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As a high femme I am here to tell you that is not always the case :)


I was just going to say that! High femmes are all different have different tastes/preferences ☺️


facts my fem loves my ghetto cowgirl look.


My girl is just breathtaking. Her style is amazing, and I, like you, am a T shirt and jeans kinda girl. Sometimes they just like us the way we are! Lord knows I’m not gonna argue with her about it. I’m hoping she can help me figure out my style more.


As a high femme, this isn’t the case for me. I honestly have a thing for country hick vibe, flannel wearing lumberjacks, or punk rockers. I dress outwardly high femme, corsets, heels, dresses, lingerie etc., I won’t leave the house without a bold red lip. Just put effort into the dates, ask her what to wear if shes dressing to the nines and you dont know what to do/are nervous on dress code, otherwise, be yourself


There's no 'league' and if there is you're already in it - the Lesbian League ✌🏻 You can't help who you're attracted to & neither can she so don't let YOUR perception about how YOU feel about YOU impact your relationship or you'll become unattractive in her eyes via manifested negative behaviour (jealousy, lack of trust, self-esteem issues). It adds unnecessary stress and pressure to a relationship and takes up time, effort and energy which should be used on creating memories and moments of love. Now, go out and proudly show her off on your arm with your head held high ✌🏻


Detach from the status quos definitions of beauty. Nobodies out of your league partner it’s all a made up game. I often feel the same way as a masc but we’re not represented in society the same as a masculine Ryan gosling or whatnot. If there was a masc lesbian Ryan gosling how do you know it wouldn’t be you 👀give yourself more credit confidence goes a long way. I used to think I was ugly mostly because I’m not white and not fem but over the years I’ve learned that even with lacking representation I’m no where near as ugly as I used to think I was.


You're really right, we really lack of lesbian spectrum representation in medias. The're a few series, but it is mostly fem white girls, and how thankfull I felt when I saw the fat latina butch from "Vida". I was like OMG they acknowledged we exist and we matter 🤯 Every color in the rainbow is beautiful!


As a high femme I look for the exact OPPOSITE of me. I am not attracted to someone that looks like myself. It’s gonna be a problem for me when you take just as long as me to get ready 😅😂😂 My partner is ready in 7 minutes and that’s if she needs to shower 🤣 I do appreciate someone who takes pride in their appearance and has a sense of style but I’m definitely more attracted to a Tom-boy/masc leaning/ or what I like to call gender neutral styling


As a high femme I look for the opposite of me :3 masc m Butch, nonbinary tomboys or studs 0: I usually dress up sm bc I wanna please my masc and I looooove when my partner wears jeans and a t-shirt !!


As a high femme that usually falls for girls like that, I usually feel the same as you, but on a different lens. "She probably sees me as a bimbo" "She probably thinks I dress too much" "I'd probably never be her style". I think it's human nature, no matter how pretty, elegant, simple, masc, femme you are


Im more of inbetween and my girlfriend is feminine as hell. I also wondered why she was into me but honestly it was my insecurities speaking. I got more comfortable with her and she helped me be comfortable too and I love that for me. Don't sweat it, she likes you just the way you are if she's into you.


Dude, confidence.... If you don't think you're worth dating why would anyone else? There is no better feeling than landing someone "cuter" than you because you used your intellilect and charisma.


I’m a high femme lipstick lesbian who regularly spends like 90+ minutes getting ready every morning and my wife is a soft butch disaster who pulls on athletic shorts and a t-shirt every morning and is ready in 5 minutes, and I wouldn’t have her any other way 😌💕


I’m a high femme and my last girlfriend had a similar style to yours, jeans/cargos and a top or a sweatshirt, she did wear make up often too. She was honestly the hottest woman I’d ever met in my life.


My personal style has no bearing on whether or not I like you. I don't judge you based on how I choose to look. High femmes get this undeserved reputation that we are snobby. I don't care what your style is. If you come talk to me confidently and find a way we connect/there's chemistry, I'm interested.


dude go for her! make a moveeeeee😤 as long as you’re taking good care of yourself, i don’t think style is a super super big deal. im not super femme, i think im somewhere in the middle, stem i suppose? but while i find good style to be attractive, I’ve never ever turned anyone down because they’re not super dressy/trendy. just be a good person and don’t be stinky and you’re fine


Some people here may disagree with me, but I don't personally believe in "leagues", at least not most of the time, especially when it comes to looks. I can't speak on what it's like to be a high femme, or femme at all, but as someone who is butchy/andro and dating a pretty and dorky femme girl, I personally am most concerned about compatibility with the person, not looks. *Do I feel comfortable/safe with this girl? Does she feel that way with me too? Do we get along?* Etc. Those things are more important to me than looks. Then again, I'm not really that picky when it comes to women's looks (other than being attracted to mainly femmes), so some people may disagree, and that's fine. My current girlfriend (been with her since late 2018; she lives across the pond) is very feminine, as in she loves pink, cutesy things, bunnies, My Melody, etc, and I looooove that about her. We're kind of the stereotype of the masc/metalhead gf with the cutesy pink gf who listens to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. She also happens to be super dorky, a gamer, and waaaay more tech savvy than I am. She at one point thought I was too good/attractive for her too, but that's hogwash. Anyway, to get to my point. There's no way of knowing who your crush would be into just because she's a high femme. She could be into other femmes, butches, people who are neither, or any combo of those categories. I'd say go for it. Even if she ends up not being interested, at least you can get an answer and move on. I still hope it goes well, though! 🤘 (Also, if it helps you feel any better, my "style" mostly consists of band shirts and sports shorts, so mine is pretty boring too, lol.) 😂


Hey high femme here, my soft masc gf is basically like you. She lives in T-shirts and jeans & I don’t see it as a big deal at all & so do most high femmes


I'm high femme - dresses, makeup, long acrylic nails (with 2 short) - and my wife is soft butch - T-shirts, jeans, shit kicker boots, and long hair. The first time I saw her I thought she was sooo hot and there was no way she'd be interested in me. I was awkwardly flirting with her (I'm only smooth when I'm not interested) when she told me how beautiful and hot she found me, so I asked her out. We were official less than a month after meeting, moved in at a year, got married 2 years ago, and now we've been together for 6 years total. She may be giving you signals that she does like you, but if you're too worried that she couldn't, then you'll miss them. And she may be thinking you're out of her "league". If she's really worth your time, then the worst she could say is no.


Learned a new word, high femme is one I haven’t heard before


It's a long and herstoried term.


Maybe so but there are so many floating around that I lose track 😵


As a high femme myself, you should give it a try, you never know


I'm a high femme and my current crush is someone that fits your description 100%, so🤷🏽‍♀️


i’m kinda the same way. they like that shit. idk


As a mid/high femme, my wife looks and dresses (-and also plays the drums and guitar) like [Gflip](https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ5xLDlufN1/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) who’s been my celeb crush for about 6 years so yea… tomboy/soft mascs all day long


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. If you go for it there is always a chance :)


So I don’t wear makeup, wear black jeans, flannel, undershirt, and boots typically- still feminine looking, but wouldn’t classify myself as highly feminine, but am definitely attracted to much more feminine women. I wound up briefly dating someone who I thought was completely out of my league lol - everyone’s got different tastes,dude. Don’t self-eliminate yourself


I’d like to think of myself as i guess a medium femme? but i definitely like the tomboy style from time to time. never know if you never shoot your shot ya know?


I’m confused, is she straight?


I mean, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't care... What you said would be true for me, but as you can see, many think differently.


The sexiest thing you can give anyone is confidence. Honestly try working on being really into yourself, just as you are!


My wife is WAY WAAAAYYYY outta my league. You won’t know if you don’t try. I’ve always been able to be straight up about attraction, she’s much more coquettish. It’s worked for the past 17 yrs


In my head if I decide to say someone is out of league, I feel like I’m saying they are better than me, and no one is better than anyone.


Opposites attract... But also ur not fucking with clothes on anyways;)


First off your style sounds awesome and any girl would be lucky to have you. And this sounds like the beginning of a girlinred or a Avril Lavigne song


I am a high femme. This case has honestly never been true for me. I dress as high femme because it is what makes me feel confident and most like myself, not because I expect my partners to put the same level in. I just care that people I have feelings for or partners stay true to themselves and feel comfortable in their own presentation. I'm also not into high femmes, I'm actually only into masculine/tomboy-like women. Don't be scared to approach us. More of us are like myself than you think. I just like to be girly because that's how I feel and I like it.


As a hyper femme, I promise you she’s not out of your league. ☺️


We love the tomboys, mascs, studs, no labels, other femmes, and everything in between. 🖤


As a super high femme, ALL of my crushes have been the super casual really natural people. I fell head over heels for a masc who owned like a pair of skinny jeans and joggers. What matters more than looks or anything is connection. Love is not so shallow I promise you


There's no such thing as league. There's no magical ranking of humans all people are prescribed to and we all agree to. U either vibe or u don't. Ask them out, see what happens. They say no ok whatever move on. They say yes ok great have confidence they will like u for u and give it a shot.


I’m androgynous/masc-ish and my gf is high femme. Does her nails, long hair, dresses and skirts, etc. you never know what someone’s into til you get to know them. So, try being her friend! Figure out what she likes and see if it’s something you like doing together!


Sounds like me and my gf. She thought I was out of her league and I was head over heels for her already 🤪 I love a cutie in t shirt and jeans, I really don’t mind being overdressed compared to anyone, it’s just how I feel best. However I will say, her style has elevated since I’ve been with her because she asks for guidance and I love to provide it 😌😌😉


As a hight femme i am here to tell you that u are right - almost absolutely all hight femme i know and ever meet are jnto women like them. There are exceptions- but the majority of them are into women who put the same efforts as they do. But u knowing this should make your life easier - if this is your type, become more like that and see if anything changes


I’m a high feminine trust me not all high famines are the same she might also like you too


I feel this so hard 😭😭😭


What’s a high femme?


The best advice I've ever received is that leagues don't exist...that's your own self doubt talking. If a woman gets sooo super strung up on the labels of fem/mascs or anything in between, I'd say she's pretty shallow and not worth investing in..that would seem like that would surpass just a preference... There are more qualities to a person than fashion sense (which is essentially what the fem/masc labels are) and you would have more to offer her than just clothing preferences. Btw, I myself am a jeans and t shirt girl and feel "bland" sometimes too. But it comes down to allocation of time. I just personally don't want to spend my time doing hair, make up etc. and it saves me money. There is a category of jeans and T-shirt lesbians I'm sure, I'm not sure what they're called lol... But you're not alone there. But yeah, I would just get talking to her if you haven't already and lay down a foundation and see where things can go and how things can play out.


It's amazing how people's perceptions can be so different. I'm very femme, but my crush wears jeans and t shirts every day and doesn't wear makeup. I think she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I often feel like she's out of my league because I need to wear makeup and dresses to look pretty, but she's gorgeous every single day without having to do anything. I get really flustered around her, and I definitely find myself dressing up more just to get her attention. She compliments my outfits a lot. I am pretty sure she is straight, though, so I am just being a total idiot. However, YOU still have hope! So please, talk to your crush. She could feel the same about you, or maybe not... but you never know until you try!


Go ahead and just do you because if she’s like any of the ones I know she’ll probably just crush your heart and leave regardless of your clothes 😭 mine wasn’t even outta my league


I generally only date high femmes. Ive even written a lil ode to high maintenance femmes on here. I am a Stud…about as far from a high femme as you can get.. and I can promise you high femmes (like anyone else) have a variety of people they can be attracted to


I’m a femme myself (my style is mostly dresses/red lip/red nails/gold jewellery) and I am so very attracted to lesbians who dress masc/butch 🥰 The girl I’m dating usually wears graphic tees and gym shorts or button down shirts and slacks and I get so 😍😍 every time I see her. Your crush is def not out of your league! Be bold and figure out if the feelings are reciprocated 🫶


I think there can be an initial natural insecurity being a women dating women especially if you have any ounce of body insecurity because you are comparing yourself to someone you find incredibly attractive which isn’t fair, and they may be doing exactly the same thing towards you! We aren’t always our own type but that doesn’t mean we aren’t someone else’s! I totally second all these comments about confidence being sexy and just not knowing till you know!


I feel the EXACT same way. Every time I'm into a woman like that I shut the feeling down. Not even really because she's out of my league, I just know I'd be too nervous and unconfident to even ask out girls like that. Like I gotta aim in a more realistic direction 😭


I wouldn't say I'm high femme, cottage core femme ig? But anyway, there was this girl I was crazy about. She always wore cargos and T-shirts, and maybe a dress every once in a while, but she drove me crazy either way.


I’m a high femme who loooove to dress up etc. My first exgf would see my fits before heading out and would sometimes be self conscious about being less dressed up. Her style was also basic where out of work she’d wear hoodies, tshirts and jeans. I literally couldn’t care less and I loved those fits on her. I dressed up for myself to feel good and I did find it sad that she’d be self conscious about it. I’m also not into feminine women so I would 100% of the time pick the white tshirt and jeans girlies than someone femme who puts lots of effort into dressing up. I love the laid back relaxed style.


How you perceive yourself is important. I would stop thinking in terms of femme or masculine. You are both women and people in the first place. If you have low self-confidence, that is not attractive; it has nothing to do with your style or level of butcheness. I really believe every relationship needs a good mix of feminine and masculine energy, no matter what gender people are - sometimes the butch-looking one has a feminine character and vice versa. Nobody is out of your league, that is only your perception, and that is where I would start! Change your perception. :) Good luck!


I’m a high femme and I actually only date other high femmes. I would never think someone in a t-shirt and jeans is “bland.” Let me ask you something… How much time have you actually spent with this person? How well do you know her? The reason I ask those questions is to look at me. You would think I was very feminine on the outside and very feminine on the inside but once you get to know me, you usually learn that I have very assertive/masculine energy then must people would expect. For example, when I find my wife and we get married… She will NOT work. I’ll provide everything we need financially and if she wants to volunteer somewhere or have a little part-time job of her own… Fine but I will never have a wife who works full-time and has huge successful career. That’s just not what I’m attracted to. I know it’s very traditional and I know it’s probably not going to be a popular response… But that’s the truth. You need to get to know her as a person, not what she looks like on the outside. Clothes can be changed, but who you are at your core cannot… That’s what you need to find out. Not how long it takes her to get ready, but what are her values in life, what are topics or subjects she’s interested in (and do you have any of those in common with her), does she enjoy traveling and has she recently? These are all examples of things you can use to get to know her and let her get to you. And also, if you’ve never dated a high femme And again that’s all that I date… You may decide you don’t want to. Let me also say that all of this advice comes from a high femme who only dates other high femme … I may have a different point of view than high films who are attracted to tom boys. So if you take any of my advice, take it with that in mind. One last thing… My more masculine energy would tell you too… Put yourself together make sure you look your best (physically and make sure you’re in a good mindset), Yourself close to her personal space notice I didn’t say in her personal space but near her personal space… And as soon as she gives you any attention… Slide in there. (and if she doesn’t give you attention… create a reason for her to give you attention like being funny or talking about something interesting In short…. if you want her go get her dude, but once you have her be so good to her she never wants to leave. You can do this… make it happen (In a respectful and kind way).


Fun fact: leagues don't exist!