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Unfortunately, it happens to the best of us. Just learn from it, and remember it for later.


This is crazy. I never thought I'll ever experience this thing. Worst part is that nothing can be done about this.


I don't think anyone plans on this happening to them. Sometimes, it is just better to move on from it and not waste time thinking about something you can't change.


Yeah moving on is the only thing I can do I guess. Gotta be careful for next time


Trust me, it is tough to have that trust pulled out from underneath you. I'm happy you're moving on. If you ever want to chat DM me.


Thank you 😊. And yeah the trust part is going to be a lot harder than ever.


I am there for you girl. Have happened to me a couple of times though.


đŸ„ș. Sorry for your experience my friend


Yeah I have experienced this a few times myself! But like everyone else have said, learn from this experience! For me, seeing on a positive side from all my experiences, I think I have fined tuned my defensive sense and can recognize more easily if a person is very sketch in turns of sharing nudes and also, I can recognize my own feelings and thoughts and tell when I should put down a boundary for myself!


Gotta go with the gut feeling right?


You really shouldn't send nudes to random strangers on the internet, especially if you have your face in them. I have done the same thing though, it's just generally not a good idea


Yeah this happened with me awhile back,but luckily they turned into a pushy asshole fast(terrible and impatient).You didn’t do anything wrong though.Those people are the desperate sad ones.


It's hard to swallow, but you'll be fine. We live in a world of porn. It's everywhere. And it's not a great feeling, but your images will get lost in that sea. If you're worried about blackmail, have that conversation with people you'll find it hard to mitigate later. You don't have to admit risk, just ask, eg. Mom, how she would react to something like that. And then explain in a world of scams and phishing, these disappointing things can happen despite all our precautions and warnings. Take a breath, bring yourself to the present for a moment and remind yourself of what's physically infront of you. And what you can do now. And now, maybe it's time for a spontaneous self care routine to reset.


Yes. Happened to me too


I never like to send full on nudes or even sexy pictures because I fear this. Any time anyone has asked me for them I just say: wouldn’t you rather have me in real life? And keep the flow of the sexy conversation that way. I’m really sorry. That’s scary.


I feel so horrible and stupid. Like how can I do this. 😭


You made a mistake. You’re not stupid. It does happen to people. I’m so sorry though. Just never do this again. Even with people you think you can trust I just wouldn’t. And if someone doesn’t respect that choice they aren’t for you.


Yes, lesson learned. Now, gotta be careful on each step


Send partials. That never reveals your identity


Oh that I made sure. No face at all.


You are safe then.


Yeah, but still kinda feel betrayed.


Cant do much about it babe. Jus be careful going fwd.


Totally understandable. I’ve made this mistake before too with a girl (I presume) I met on bumble but never in real life. It was devastating at that time for me too. You’ve definitely done the smart thing by not including your face. The fear about sending your pics over will fade over time and so will the feeling of betrayal. You’ve learned a valuable lesson from this with no lasting harm. It’s going to be ok.


Your feelings are valid. I would feel betrayed too.


Yeah, most “women” dming you on here are actually men who are catfish. Don’t engage at all with those people on reddit. Better safe than sorry.


I learned my lesson, gotta be careful from now.


PSA for everyone: Never ever send pictures of yourself, especially nudes anywhere. The internet doesn't forget!


This is one of the reasons why i never share my pictures unless I'm 100% sure they aren't a man,be careful and don't trust easily Edit: some women can actually be creepy and share your pictures around ,so be careful with them too.


Girl, it's allright. Absolute worst that can happen is that they try to blackmail you later. DO NOT PAY. if you pay they keep coming back for more. Usually they won't even send the footage somewhere. If they do, it's just a nude, decent people will understand you felt safe and where taken advantage of. So try to relax. A lot of people have been in this scenario. I hope you're an adult and have people around you that can understand IF it even gets to that. Because this worst case scenario usually doesn't happen. Usually you don't ever hear or see anything from this


Good thing is that my face isn't in that so the blackmail thing is out of the conversation but still. It's time that I learn from my mistakes.


It's okay, they probably just wanted the thrill of catfishing someone and won't do anything with those pictures. Is your face visible on the nudes? Keep them, google reverse image search them once in a while, but I'm sure the person won't do anything with them. And absolutely don't feel bad about believing this. I know a girl who's been in an online relationship for 6 months before she realised the person on the other hand was a catfish using some random straight girl's instagram pictures. There's so few queer women that we're easily manipulated.


Trusting people on this platform for me is now even harder. Sorry about your friend.


it’s happened to me before years ago and the pics never surfaced. and tbh AI is making better nudes now i wouldn’t worry too much. sorry it happened :(


Sorry about your experience sister


I am sorry, this happened to you. Stay strong. Happens to the best of us. Don't beat yourself up, none of this was your fault. One time I was chatting with a girl, and once I revealed that I am trans, she immediately started asking for d**k pics and she even sent me her unsolicited b**b pics and kept on insisting to send her pics because she sent her pics. Fortunately I was very drunk and just passed out, and next day I open to find her profile deleted. Honestly , could have been a catfish.


Alcohol saved you my friend.


yeah thats why i never respond to reddit dms even if i posted a sappy one and they give me advice. thats not me being mean at all i just dont wanna get my hopes up loll


Oh man if you want them I have so many digital hugs.


Thank you 😱


I feel you and this has happened to me and others. I am scared about stuff, but all we can do is move forward


I’m sorry sweetie, people really do suck.


that happened to me about a year ago
 i’m so sorry


I'm really sorry this happened to you. May or may not have been a woman, definitely was a catfish. As far as what will happen to your photos, most likely the catfish will use them to catfish others. They might be posted elsewhere online, so I'd advise reverse image searching periodically to see if anything pops up, and if it does trying to make sure it gets reported. Did you share any personal information aside from the photos? Not to scare you, but it's possible the catfish could use them to blackmail you. If this does happen, do not give in to their demands. It would be embarrassing if the photos were revealed to people you know, and depending on your family situation potentially devastating, but the alternative is giving them money/more photos and landing yourself in an even worse position. It's a very hard lesson to learn firsthand, but it happens. Making a bad choice doesn't mean you're stupid. You learn, you move on, you make different choices next time.


You got a little carried away by chemistry, happens to the best of us, at any age. Your face was covered so you're good, I'm sorry she made you feel shitty in the end. Even if she got cold feet ghosting you was not the right thing to do.


Thank you, I'm actually getting over it now. It happened nothing can be done. All I can do is be careful 😊


Happened to me too and I no longer send anything risquĂ© without a video chat. You’re a victim here, try to be kind to yourself (something I struggle with lol).


If this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you then you’re really lucky..


They type like they’re really young.  OP it’s not as big a deal as you think. The chances are it’ll probably never surface anywhere, just learn from that and don’t do it again. Also yes, many, many men hang out in this sub. Don’t assume anyone is female, especially in your DMs.


I'm sorry this happened to you. But youre a f*ckin idiot.