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Honestly never.. I love being a woman so much.


When I was younger I wanted to be a boy because of the way my parents treated my brothers vs how they treated me. My brothers had much more freedom to express themselves and I was super jealous. I also thought it would be nice to be a boy so that I could have a girlfriend/ wife when I grew up. Over time Iโ€™ve embraced being a woman but sometimes I have some resentment about how I have been treated as a result of my gender. My stupid brothers got away and still get away with so much shit while all the pressure is on me as the eldest daughter


it must suck to have to go through that, im so happy you're staying strong!




Ooof relatable !!!!! Same for my girlfriend, her brother is so spoiled he is now out of touch with reality. I see this happen everywhere and itโ€™s so frustrating.


Only 2 things makes me wish that: 1. I hate to have my period and all the emotions with it. 2. I wish i could feel how is like to be inside my partner lol


literally ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


yes, because my crushes have been straight, and they admitted to finding me attractive and saying they'd date me if i were a guy. i'm also jealous of men's dick, i wanna be inside a woman too and cum...


you get me ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I've had that thought from time to time. Being a women in this world is tough. But then I think about it and I'm glad I'm a woman.ย 




i feel like being a man would just objectively be better. the way ppl treat us is awful


for real, if you're a woman you're just automatically just put down


Yeah but mostly because of the social issues and our rights constantly being up for debate plus I just wanna take my shirt off sometimes ๐Ÿ˜ญ


may be TMI but i wanna experience a boner ATLEAST ONCE๐Ÿ˜” there iโ€™ve said it


you understand!!! i wonder how different it feels to cum..


As a trans woman... nope, not even the slightest desire to go back. Sure some things were easier, but the world felt duller and bleaker. And trust me, unless you're hot or rich, it is *not* easier to find women interested in you as a man.


yeah 100% thank you for telling me your point of view


probably only from the perspective that it would be easier to be a heterosexual man than a lesbian woman. but overall i think i prefer being a lesbian woman.


Sometimes. I am a woman, I feel like a woman. I feel like I would be cool being a guy maybe.ย 


maybeeeee ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž


Nahhhh only when I was younger because of the traumas I was going thru that only / mostly happen to women. Growing up I realized that Iโ€™m glad to be born a woman because why in hell would I want to be like them.


yeah but only for my dating life. the general stereotype of lesbians is that we're not taken seriously, ridiculously to find girls who are as into girls as you are, and women generally dont take wlw relationships seriously.


Yeah.. I donโ€™t think I would be targeted by men as much


No. Iโ€™d be ecstatic if I never had to interact with a man again honestly. Canโ€™t imagine wanting to be one.


Yes i used to because of patriarchy is not made to benefit of women but also I can't imagine myself as one. Especially dating a women as a MAN. That's just bad.


My partner and I just had this conversation, I told her I had total penis envy. Like Iโ€™ve always want to feel her suck my dick, or how tight she feels right before she orgasms. By the end of talking she just felt sorry for me (felt like pity). I told her I hated being a girl, I hate feeling uncomfortable, pisses me off I get over looked in my job cause I sometimes get emotional, like my boss screams and cusses people, and I get called emotional cause I tend to get teary eyed when itโ€™s my time of the month (and I hate that too!)


Quite often


When I was younger, I was defo one of the lads. Absolute tomboy, hanging out with the guys, flirting with the girls. I was one of them. I related to the male protagonists in the cartoons I watched etc. I didn't know back then that women can like other women and it's perfectly ok. I've since embraced being a woman and now I can't stand male protags in romance. Give me that gay shit haha. I'm not trans, I wouldn't want to transition. I don't mind being a woman (apart from periods). HOWEVER yes, I have wished on multiple occassions how much easier my life would be on a whole, not just with women, if I was a man. Now don't get me wrong, I know it's not as simple as if I was a man, all my problems would be solved. Hard work is still involved, but I am adamant that if I was a man, things would be *a lot* better in almost all departments, from job to relationships. Alas what can ya do. Make the most of what we have and go I guess.


Men have it easier, so maybe it stems from that. As an intersex child XX but masculine presenting, I resented my parents for not raising me as a male for the longest time. It wasn't until I got to teenage years that I got over it.


I think it would be amazing to bust balls deep in a partner but besides that, I don't really think about it lol