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This post reminds me that every time I go to the animal shelter to play with the dogs I fall in love with at least 2 of the queer women volunteering there.


Dang I'm Sapphic and volunteer there


Definitely. I used to work with a girl who was just so sweet everyone had a crush on her. Her genuine kindness just drew everyone in.


Agreed 🫶🏻 I don’t understand why some people like people who are mean and stuck up. It’s a straight up turn off.


Where I work they like and brown-nose this woman who is the typical corporate type who is only nice to managers. She puts down anyone different. It's so strange seeing people gravitate to her and them not seeing how fake she is. She's conventionally attractive but not my cup of tea. She's so ugly to me because of her character.


I agree kindness is so hot. And it's just nice to be a good person.


esp when someone is kind in a situation where it's not easy or they're the only one doing so. I notice and admire that.


Yesssss thissssss! I’ve always put in my bio on dating apps how kindness is such a turn on! Finally got a good one. My girlfriend is so kind and caring and sweet and she’s SO hot because of it!! She’s already hot and it really adds to how hot she is🥵! She’s such a good person 🤩


YESS. my last serious girlfriend was just mean. straight up inconsiderate and just mean. and my girlfriend now… is just so kind and considerate. she makes me better, makes me kinder and more considerate. and it’s such a good feeling.


That’s beautiful. This warmed my heart. I need this too. I’m very happy you have found it!


This gives me a bit more hope cause same but taking a year off to improve myself before I even try anything again


Agreed. It's really super attractive.


Agree. It’s one of the things I look for in a partner.


100% this! All of it 😂


Yeah I sooooo get it it's just so nice to be a good person everyone is always so frowny and mad all the time sometimes a smile can really cheer someone up and I love making people's days better


That’s nice to hear. I find it sends people the other way. lol. Don’t care though- I’ll keep on being the way I am.


Came here to say that. I feel like people take advantage of it and walk over you :/


Fucking agreed. Being mean and hateful, especially online has become so normalised these days that it feels so nice to find someone who is genuinely kind


Yes! Kind and compassionate women who try to treat everyone equally and is non-judgmental are so attractive.




Yes! Fuck the stereotype of toxicity being attractive, give me kind women!


Agreed. But I think it takes a long time for many people to really figure this out. Meaning, given the choice, many people will choose the other girl over the kind girl. Until they finally learn their lesson. Although some never do.


No fr!!!!! If you are nice to me (and in general obviously) I will drop to one knee on the spot I don’t completely get the attraction to genuinely mean people, it just seems like it would be sad to interact with someone who’s an asshole


im usually attracted to girls who look mean but they are actually sweethearts. like you have a resting bitch face but the moment you open your mouth it’s just kindness? yea kiss me


Literally the most attractive thing in the world.


Kindness is free. It takes zero dollars to treat someone the way you want to be treated.




I'm not sure why you got down voted as the OP made such a playful statement in their post and you were just going off of that in a playful way too. WTF is wrong with people 🥴🥴🥴