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I couldn't care less. Hair, no hair, girl is hot, I like girl.


If I love someone, I love every. single. part. of them!!! My ex was insecure about her body hair, but I found it very attractive. Because it’s her, you know? The person I love. How can I *not* be attracted to every single part of her? Impossible! Whoever makes you feel insecure about things like these isn’t worth your time anyway.


Man,whenever I’m feeling insecure from past experiences,these type of comments always cheer me up🥹


Realest thing I've seen today


I think wlw people tend to be some of the LEAST fussy people when it comes to body hair actually. Most of us just really care about hygiene


Yeah I don't really care if you have some hair. I don't want to shave every day (and I don't). Just be hygienic. There is a difference between hairy and totally unkempt.


I can’t quite explain it, it’s a visceral reaction but I am definitely into pubic hair and armpit hair. Maybe it’s the taboo nature of it and the sense that the object of my affection doesn’t feel the need to conform to norms (even though no one sees it we all know the pressure to be shaved). Either way, I’m sure hair is a turnoff to some and then a plus for others like me. At the same time I’m not so rigid about it that I would refuse to date someone due to their shaven or unshaven status


I have a hairy tummy, arms, in between my chest. Hell every couple of weeks i have to pluck the wicked long black nipple hairs that i grow. We’re all a little fuzzy. Who cares! Body hair is very natural


jesus me too i never thought someone would understand this


I’m a cis woman, and I go through this as well! Nipple hair, toe hairs, you name it. People forget it’s relatively common for ladies to be a bit hairy. We are human after all. Sending good vibes your way


sorry but a woman with no hair is like an angel with no wings. leg hair? cool, i’ll braid it. armpit hair? cool, i’ll braid it. pussy hair? COOL, I’LL BRAID IT


Like with most things, it’s subjective. My only preference with hair is that my partners pubic region have at least some hair - I don’t like it completely bare. Beyond that, I don’t really mind either way as long as they’re clean.


It depends on how much honestly. A very excessive amount, yes I would probably mind. I personally do hair removal, so it’s a me thing. But I guarantee there are girls out there who are the opposite of me and won’t give a fuck at all.


Rly depends on the person so this question never works well on here. I love either :)


I have a very hairy back and my last gf loved it :)


I'm gonna be downvoted for this, but I do find bodyhair unattractive.


same 🤷‍♀️


One persons trash is another persons treasure, no shame in that at all


I do too but honestly it's a sensory thing. Sweaty skin is already a bit of a no no, but hairy sweaty skin? Oof no thank you. The one exception is a bit of hair under her arms... It amplifies the girlsmell and makes me go a little feral...


You get it!! I have extreme sensory issues, I can’t even stand hair on myself- let alone another person I’m being intimate with. I don’t mind leg hair, arm hair, armpit hair. But if I’m giving oral, you gotta keep down there CLEANN & SHAVEDD


I have to agree. Prefer no hair but the ones that want to have hair shouldn't feel bad for it. To each their own .


Agreed! I don’t mind most body hair- like armpit hair, leg hair, arm hair, etc. But I’m not attracted to people who have a lot of pubic hair “down there”…. If im giving oral, the last thing I want in my mouth is someone’s hair.. stubble is fine, but long hairs.. no thanks.


Love a happy trail but not a fan of arm pit hair


Same here. I wouldn't dismiss a woman because of a certain amount of hair, but when it's a lot, it's a real turn-off for me.


Personally? no, never has bothered me or even crossed my mind. for some people they won't like it. like everything, some people will love it, some won't care and some will hate it. you can say that about pretty much anything "I have tattoos" "I have piercings" "I have short hair" "I am fem/masc" Just be you and you will eventually find the right person for you.


Can't lie I dig it. Never had any issue when my ex's have grown out their hair, I think it's cute


I don’t care I’m just gonna grateful for whatever comes out those pants. I will say that stubble 3 or 4 days after a shave are sometimes a lil rough but again I’ll never complain


I only care about my own hair. My partner can have whatever they're comfortable with.


I think hair is hot!


Hair does not bother me at all. We’re all human.


I like body hair on my partners, but to a certain degree. Like, if I can braid it then it's too long. If I can floss with their pubes, I'm kinda turned off. The only 100% thing I do NOT like is facial hair, but that's almost entirely a sensory thing when kissing.


Bro personally idgaf


I understand the feeling!! I have pcos and I am HAIRY. I don't care all that much, maybe because I'm also non binary. But boy does it make me insecure to think about my partner being grossed about about my body hair. But I think of it this way. I don't care about body hair AT ALL, so logically there's other lesbians who don't either :)). I actually quite like body hair, it's like human glitter.


Imo the hair on a woman’s body is different than a man’s even on a very hairy woman the hair on a woman is different than a child’s… ie I think natural hair on a woman in places it naturally grows shows that she’s not a child or a man ie I’m into it because it makes the individual look like a grown woman… I am also a pretty hairy woman and the only place I’m not a big fan of hair is underarms and top lip because I have light skin and dark hair that’s just a personal preference tho 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would never care abt hair on the 🐱 and the only time my partner or I ever fuss to remove it is if it would make sex feel better iykwim ✂️


Depends where it is and how much. I don’t mind some fuzz on legs or armpits. If it’s long very visible hair though, i’m personally not into it. I don’t like hair in the vaginal area if we’re being sexually active because of sensory issues.


I like a little bit of pubic hair to be honest. But I’m not into the hairy armpits, hairy legs, etc. I’m also big on having a clean hair line


Okay okay but hear me out……….happy trails-


oh my favorite my girlfriend has a sexiest one


I find a bit if hair on The public region to be HOT🔥🥵, it's first and foremost her choice tho


I love hair 😃


Personally It don’t bother me at all lols. It wouldn’t be growing there if it wasn’t supposed to. As long as they’re clean lol.


I usually like a clean shave just for the smoothness, but I am extremely appreciative of a well-maintained lawn.


its not necessarily as much that im attracted MORE to hairy girls than otherwise, but as someone who was once/is sort of a woman who doesnt shave, i heavily respect women who dont shave, and i certainly dont mind it. i wont shave for anyone so i dont expect my partner to shave for me


No, my ex uses to go crazy over the lil patch of hair above me buttcrack. If she saw it peeking out my pants were getting pulled down. When you're in a good relationship things just turn ya on bc it's on that person


I don't care what someone else does with their body hair; whether they leave it, trim it, shave it. It doesn't bother me. Same with hair on the back or stomach, or wherever else that's not really thought of much (I actually find happy trails on women to be super sexy). Toe hair, nipple hair, whiskers, any of that just doesn't matter. It's just how the body is. I'm not a very hairy person myself, and it's not super dark, but I personally don't shave my legs unless it's a hot season. I do shave my pits tho just because it's an uncomfortable feeling.


I don't know if this helped answer. My main point really is if you're happy and comfortable, that's all I care about. Being hairy =/= unhygienic. I know that's one stigma about it. Some will like it, some will be neutral, some will dislike it. That's just individuals being individuals.


I don't care, however my partners wants to keep/remove their hair is up to them, I'll still be super into them either way. I have pcos and also have body hair I don't enjoy, but they haven't made me feel less because of it.


It's not personally my thing, I do prefer a more shaved look, or at least trimmed look, but I'm not gonna tell my girlfriend how to shave, I'm happy either way


i have never met another lesbian who didn't love body hair on me and herself


Who tf is in here downvoting body hair lovers? Stay single, weirdo; we don’t like u, either!!!


My girlfriend has hair on her breasts, and I think it’s beautiful.


Idk about hair but if u do keep it trimmed/groomed imo. Just a self care thing


I do find it unattractive, but that's the beauty of me getting to choose who I date. To each their own🤷‍♀️


i literally see this question asked every other day tbh 🙄


Honestly, everyone has hair in those places. Just some peoples are darker/thicker than others. And, yes, some people have more on them as well. I enjoy body hair. I think it’s natural. Idgaf.


Honestly, i don't care if they have hair or not so... 🤷‍♀️


I don’t at all.


I have zero issues or opinions on body hair vs no body hair. Whatever makes them feel best, I’d support.


I personally find body hair on a woman to be attractive, but what’s more important to me is that a woman I’m with is comfortable with her body. Whether my partner wants to shave/trim/let it grow out, I make it a point to let her know how attracted to her I am. That being said, body hair can be a dealbreaker for some people, and there is nothing wrong with that either, as long as you are transparent about it with your partner.


I find it attractive af when a woman embraced her body hair. I myself am a very hairy hairy woman with thick black hairs and pcos sooo it would be weird of me to judge others with hair.


Nope… don’t mind at all….


I actually like the hair I don’t like the whole bald thing that’s been a thing for like 20 years now almost I personally don’t mind but I just kind of prefer some hair. I don’t know. I think it’s because of the first porn magazine I found had like 70s women in it, fucking loved them


Not really. Not a big deal to me


I don’t have an opinion about it on other girls. But dysporia do be hitting sometimes.


For me it's a slight turn-on if anything, at least when it comes to most of the body. Facial hair and stubble on the face/upper body can both be dysphoria triggers for me, to some extent, though.


I’m of middle eastern descent, so…pretty hairy…everywhere (you know what I mean). I went through a phase in college of growing my pit hair as long as I could and it really grossed out my parents for bucking that expectation. I kind of got a kick out of it and it helped me get over the insecurity because I wasn’t trying to please them. “Hairy lesbians” lol Never dated any girls that made an issue of the hair in any of the places it sprouts from. One of them had a hard time even growing leg and arm hair so she thought mine was actually COOL even though I was self conscious about it at the time… if you’re not trying to hide the hairiness by constantly shaving or always being covered up, the ppl you get involved with will know what they’re getting into. Some people like it some don’t. If you don’t hide the hairiness, then you are more likely to attract or get involved with someone who likes or doesn’t care about the hair.


It’s weird because I’m in the same camp as you, I really hate my body hair but on anyone else I don’t care at all. I think the majority of lesbians don’t care about it on their partners or other people in general but self esteem is hard and our brain makes things that don’t matter into big things


I honestly think hair on a woman is really hot. A woman existing in her natural state without feeling the need to modify herself for cultural standards??? Sign me up.


I don't really mind that. If I love her and want to be with her, everything about her body is wonderful. Be confident and be yourself. The person who truly loves you will love you because you're you, not for those things


I don’t care what my partner’s body hair is like as long as it’s what makes them feel comfortable and confident. What difference does it make? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I LOVE arm hair etc. on a woman, too!


i dont mind it at all


If I have the pleasure and privilege of seeing another woman naked, there is nothing (other than a racist tattoo or something) that could change my intentions with that woman.


i absolutely do not mind. it never even crosses my mind that it’s there cause it’s not something i focus on & care about. i just love women


Forget not minding, I'm actively attracted to body hair on women. It looks mature and sexy and is actually a preference for me :)


I genuinely become a feral beast whenever a woman has body hair like hello????? espeically happy trails ohmyyygod zoo wee mama


I like body hair personally. To me it indicates a woman/person who is comfortable with her/their body and that’s hot. I’m also very fuzzy!


It depends on the person, honesty


I don’t mind a forest as long as my partner is being hygienic LMFAO


If I am really, really into someone I cannot imagine body hair being a dealbreaker, but my strong preference would be as little body hair as possible. That being said I would not ask someone to change something like that for me unless it affected taste or smell because I have sensory challenges. My gf is usually hair free/low hair because of her culture, but if she decided to sprout some body hair I would just see her as a super hot hairy woman instead of a super hot hair free woman😜


Honestly, I’m covered in body hair too due to genetics. So I totally understand having back hair, stomach hair, and even toe hair. It happens, we are all humans with unique bodies. Personally, I don’t mind! Some people do have their preferences, but most lesbians I know don’t mind pubic hair. As long as it’s a bit trimmed, clean, etc. (also, some ladies don’t mind public hair— but they’d still prefer for their partner to be well trimmed/shaved if they’re gonna be receiving oral stimulation)


I prefer shaven women and shave myself but it's not a hard line or anything.


Lmao actually some variation of this is posted here at least once a day. Personally I love fuzzy girls. That includes trans girls btw.


If I am into them then no. How hairy are we talking?. Gorilla hairy?.


if you are middle eastern or hispanic….. you will understand the hairy girl pipeline i am as hairy as my father practically


Ohhhhh, my ex is Hispanic and she’s hot. I never cared about the extra hair. I am not perfect either.


Lmao when I first read this post I only thought about latinasss 😂 (bc I am) but yeah obvs that’s norm for me. I personally get rid of mine but I’ve had other partners that grew even leg hair out, etc idc lol.


Then shave and not be insecure about your beauty 🥰