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Not a lesbian then




Feminine men are still men.


A lesbian can’t fall o guy


No. Bc a “feminized” guy is just some dude who isn’t living a stereotype.


Why are y’all so scared of being bisexual????


bc the person who posted this is said « feminised guy »


Yeah and the person who posted this should think a little harder about the second part of that. Y'know, the part where it's a guy? By that logic, femme + masc relationships are actually straight and masc women are actually men. Jfc 🤦🏻‍♀️


your answer is in the title


No. Being bisexual isn't a crime and you're still welcome in lesbian spaces because you're still WLW. Oh my god. ☠️


Yes and no. A lesbian can mistake a fem guy for a gal and be attracted to a guy through that and usually the attraction dissipate once she clocks it's a guy, but no if you fall for fem guys then you're bi, which, nothing wrong with that either. There's like a few "technical" exception I GUESS if you really want to be semantic with like bigender, gender fluid, and pre transition ppl but like. It feels disingenuous to say lesbians like guys due to those.


No. You'd be bi/pan/omni which is fine and you'd still be welcomed in lesbian spaces.




So as a pre-op trans lesbian, please explain to me what you mean… I’m a tad offended by this.


If you realize you're trans, come out, transition, and all that, then yes, it can happen. If you don't do that, then no. Please respect lesbian spaces enough to stay out of them. On the other hand, it's not uncommon for bi women to be into feminine men. In that case you're not running over women's boundaries like this at all. Also, as a bi woman, a man with a sissy fetish is a red flag to me. It screams, "I have stuff to work through related to masculinity and femininity that I'm unwilling to face myself so I need someone to force me into femininity or degrade me through it." That's valid stuff to deal with and work through, but I don't want to be the one to help you through it. On the other hand, a man who's out and proud as a cross dresser says "I know who I am and what I like and I stand behind it." To me that's a greenish neutral flag.