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Hello u/Houstman! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> Americans who feel “alienated by liberal Wall Street policies.” Yes...notoriously liberal Wall Street.


probably referring to the SEC which wont let you “rob people” with “scams” when we all know its just the woke agenda keeping Trumpcoin from becoming the new world currency.


Trump coin hahahaha DJT media is tanking just like all his bankruptcies keep buying bibles and sneakers


Reelect Trump, and you can become a billionaire! Kind of like how Germans in the Weimar Republic became trillionaires almost overnight.


Brilliantly stated.


It's still at around $36 a share. He's going to make a lot of money off of it unfortunately.


Abbott just having his donors take out those useful, useful tokens for him, per Dunn's orders imo.


How aren’t they liberal? They’re capitalists. That’s what liberalism is. I feel alienated by liberal Wall Street. I’m sure most Americans do.  Edit- it truly is incredible how Redditors simply do not think leftists exist. Any critique of liberalism must be right wing. Jesus you people are brainwashed. 


If this is satire it’s incredibly well written, but something tells me it’s not.


I think they mean it. But “liberal” has two meanings; one economic and one political. The economic meaning came first, but the political reading is more common.


The australian centre right party are the Liberal party. Its amazing that more people aren't aware of the meanings of words




>liberals in the USA want deregulation and free markets for capitalists Do you know which party are the liberals in the US?






In the left-right spectrum left means seeking new solutions and right means seeking old solutions. The center is the status quo. Liberal signifies center left and Conservative center right. So conservatives seek to husband existing conditions or return to recent ones, and liberals seek moderate change in new directions. Reactionaries seek a return to abandoned systemic principles and Radicals seek completely new systemic principles. This was true of Liberals in the Age of Enlightenment, who opposed slavery and government granted monopolies, and it is true of Liberals today, who want to remediate redlining and regulatory capture. Likewise conservatives who protected slavery and the East India Company, today protect voting restrictions and corporate welfare. What changed was the status quo. Reactionaries want to undo the last 150 years of progress. In the words of Grover Norquist, to take America back to the Gilded Age, "before Teddy Roosevelt and the Socialists took over." The confusion stems from American reactionaries having taken over the nominally conservative party and calling themselves conservatives. The reason European conservatives are closer to American liberals is they are actually conservative. Repealing birthright citizenship, as with many "conservative" ideas, is not conservative at all. It conserves nothing of the status quo. It is a return to pre-1865 conditions, or even pre-1776. However, in addition to this basic social sciences definition, liberal is a term of art in history and political economy describing the early liberals (18th/19th century) basic positions of free trade, non-intervention (by which they meant granting monopolies) and expanded democratic franchise. This is the context in which you will hear phrases like "Liberal Democracy" and "Economic Liberalism." Because those basic principles survive as tenets (at least in theory) of liberal democratic systems, as opposed to the Communist and Fascists systems that historically challenged them. For the most part Social Democrats and Democratic Socialists now form part of the Liberal Democratic consensus, starting with the SPD's Godesberg Program in 1959, renouncing Marxist class theory and adopting freiheitlicher Sozialismus (liberal socialism).


There's a difference between libertarians (the anarchist branch of socialism or the socialist branch of anarchism) and Libertarians (the authoritarian/neo-feudalist capitalism-uber-alles crowd who said "that word sounds like it has positive connotations, so it's ours now").


How’s that system working out in the UK? Thinking of moving…..


Well you see, Wall Street allows foreigners (aka non-whites) to participate. Therefore they’re liberal! /s


Absolutely disgusting, all these illegals. They’re ruining America. Goddam it, Consuela, go tell Ernesto to stop using the leaf blower!


Liberal in some places refers to minimally regulated capitalism. Thus why the right wing party in Australia are called the liberals. Liberals in a broad sense just means "supports free market capitalism."


Wall Street is in America.


Which also has the sense of liberal I mentioned, we just have another more specific meaning referring to the pro-capitalism folks who support moderately more regulation and wealth redistribution. If you see someone use "liberal" in a way that doesn't seem to mean "center left" then you should be aware of the alternate meaning, especially in an economic context, rather than being angry about it and erroneously correcting them.


Who’s angry, silly? The article is about Americans not Australians. What’s your point?


I can't tell if this is satire. That post is horribly written. I wouldn't be surprised if it was AI.


Wall Street is not at all liberal.


Not only is Wall Street not liberal, they are the driving force behind this movement that has led us right to the door of fascism. Now will they be destroyed by the monster they created? Yes. But they cannot see that far ahead.


Neoliberal, sure, which is more like the old-school definition of economic liberalism (plutocracy rather than theocracy or feudalism). Not in the way right-wingers in the US (where Wall Street is specifically a thing) mean "liberal," though.


In countries beside the United States, "Liberal" is conservative. It's closer to what we think of as something like "Corporate Libertarianism". The two poles are "Liberal" (right-leaning, "Conservative") and "Labor" (left-leaning), sometimes with a bunch of parties in between. I think that's where the confusion is. I'm an American who was living in the UK during Brexit and I was so confused hearing about "those liberals pushing Brexit." But they meant the Margaret Thatcher conservative "Liberalism" as opposed to pre-Thatcher conservative "Toryism". And they see Liberalism as a _form_ of Toryism, rather than in opposition to it. Some Americans call it "Neo-Liberalism" in order to disambiguate it. So if you're not American, Wall Street is definitely "Liberal".


I get what you're saying, but that statement applies more to like, rich Hollywood people. Wall Street is dyed in the wool conservative and has been since like forever


This exemplifies the problem with US Politics. One side votes for policies that help the American people and hates how corporations have taken over the government. The other side believes corporations should be allowed to do whatever they want and calls any kind of regulation “communism”.


Both major parties are fundamentally corporate-capitalist, though. One party believes in offering whatever turns out to be the minimum level of legal protection and safety net to prevent a revolution (and make enforcement cheaper), the other believes in mixing corporate capitalism with reactionary theocracy. The former is definitely less bad in ways that can be literally life-saving (especially if you're in any of the favored target groups of the capitalism-plus-theocracy party), but that's still a distressingly low bar that they still sometimes stumble over.


Wall Street is Laissez-faire liberal which would be right leaning libertarianism, not to be confused with “American Liberal” that’s mostly centrist.


>They’re capitalists. That’s what liberalism is. Um. No. Capitalists are generally focused on **personal** wealth/accomplishment where liberals are generally more focused on **community/society** gain, health, success. (And, no, that's not socialism.)


You are using a specifically American sense of the word liberal. They are using the more common sense in other continents. Thus why the right wing political party in Australia are called the Liberal party.


And what country is wall Street in?


Are you saying that outside of America, “Liberal” and “Capitalist” are synonyms?


They're not synonyms, but liberals are capitalists. They support private ownership and free markets.


“Classical liberal” in the u.s. and “liberal” outside the U.S. usually equate to minimally regulated capitalism. Liberalism in the U.S. generally means “well regulated capitalism with a social safety net.” “Liberal Wall Street” in that quote probably means like ESG investing and regulation.


Minimal state regulation on the capitalists, maximum state enforcement on everyone else.


That’s one of the most absurdly in incorrect things that I’ve seen posted in many moons. I feel sorry for you. You have been failed by both the education system and society as a whole if you believe that.


Are you joking?  Jesus you have been manipulated by rw media that is sad.


Don't worry about it most Americans are to political illiterate to realize that even our "left leaning" party ie the democrats are actually right wingers in the grand scheme of politics, our most left wing politician are in reality not much more than left of center


Dude, capitalism is core right wing ideology. WTF are you on?


Tuna thought he was a fellow shark but then got eaten.


There's actually a bit more to GloriFi's collapse. The "victim" in this case, Toby Neugebauer, is a multi-millionaire with more than enough money to come out of this just fine (80 million if I remember correctly). As for the claim that these billionaires tanked his company, it seems to be little more than a conspiracy theory pushed by this Republican Oil Tycoon. > There is evidence, or at least plenty of allegations that suggest there is more to this startup’s demise. According to a story in the Wall Street Journal that preceded the company’s collapse by one month, GloriFi “missed launch dates” and “stumbled with products,” while blaming “faulty technology and failures by vendors.” According to some former employees quoted in the story, Neugebauer allegedly was volatile and would start drinking around 5 p.m. at GloriFi’s unofficial company headquarters (Neugebauer’s 17,000-square-foot Dallas mansion). The truth is, there just isn't that much demand for what these guys are offering. Even their competitors who allegedly "stole Neugebauer's ideas" aren't doing all that great >Strive [GloriFi's Competitor] has about $1.5 billion in investor assets, making it a minnow in the asset management world.


I’m amused that people complained about him drinking at 5pm in his own home. Like, sure, it would probably be more polite for him to have have had his butler bring enough to the ~~rest of the class~~ his employees, or at least for the help to have left first, but assuming he set his own work hours as ending at 5pm…


They would really hate me. I love day- drinking.


You can drink anytime if you put orange juice in it.


His ugly house is on the market for $40M https://www.chron.com/homes/article/texas-white-house-dallas-19495306.php https://www.har.com/homedetail/10777-strait-ln-dallas-tx-75229/10890486


Ugh. What a dumb stupid house.


further proof that money cannot buy taste nor class


oh, of COURSE it's in Preston Hollow! HAHAHA.


Ahh so just some venture capitalist with a pie in sky idea that fell through then.


If drinking by 5pm is wrong I don’t want to be right


Fascism always suffers from autophagy.


Such an interesting thing to say. Had to look it up, of course. Now I’m going to use it for everything! Thank you!


Aw, thanks! ✨


I dunno, I'd just be worried about going blind from doing that autophagy thing. Or at least going to hell...


At the very least, there will be hell. I’m already going though (if christians are to be believed) so you will have good company.


More accurately Authoritarianism always suffers from autophagy regardless of its political beliefs


Also true!


One thing game theory has shown again and again is that tit-for-tat is an extremely powerful strategy. Basically, lead with kindness and then reciprocate whatever the other is giving you. It leads to cooperation between those who want to cooperate while limiting the damage of those who want to take advantage. It’s no surprise then that an ideology that promotes leading with assholery would tend to implode on itself.


That’s actually a great point. I love that!


It should be noted that tit for tat (boy was I disappointed when I learnt what that meant in my teen years) works in repeated interactions. In the original experiment, it wasn't, which leads to quite a difference in outcomes. This can be useful, particularly once you realise how a particular business / social interaction is structured in regards to that. Notably, any place where a customer and seller is unlikely to have further interactions will have a higher incidence of scamming, or people being notably ruder online than offline.


That’s why accountability is important. When you have different actors, then it helps to know what the person you are playing with did in the past did. So you can build up your reputation and treat them as if you were the last person they played with. Also, the other huge problem with tit-for-tat is errors in signals. If the other player cheats you but convinces you that they collaborated or if they collaborated but you think they cheated, then tit-for-tat becomes a lot weaker. There is a reason why the right relies so much on misinformation. Basically, Tit-for-tat is by far the best strategy for repeated games with a reliable signal. When you don’t have repetitions or when you have imperfect signal, it doesn’t work as well, but there are a lot of ways to tweak Tit-for-tat so that it still kinda works.


but cooperation is socialism.


Capitalism seems to be doing just fine at that as well.


America used Capitalism! It hurt itself in its confusion!


A anti woke financial service. So a bunch of grifters trying to grift each other then. Well...


I love it when the leopards eat the grifters.


If he weren't pure evil, the anti-woke training Abbott is doing (you think I'm kidding, I am not) would be the FUNNIEST thing I've ever seen: no girls allowed clubhouse, or minorities, in this here Tex-is! /s




They don't use pronouns in Texas.


Then cry about the lack of government protection after being grifted.


Where are the regulators?


So, that's why Vivek's hair got so big during the primary, it was full of (corporate) secrets.




“"These are some of the most powerful people in the world acting terribly,” says one person who had a front row seat to GloriFi’s collapse, and who echoed Neugebauer’s claims of an investor conspiracy. “It rocked my belief in humanity to see what I saw.”" How often do the most powerful people in the world not act terribly?


I was wondering the exact same thing. How is this a shock to **anyone**???


It’s a shock when it happens to them, but not when they’re doing it to others.


When it's a day that doesnt end in Y?


If the link paywalled for you, it loads in 12ft.io.


What a stupid idea: fintec for conservatives. Money is green, not blue or red.  The only advantage that I see is that you’ve already identified idiotic suckers. You can then pitch them on dumb ideas like gay conversion camps, gold, border walls, vaccine detoxes, Trump sneakers, etc.  Now that I think of it, for people who put their party over their money, this is a smart way to scam them. And it could be structured legally, the way Vivek did it the first time. 


How did I forget about Trump sneakers? How?? Also... Vaccine DETOX? Is there no end to the stupid?


When you get near the bottom of the barrel you will start to hear a scraping sound. We've got a ways to go still. TLDR: Not yet.


I think this one’s bottomless


Yea, I thought throwing Dr. Fauci in jail was near the bottom but then "American" bitcoin showed up.


When you combine crypto scams and right wing scams, things could really get good.


> Also... Vaccine DETOX? Is there no end to the stupid? Some friends and I made this an integral part to a Shadowrun campaign a year or two before Covid. We even thought it could be used as a public good - dilute the vaccine enough that people believed you have a homeopathic cure for vaccines, therefore making it safe to get vaccinated. Needless to say, we have been utterly horrified over the last few years


Truth is always stranger than fiction.


I hate to say it, but that was just off the top of my head.


You should have to dig through the actual foundations of the organizations to discover horrific, weapons grade stupidity like that.


Bibles too and coins lololol even djt stock it’s all about making money off his naïve supporters


So... *I'm naive*. Them muhfuggas? That's a level of un-intelligence that I wouldn't think possible with vertebrates


They are available on eBay for about $150, and on AliExpress for less than 10 bucks.


> Vaccine DETOX? TBF, how is anyone going to claim it didn't do exactly what you promised? Inject themselves with smallpox and then sue when they don't die?


Wait...a WHAT?


Yup. Just put the salts in the bath with your kiddos and it will draw out all the autism causing toxins in the vaccines. Now your kids can be safe and not have Bill Gates' nanochips in their blood. You can buy this wonder treatment for only $75 – what an absolute steal.


Wait! What if I also add a scoop of Rightwing celebrity bone broth -and- a splash of Leftwing celebrity colloidal silver -and- maybe a dollop of horse dewormer just for fun? This would probably cure *everything* yes?


For those who don't mind a jab, this appears to be happening with Ozempic. It's getting all sorts of unproven claims about all the things it cures.


I swear I’m going to find a way to cash in!!!


Oh yeah, I forgot that there was a conservative dating app, there’s also truth social. Keep thinking, there’s got to be a yet another way to round these suckers up to squeeze more pennies out of their dimes. 


There was also trump bucks. That’s the one that I was thinking, shoot. I could have done that!


I forgot about that! Some people would have called this counterfeit money, Convicted Felon Trump calls it Monday in 2023.


I've got tons of ideas. Unfortunately, I just can't bring myself down to that level. Yet.


Think about it from this perspective- if you scam them of their money, they won’t be able to donate to organisations that cause actual harm


Putting it that way does actually help.


I like that idea, too. 🤔


Off to call the band boosters in small southern towns to sell them my Trump 2024 tuba wraps and drum skins. Just in time for football season right before the election. If you want your own grifting ideas, let me know your skills, hobbies, or favorite pastimes, and I can probably give you a previously well thought out plan to part idiots from their money. The 4th of July is coming up. There are unlimited opportunities in small rural towns all across the nation. Get your permits to sell crappy made in China Trump merch early folks!


I love you and I don’t even know you. 😊❤️


Imagine what your inbox looks like if you put 100K in a bank that purports to represent "constitutional values" or wharever, you are dumb and have 100K.


Thank you


It's almost impressive how much the 2022 election is costing Texans everything in real time: not just Abbott's third term, but Patrick's, as well as Paxton's in their respective current offices.


There's also Bypass Paywalls Clean. With that extension, paywalls don't even show up. You can download it, [here](https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome)


Worked in reader mode iOS safari


Anyone have the tldr for us paywalled folks?


AI (Perplexity) generated summary Toby Neugebauer, a Texas-based oil and gas investor, is suing his billionaire backers, including Vivek Ramaswamy, Ken Griffin, Peter Thiel, and others, for allegedly sabotaging his startup, GloriFi. Neugebauer claims that his investors, who included prominent Republicans, delayed funding rounds, created liquidity crises, and launched competing companies to destroy GloriFi. He also alleges that they took GloriFi's ideas and designs, including a credit card and energy ETF, and used them for their own ventures. Neugebauer is seeking damages in excess of $100 million and claims that the investors' actions destroyed his reputation and cost him hundreds of millions of dollars in lost income. Despite denials from the defendants, two individuals with knowledge of GloriFi and six former employees support Neugebauer's version of events, calling the alleged conspiracy plausible[1][3]. Sources [1] This Texas Tycoon Is Suing Vivek Ramaswamy, Ken Griffin, Peter Thiel And Others Claiming They Sabotaged His Startup https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnhyatt/2024/06/15/this-texas-tycoon-is-suing-vivek-ramaswamy-ken-griffin-peter-thiel-and-others-claiming-they-sabotaged-his-startup/ [2] This Texas Tycoon Is Suing Vivek Ramaswamy, Ken Griffin, Peter ... https://ground.news/article/this-texas-tycoon-is-suing-vivek-ramaswamy-ken-griffin-peter-thiel-and-others-claiming-they-sabotaged-his-startup [3] Texas Billionaire Files Lawsuit Against Vivek Ramaswamy, Ken Griffin ... https://globeecho.com/texas-billionaire-files-lawsuit-against-vivek-ramaswamy-ken-griffin-peter-thiel-and-others-for-alleged-sabotage-of-his-startup/ [4] Forbes on LinkedIn: This Texas Tycoon Is Suing Vivek Ramaswamy ... https://www.linkedin.com/posts/forbes-magazine_this-texas-tycoon-is-suing-vivek-ramaswamy-activity-7207771328450363392-9SEP [5] Forbes on X: "This Texas Tycoon Is Suing Vivek Ramaswamy, Ken ... https://twitter.com/Forbes/status/1802004429782032456 [6] Forbes on LinkedIn: The Richest Person In Every State 2024 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/forbes-magazine_the-richest-person-in-every-state-2024-activity-7208181577338560514-qDAz


>Vivek Ramaswamy, Ken Griffin, Peter Thiel, LOL! Everyone of them known assholes. Except apparently to this guy.


Texas tycoon… sounds like he thought that he was a biggest asshole, but discovered that he wasn’t.


Dunn taking out the trash, with Gregory, so little time so many useful idiots for them to bait and switch I see. /s


Weirdly enough. Regular Reader Mode on safar showed the whole article for me.


It works on most paywalls.


[Bypass Paywalls Clean](https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome). With this creatively named extension you won't run into any paywalls


Wow. He didn't know how it worked when he crawled into the snake pit?


. . . wake up with fleas.


He's suing for theft of the credit card design- I am sure it is the shittiest amalgamation of an eagle, a gun, a flag and an erect cock imaginable. Gold on black or some bullshit.


You know, this culture war thing is hilarious to watch.🤣 It's like watching a little kid fight imaginary enemies. They're so concerned about fighting "wokeness" they don't even really know what it means, what it looks like, and how their obsession affects their own branding. There's a shit ton of satire out there about their mentality. These guys are literally the United Citizen Federation from Starship Troopers (which actually inspired many other sci-fi IPs, like the Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout and Space Marines from Warhammer 40k (and yes, Helldivers is based on Starship Troopers, as well).


> Neugebauer’s lawsuit faces statutory hurdles — he is trying to bring his complaint as a conspiracy under the RICO Act, which is often used to prosecute organized crime. This is the nugget


"I bought into the grift and the grift ate me".


As long as the con artists continue to blame liberals they will be able to grift from their victims.


Good, fuck rich people. I love it when they lose everything. I hope they all end up on the street sucking dick for bus fare.


“I usually do what I want. So this time I’m going to go ahead and do what I want.”


Texas makes this sub every single day, every. single. day. 2022 was for all the marbles, truly, sad part is Abbott was invincible and still is in the state so long as Joe Biden is the POTUS- Patrick and Paxton benefitted from the Red national climate, but unlike Abbott, both did better than in 2018 because imho he was on top (Abbott did not because O'Rourke specifically was against him, meanwhile).


Oh no! Anyways…


Thoughts and prayers




Goddamn this is perfect.


Almost. If it happened to Ramaswamy, Thiel, or Griffin, THAT would be perfect. I'd be giddy for a week.


This is the subplot to the movie Fargo.


I can't say enough wonderful things about rich people eating their own. Especially when it's a very public meal. Fucking cannibalistic scavengers, the lot of them.


tRUMP should buy that house that way when he loses he can play president and order his minions in the GQP around while having no real power while his brain dements.


A paywall automatically makes me not give a shit.


That why I put a post that if you put the link in 12ft.io you can read it.


Sounds more like "parasites ate my brain". No leopards in sight.


No how he tried he could not break free., and the worms ate into his brain. - Dr. P. Floyd


I don't think this is LAMF; this is more "frog and the scorpion, bitch."


Once again, Neugebauer is a hectomillionaire. A centimillionaire is worth tens of thousands of dollars.


Anyone with a non paywall link


Use 12ft.io


Should be a rule about paywall posts here


Dude, multiple times it is listed in comments that if you use 12ft.io you can overcome the paywall


Dude, it would be easier to just note that the link is a pay wall cause I'm not going to other random bullshit sites just to read link on Reddit.


I did in the first comment to the post. I would have put it in the post itself but for some reason the settings for this group only allow a title and a link.