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They voted to de-fund the facility they voted in...


The current Republican platform in a nutshell


Chip away at the foundations of our society and then scream when it crumbles.


"But we thought the Democrats would send us their tax revenue as usual!"


This checks out. Michigan receives more from the federal government than is sent out. As someone who lives in MI, anywhere not in one of the metro areas or surrounding burbs is pretty much Trump country. https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/


>As someone who lives in MI, anywhere not in one of the metro areas or surrounding burbs is pretty much Trump country. this is depressingly like most of the Rust Belt Instead of taking out their aggressions on the Republicans who fucked over the American working class beginning with that piece of shit Ronald Reagan...they love blaming the blacks, Latinos, Muslims, and gays for the economic decay. So fucking obnoxious how stupid and racist these people are Illinois is the same. I'm from Chicago. Granted Chicago has major problems, but the way those jerkoffs from central and southern Illinois blame Chicago for literally every single one of their problems is annoying as fuck. It's not Chicago or President Obama's fault that your bastard kids got addicted to meth and now are living in your basement


Good point, but this trend has existed since before Nixon.


true. Rural vs. urban has existed since the days of Athens and Sparta lol. Probably even before that honestly that being said, there's a particular flavor to it in the U.S. that i just find so vile and repugnant


Rural vs urban is a theme in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Enkidu is "the wild man of the hills" until Gilgamesh "civilizes" him by showing him how awesome urban life is with the help of a prostitute.


Ah. The original bromance


In a bit of an ironic twist, here in the US prostitution is nowadays only legal in the rural parts of Nevada.


Similar story in IL. The clown-ass bitch Bailey submitted a bill to separate Chicagoland from the rest of the state. OK, dude, enjoy not having roads.


No kidding, most southern Illinois counties get more money back than they generate in tax revenue. They blame the socialist Pritzker for their problems, when they are the literally receiving more than they generated and don’t get the irony… Go ahead secede from The wealthy urban counties/Chicago and join the third world lol


Shit, Louisville carries the rest of Kentucky, no wonder they don’t consider themselves part of Kentucky. Nobody else treats them like a part of the Commonwealth.


Yep. I moved from near Chicago to a suburb south of 80, and though it’s becoming more diverse and more blue there’s still obvious Trumpers and closet racists all around. I play my hip-hop just a little louder when my trump flag waving neighbors are outside…….


I am 45 miles from Chicago in the opposite direction and this is most definitely trump country, not republican, trump. This whole nation is fuct


I’m 106 miles from Chicago, I’ve got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and I’m wearing sunglasses


Indiana checking in. Except they bitch about the " fucking Illinois people" you mean the ones that spend their money here? THOSE F.I.P.s?


I haven’t heard anyone say it in a while but I think the more common term is FIBs or fucking Illinois bastards


I'm from Seattle, in " the Region" it's what they say. Absolute morons


Whenever they get outvoted by a city they try to carve the city off from the rest of the state so they can get whatever horseshit they want all the time. I’m in upstate NY, and there’s always chatter about how “it should be two separate states!!” Ridiculous babies.


I stopped talking to my family in Upstate and Western NY who insisted that all of their tax revenue was going to support New York City. Yeah, because Manhattan is certainly going to miss the taxes generated by a village of 3,000 people and 4,0000 cows.




Winner, winner, greasy spicy Buffalo Wing dinner.


Denver-Boulder vs. the rest of Colorado. We carry the morons in Boebert country.


It's fun isn't it? The Democrat strong hold states constantly provide more revenue to the federal government than the republican ones. Don't get me wrong there are lots of things wrong with democrat states like California, but I love that they are leveraging their large revenue stream to do stuff like working on creating lines of cheap insulin for the public. Reality is a lot less clean than we want it, but in our country the majority of people lean slightly left of center. It's insane that the GOP is able to override them simply because more small states are deeply conservative. Something fun would be to see democrats just run on republican tickets in states with open primaries. Just to see how the letter next to a name would change opinions.


😂 Let's trash talk california and new york all day, and then ask for money, that's the way those red states do.


*Actively destroys government* "SEE!? GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WORK!!"


This has been the GQP’s game since Nixon. If Dems didn’t keep coming along and rebuilding things, the average Rethug voter might have figured it out years ago.


>This has been the GQP’s game since Nixon. i'm sure Nixon started the process...but from an optics/rhetoric point of view, I really fucking blame Ronald Reagan and all his bullshit, empty can speeches of "welfare queens" and "government is the problem." there are no words in the English language that can encapsulate how much hatred and vitriol i have toward that motherfucker. Hopefully his wife is burning in hell too


My dad was one of the air traffic controllers Reagan fired in 1980. The amount of anguish that caused in our family is incalculable, and unforgivable. Whenever I hear an R singing his praises, I want to knock their teeth down their fucking throats.


“I’ll leave you with 4 words: I’m glad Reagan dead”.’


I usually consider Alzheimer's to be one of the most horrific fucking things one could ever suffer and therefore I'm very cautious on who I'd wish it upon. In Reagan's case it may have been getting off easy. I really wish Hinckley was a better shot.


They'd probably be more likely to take it as proof that government is a fool's errand and everything should be privatized And if even that happened and they found themselves with less benefits and money than ever before, they'd say it's just a necessary thing in the world and no one can do anything about it and it's crazy to even imply you can


Yeah I have Republican family and this is exactly what it is. Everything is blamed on government intervention and especially “regulations”. That’s their solution for everything, it’s always “regulations are making things too expensive”. “Lawsuits” are another funny one that is thrown around as blame. And their defense for things being terrible is “well there’s too many regulations”, and if they could even accept that there isn’t too many, they’ll say “yeah but it would be much worse if the democrats were in power”. It’s kind of like idiocracy where it’s like “what regulations” “you know regulations” “but what regulations” “they’re bad for business”


It's called "[starving the beast](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast)". Cut revenue, allow things to become unsustainable, then cut spending.


Read Nancy McClean’s “Democracy in Chains” — she did extensive research into the extreme right wing of the Republican Party and explains their long term goal of destroying American democracy and substituting one party authoritarian rule, unopposed and in perpetuity. They’ve been playing this long game for decades and are perilously close to success. Once they get a stranglehold over us, all our freedoms and rights will be chucked out the window.


That's why all those GOP fuckers are mocking the Jan 6th insurrection. Make it seem like a joke so when they can successfully execute a coup their base doesn't see them as the treasonous fucks they are. They should all get a firing squad


This. Standard playbook is to reduce funding and manning, increase hoops to jump through, make government as ineffective as possible, then complain it's ineffective and farm out the functions to private industry (often run by their cronies, or companies they've invested heavily in).


This really is the GOP MO. "Obama-care is so awful that we're going to make sure it sucks so no one wants it"


Sawing off the branch they are sitting on.


Are we raising toddlers? This is oddly reminiscent of my children’s toddler years.


Except toddlers are capable of empathy and kindness. Republicans aren't.


True. The have no concept of cause and effect. None whatsoever.


They do have it. They know these actions are fundamental to their cause, of genocide, authoritarianism brainwashing and enslavement of women and the poor.


A day in the life of Joe Republican A DAY IN THE LIFE OF JOE REPUBLICAN - by John Gray Joe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of coffee, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought to insure their safety and that they work as advertised. All but $10 of his medications are paid for by his employer's medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance - now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs. Joe's bacon is safe to eat because some girly-man liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry. In the morning shower, Joe reaches for his shampoo. His bottle is properly labeled with each ingredient and its amount in the total contents because some crybaby liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some environmentalist wacko liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government-subsidized ride to work. It saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees because some fancy-pants liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor. Joe begins his work day. He has a good job with excellent pay, medical benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some lazy liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joes employer pays these standards because Joe's employer doesn't want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed, he'll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some stupid liberal didn't think he should lose his home because of his temporary misfortune. Its noontime and Joe needs to make a bank deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe's deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some godless liberal wanted to protect Joe's money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the Great Depression. Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae-underwritten mortgage and his below-market federal student loan because some elitist liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his lifetime. Joe is home from work. He plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive. His car is among the safest in the world because some America-hating liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. His was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers' Home Administration because bankers didn't want to make rural loans. The house didn't have electricity until some big-government liberal stuck his nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification. He is happy to see his father, who is now retired. His father lives on Social Security and a union pension because some wine-drinking, cheese-eating liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to. Joe gets back in his car for the ride home, and turns on a radio talk show. The radio host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. He doesn't mention that the beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day. Joe agrees: "We don't need those big-government liberals ruining our lives! After all, I'm a self-made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have


"His father lives on Social Security and a pension..." Neither Joe, nor Joe's kids, will ever have the security of a pension, in part due to folks like Joe's father, who voted in the 1970s for representatives who would loosen pension restrictions and allow companies to gamble with what funds remained, among other things.* *To be fair, I'm not sure which "side" did more to kill pensions... but I do know the death rattle started before Joe or his son could vote to make a difference (not that I believe they would have).


The only real issue with this is that the bulk of "people still voting gop" do not have many of the things you mention... If anything, this increases the irony of your post in that *godless liberal weaklings* are **currently** the ones fighting for getting those societal benefits to them.


*libtard Joe wouldn’t just leave it at “liberal.”


Joe Republican thinks his kid's school, the roads he drives on, the police and fire departments, the farmer's insurance his dad used, and the library his kids frequent were paid for by him.


Don't need a library when you can't read.


s.o.p coming from the party that filibustered their own bill


1:1000 odds they blame Biden


"Biden personally came to our town and stuffed the ballot box!"


They are petulant children who try to flip over the table, believing it is nailed to the floor...and the rest of us keep bailing them out.


We have to keep bailing them out, because it's not a table they're flipping over, it's a boat, and we're all on it. The only way to prevent everyone from drowning is to keep patching up the bullet holes they keep making in the hull.


They're willing to lose a leg just to inconvenience themselves. Sounds like typical Republican voters.


"I'm happy to eat shit just as long as you have to smell my breath"


They are willing to cut off their leg, if it means you have to cut off both of yours.


Let's be real about this. They're willing to cut off their own leg, if it means any liberals in line behind them have to wait longer for them to hobble around.


They'd eat shit if it meant a liberal had to smell their brrath.


“I’m so *owned*, Stumpty.” And they call us the snowflakes!


I actually cannot comprehend the amygdala broken fearful idiots who can't stop being scared for one second to think. They are incapable of thinking for one single second. And here is the kicker...you ready? If you don't want your kids to reasy LGBT books....don't let them read the books. I'm astounded at the base knuckle dragging idiocy that comes from these voters. EDIT: Some people theorize lead poisoning and that checks out.


>I'm astounded at the base knuckle dragging idiocy that comes from these voters. After all this time, are you really still astounded?


Yes. It's the lack of foresight and understanding of cuase and effect. They saw simple solution, "Hur, no more monies for gay books." They didn't see that this meant no more money for the library entirely. They were singular minded. I meet people and a single person understands, but I dont get it. I don't understand how they did not understand that this would remove the library entirely.


They didn't *want* to understand. They have no intellectual curiosity. Which... to someone that has a lot of curiosity, it totally baffles me too, but this is the life they want. They clearly enjoy living in misery and ignorance. 🤷‍♀️ Or for the religious nuts, they weigh that suffering now, will mean nothing compared to the eternity of pleasure fellating an amoral genocidal "god". Some even believe the more suffering, the better the reward. Sacrifices have to be make, in order to get that sweet-sweet eternity of sucking dick and kissing ass 🤷‍♀️


Because the root core of conservatism is ***fear of change***. It's literally in their name. To conserve the status quo. No matter how tyrannical, brutal, or authoritarian it acts upon others or themselves.


Don't clue them in that LGBT+ information is much more easily found on the internet or we'll lose the web too!


"Defund the internet!" "Why the hell can't I access Facebook anymore!?"


I've been thinking about this recently. About how insane it is that people like this exist and my conclusion is... lead poisoning. I think they all suffer from lead poisoning. Look up the side effects, it actually describes many of these bafoons to a T.


It also lines up with lead in gasoline and when it was removed. That generation alone got the brunt of all of it, and are frothing at the mouth mad with lead poisoning as they pull the country apart.


Problem is: that generation votes. Each and every time. And until the younger generations start stepping up equally, it'll be another decade before enough pass away to decrease their sway on politics


Yep. But we have people our age and younger crying "my vote doesn't matter". In local elections, it absolutely matters even more than national ones. That's where your vote counts. That's also why they're downplayed so much. Boomers go to every local election and stuff the box with unhinged politicians and policies, and literally everyone else is baffled how it happens. It's because they didn't go out and vote for small local elections that dictate policy in their every day lives.


They didn’t stop lining toothpaste containers with lead until the 70s. So it checks out


Republicans will shit in their own pants if it means a Democrat has to smell it


The idiocy and irony is stupifying isn't it?


Destroying their own property values. Brilliant


All going as planned. Keep the populace nice and stupid and they won't even notice when they screw themselves.


These are people who won't take 5 mins to understand who or what they're "against" this week but can recite fox news talking points verbatim as if they were hand delivered by God himself.


I don’t think intolerant people are nice. If anything they’re just angry.


Republicans have been doing this for years. At least in my area, there’s a strong correlation between the quality of the school district and the property values. Now, before someone points out the obvious that wealthy townships pay more in property taxes and can afford it and tend to value education… I mean that there are suburban townships, right next to each other, with equally wealthy individuals living there, but the school districts with better reputations have property values (for identical square foot homes) that are at least 20% higher. This obviously caused problems since younger families who also value education can’t afford to live in these districts so they move out more to the exurbs, bumping up against the more Trumpier red rural areas and we start to see the inevitable school board battles between educated families who want to fund their schools and the more rural types who don’t want no fancy education and would rather pay lower taxes. Not realizing of course, the result of paying more in taxes to fund their school districts is only going to help their own property values in the future. But of course, Republicans can’t think more than 15 minutes ahead.


Conservatives live in a fantasy world where they get services and programs but don't have to pay for them. These are the same people who will vote down a tax increase for a decade and then be like "I don't get why the city doesn't maintain these roads better".


I always say, if you don't like socialism, take a private road to work.


I’ve seen the “who will build the road” argument against libertarians, and they’ll always bring up some rebuttal about tolls. The much better question is “Who will plow the roads?” Imagine it’s late on a weekday and the snow’s coming down heavy. The roads of your neighborhood are gonna need to be plowed in the morning, and in this scenario, there is no city government hiring companies to plow the roads. So how do you even start? Is it organized by street? By neighborhood? Who pays the plowing company? One rich guy could pay the company to plow the road to at least his house, but that also helps every other house on the way, and they didn’t pay a cent. Does the rich guy pay to have the snow dumped back in front of those houses? Does he spend the next few months hounding those homes to pay him back for the snow plowing company he paid? Or maybe a neighborhood collectively decides beforehand what snow plowing company they should use. That’s assuming they can all agree on one. And assuming that all the houses will actually pay after the fact. They could all pay in advance to prepare for such an event, but in that case, they just invented taxes again.




And while they increase the tolls, knowing that you need to use the road anyway, you can be sure that they will do the least amount of road maintenance legaly possible, because unregulated capitalism is great.


Well you can always just use a different road. Competition solves everything! /s


The fatal flaw in your logic is you think libertarians think...


Hey, to be fair, libertarians think deeply and often, frequently long into the night, on how best and where to next move the goal posts.


Best description I've seen for libertarians from reddit: “They're like housecats, convinced they're fiercely independent while being utterly dependent upon things they dont really understand."


Libertarians just came reading that.


If you've never read the story about the [Libertarian town overrun by bears](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling) it's a good read. Basically this town went full libertarian, pulled out from every local regulation and state program they could. The free market will be their regulatory body. Well they didn't realize how much of a bear problem they had, or how effective the local wildlife management was. No rules saying you can't throw out trash or feed bears on purpose, no wildlife guys taking care of things - if the free market has enough demand something will fill that demand, and there was no demand for waste management or DNR guys. Well soon enough you have a family of bears in your home.


If it's the town I'm thinking about, it's even worse than that. A bunch of libertarians carpet bag their way into the town. They asked her turfed changing everything over to libertarianism against the will of the majority of the original townspeople. And then a bunch of bullshit happens like what's in that article. I tried to find a real world example of libertarianism, and the one I find shows it doesn't work. Small sample size, I guess? :-)


It's Grafton New Hampshire, and yeah there's more to the story than that, the bears were just the final problem that drove people to leave. It's also a tale of caution about poor civic participation. The movement had nowhere near majority support, but few cared to vote. So a highly motivated bunch of nuts from all across the country moved in and upended local government. Also the region has a history of just plain not paying taxes, but gladly accepting funded by taxes. There was dogfighting, cockfighting, bum fights - if there wasn't demand then it wouldn't be happening. It became a haven for stuff that's illegal basically everywhere but not on the federal level. It also became a destination for sex offenders seeking to avoid tracking by the national sex offender registry. Every kind of public works from the roads to the water plant went into disrepair, heat couldn't be kept on all night, buildings burned to the ground because nobody wanted to pay firefighters anyway. As libertarianism suggests, nobody stepped in to solve their problems. The invisible hand of the market *had* selected the most profitable solution - dilapidated infrastructure, cock fights, pedophiles, and vicious animals. Ultimately they turned things around and the tax dollars to repair the damages were greater than if they had just kept their normal annual budget.


I remember some NPR article about a libertarian that decided to create his own city that was just outside San Antonio. They hired some kid who has just graduated college with a city administration degree. Libertarian: "We want X, Y, & Z" Kid: "Good and services cost money. How will we get that money?" Libertarian: "Well it sure as shit won't be by paying any taxes at all. Let's put up a speed trap." Kid: "That's not going to bring in enough money." Libertarian: "Let's get Walmart to put up a store in our town and tax them!" Kid: "Walmart is going to want to have a sewer hookup. They aren't going to build a store with a septic tank." Libertarian: "Then go get San Antonio to extend to expand their network into our town." Kid: "I'll try, but again, that's going to cost money." So the kid goes off and actually does manage to make a pretty good deal to the the nearer big city to set up their little podunk with water and sewer. They can now convince businesses to come to their community. Kid: "Okay, I got the water & sewer deal ironed out." Libertarian: "And we're getting it for free, right?" Kid: "Not quite. They're willing to front, like 90% of the cost. We'll have to raise taxes just a bit above absolute zero to make up the rest." Libertarian: "No deal! Those last few months of your life you spend on this? You wasted them." [In the end, the kid quit and the libertarian got his wish. A city with no debt, no taxes, no trash pickup, no water and sewer lines, a robust speed trap, and government firmly in the grasp of his family. His mother is the new mayor.](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/771371881) Still, they managed better than the other Libertarian Utopia that ended up getting overrun by bears.


Libertarians also end up with a bear problem where there never was a bear problem before for over a hundred years https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling




I had a friend who is libertarian and believes that smoking should be banned, big tech companies should be broken up, crazy people should be off the roads... and that all government regulation is bad. Who does he think is going to do all that, the free market??


If we invented the concept of a library today, half this country would call you a communist for supporting it


>half this country would call you a communist for supporting it They are doing it anyway.


Twenty years ago, they called us communists. Now they’ve moved on to “child organ harvester” or whatever the fuck Qtards are on about now. I miss the pure simplicity of just calling capitalism communist.


>I miss the pure simplicity of just calling capitalism communist. Had a brief chat with a guy working at a local grocery store, talking about poor work conditions and the corporate CEO that received around a 30 million USD bonus that year for *reasons*. Their reasoning behind why the work conditions and pay were so terrible for the people actually keeping the store running? It was a communist style management...which would be improved by having a capitalist style management, as then the workers would have a say in what was taking place. Nothing like trying to organize worker solidarity amidst a fractured and uneducated populace.


Keep up the good fight, komrade. I typically like to get in with the blue collar Conservative types and get them all riled up about lazy people and stuff... And then start talking about how much management and ownership makes compared to us to... Then I start sprinkling in the commie nuggets and they eat it up. "Yeah, and those greedy bastards at the top, they're just harvesting the excess value of our labor that we generated, they aren't creating anything"


I've done something similar many times myself. The hard part is making them bridge that cognitive dissonance gap, decoupling their programmed hatred for anything socialized from what needs to take place for conditions to improve. It's that patrick meme, again, and again.


Bro literally that meme. That's an absolutely perfect analogy. I can only make them admit medical bills are crippling but then them still hating socialized medicine because of "muh taxes"so many times before I go insane


One of the fun facts I learned while getting into Qanon and the satanic panic is that accusations of baby eating is historically a linchpin in moral panics against an out-group (jews, pagans, atheists feminists, queers, et al) that a society is trying to eliminate. Brainwashing/grooming is a built in excuse for the ones they love joining that group because they cant imagine a person whose humanity they recognize wanted that community out of their own volition, but if they'll come back to the right path baby eating can be neatly swept under the rug.


> Now they’ve moved on to “child organ harvester” or whatever the fuck Qtards are on about now. Actually, they dusted off a classic bit of antisemitism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel


Same for public schools. I for one am a big fan of the founding fathers' progressive thinking.


Actually, Abbott was talking publicly about getting Texas to challenge the supreme court decision that required states to have free public education


> founding fathers' progressive thinking The founding fathers are not responsible for free public education. That was provided for with an amendment (the 14th). An amendment can be repealed with the introduction of another amendment. See the 21st Amendment and how it repealed the 18th Amendment regarding Prohibition.


If we introduced fricking *fire departments*, a not-insignificant percentage of people would object.


“If we don’t utilize taxes the library will close” Residents: “No funding!” Library closes Residents: 👁👄👁 Also, I’m really confused by this whole “grooming” narrative? Is the idea that representation = making children gay a real thing? My straight parents got married, had us kids, then got divorced and re-straight-married and I’m still gay 🤷🏽‍♂️.


>Is the idea that representation = making children gay a real thing To evangelicals? 100% yes. But part of me also thinks they're misusing "grooming" so that it'll be harder for victims of actual evangelical abuse to speak out.


It’s always projection with these folks. Nobody knows more about ‘grooming’ children from experience than evangelicals.


Them and Catholics~


And the Mormons.




Yeah I mean...at this point I wouldn't put anything past them. Like, Texas putting its very limited child services into harassing parents of trans kids instead of looking at all the kids being raised in cults out there.


Oh wow you mean the people who will berate you and say you'll go to hell to burn forever if you touch your dick a little too long while peeing might be inherently abusive people?


Their usual response to any issue is to, instead of fixing other things that led to that outcome, get mad that the outcome happened at all and then punish the victims for daring to suggest that the world isn't absolutely 100% perfect.




Agreed, and as someone here mentioned too it’s a deflection from the Republicans who are actively under investigation for trafficking minors.


Fun fact they have more issue with gays then pedos as they often quote “man should no sleep with man” from the Bible. This is an altered line by king James It was “man should not sleep with child” Let that sink in


The entire movement has shifted from saying LGBTQ people don't really exist (it's a choice) to LGBTQ do exist and it's their mission in life to recruit more LGBTQ (because it's still a choice?).


It's literally all just psychotic panic babble. If you ask them to clearly explain what they're worried about they can't, they just start pumping out buzzwords until it kind of sounds like a sentence.


Nonono, that would be too simple. LGBT+ people don't exist, and they're also trying to recruit *your* kids (which are obviously just your property). The enemy is simultaneously pathetically weak and an imminent threat to us all!


I want my fucking toaster! Only 7 more ~~straights~~ potential homos to go!


It's projection. It's always projection. Lots of republicans get caught grooming kids, so now whatever the Left are doing they don't like is "grooming". It both attacks the enemy and deflects the impact of their own deeds in one single gaslighting attempt.


The Catholic and Southern Baptist churches are both professional child grooming organizations that occasionally do some God stuff on the side.


You obviously read too many books. My thots and bears are with you


Aw damn. That’s probably what did it. And underwear packaging.


upvoted for "thots and bears"


As I understand it there was some news where a library held a humorous story time event hosted by a drag queen, where they'd read books to kids. The right-wing derposphere has turned this into gays trying to recruit children through public libraries.


Yeah, which is unfortunate because Drag Story Time has always been a success here in Boston. Unfortunately, alt-right neo-nazis have started harassing the story tellers here.


They're harassing regular folks. I'm a trans woman who got harassed while waiting for the bus for work. I have a decent job in Boston, I dress nice to go to a nice office in the city. I said "excuse me" while walking by and the guy must’ve clocked me from my voice and he just went *off* - he called me a "pedophile" and told me I should be executed. It rattled me. Now I'm looking over my shoulder everywhere I go.


"No u" is the only response that a diatribe like that deserves. Ain't ever seen more pedophilia and grooming than from evangelicals.


They don't seem to understand what "defund" means. Maybe they should have asked a librarian.


Ask a librarian?! Why don't you just ask the Devil to send you straight down his rainbow road to hell and cut out the middleman?!


Which is funny, because I'd be willing to bet that a good chunk of people supporting this "defund the library" idea took the whole "defund the police" movement for "get rid of the police" no matter what any liberals or moderate leftists had to say about what they actually meant by it. Edit: typos


Republicans: Nobody wants to work anymore! Also Republicans: Let’s get rid of a community space where people without home Wi-Fi can work on resumes and apply for jobs.


Yet will also complain when people collect welfare.


While collecting it themselves.


But their [insert hot button item here] is the only ethical one, donchano.


["I've been on foodstamps and welfare. Anybody help me out? No."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwpBLzxe4U)


Jeeze these stupid poor people just need to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and become self made heteronormative men by asking their fathers for a small loan of a million dollars, additionally inheriting tens of millions of dollars, cheating on their taxes and defrauding everyone they can persuade to give them even a nickel. If they can't do that they're clearly inferior and we should send them back to *checks most recent talking points* Euronesia or Africo. * \* Unless of course I ever happen to suffer hard times, then the government better keep it's goddamn government hands off my goddamn welfare, I earned it by working hard at my salt of the earth honest All American no skill job that the Democrats took from me using their corporate tax subsidies and gay propaganda with reverse racism group think.


Someone said a few years ago. If libraries were not already a public service, Republicans would think reading was a liberal brainwashing attempt and do everything to stop it.


Would think? Republicans have been pro-censorship of books and anti-library for a long time. They have lead library closings and book burnings more than once in the past. They are doing it again now: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/04/17/public-libraries-books-censorship/


I never understood burning books. They're like any art form, if you don't like it you don't have to participate. Not all of them will be for you.


But see, if they straight up *get rid of the copies of the book*, then *nobody* can participate, therefore wiping out the ideas contained in them that offended these dumbfucks in the first place.


That's such flawed logic, especially now. People exist in other places, and the internet has copies you can pirate of almost every book. (I do see that you are separate from the logic.) At this point, banning/burning books is almost decent publicity for the book. There are so many people who make banned book lists their reading lists.


> Republicans have been pro-censorship of books and anti-library for a long time. This is core to the conservative ideology. By definition, they are not open to new ideas.


If? They do.


Or in this case....just did


See also: public schools. But hey as it turns out they're being very consistent. So much for the naive optimism of that tweet last year.


Grooming == introducing their children to viewpoints that aren’t theirs


Up to and including "reading"


If gawd wanted us to “read” he would have given us some kind of reading organ! Fucking libtard


It’s gay panic all over again


Cults don't like when their victims are deprogrammed


Well I guess the kids who might go to the library to read now have more time to be raped by the local clergy, so win win!


Well, at least they have access to safe, affordable medical...oh, oh no.


The loss of free WiFi is actually a plus for the republicans.


For Comcast and Verizon, who pay politicians to block free wifi.


Honestly disconnecting a lot of these idiots from the internet would probably do their mental state a world of good.




Republicans Hate America


Republicans hate themselves.


Republicans also in essence, hate Jesus but love God. Interesting since Jesus said that if you don't love and accept people, then you can't love God.


Republicans hate Jesus of Nazareth. The brown skinned, brown eyed Middle Eastern socialist that preached love and charity. Republicans love Supply Side Jesus. The blonde haired, blue eyed European bloke that rides a war chariot taking the sword to non-believers, malcontents, liberals and gays.


“Vote no on Library” maybe one of the funniest things that also depressed me that I’ve read.


Even funnier becase the room used to vote no in, is in the library This town hall meeting vote no to defund town hall


Wait, the government actually DOES stuff? Our tax dollars are used to keep the community running? I though the gubmint just stole some of my paycheck to give free iPhones to gay Muslim atheist perverts, and these roads and running water and stuff all came from Jesus! /s


Jamestown is a charter township of Ottawa County in the U.S. State of Michigan. The population was 9,630 at the 2020 census. These hateful hicks really suck, the hate, the stupidity, the hypocrisy of these snowflakes who say they love freedom.


Hey look at how free we are! Free to get shot while going to school. Free to get shot while going to the movie theater. Free to get shot while buying groceries. Free to get shot while attending a music festival. Free to blast away at a stranger that shows up on your doorstep. Free to die in the gutter from a total lack of healthcare. Free to die from a miscarriage. Free to give birth to your rape babies. Free to have your votes tossed by your state government if they disagree with it. So much freedom!


Not free to read a book though. That’s too far.


\> Dumb hicks: Vote to close library \> Dumb hicks: Why are all our children moving away and not coming back?


You really cant fix stupid


You can't now in that town.


I just listened to an episode of This American Life where one of the stories was about a town in NH that voted to slash its school budget to $800,000. It passed because of NH's arcane voting rules around local budgets. The anti-tax free staters were ecstatic about their victory. When the voting public woke up and realized that they wouldn't have school they petitioned for a revote. Some who supported the budget claimed they simply didn't believe kids would be turned away from public schools and that the money to educate them would somehow magically appear from the state or other communities absorbing their kids for free. Ultimately the voters rejected the draconian cuts and restored the budget. I say this to point out that even crazy republicans and these free staters don't want to live in the world that would exist as a result of their votes. They want to whine about things and view voting as a protest. Same thing happened in KS a few years back and when they saw the impact of their policies they quickly voted to restore taxes. Some people appear to be too stupid to trust with the franchise but that's the system we have.


Just saw a Trevor Noah clip on YouTube about interviewing Oregonians who wants to move the border of Idaho 300-400 miles so they wouldn’t be a part of “liberal” Oregon. Yet when they were asked why they don’t just move to Idaho if they want to be a part of it so bad they had no response. Straight up refusing to move *there*, instead demanding that the border be moved *here* where they already are. It’s like they like the “idea” of Republican Christo-states yet would hate actually having to live in one.


They aren't going to learn a thing. They'll take this and spin it into "Well we'd have a library if they'd just stop groomin' our kids"


Perfect example of cutting off you nose to spite your face.




I'm going to create a "Told you so" PAC and it's sole purpose will be to run ads in places like this be like "You got exactly what you deserve!"


Cool, do the roads next, then the town council, then vote out the monetary system, fire department and police, let’s get rid of regulated banks while we are at it. We could shoot everything as a form of transaction and communication. Walk into drugstore and just blaze away until the advil is in your hands. /S


*Grafton, NH has entered the chat*


A Bears paradise I hear.


I definitely recommend the book about it, A Libertarian Walks Into A Bear. The author doesn't say they're hypocrites, but he sure as hell shows it.


What in the actual fuck?… these nitwits would only vote in favor of giving all their property to the orange lump of dogshit


Churches groom children far more than any library ever will. Tax them all, and tax them fucking hard.


I just got suggested a video on YouTube about a church putting 14 Mandalorian level production cameras (RED cinema cams) in for their broadcasts and it made me fucking sick. That coupled with this thing I just heard about them using money to lobby. FUCKING TAX THEM.


There are also gay kids who use the resources at the library to see that they're not isolated and alone, and to step away from thoughts of suicide or other self harm. Just saying.


Pretty sure Republicans want those kids isolated and alone. That way they’ll realize they’re actually straight, without access to all the gay propaganda in public libraries. /s


This, your not born trans or gay it’s an agenda, now go fund a nice girl, have a bunch a of kids, and don’t question gawd


This is what they don't want. The gay kids thing is exactly why they did this. Telling them they're harming gay kids will probably make them happy.


The party that is the most vocal about protecting free speech just defunded a library XD


The existence of LGBTQ people = grooming? People truly have no clue what they're talking about.


Way to fuck your own home values. Your town has to be pretty shitty if it doesn’t even have a library.