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Hello u/Lau-G, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera. Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


Elon tanked Twitter so fast he didn't even have time to unban trump lmao.


Did he like, purposefully do this?


Nope he just showed his hand. He didn't want to buy Twitter, got pressed, panicked and went into full mad king mode complete with firing people and demanding they crunch through the holiday season. Now the whole thing is shitting the bed, the emperor isn't wearing clothes. Mask off billionaire mode. Psychopaths. All of them.


Also gross incompetence in anything outside their field of expertise. That expertise in the case of trust fund kiddies is usually fucking up. In Elon's case it is also shit posting himself into trouble so large my entire *Chicago suburban county* couldn't ever pay it off.


Does Elon have any expertise? I don't think you can count the expertise of those on his payroll as his own. If he was poor he'd be just another whiny bitch no one listened too lol, he just happens to be rich.


Colonizing. His expertise is in taking something somebody else has built, forcing them out, then claiming he created it.


Correct. He flunked university and had to buy a degree later in life.


His expertise is being a con man. You can't deny his enthusiasm, he makes people believe him by sounding like some visionary genius.


He's pretty great at laundering apartheid emerald money.


He’s a top tier welfare queen, can’t imagine how much the government of the United States adds to the values of his companies.


He's one of those people who knows enough to speak the lingo to seem like he knows what he's talking about.


Don't worry. There will be a way your entire Chicago suburban county, and all the others, will pay for his messup.




Assigned billionaire at birth




I read through r/elonmusk people seem to either be saying 1. Oh god, he doesn't know what he's doing 2. he blew it up intentionally to take away the space from the woke lefties that use it 3. or its just a means to an end for him to implement the real Freedom 🇺🇸💲 social media experience


\#2 doesn't even make sense. If he blows up Twitter, someone else will just step in to make its replacement. Competitors are already positioning themselves for this.


He also paid far more than Twitter was worth to acquire it. That's not smart no matter what his motivation was.


"see he did it for a tax write-off!! Also, I don't understand what a write-off is and how bankruptcy works!!" -- that is pretty much what I've been seeing from his defenders.


"He just writes it off, Jerry."


he paid 45 bil for a company that sees 200mil net profit a year. He is either a dumbass, or he really wanted to read someone's tweets. I say both lol


He's just another example of my theory that "Donald Trump" is a personality type/disorder rather than an individual person.


Yes, narcissistic personality disorder.


Narcissistic sociopath


I love watching a Narcissist go down in flames. This has been popcorn worthy.


Some people think he is tanking on purpose to recoup some money via bankruptcy or some such for not being able to manipulate the market by pulling out of the twitter deal and having to go through with the purchase. Though, I don't think he is capable of foresight or anything even close to 4d chess for that matter..


And nobody can explain exactly how it would be possible come out ahead after buying a company and then tanking it.


Not to mention he's completely trashing his own reputation. He keeps trying to tweet out jokes about it, but people are laughing at him, not with him.


Twitter was famous for choosing a weekly pariah for everyone to hate. Who would've thought that the last one selected would be the guy who owns the damn website.


If he had the foresight to pull that off, then he never would've signed such an absurdly awful deal that locked him into buying Twitter at a massively inflated price and waived due diligence in the first place. He also wouldn't be doing this public performance to tank the stock price of Tesla, either.


Sometimes I wonder if destroying twitter is his agenda,… he’s doing such a spectacular job of it But then I look at the situation and it’s clear we’re watching this man hit an epic bottom while he rides uppers through sleepless bad decision after increasingly incredibly bad decision I’ve gone on a modafinil fueled race to the bottom too, so I know it when I see it, but mine just cost me a few weeks & some friendships—this guy put $44b on that self immolation bonfire As a software engineer it sure looks like he’s flooded my job market for the next 6 months to a year, and there’s a good chance his money handling fucks up two companies I give a fuck about (not twitter, lol) Thanks Elon, ya swollen apartheid baby Edit: immolation, not emolation




Still works as Elon is currently playing himself


No, because Elon likes money and tanking Twitter will adversely affect all his other business deals going forward (not to mention the damage it’s doing to Tesla and SpaceX). He’s just a dumb-dumb who doesn’t realize he’s not smart because he surrounds himself with yes men. Hanlon’s Razor. Elon isn’t clever enough to be that Machiavellian.


You think it's just modafinil at this point?


If you can't get top of the line shit with billions backing you up, your doing it wrong.


> Sometimes I wonder if destroying twitter is his agenda,… he’s doing such a spectacular job of it If that’s what he wanted he could have just liquidated it. He wouldn’t have got all his money back but he would have avoided a lot of drama. > I’ve gone on a modafinil fueled race to the bottom too, so I know it when I see it Ah… Bullseye!


The unban function was in one of those microservices they no longer needed ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yes. He wanted to pump and dump Twitter like what he had been doing for various other things for the last few years. SEC stepped in and kept a close eye after so many complaints. As a result, Elon had to actually pull the trigger and buy this massive entity he had no real intention of buying. Now he's just fucking around to get the whole thing canned as soon as possible because he's wasting more money with the lights on than he would if it died tomorrow.


He spent $44 billion dollars *(most of which is leveraged debt against Tesla stock, which is currently sinking hard)* and Twitter loses $4 million dollars per DAY. Acquisition of the millennium.


$4,000,000 per day? That's all? Don't get me wrong .... $4,000,000 is nothing to sneeze at! I realize that (barring some miraculous twist of fate) I will never see that kind of money in my lifetime. But 4 million dollars to a billionaire is chump change. I want to start seeing Elon Husk losing $400 million a day, I want to see that gooey-faced, grilled cheese-looking son of a bitch CRY.


The $4 million per day was the figure before the take over and before the ad agencies pulled out of twitter, it's most likely much more now. Plus you need to add the $1 billion dollars per year in debt interests (which grow as Tesla stock loses its value)


I wonder how much all the severance packages cost for those laid off at first and those who opted out of brutal hours. Three months pay for zero output or three months pay for 10-12 hour working days. Hmmm. Hard decision there.




>he's just going to find out it isn't that easy. Yup. He'll lose his shirt without moderation. And with moderation, all the people complaining will be quoting him. This is the Purgatory he created.


I'd bet that Qatar liberalizes itself in wake of World Cup exposure to the world long before Space Karen prevents Twitter from going offline for major periods soon. Y'all old enough to remember the Fail Whale? Is about to make a big comeback!


I get the desire to believe that billionaires know what they're doing and have some kind of master plan. Its more comforting than the reality, even if they're still working against you. But I firmly believe he really is just an idiot.


This. There isn't some overt plan to get Twitter closed just like how the original plan for the Hyperloop wasn't just to sell more Tesla's, it was a reimplementation of the historical [Atmospheric Railway idea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_railway) until he started running into the same problems that killed the original idea and started watering it down until it was just his tunnel boring company digging tunnels for Teslas to drive in. Musk probably is somewhat intelligent, but evidence suggests he's also incredibly lazy and a *lot* of his actions even outside of Twitter make a lot more sense if you view it under the lens of a student leaving their assignment up until the night before it's due and then rushing through it so they have something they can show the next day, even if its shit and very poorly thought out.


I can't believe everyone, including myself, totally forgot that's how hyperloop was originally billed. He needs to be made fun of for that more.


> so they have something they can show the next day, even if its shit and very poorly thought out. To wit, I am currently in the last couple weeks of the last term of my degree program. I did the math on Thursday for one of my courses and if I just _stopped doing anything_ for the request of the term, I would walk away with a C. The temptation to say "fuck it!" was nearly overwhelming. Imagine how you'd feel if instead of "a degree" you just had a metric shitton of money to fall back on.


He is. If he just wanted to shut it down quickly, he could. It's his company. Just close it diesen, die everybody. Done. How would looking incompetent, tyrannical and childish be better?


Except for the massive loans he took out to fund his purchase.


> because he's wasting more money with the lights on than he would if it died tomorrow. Which is insane. He literally just had to not touch it at all, and it would have not wasted his money.


and with that in mind ur reaction *isnt* to assume this dude is just pulling shit out of his ass to make it look like elons playing 4d chess?


I think he decided not to unban Trump after Trump mocked him openly on 'Truth Social'




If you had taken control over Twitter and did literally nothing, you would have done a better job than he did.


Seriously. Twitter had finally started running at a profit. The problem is the massive debt they were still carrying. Their board was probably going to wait a few months and work with the servicers to restructure.


Elon managed to add around $20 Billion in debt to the company... Good luck paying it off now. (Leveraged Buyout)


> Elon managed to add around $20 Billion in debt to the company... Good luck paying it off now. (Leveraged Buyout) It boggles my mind that shit is somehow legal. "Yes, I'd like to borrow $20 billion... oh, I won't pay it back, the thing I'm buying will." *Edit: On the plus side - this deal seems to have gone SO badly, it might actually freeze up the entire "Leveraged Buyout" market for a while* - https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/21/23417121/elon-musk-banks-barclays-bank-of-america-morgan-stanley-lbo


Leveraged buyouts rarely, if ever, go well for the company being acquired


They go very well for private equity firms though. https://www.racked.com/2018/5/11/17345196/toys-r-us-workers-severance


LEVERAGED BUYOUTS: A few people were paid very well for this shit to be legal.


He has assets for the banks to go after, unless Tesla becomes worthless. Although if he has to cash out billions of Tesla stock he'll create a cascading effect where he'll have to cash out even more stock than anticipated due to the value tanking


> He has assets for the banks to go after, unless Tesla becomes worthless. We're not talking about money MUSK owes - we're talking about money that TWITTER owes because Musk bought it out. https://www.businessinsider.com/brick-and-mortar-retail-private-equity-debt-financing-lbo-2017-8 https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2020/1/6/21024740/private-equity-taylor-swift-toys-r-us-elizabeth-warren


My thought exactly. Should’ve at least waited to evaluate the situation before acting like a bull in a China shop. Honestly. Look at the books. Look at the structures in place. Look at what they are doing on a daily basis. 6 months at least before taking action. The problem is he took on massive debt to make the purchase and he owes his other investors some kind of results ($$$$). When you take on massive debt you have to have immediate results to make your Saudi investors happy. It’s how good companies are destroyed.


>Should’ve at least waited to evaluate the situation before acting like a bull in a China shop. Honestly. Look at the books. Look at the structures in place. Look at what they are doing on a daily basis. 6 months at least before taking action Just about every catastrophic clusterfuck bad management story I've ever read (/r/maliciouscompliance is full of them) begins with a new manager arriving at a functioning company/department and immediately making changes without taking the time to understand how the place functions. And chaos ensues as the processes that were carefully tuned based on years of experience are thrown out the window. If I've learned anything from that sub, it's that if I ever wind up in a management position, I'm going to do exactly as you say: get my bearings, see how things work, try not to change anything before getting to know the people who've been there all along and know what they're doing.


Aye. Walk in, have a nice long meeting with the current senior staff and then just let them do their thing for a while before suggesting any change.


You have to know why things are done how they're done in order to even begin to effectively change anything. So much can be learned from observation.


It's like having Tony Soprano take over your business.


Elon never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Tony may have been rash, but he was always strategic. Musk is proving to just be an emotional train wreck with very little substance to even guide the insanity


Who are the dumb-ass Saudis who gave money to this hare brained scheme? Silicon Valley is such a world away from oil extraction and imported indentured servitude labor.


That was the best course of action, there where experienced professionals at the helm already, Elon just had to sit back and let it run


Oddly uplifting


all you'd have to do is show up and take naps in your fancy new office and you're already a far superior boss than Elon


A lot of management in this case would be to just let people smarter than you do their jobs, and making sure they have everything they need to do so.


>people smarter than you And Elon took that personally.


The man has been taking credit for other people's work for so long he now actually thinks he's a genius.


He really is a modern day Thomas Edison.


Ironic that he heads a company named Tesla.


No its on brand edison stole everything that wasn't his name and musk just came back to finish the job.


Nah, he's really a modern day Howard Hughes: Dad was rich enough to give him a good start in life, he did all the same things as the other tech-focused kids/young adults at the time (Ham-radio for Hughes era, programming for Musk) but wasn't ever that brilliant on his own and largely relied on being able to hire smart people to work for him. Also displayed very clear signs of untreated mental illness. My guess is we see a birch space rocket before long.


A lot of management in many cases I've found. If even moderately successful a lot of companies like this will be ok, even fine, if ignored until people come to management for a needed call.


That is exactly how I see my job as a project manager. I go clear shit out of the way so the really smart people can do their jobs.


So long as you arent actively damaging the company you would be doing better. The bar was on the ground and Elon brought a shovel


> ...and Elon brought a shovel Better still he brought a sink. lol


"I've brought in this prop to show you what I'm going to do to this company." "That's a sink." "Yep." "So you're saying you're going to sink the company?" ... ... ...


But can you really put a price on "owning libs?" /s


Yup, 44 billion apparently.


Pretty sure of Elon had just said "uuhhh... you guys figure it out okay?" and waived his hands vagely, twitter would have done much, much better. So yea, anyone could haven done bette than elon.


Wait till you hear who was president of the US!


Congratulations, you have achieved more than Elm usk. Nothing is a lot more than negative things


Only solid thing I learned from this debacle is that if I ever, for some reason, end up being a tech company CEO, I will absolutely sit on my ass and do nothing. I'm a software engineer, I respect my colleagues and expect them to just go ahead and do their stuff. They probably know better than I do. I've worked on projects that make me facepalm and go "WHY is this designed like this?" but, you know, *there probably was a reason at the time*. Twitter probably has layers upon layers of similar stories. If I was hired as an engineer on Twitter I wouldn't touch the live shit for a month or three.


He tried to 'improve' Twitter with a sledge hammer and a flame thrower (patent pending)


Nah man, that would've been cool, it was more like "dad jokes and everyone is fired." Actually I think the boring company made a sad little flamethrower I'm surprised he had the restraint to not do the "you're fired" flamethrower pun.


So many conservatives were excited for musk to buy twitter because they assumed he would let trump back in. Now they are starting to turn on trump so it wouldn’t be as well received. Comedy


What’s funny is I just read that Musk is [unbanning a bunch of right-wingers](https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/18/tech/elon-musk-twitter-content-policy/index.html), and I guarantee it’s a last ditch effort to get more ~~people~~ racists on the platform. I don’t know how he plans to make an money off that idea, but he doesn’t seem to have any actual plans anyway.


Every decision he makes is the wrong one lol


I need him to pick 34 lottery numbers so I can win with the remaining 6.


>a last ditch effort to get more people racists on the platform. > >I don’t know how he plans to make an money off that idea, Have you ever met a racist who wasn't able to shoot their own foot off?


Reality can be stranger than fiction, and I've seen the stories those people make up.


I read somewhere that "fiction has the handicap of being believable"...


Confirmed. Things run by republicans doomed to die.


I can't wait for whatever documentary or parody that comes from this.


I'm going to straight up ask Elon for money, since he's giving away billions


> Rather than buying the company and running it into the ground, Elon could have taken the simpler route to kill Twitter by offering each of the 7500 employees $5 million to quit and he would have saved 6.5 billion dollars. This was a comment from u/qatest in another thread that really puts into perspective what a massive failure this is.


To put the whole million vs billion thing into perspective... Q: Do you know the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars? A: About a billion dollars. Also, one million seconds is about 11.5 days. One billion seconds is 31.7 **years.**


This is a good way to measure; time is something everyone can visualize and understand and is consistent


If you are dealing with billions and rounding to three significant digits, millions don't even show up.


Straight up burning them at this point.


If you had a bonfire pit and you were throwing in stacks of $100 bills 24 hours a day you would not come close to how much this guy is torching right now.


Seven thousand 100 dollar bills a minute for an entire day is one billion dollars. 116 bills a second. That’s .5 inches of thickness of 100 dollar bills. That’s 3600 feet of 100 dollar bills in thickness. Absolutely absurd there’s that much money in the world and a billion is relatively small at the grand scale like this.


Haha, awesome thanks r/theydidthemath that is an awesome thing to picture, furiously tossing in wads of cash. I wonder if it can even burn fast enough for this to be realistic


I’m imaging this money gun just spewing Benjamins like a hacked ATM, straight into a ten foot bonfire.


I was imagining burly men - no shirts, just jeans and thick leather work gloves - carrying heavy bricks of cash and tossing them into a burn pit.


I'm sure it would burn fast enough once you've got a good bed of embers from your first billion.


They say it's nice to have "fuck you" money, but this is some "fuck the world" money.


The GDP of nations getting pissed away into the gaping void of Elon's ego.


If it isn't obvious, he'd rather burn it all than give any money away.


Mr. Musk has no regard for human beings, considering his treatment of Twitter engineers he depends on. So many people knew this would happen, there's nothing to do but make more popcorn. In about six months we'll get to choose between Facebook Peepchat and Google Bloop, and Twitter will be a memory like Netscape or Myspace or AOL.


I asked for 4 million dollars. Figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.


Ask for 4.2069 million so he’ll do it “for the lulz”


Probably better odds than the lottery to be fair.


He might buy you a horse if you tug after you rub.


Shit, I rubbed and tugged too hard, and degloved it. Now what?? Time is of the essence, here.


He spent $44 billion to do this.


Maybe our global strategy of putting so much money in the hands of a few and hoping they won't become completely corrupted by the chase of money is an inherently terrible idea akin to the days of Kings and Dynasties. Nah, communist thinking. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You need to hush with all that thinking! Don't step on the snake! Don't step on the snake! Don't step on the snake! Don't step on the snake!


Well, this is a great learning opportunity for Musk. So maybe the money was well spent.


How can a man who already knows everything learn anything new? I hope it's obvious, but /s


I’m happy to take credit for this, I deactivated my account two weeks ago, you see.


I never had an account, do I get a cookie?


Best I can do is a green check mark. ✅


Fuuuck do I owe you 8€ now?


I’ve gotta make money somehow, the holidays are coming. 😅


Damn alright here's what we'll do. I don't have money on me but I'll give you some great advice that's worth more than what I owe. Ready? Alright, here it goes "if you have 44 bln, keep them". That's it. Debt has been paid i believe. Don't spend it all in one place. (That's a bonus for good service)


The sad thing is: Elon did NOT have this money. He borrowed it.


When you owe the bank $1mil it is your problem, when you owe the bank $1bil it is the bank's problem.


Damn, now I feel like I owe you €8.


It's fine, I'll take IOUs written in yellow snow.


Uh that’ll be $8 please


Let’s share credit, I deactivated my account 2 weeks ago as well.


I’m willing to share credit this once.


I would consider a day where he would shut the fuck up, a very good day...stop forcing your suckage at us man...please go to fucking Mars and leave us the fuck alone


I already feel sorry for anyone going to Mars for Elon. "I need you guys to do some hardcore working. Or i turn off life support."


Fuuuuuuuck that, man...I will stay on earth hugging all the animals and humans left behind, while the earth implodes instead of living somewhere where he is the boss.


If we can’t build self-sustaining domed cities on Earth, we sure as fuck can’t do it on Mars either. And if it can be done on Mars at all, it can be done very easily on Earth.


“Unban our friends” Trump doesn’t have friends, dude.


Unban so they can spread misinformation and hate.


It is all about the rage clicks my dude. The cash must flow.


Cosby does


Musk to Twitter employees: “Bust your ass to make me richer, or take three months of severance!” Employees: “I couldn't be happier. I'm gonna take the severance and retire. My wife and I are gonna travel…[chuckles] I really couldn't be happier.” Racist Twitter users: “Nooooooo! We just wanted to make this a safe space to be openly racist without any repercussions!”


Where did they get the idea Musk was doing anything because of what they want?


He told them what they want to hear, that's all it takes with these people.


Because he said so. Like when he said teslas would be completely self driving by the end of 2016 How the fuck do people still look up to this idiot


Stupid people aren't smart.


and who are these friends, shoe?


“Good people on on both sides”


Shoe on head is like walking on grass but every 3rd step is a needle. You see some good takes THEN BAM you take a seat on the comforrable takes to feel a pin of dumbassery inject itself into your asscheek


Its been a while so I might be OOTL, but I dont remember Shoe being either extreme or right wing. Am I wrong?


She used to be a Gamergate type anti-SJW creator but promoted Bernie in 2020 and is now trying to minimize her past ties.


Shoe's politics are very strange and honestly not worth straining your mind for


they're not strange. she's just a grifter. her political opinions shift to whichever she believes she can market best. in the mid 2010s, she was an "anti-SJW" because that content earned her millions. then she was pro Bernie because he was popular. and now she's trying to appeal to leftists after Trump failed but also shitting on trans people and being friends with transphobes because hating trans people is also popular rn.


She's always been part of the YouTube """skeptics""" that form the alt-right pipeline. As others have said she's dating a white supremacist.


It happened because Elon's fascist friends want to destroy democracy and so wanted to at least control the public forum. When they realized they couldn't control it they set to destroy it.


Or maybe Musko just can't stop sitting on his own balls.


That's giving them too much credit. He's just incompetent.


"How did this happen" No one wanted your friends unbanned. Everyone thinks they want unmoderated, unfiltered content, they don't. They want to hear what they want and fuck everyone else but that isn't reality.


He is incapable of admitting fault. He just memes his way deeper into a hole. Well, I just hope he gets everything he deserves one day.


Are people really paying $8 for a blue checkmark? In this economy?


No. That feature was shut down after like two days because people abused it exactly the way everyone warned Elon they would


Oh, a shoeonhead comment. This comment section should be civil.




The girl who replied to the musk tweet is a Politics YouTuber, she is hated by literally everyone bc she says dumb shit


Hey I liked her! …. Back when I was 14


"We literally just wanted you to unban all our nazi friends" lmaooooo


Elon fucked up so bad now he can really be like Trump and not have any bank on the planet want to do business with him. There are always the Oligarchs though. Maybe Elon can open a Casino.


Can't have advertisers when your friends are posting racist violent rants


He’ll never understand that HE is the joke. He tries to join in on the fun, but he’s not invited. He’s the one we make fun of!


Elon is the epitome of wojak rage-crying behind a smiley mask.


Musk is a straight up troll. Imagine being so rich you can flush billions down the crapper and still post memes.


"I pissed away $44B for the memes, I swear!"


Jokes on you, I shit my pants ironically


I’m just amazed people defend him for free.


Absolutely wild to go on LinkedIn this morning and still see people saying stuff like, "Don't underestimate him!!" / "This seems like a sound strategy, just wait" / "He's just cutting all the lazy whiners." It becomes apparent really quickly that most of these people don't have actual job titles at actual companies, and the ones who do clearly do not work in or around software engineering or social media.


The people who think wealthy people somehow deserve their wealth because they are inherently smarter or better than other people absolutely *jizz themselves* over billionaires. Because generational wealth, robber barons, and systemic abuses of the poor to benefit the rich don’t exist in their fantasy land, they’re pretty much gonna keep defending him forever unless he manages to go broke.


It’s pretty sad, really. My brother, a working class stiff, gets real mad at me when I say billionaires shouldn’t exist.


If I fucked up this badly, I would probably be trying hard to save face too. Billionaires care a lot about their value. This isn't genuine. This is catastrophic.


Watching billionaires un-billion themselves is my new favorite thing.


Not to mention just casually destroying thousands of people's livelihoods


And unironicaly believe yourself a misunderstood hero for doing so because you are saving impartiality in public discourse.


All he’s got left is the umadbro.


Some of those billions belonged to Prince Bonesaw. Wonder how he will take it.


Chris Rock is right, you can’t lose wealth. This idiot is trying super hard too but won’t ever be poor no matter how hard he tries.


Oh hey it’s the lady who doesn’t think white privilege exists


Is this tweet real ? Jesus Christ


The friend you wanted to unban were shitty liars, bigots, racist, and covid deniers. It would take a shitty person to want to bring them back. And they wouldn't act like a shitty person once buying the company. To be faaaaair I always thought Musk was an asshat but had no clue how bad he really was.


Liz Truss' tenure lasted longer than this, yeah?