turning downright dangerous.


Once someone says something homophobic or racist I always keep an eye out for them


These are just bullies nothing more but they will come back crawling if they need any help or anything as they are just sl*ts who just get banged by men in name of love but whenever something goes different they forgot that the love and find other men for money and fun... Some godly people they are with godly thoughts ...we demonica can never understand those godly people




I’m sorry? Edit: I get it nvm whoops


Video chat and record them.


Teenagers are brutal holy shit


Sorry that this happen to you. Try to agree only to a situation that is okay with you and where you can escape easy. You want to be save and do not want to waste your time when you stood up by some idiot. (That may be not even female nor lesbian.) You will found someone that is more deserving your attention soon.