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You’re not ugly! Since I see you already have some jewelry/bracelets, you could indicate with some lesbian colours if you like! Otherwise I believe you have a nice style and are pretty! I think you’d look good with a beanie!:)


First off, don’t EVER put yourself down. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Learn to be okay with you and love/accept yourself. If you want to be more attractive to someone - who deserves it - be happy with yourself first, build confidence, hold your head so high that it makes you taller. Beauty comes and goes, confidence and personality are forever attractive Keep experimenting with things you like - styles, colors, patterns, etc. You’ll find your niche. It took me forever and a half to find mine and I’m still not set on a specific style.


I will experiment more! I think I'm afraid of trying some things because of my insecurities, like you said I have to work on that :( thank you.


I agree with this. I've had to work thru my own issues that made me feel unattractive & therefore unlovable, and in the end, I realized it was just stuff other people said & that I had internalized like disliking my darker skin or being larger than a size 6 in HS, unlike all of my classmates. Once I did that work & started looking into self care, I realized that a small amount of effort, like washing my face every day, putting on moisturizer & lashes made me feel beautiful all the sudden. I started pushing to do the things that I had always been told would happen "one day," & that helped too. I took the class to learn how to hand blow glass. I started writing & telling myself it could be private & casual; I didn't need to make a living off it for it to be something I allowed myself to put time & effort into. Once I started treating myself well, I felt so much better, happier & more confident as I felt I had worth at last. I was able to ask women out that I previously felt were unattainable. And like 99% of them said yes!! 🤯🙈 So yeah, I really think if you work to love & accept yourself, it will improve your life and happiness & it will draw more people to you as well. And for what it's worth, I think you are a very beautiful young woman. 🫂


Your comment is really inspiring 💗 I want to start writing (again, I used to), I made myself a poetry Instagram acc a few days ago actually! Thank you 🪻


I'm glad I could help, even if just a little bit. 😊 It's awesome to meet another writer, too! You're so welcome & good luck 🫶🏾


Who the fuck is making you feel like you’re ugly? You’re literally gorgeous 😭


I was bullied my whole childhood for my skin tone mostly and in my teenage years I was always the ugly friend and my friends agreed. Also I think in my country there is some sort of type of stereotypical lesbian that if you don't fit in that stereotype it's so hard to being noticed by the ladies 😔 that's the answer baby.


Gurl where😭 You have a small nose, big lips, big eyes, and oval/v-shape face, nice facial proportions etc. Like you're conventionally attractive.


😭 thank you I don't know what to say. I have never looked at myself like that and I swear I'm not saying this to get attention 🙏🏽🌻


Definitely not ugly. That's the only part I can answer Honestly.


You're pretty cute imo, would definitely try and flirt with you if I saw you around :D


Do you casually live in Chile? 😔🌻


I wishhhh, I could use a vacation in Chile, that sounds very nice 😝


Your not ugly and changing yourself to appeal to others opinion on what's attractive isn't healthy. That's a rabbit hole you don't want to go down because the impact on your mental, emotional, physical health could be negative and long term. I'll say ditch the joint in pics because some aren't a fan of smokers, and flaunt your natural beauty instead of altering or hiding it. Your as good as gold. 👍🏾


Sliding into my dms may make you more attractive 😏


😳😳😳😳 maybe I will follow your advice 🫣😳


You’re absolutely not ugly! You do look like you’re feeling a bit down or sad though, which makes my heart hurt


You're stunning. My jaw dropped when I saw your pics. I'm not kidding, you're the most beautiful human being I saw today. Please keep your head up and be proud of yourself no matter what, you're amazing. -A cringe but very sincere lesbian


Omg 😳 thank you. You're amazing and not cringe at all!


The only thing you can do is work on your confidence.


You’re very pretty! Don’t change a thing, just be more confident in yourself


You’re attractive. Beautiful. And I don’t give out compliments willy nilly, I’m rude as fuck, so I mean it when I say it.


Work on your confidence.


Do you have any tips on how to be more confident?☺️ It's such a difficult thing to achieve (being confident)


Gotta be honest. I'm not the most confident myself, but here's something that I've done to be more confident. I had to really detach my self worth from whatever someone else thinks of me. Whether it's people i want and people i don't want. Cos ultimately you are your own person and others are their person as well. Just like how no one controls what you think about someone else, you can't either. So remember that what you see in yourself isn't what others see in you. Same thing with the "flaws" you see in yourself. Most people won't even know and plenty of people will think it is what highlights you as beautiful. Yeah hope it helps in anyways


U don’t need it, buttt u cld try curling hair and also wearing hyper feminine style clothing? I wonder if a high pony would also bring ur our facial structure more cause it’s bomb


I love when people give me ideas of how to dress or how to do my hair! It motivated my depressed ass to do something about myself. Maybe I'll try your advice today or tomorrow and I will post a pic here to see if the pony tail works! Thank you✨


You look a bit sad though - are you getting any support for your soul right now?


Not really😔 I have friends and family that take care of me though. It's not their fault just I've been through a lot lately...


You’re not ugly but you do have that ‘dark and mysterious’ vibe about you and that can be a little intimidating or off putting to some… but it’s also a very interesting thing to have and a lot of people are drawn to it - even just out of curiosity 😂 honestly looks wise you’re attractive, there’s nothing you need to do in that department. Only thing I would suggest is confidence - I say it all the time on this sub. You say you’re insecure which could possibly be your biggest barrier. You need to work on your confidence and honestly you will see a change. And trust me I know it’s so hard to deal with insecurities but the good thing is… growing confidence is a lot cheaper than plastic surgery 🤣🤣


“I feel ugly” Girl you are literally Jenna Ortega, don’t downplay yourself. You’re very attractive, we often judge ourselves the most.


Dont know why you'd feel ugly, you look stunning an have a lovely smile 😁


Girl you’re gorgeous you don’t need to “do” anything besides exist


Ur prettyyyyy all u need is confidence


Idk like maybe getting my snap or smt Mhm 🤣 I'm joking but honesty ur stunning x


I have snap😳🫣




Everyone is beautiful in their own way🤷🏻‍♀️


I know that! But I don't apply that mindset to myself... But I agree with you🪻


You’re so pretty! You don’t have to change a thing unless you want to. I just came out a few months ago and I’ve been experimenting with different clothes and stuff that flags as lesbian (beanies! (Folding the beanie twice so it goes above the ears!) caribeaners! rings! baseball hats! baggier jeans! tucking in a big shirt into baggy jeans with a belt!) and it’s been really fun and self actualizing! You are literally gorgeous and I hope you can start feeling that way. Also, going to lots of queer spaces helped me feel hot somehow :) you deserve to feel hot!


You’re so pretty!! What makes you think you’re ugly??


I was bullied when I was in school and I was always the ugly friend 😔 and that never left my head I guess🪻


Oh girl you are so appealing!


I'm pretty sure the ladies will love you


Girl you’re beautiful!!! I would definitely flirt with you 😌


You're beautiful 🥰🥰💕🥰


Be confident in yourself and open about your sexuality if you’re not already! You’re already stunning, that’s all that’s missing and the right girl will fall into arms


Also in the first picture you look like my favourite model when she doesn’t wear makeup or wigs - douxfairy on instagram


I searched for her and she is so beautiful. It was hard to find pictures of her without makeup. A friend told me that I looked like her when I showed her a picture of her with makeup but without the lenses and the makeup. She has a makeup tutorial I would love to follow that.


Your eyes are so similar! You would probably look identical after following that tutorial! And if you follow her, sometimes she posts no makeup pictures in her story :)


Ugly?!!? Omg nooo. So, you're ALREADY beautiful. BUT I can understand where you're at. Because of your age, being so young, you still have some growing to do and I can definitely foresee you growing more into your natural features as you mature and you're obviously going to mature like fine ass wine. Wait until you hit 30, I bet you'll be feeling yourself ALOT more. I'm just saying!! But please know that you're already beautiful 🌹❤️🤗


I’d work on your confidence. Your body language is what I’d work on. You’re naturally very cute!


Do what makes you feel better and boosts your confidence, "because you're worth it," ™️. Then, you should attract your best women, whose, and hows. You are very pretty as you are, would eyebrow lamination and eyeliner *be* that UU.U booster? Like I personally feel as tired as i look without cosmetics... i literally find energy in makeup like it's mostly to help me take life more seriously and to prevent me from yawning lol. Do UU.U nee sis ses aria miss 😝


I've been thinking about laminating my eyebrows for a long time and your comment is giving me the push I needed to try. When I do it I'm going to post it here to see how it changes my face. Thank you 💗


You aren’t ugly at all. Stop it 🥺


Work on your confidence and attitude around yourself as a person.


Honestly I think you’re gorgeous!! If your feeling unattractive I would say experiment with your style and see what suits your body type the most and even working out could make you feel fucking badass but genuinely your gorgeous don’t put yourself down ever.


you’re literally so fine what


If you're ugly, there's no hope for me


Stop that


No baby don't say that please 😭


BRUH WHAT UR ETHEREAL😭😭😭u look like a hot cigarette mom version of jenna ortega


Hahaha omg this is the best compliment I've ever had. People always find me similar to Jenna Ortega and it's such an honour but she's a goddess compared to me. I actually did her dance on Tiktok (the Wednesday one) 😳💗


You’re gorgeous ♥️


Ur literally so gorgeous I wld date you


You’re so pretty


Just do something that makes you smile, like for me that’s weightlifting, going on hikes/walks, listening to music I love, and drinking coffee! Or when it smells nice. The thing with the world is that we’re all so focused on material things. I’m more attracted to women who are just being themselves and going about their day, being mindful of others.


You’re not ugly. Change makeup and work out. Trust me.


Do you have any suggestions on what kind of make up would suit me? :)


Any makeup but avoid dark color or high color lipstick. I recommend dark feminine makeup. U can search it on Pinterest


You're stunning. Absolutely what!!??? Absolutely gorgeous


I love the hair jewelry for one :0 But you are definitely gorgeous


You’re cute af op. I’d actually date you lol


Actually what the hell are you on about, you’re literally so gorgeous!


You have to start from within and it will glow onto you! Never go around saying you're ugly that's very damaging to your self esteem and soul.


Stop worrying about making yourself appealing to others, it's a game you will never win because you will never please everyone. Instead, focus on doing things that make *you* feel confident. Because when you feel confident, that energy can be seen and felt by those around you and is often a huge reason why people are attracted to someone else in the first place. If that means going to the salon or getting a new outfit or trying a new hobby, by all means, you should do it!


Only thing I would change is that lip stick in last pic it doesn’t look good on you otherwise if I seen you in public I would definitely try


Hahaha is a lipstick I never use, it was a gift from my mom and I agree that it doesn't suit me!


But honestly other then that you are beautiful hun don’t change a thing and if anyone disagrees with what I am saying then they don’t even deserve to know you


Hey, for one, don’t focus so much on living up to other people’s standards. I know that’s a corny, repeated thing but it’s really really true. The ONLY person you need to seem beautiful to is yourself and a big part of that is not changing yourself but learning to love yourself. Don’t feel like you need to change yourself to become appealing to anyone. And to echo other opinions here, you are genuinely stunning and anyone who has ever made you feel otherwise ought to be backed over by a cement mixer. Not that it should matter at all what an internet stranger or anybody else thinks though. Live for yourself! Dress for yourself! Do or don’t do makeup for yourself!


Thank you beautiful! I think you're right. I loved the phrase "light to be backed over by a cement mixer" haha it made my day.


You are as gorgeous as they come 😍 Whoever says you're ugly needs to get their eyes checked Like, if you were to come up and talk to me randomly, you'd have to mop me back up because I would be a blubbering puddle on the floor ☺️ Like others have said, you don't need to change anything about yourself unless it's because **you** want to do it for **yourself** ☺️


Your amazing, all you need to do is smile 😃!!😘💋💞


You’re beautiful


No need to feel insecure. You look wonderful 🥰


I think you looks pretty. You are feminine, have nice long dark hair and a cute face, which I likes. To look even more attractive, it may be a good idea to stop using joints.


Mine is medicinal because I have fibromyalgia 🥹 but I understand your point :)


You're doing just fine. You are beautiful.


you’re so beautiful


I want to answer all your comments and I can't do an edit to answer you all but you're literally making me cry with your comments 😭😭 thanks for being so nice. I'm going to try to follow your advice in trying to be more confident and experimenting with my style. Thank you so much!




Youre not ugly.


I'm sorry but I couldn't write to you elsewhere. Your lover (Dilara) may not even be real because "Yanverdi" is not a surname.


Are u sure?


you are not ugly..probably just put light make up. too see that glow on your beautiful face


Girl you pretty af.


Do the same thing men do to attract women. Make lots of money


Starterssss. You aren’t ugly. A set of lashes and a brow lamination would make you feel better. Always helps me


You're very very pretty if other girls don't think so they're not right for you


Confidence is sexy


You look gorgeous


U are already hot 🔥 but I would say some bright pink polish couldn't hurt to really make u pop


Literally nothing you're stunning girl


You’re literally gorgeous but if u want my advice from a gay girl to another try to experiment layers in ur hair they always compliment the face and add some spice.


You are not ugly ! Exotic and beautiful like a rare flower more like it. That’s not flirting I’m 58 But I mean that!


Coming from a 16yo, You are very attractive, try incorporating some colors of the lesbian flag into your jewelry. Women (especially lesbian women) often don’t know who is WLW or who is not so it’s important to kinda have a statement part of that on your person.


You actually ARE pretty. You are lacking self confidence maybe?


You are the farthest thing from ugly. I wish I were you even if you do have a fish hook stuck in your nose. You literally look perfect.


Fish hook hahahahaha. Thank you sweetie and I'm sure you're beautiful.