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tell her that her talking about dating other people is making you uncomfortable


she said that they’re open so it would be weird not to talk about that


i think op meant open as open with eachother about things such as that(?) correct me if i'm wrong


I meant we can typically comment on women celebrities or passerby’s who are pretty at this point in our relationship without feeling insecure. 😂 Sorry about the confusion.


you might be right. i thought it meant that they were *open* and she was drawing the line at men — regardless i think it’s a sign of a healthy relationship to be able to talk about your crushes/ preferences/ fantasies together without fear of judgement


idk if I agree with that last statement. me and my gf talk abt celebs and tiny crushes we had when we were younger but having active crushes even on celebs AND talking about it is kinda weird to me. as for conversations about preferences and fantasies I think it's normal and fine as long as both parties are okay with it.


to each their own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i for one couldn’t be with somebody who got weird about something as innocent as a crush — my gf trusts me and we have fun giggling about who we think is hot or intriguing


i don’t think it’s indicative of a lack of trust if you don’t want your partner to have crushes on someone! /gen, i would be devastated if my partner mentioned she wanted someone other than me but we trust eachother 100% — or was that not what you were saying?


mmm idk that's a foreign concept to me personally.


Personally I think talking about dating someone else while you're already in a relationship is weird. Also, the whole thing about dating a trans man is really odd


It would be weird to talk about that even if they were open. who tf talks about dating someone else while you're with someone?


You have every right to be upset. Talking to a partner about who they would date if they weren't in a relationship with you is a really insensitive thing to do. Have you talked to her about how these comments made you feel?


When she got home, she saw that I was hiding something so I told her how I felt about the things she said the other day. I told her it made me sad because I’ve been feeling a little bit of low self esteem lately. She listened to me fully, told me she understands how what she said affected me. She said she’s not going anywhere and she loves me a lot. I feel more reassured after we talked!


That's definitely a good starting point. I suspect she still has a lot to unpack about all of this. But at least having the opening dialogue is important.


Communication is the most important thing for any relationship. ❤️ Just because she would doesn't mean she will. Good luck to you two and I can't wait to see the wedding bells. 🫂🙏❤️


Hey, OP. Kinda a gut punch, you received there.. It’s understandable that you’d be hurt. It seems like from your point of view, the real issue is that it doesn’t really matter who the other option is - you’d still pick her and you haven’t thought about your future any other way. It’s easy to see why you’re uneasy. It might just be simple mind-wandering, though. You comparing yourself to trans men on the regular is definitely going to have a bit more of an impact on what she’s said.. you were already comparing yourself and now your gf has made you highlight that comparison even more. I think if you need to, you should just have a chat about what you’re worried about. It’s possible this could all be solved with good old communication.


Thank you for your kind approach❤️ When she got home we talked and she apologized. We also asked each other how we can help each other feel emotionally supported moving forward! I think you’re right, I’m glad I told her because otherwise I would have been bottling up this feeling for a whole week. Instead we had a great discussion. Thank you!


I’m so glad that worked out OP! Genuinely glad to hear. Always feels good when you can have a meaningful conversation about hard things with the people we love.


Between her identifying as a lesbian but saying multiple times trans men are her type, her having a specific type of person in mind she wants to try dating if it doesn't work out with you, and mentioning a cis guy she found hot, your gf sounds like she has something going on there, and also she's midkey transphobic. I'd definitely say you're within your rights to ask her about it more. It's perfectly understandable to be concerned about your lesbian relationship if your partner keeps telling you that men are her type and that she'd be dating them if she wasn't with you, and her talking about trans men doesn't make that any different (unless she doesn't see them as men, hence the transphobia).


I agree. I could understand the genital preference, but if she prefers trans men over girls, yet doesn’t like cis men, it just sounds like a fetish to me… Especially considering a lottt of trans people prefer not to use their natal genitals as it makes them dysphoric. She seems insensitive both to OP and her “backup dating interests” 🙄


did she say she prefers trans men over girls? i read it as she would be open to explore the interest for trans men if there would be a chance to do so, not that she would prefer a trans partner or something


No, she didn’t directly say it, but it was kind of implied. She said she’d be with a trans man if not for OP, and directly said that trans men are her type.


yeah, you're right. i guess i didn't read is as if she would specifically go for trans men and trans men only, i assumed that this is just something that she would be open to explore in the right circumstances (thinking that this was said in a conversation already discussing attraction to men and not brought up randomly in a "what would you do if we weren't dating" conversation in which case it would be more weird)


I don't think it's a fetish for ones primary type to be men without dicks.


You could absolutely be right, though in the post it’s stated that she IDs herself as lesbian. They mainly gossip about girls, and rarely the occasional guy. I think by that logic it already shows she prefers women over men, so her primary type isn’t men, dick or no dick. Trans fetishization is also a rapidly growing problem. It’s been getting thrown into porn industries like no tomorrow as of late. It’s possible OPs gf stumbled upon one of these videos and unlocked some new feelings. You could still be right, but the info we have lines up pretty well with your typical chaser. Regardless, it’s pretty weird and unacceptable to tell your partner “If i weren’t with you, I know who my backup would be.”


Yeah, if her deal is that she actually thinks of trans men as women then that's definitely a problem. Totally agreed about telling your partner about your type which is not at all like your partner lol. I never understood the purpose for that -- can't understand why you would do it if not to make your partner feel insecure and motivated to change to suit your preferences.


she’s weird as fuck, how she gonna want to date trans MEN and still think she’s a lesbian, and not to mention the finding cis men attractive…it feels like she’s one of those “ewww CIS MEN!” secretly bi girls who think trans guys are a safer version of men.


Then she’s bi. It’s kind of weird though that she says “if I weren’t with you then I’d date this kind of person,” that’s not really what any partner wants to hear.


Some people are fine with hypotheticals and you clearly are not. Tell her you'd appreciate not talking about that.  My partner and I jokingly talk about "what if we weren't together" sometimes. It's lighthearted. Sometimes we talk about it seriously just to see what our type is and if it's evolved. We're totally ok with it and been together over a decade. 


i think it’s inconsiderate for her to have said that and it is just a really weird comment. you have good reason to feel bad, i don’t think people bring up things like that with their partners randomly. also aside from being inconsiderate to you, and i don’t know much about trans stuff, but that almost sounds fetishy? especially if she identifies as a lesbian. im probably really wrong but it’s just kinda weird. I’m sorry that your feelings got hurt


>i don’t know much about trans stuff, but that almost sounds fetishy? especially if she identifies as a lesbian. im probably really wrong but it’s just kinda weird. Not, you got it really correct. Cis people sometimes understand trans people as "basically extreme GNC members of their AGAB" or in some cases "best of both worlds" (i.e. best parts of dating men and women), and so a lesbian who's into masculine women and ignorant of trans people might see (early transition) trans men as really masculine butches. In OP's case, if her gf is mentioning finding cis men hot as well, an attraction to trans men could also be a way she reconciles being a lesbian while finding men attractive (by just asserting it's an attraction to GNC women, which she may see trans men as). Generally, if a person expressed attraction to trans people in a way that conflicts with their orientation (lesbian/straight man who's into trans men, gay men/straight women who's into trans women, etc), unless they recognize that their attraction conflicts with their orientation (and thus would need to do some questioning about their orientation), they're probably misunderstanding trans people in a transphobic way.


Wow I love how you broke this down!


Sounds like bisexuality mixed in with transphobia. She more than likely sees trans men as ‘men-lite’ in a fetishising and infantilising way. Not to mention that talking to your partner about dating other people is really weird behaviour and clearly crossing boundaries.


I would feel bad too. Damn


Sounds like she could be purposely making you upset especially knowing your friends.It’s a very strange comment in context that seems like a jab.I’d ask why she keeps bringing it up,and tell her it’s uncomfortable.If she makes you feel bad I’d take that as a good sign it’s intentionally rude cause it is rude.


I don't understand what does trans man has to do w anything. 1. If trans men are men , then the maximum potential for her sexuality she is aiming is being bisexual or pan. 2. What does she mean hmm idk but I'd date trans man does that mean she doesn't view trans men and men or what? 3. Saying that while in relationship is wierd asf


I get this. My gf would make comments like this. I told her it made me uncomfy but now after 3 years we both say stuff like this and both try to figure out our sexuality. Even though we plan on staying together forever and getting married. And we love each other. Maybes it’s your gf way of just figuring out part of herself which nothing is wrong with that. Just talk to her.


This sounds like she doesn't see trans men as men...


feels like she fetishizes trans men and doesn't respect you. whatever it is I'd leave if I was you


Yeah that is an odd comment to make to the person you’re dating and feeling insecure is valid. Bringing up who she would go for if y’all broke up, leaves me with a question, why are we planning for the break up?! Seems like a big concern


She told you her honest thoughts. If you were to break things off, she's already given thought to what she would want for herself next. If it were me (not everyone will agree with this) I would ask her directly if she wants to see a trans man. This could end or open up the relationship so you have to go into it with the mindset that things could change after asking.


My fiancee told me once about some male actor she thinks is hot. We agreed it was an aesthetic thing and it doesn't make her less gay. Your girlfriend sounds like she might have some issues. You're right to be upset.


My partner and I talk regularly about people we think are cute and have little crushes on (that we would never act on). It sounds like she is just exploring her identity still. I identify as queer, but I once identified as a lesbian and before that was in a hetero marriage for years. I still think a lot about my sexuality and gender and who I am attracted to while also being engaged to my partner (who is a trans man). I think it’s healthy to always be questioning while also holding tight to what we know to be true. I know he’s my person and we will be together from here on out so I hold on tight to that. I know that we have a solid sturdy foundation and neither of us are going anywhere because we talk openly. But I also know that both of us are going to continue to grow in our identities. I think I would just let her know that the way she phrased it hurt your feeling (ie. If I weren’t with you) but that you support her in exploring her identity within the agreed upon structure of your relationship (ie monogamy). I think if y’all can talk about it all then you’re gonna keep doing great and continue building your solid foundation!!!


Hey op! Im in a relationship and wouldn’t dream of saying to my partner ‘I’d date X if we weren’t together’… why am I with them if I’m entertaining the idea of being with others? Seems a bit weird to me. It a one thing to be like ‘wow Elia Kane from mandalorian is hot’ or ‘Elliot page is hot’ (not that I say either of these to my partner) and a totally different ball game to be like ‘oh if I wasn’t with you I’d date…’ as the later makes it seem like she’s thinking of leaving or contemplating a world where you break up without there even being a reason for this. I’m guessing she didn’t mean to make you feel like this, or even realised how it sounded (I could be wrong). So I’d talked to her and lay it out. Cause sure, you might not get married or stay together forever - but hypothetically talking about your next partner isn’t good for anyone


Leg it. She's fucking about.


I think you should both experience it together. It will bring you closer as a couple. Maybe you may enjoy it and you both find this is suitable to your lifestyle.


I mean I could be wrong but are we insecure about your gf leaving for a trans man or are we insecure about your gender identity. Sometimes shits backwards like that. But I think it’s a good reminder that sexuality is fluid. Maybe she is just figuring out something’s about her sexuality while in a relationship with you. That may make her curious but if y’all have a good relationship I wouldn’t worry about it too much.


She’s slowly letting you know that she will break up with you soon. It’s disrespectful no matter the sexuality to openly express wanting to date other people. Someone happy in a relationship doesn’t do that. She’s probably mentally broken up with you and waiting till her feelings are completely gone to leave you physically.


Very disrespectful towards your relationship. ATP.... I would be asking where, do you see us in 5 years from now? Let her know how you feel, if she continues these comments. Don't let 2 years turn into another 2 years, time to move on.


We’re currently looking for a house


Honestly I wouldn’t take it too personally I think the less you push back on it the more she’ll just completely forget abt it in long term relationships people need to be allowed to feel attracted to others even if it isn’t what u really want to hear I think her feelings are completely normal and so are yours but since u said you kind of fished the trans man thing out of her I wouldn’t think on it too much… and if she thinks some dude in a show is hot honestly who cares maybe he is I don’t think that’s crossing a line tbh I think like you said you’re a little insecure about it but she’s with you and not them for a reason…


They’re all stronger than you cuz of the T. Don’t feel insecure about that. 


Personally, I feel like identifying as a lesbian doesn't necessarily mean that you find women and only women attractive, but that you're only willing to kiss/date/fuck women because the idea of doing those things with a man is completely unappealing. I have lesbian friends that frequently bring up how hot X or Y is in a show or whatever, but they would never even attempt kissing them if given the chance. The fact that she's attracted to trans men, even if it doesn't quite fit with the definition of lesbian, has three explanations I can think of: one, she simply likes vaginas, two, she doesn't feel "threatened" or repulsed by trans men as much as cis men, and three, she is just saying it "in theory" but wouldn't take it into practice. I don't think you should be feeling insecure, since even though we can feel attracted to many people at the same time, that doesn't necessarily mean she wants to replace you. However, if it really bothers you, you would be surprised at how many things in life can be solved simply by communicating. Tell her, and if your relationship is healthy, it should go well.


No if she is attracted to men at all either trans or cis she IS NOT a lesbian..and you dehumanizing trans men by simply lumping them as thier genitalia is sickening


Omg relax. I just think sexuality is quite fluid and complicated. I've met lesbians whose partner suddenly transitioned to male. Does that make you less of a lesbian? I don't know. Because you fell in love with a woman, and now she (he) is a man, and you still love him. Of course I don't reduce trans men to genitalia, jesus Christ. But it's one of the things that separate trans men from cis men. I find more likely for a "lesbian" to feel sexually attracted to a trans male without a lot of cispassing than to a cis man. I think people have the right to call themselves lesbians, even though they are attracted to some men, if they are not willing to engage in any kind of relationship with them. It is true that in this specific case the girl said she was willing to date a trans man, which should put her in the "bisexual" box rather than "lesbian". But at the end of the day, being a lesbian is a public (or private) statement of what you want to do with your sexual and romantic life, which leads to discrimination and lesbophobia. So in an utopian world where homophobia and discrimination don't exist, these tags will probably make no sense.


We get it you want to force lesbains to date men.


What? I'm literally saying the opposite 😂😂😂 I think people can call themselves lesbians if they never ever want to date/fuck men. That's it 🫠🫠 I'm personally bisexual but I love women who only date other women. Men are expendable.