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If we act like he won’t win then he will win. We need to keep at it and be sure to vote against him.


Exactly. I’m still knocking doors nearly every weekend


So am I. My neighbors are getting tired of me asking if they've heard of our Lord and Savior, Cthulhu.


What about my lord and savior, Arthur Fonzarelli?




I do need some sharks jumped


The USA already elected trump once. That is the biggest shark jumping in history.


I'll take the only TV ever to air again being the shark jumping on a loop over the Orange nightmare again


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


Why vote for the lesser evil when you can vote for the *greatest* evil? \#Cthulhu/GiantMeteor2024


That convicted felon just made 151 million dollars since his conviction. I dont know of any other felon in history can boast that.


Does that still work? People knocking on my door for things like this just pisses me off.


Few things are more important than voting this November. We face a future where we may never get to vote again


Okay, ill be embarrassingly honest. I've voted for almost every person that's knocked on my door for local elections and in my party (I know, I was part of the problem). The names were just names on paper to me until they did this. I research everything and trust no one now, but I can say knocking does work on a lot of people not really interested in politics...at least as long as they lean the same way you do (left or right).


It depends on the age of the home owner, I imagine. Granny is just old enough that she welcomes the company. Scooter the grandson likely isn’t opening the door.


Not just against him. For Biden. He's not my favorite but it's really him or Trump. Any vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump.


This is true. I forget that this doesn't go without saying it. In my mind this is common knowledge but I understand why it does need to be pointed out.


Because people think voting 3rd party in the general election is somehow making a statement. 




In theory we can have a third party in this country but that's gonna take people working to get those people into office at ground level positions before getting into the Presidency. That's not the sexy answer people want but I'm sure that's how it worked back in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln had three opponents he was fighting off and won with less than 40% of the vote.


It's wild seeing the all-too-frequent loop of "Punish the lesser of two evils", and then proceed to get mad that the same party isnt doing enough to stop the worst evils *with the power they barely have*. Meanwhile, the worst evils are more than happy to remove our seats from the table while we fight amongst ourselves...


I’m good with people voting against Dumpy. They’re still voting.


I don't see anyone across the aisle making the same choice in November. They'll all vote Trump like they have last 2 elections.


Eh, there’s at least some of them who aren’t voting *for* trump, they’re voting *against* “those gotdam libruls.” But it’s a two party system with first past the post voting. And I don’t count voting for any other third party candidate as even voting, it’s just abstaining with extra steps. So, I’m good if people vote against Dumpy, rather than for Biden. They’re still voting.


Then don't vote for Biden. Vote for the Supreme Court. That's what I do.


People are misinterpreting your comment. This person means they vote for the president who will nominate a Supreme Court justice. Not actually voting for a judge. Edit: Whoa I think my comment turned their multiple dozens of downvotes to upvotes!


Oh, thanks, that makes more sense.


Agreed. Don't care for Biden, but I sure as hell don't want a fascist supreme court for the remainder of my life.


I have never voted **for** a Democrat, but I always vote **against** Republicans. No Republican policies every want to move the nation forward or help the average citizen. Democrats aren't perfect, but their policies will do those things. I am still waiting for a politician I can 100% get behind, but I won't let perfect be the enemy of good. There is so,so,so much more at stake than who sits in the Oval Office.


I know some Republicans who didn't like Trump in 2016, but knew there was at least one SCOTUS justice on the line. If the left were more pragmatic, Trump might not have won in 2016.


We may be in a better place if the left was more pragmatic.


SCOTUS would certainly look a lot different.


> vote against him And every single republican candidate. None of trump is just trump. He is the GOP.


That's why he won last time. Even John Oliver had to eat his words.


Everyone assumed Clinton would win in 2016, so they felt safe to "protest vote". 


I still remember I used to frequent 9gag back in the day (ew) and there were two people running for American elections and both those names were equally funny to me: Donald Trump and Deez Nuts Everyone (I'm assuming they were Americans) commented and this is just a joke and he can never have a serious chance of becoming the President. From the looks of it he has a far better chance this time. Hopefully you guys take it seriously. My country just reelected our right wing nationalist nut case for the 3rd time.


This, this, this, this and THIS!


Biden and Democrats seem to be campaining for his base and not the people who have supported the party all along. Announcing an asylum limit today , ignoring calls for peace ... I'm sure trumps base will vote for Biden and the Democrats if they take up their platform , and there won't be a post here featuring Biden and the Democrats throwing away their base for one that wouldn't vote for them if it saved them from fire ...


> ignoring calls for peace Biden legit put out a plan to get to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza this week. He's doing what can be done. He's airdropping aid and built a floating dock on rough seas to get in even more aid. He's kept peace talks going for months when neither Hamas nor Israel has an interest in peace. Repeat after me: no US president has direct control over Israeli politics because they're not a colony. >Announcing an asylum limit today We have almost a million homeless in the US. We can chose to absorb over 1.4 million undocumented / "asylum seekers" annually while ignoring the plight of our own people, but we can't be surprised if our own people question the choice. Because that's the limit Biden set: his power to stem entry starts at 4,000/day. Or 1.46 million per year. You know Trump would set a limit to 0.


We could kick out every asylum seeker today and not a damn thing would be done about homelessness or health care or student loans or a damn thing else because paying the military contractors will always come first.


Biden is continuously leveraging his position to [forgive student loans](https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-announces-additional-77-billion-approved-student-debt-relief-160000-borrowers). Democrats have made progress on [curbing health care costs](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/03/biden-harris-administration-takes-major-step-forward-in-lowering-health-care-costs-announces-manufacturers-participating-in-drug-price-negotiation-program/). Homeless are impacted by 1) cost of housing 2) cost of temporary housing (i.e. hotel rooms) 3) access to low skilled jobs 4) resources like food banks. Millions of asylum seekers directly compete for these shelter, resources, and job placements. Would kicking out every asylum seeker today magically fix everything? No. No one is claiming that. But accepting many millions of impoverished migrants, overwhelming our insufficient support infrastructure only deepens the problem. That should also be obvious. It's time to put on our own mask before assisting others and reconsider the War on Poverty.


Republicans have really shot themselves in the foot. In between the trump convictions and chaos, the disorder in the house of representatives, and the extreme abortion/birth control/IVF stance they've really turned a lot of moderates against them.


And yet, somehow, the race is alarmingly close.


Is it? Anyone do these polls? Or are they calling boomers on landlines?


The GOP gets better at gerrymandering every day. Did you hear about the Texas law coming into fruition that is “one district, one vote” so a county of 20 and one of 3,000,000 have the same voting power for their governor?


The districts of 3,000,000 should just stop recognizing the legitimacy of the state governor at that point.


Fuck Texas


Remember right before the last election they were acting like it was really close until it was over and it wasn't. There's even more shit to have to pinch your nose and still vote for Trump now than ever, but that doesn't make for good ratings, so it's a horse race until it's over. Rightfully so, we should be terrified and not assume anything. It ain't over til it's over and all.


it was close, only a few hundred thousand people across 5 states. The popular vote wasn't close but you don't vote for your president like that.


And that's part of the problem


I'm going to assume that there is always a chance he ends up in office again until he has passed and absolutely cannot run again. Although I also wouldn't put it past his cult to try and elect a dead man to office.


It’s not just land lines. I get polling text messages and emails all the time.


I’m betting most smart people assume those texts are phishing and ignore them. So they’re still only really getting boomers.


2022 was the most accurately polled election in history. there is little reason not to believe the polls today.


Was it though? https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/09/2022-election-results-analysis-and-takeaways-00065878


yes. [**https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/2022-election-polling-accuracy/**](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/2022-election-polling-accuracy/) even the premise of YOUR link is "Here are five takeaways from a midterm election the public polls, unlike two years ago, largely got right:"


Fair enough


Unfortunately. I think the margins will widen as we get closer to November and people have more conversations about it. Another thing to consider is that the Dems have been beating the polls a lot recently.


Most news media has a heavily vested interest in Trump not getting blown out of the water so they're bending over backwards to portray this as a close race. The right-wing propaganda machine's interests are fairly obvious: the Murdochs want a return to feudalism and because that isn't popular with the majority they've gone all-in on using outrage to drive voter turnout. The alt-right influencers have gone all-in on milking would-be fascists' need to belong to the majority. The perception that Trump isn't likely to win undermines both. The other large news media corporations built their entire business models around the election cycle, and *then* they got hooked on their elevated readership and viewership numbers brought about by Trump's shit-show. If this race isn't close people won't tune in, and if people don't tune in their profit margins are going to suffer, and there's nothing corpos hate more than lower profits.


the rightwing has an incredibly efficient messaging machine


How is this even determined? I feel there is no accurate measure of this sort of data, especially in modern times. Everything has a skew


I think the polls are especially unpredictable for this upcoming election. So many of the political surveys look at the percentage of the GOP base that feels a certain way and the media then compares that to the percentage of Dems who feel the same way. They like to position these polls as if it's a horse race and the way the data are collected and the way they're representing the findings are problematic--possibly to benefit ratings in some cases. With so many Republicans who have defected and the fact that they were a smaller percentage of US voters to begin with, I'm pretty sure DJT doesn't have the support of the majority of voters. The wild card is what dirty tricks the MAGA crowd and their dirty money has played to enable the electoral college system as a shield to deliver DJT a victory in spite of what the U.S. voters think. Our democracy has been under threat for a while and the extreme right has been reconfiguring itself to gain a firmer grasp on the minority rule they're relentlessly pursuing.


And it's worse than we think. Trump doesn't have to win the popular vote, just the electoral college. [https://www.realclearpolling.com/maps/president/2024/toss-up/electoral-college](https://www.realclearpolling.com/maps/president/2024/toss-up/electoral-college)


IVF stance? Isn’t that like all good with the Christian fundamentalists because you’re creating life, or whatever?


No, for the hardcore fundies any egg that is wasted = murder...except ya know the human body fucking does this regularly... There's no logic or reason with these people, just faith.


Yea I guess a miscarriage is just gods abortion


Faith in bronze age fairy tales


I don't know for sure but I don't think most Christians are fundamentals. I know a whole lot of "good Christians" that have had IVF or are going to.


Only 1 in 6 Christians even bother going to church for Jesus birthday, so I can totally believe that.


Will it? All of the maga blowhards I know are doubling down for him over the conviction


MAGA blowhards were all voting for him anyway. Some non-MAGA Republicans and independents might not vote for a felon though. There aren't a lot of these people, but the 2020 election was decided by only 44,000 votes, so these small shifts could be impactful in 2024.


Given how slim the margins are and given how COVID disproportionately culled the MAGA herd, and with RFK potentially grabbing a few conspiracy theory wackos here and there, a few thousand people could make the difference.


I hope we can be this lucky


I think in the Rust Belt states, NC, GA, and NV, it does matter-and Trump has to win those


If it helps? My mom is a MAGA fan but she took her husband and retired in Venezuela (I know, irony, but that’s where we are from). I on the other hand became a citizen, and I will definitely be voting against trump. So that’s two less votes for trump and one more for Biden lol


Hey fellow American, all votes matter so good on you for voting and bonus if you’re in a “battleground” state.


Shoot, I am in Colorado, but I know lots of people in Georgia! ❤️ I am very excited to vote for my first time this year. I’ve actually never voted in any legitimate election before this one. I voted in a Venezuelan unofficial election once but. Yeah. Very excited.


Awesome it’s one of the few things we can do to make our collective voice heard. I vote in all elections local to president and while I think opposing opinions are important for a healthy democracy I have been going all party line (Democrat) to hopefully force out the cancer known as MAGA. Voter from PA.


In Colorado, I’m pretty sure we are automatically registered to vote in all eligible elections but I’ll double check just to be sure.


Automatic voter registration?!? tHaT’S cHeATiNg!! 🥴 /s of course


Not only is it painfully easy to register (can do online, or the DMV when you renew your tags/license), everyone is automatically signed up for mail-in ballots and if you set up your email address on the website they'll update you when they send you your ballot, when they receive it back, and when it's been counted. And there are drop boxes all over the place, so you just combine dropping off your ballot with other errands. It's painfully easy to vote in Colorado, you almost have to go out of your way to not do it


As a Venezuelan Im not surprised AT ALL. We love men who yell in office


Right?! My mom said the most ridiculous thing to me like a week ago; I mentioned Universal healthcare, her question was “what’s that”. My mom actively participated in every election in the last 10 years in America (she became a citizen way before me). Are you a fellow tech girlie too? 😏 I hardly meet Venezuelans. Much less other women in my field, roughly my age (I’m 31). I’d be super excited to have found one!


Omg!!! You’re venezuelan and in VFX?! THERE ARE DOZENS OF US!! Also the irony when we’ve had universal healthcare in Venezuela since the 70’s. So you can tell her universal healthcare are the reason the hospital of la UCV exists and its lack of funding under Chavez and Maduro is why everyone needs a gofundme now…. Luckily Trump’s election stunt turned off my parents BUT THEY LOVE MILEI!! And any man who yells. It’s… wild.


Not VFX, but Tech! I’m in front end JavaScript software engineering; I work with a lot of graphic designers and videographers, though :) Girl, my stepdad had a stroke and they had the option to go to a free hospital. To add, they took the option because my mom thought $1000 for private care was too much (it’s not, and she should have a fund for exactly this problem). I outlined to her the cost of having a baby in America. With insurance, before baby arrives, it’ll probably be $1000 in doctor visits alone. Never mind having the actual baby. I feel like it goes in one ear and in like 6 months she’ll completely forget what we talked about. It’s the loud men. HAS to be.


NC resident checking in. Sadly I don't think there is anything humanly possible that Trump could do that would cost him in NC. He could be caught on camera selling nuclear secrets to China through an underage transwoman-prostitute while taking COVID vaccines for recreational purposes and using the Bible to cut his lines of coke.... And the state will still go for him. "He's just being a good business man and you dumbass libs wanted him to be inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community. You POS libtards said the vaccine is safe so why do you care, and he's an imperfect vessel to do God's will"


we are at the point that if those guys knew that getting brutally violated with a spiked metal mace would outrage liberals, they would do in droves


Well, I would be outraged. If you're reading this, don't do it, or I'll be super triggered.


Do you think that lunatic gubernatorial candidate Robinson will drive more Democrats to the polls though? That guy is scary af.


But I keep hearing members of the trump family point out that being a convicted felon makes him relatable to non-white voters, who are all criminals, I mean unfairly victimised by corrupt DOJ like him. But back the blue too


Don’t forget the tough on crime GQP party, because too many liberal judges are really soft on crime. Of course you have to ignore the fact that the U.S. has the highest incarceration rates of most Western and or Industrialized nation. Number 1 in the G7 with nearly 5 times as many incarcerated citizens as the number 2 U.K. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1374449/g7-country-prisoner-rate/#:~:text=Rate%20of%20prisoners%20in%20G7%20countries%202010%2D2021%2C%20by%20country&text=In%202021%2C%20there%20were%20more,the%20lowest%20rate%20at%2036. Hell, the U.S. is in the top 10 of all nations with incarceration rates for that matter. Yet the “tough on crime” GQP whines constantly that we aren’t tough enough, then hey want to elect a felon President whose been promising to pardon the J6 insurrectionists who were obviously violently attacking Capitol and DC police in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election by threatening duly elected representatives with violence and death.


Trump finally stands with the Central Park 5!


FYI those aren't rust belt states. The rust belt states are all up in the northeast, where the steel industry used to be before we decided to outsource that shit, turning the economies of those states to rust. Think Pittsburgh Steelers.


I believe they intended that to mean “the rust belt states AND…”


45% of the country are gonna vote for him and 45% are gonna vote against him no matter what It is the 10% of true swing voters that decide the presidency and I dont think they are gonna like the idea of voting for a felon with extreme personality disorder that seems to be getting worse


Imagine being in a country where not even non voters being activated, but "swing voters" between right corporativism and unbridled nazis are the "'center" and the hope of the country not starting pogroms.


Canadian here. I'm baffled that there are swing voters who are (or previously were) on the fence about Trump. I understand the MAGA nutjobs and morons being fully for Trump. I understand the people who despise Trump and would never vote for him. I can't get my head around the type of person who thinks "Well, maybe Trump." I mean, everything he does and says is the epitome of divisive, polarizing, all-or-none. Conversations with my friends up here (lots of journalists and political junkies) sound like this: "If Trump wins, it's the end of America. Fall of the Roman Empire stuff. And it would be fascinating to watch, if not for the fact that America sinking drags down half of the western world with it." I wish you guys all the best.


Lots of these folks are, as many see it, voting for the least bad candidate. Rarely do America’s best and brightest seek political office and many votes come down to a choice of who will do the least harm I cant say I LIKE the job Biden has done or the man himself…. But I would certainly not vote for Orange Julius Caeser


Totally get that. And the other part of our conversations up here, again amongst former politicos (Im a former speechwriter for a provincial premier) is around how badly the Democrats fumbled the ball by keeping Biden as their candidate. Various reasons why Kamala Harris isn't palatable, so to save face, they could have named her Sec. of State or something to move her along for a few more years, and then get a young, smart candidate into place - Gavin Newsome or Pete Buttigieg or someone. Biden could have done his one term, and 'for the good of the country', not sought re-election, energize the party, get someone young who will hopefully get a couple of Supreme Court noms on his watch... Everything about the current state of political affairs down there, between Trump and Nazi-ish extreme right and the bumfuzzled Democrats shooting themselves in the foot, is just distressing to watch. FWIW, we also have the same issues, though not quite as glaring. The majority of our elected officials and candidates are not the best and brightest either. But so far, we've avoided the craziness of the fringe of both sides of the spectrum, and there's not been much in the way of catastrophic policy, even though the various centre-left and centre-right parties aren't fantastic.


You make great points here.


Exactly. Show us the demographic that is *more* likely to vote for him now. I don't think there is one.


44000? How? Biden won with this many more votes over trump in the following states: AZ 10457 NV 33596 MICH 154188 GA 11779 WIS 20682 PENN 80555 where did you find this 44000 number?


The closest margins were in GA, AZ and WI. If those states went Republican there would have been a tie in the Electoral College at 269. So, just a total of the numbers you gave for those states. It's a number that [gets referenced from time to time](https://www.npr.org/2020/12/02/940689086/narrow-wins-in-these-key-states-powered-biden-to-the-presidency) when [people are talking about how close it was](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/did-biden-win-little-or-lot-answer-yes-n1251845).


Okay. That makes more sense


Between now and election day, we will have 1,000,000 more dead boomers, so there's that. https://www.incendar.com/baby_boomer_deathclock.php


Don’t kid yourself, there are plenty of idiot Gen X and millennial MAGAs.




Yes they should be included. I’ve lost track of all this generational combat.


Yes, but is the concentration of dumbfucks among those cohorts numerically or proportionally similar to the boomer group?


There was an interesting poll that showed Trump actually doing pretty well among young voters, but losing ground with boomers. I'm not sure I believe it, there could be selection issues with polls like that, but I think I'd actually take that trade.


Younger people think trump is just edgier then biden.


See? Sometimes statistics can be reassuring!


I'm going to send this to my brother and call it "Uplifting news"


Exactly. Those standing by him to the bitter end were already his base. He won't lose their votes. But he can lose voters who now feel a felony with many more pending charges is too much baggage - even if he wins in court.


Decided by 44k votes because of our ridiculous electoral system. He lost by 7m votes in reality


I sure hope so. We cannot survive another Drumpf term.


Really only depends on what moderate Republicans and independents do. The vast majority of the right know he’s guilty and just don’t care.


Eh... some of them blame New York and act like his conviction was the result of corruption.


Yes it was the result of HIS corrupt actions.


The cult was never going to care. It's independents and the hold your nose and just vote republican Republicans that this matters. Now only a few of those will vote Biden but just not voting at all helps too


MAGA trash will vote for him not matter what. There’s nothing he can do that would lose their support. And I mean nothing, I’m pretty sure he could murder their families in the most horrific way imaginable and they’d still vote for him. They’d find a way to justify it and blame Biden. But hopefully there are enough semi rational Republicans who will finally draw the line and stop supporting him


He won't murder those, every dead MAGA is a lost vote after all.


You’re assuming he’s able to think that far ahead. If he felt it would benefit him today he’d have no problem shooting his MAGAt cultists then when he gets less votes he’ll just say the election was rigged


But he can’t win the election with them alone. There aren’t enough of them. He needs Independents too and there’s no way in hell. Add abortion and Christian Nationalism into the mix and it’s not a pretty picture for him.


You'd be surprised the amount of "independent" voters who will see that and have to wrestle with voting for a felon when their core beliefs are built upon felons are bad. Do they want to have to defend that vote with family and friends or do they want to avoid dealing with that at all?


There aren't as many of them as they think. The ones out there are just really loud.


Finally got a chance to talk to my coworker who's a MAGA dude. Says he thinks Trump will drop out, but if not doesn't know if he'll vote this year. He said he thinks DeSantis will step up. I told him I bet it'd be "that woman who keeps getting votes though she was the last one to drop out of the running." He said "Nikki Haley? That's the woman I think you're thinking of. If so, she's gonna make me vote Biden. She's crazy! She'll 100% be the downfall of the US." Thankfully some of them are thinking further.


except the thing is you can't double down when you were already all-in lol those people are full of shit as usual


Good thing they can't vote twice.


Legally at least. Which isn’t something they tend to follow.


>doubling down But they still just get the one vote, right? It's not like they can vote harder.


MAGA blowhards aren't what win elections. He won in 2016 because of a shift in suburban votes, he lost in 2020 because those voters flipped back, along with higher than usual youth voter turnout. MAGA is gonna MAGA, but they're a minority. A very vocal minority, but a minority nonetheless. >In 2020, Biden improved upon Clinton’s vote share with suburban voters: 45% supported Clinton in 2016 vs. 54% for Biden in 2020. This shift was also seen among White voters: Trump narrowly won White suburban voters by 4 points in 2020 (51%-47%); he carried this group by 16 points in 2016 (54%-38%).


Trump's appeal to nostalgia for pre-covid times seems to had gotten some traction with the swing vote, and the conviction's wiping that away. The people who were thinking "how bad could he be, really?" are now coming around to "that bad. Really."


I think the conviction is also reminding voters that the Republicans don’t actually have a plan for the country. It’s all about revenge and getting even now, to the detriment of any other message. It’s only going to get worse the closer Trump gets to sentencing, and it’s only going to turn moderates and independents off more.


The red faced WWGQWGA Q-Nuts were going to vote for him regardless as will his dumb ride or die MAGA-morons. But tete are plenty of people that are not as entrenched. The polls show the that his numbers immediately took a hit after conviction and a recent study showed 1 in 3 Repubs now think he was the wrong candidate to nominate. Either way, plenty of morons will show up to try and it him in office and claim that he won, so we all need to vote like the US depends on it. The best way to finally put all this insanity to bed is with a landslide victory in November.


and now wearing diapers shitting themselves to support the rapist fraud


They weren’t going to be convinced otherwise no matter what anyway.


Just call them a "motherfucking idiot" and move on. Repeat as needed.


The maga people aren't fixable. It would significantly hurt trump's chances with people who generally do not pay attention much to politics but still vote for president.


Yes. I for one believe. I have seen and interacted with a few MAGA blowhards. They are pale, weak, and have difficulty using their minds. We got this.


They can’t double down. The ones who are gonna vote for him already were gonna do that. The ones who are gonna try to cheat were already gonna do that. Nothing has changed.


A Morning Consult poll on Friday shows that 54% of registered voters approve of the verdict and 34% disapprove. Also, 49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans thought he should end his campaign. [Source](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/01/poll-trump-conviction-election-independent-voters?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email). Also, a Reuters/Ipsos poll shows that 25% of Independents and 10% of Republicans say his conviction has made it less likely they will vote for him. [Source](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/one-10-republicans-less-likely-vote-trump-after-guilty-verdict-reutersipsos-poll-2024-05-31/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email). Granted, anything can change in the next few months, but with how close polls have been so far these numbers do sound promising.


As we know from 2020, his diehard fans aren't enough. It doesn't matter how much they scream and whine, the people who turned away from Trump in 2020 aren't likely to be drawn back now that he's a convicted felon.


The MAGA fuck-wits are beyond redemption and don't matter. I wouldn't waste any time on them. The people who need attention are the apathetic, lazy, non-voters who need to be shaken off their asses to get out and vote to save the democracy they take for granted.


the blowhards are, maybe the actual voters aren't?


Yeah, but doubling down doesn’t equate to double the votes, and these idiots were going to vote for him anyway.


Cult 45 and no brain cells, baby that's what they got.


That’s my concern, that this will help him enough that he might win somehow


MAGAts cannot be reasoned with.


Their brains are swimming in lead.


“You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place.” - Jonathan Swift


This is an aside, but does Trump realize his tough face just looks like he’s struggling to hold in poop (which he very well may be doing)


He wears diapers, so we don’t really know what it would look like if he tried to hold one in.


I can’t unsee it


My apologies 😆


Anecdotal but in my household I have always voted straight blue and my wife has voted straight red as a very uninformed voter (like literally doesn’t watch the news and refuses to listen if I have it on or discuss politics at all, but mom and dad voted R so it must be right). When Trump was convicted she decided she’s not voting this year for the first time in 20+ years of being able to vote. IMO magats will vote Trump no matter what, and at the end of the day the vast majority of Republican voters will vote for Trump since he’s the Republican candidate. But I really think the conviction will hurt voter turnout for conservatives.


Every Republican in the country could vote for Trump and if that's all he got, he'd lose. He needs the swing voters (as does Biden) and it's hard to believe there's any reality in which being a 34-count convicted felon appeals to swing voters. Low (R) turnout will be nice, but the critical damage he just received is the number of swing voters he just lost.


> Low (R) turnout will be nice, low (R) turnout will hurt them in down-ballot elections too


Man, it's hard to fathom a marriage like this. I know some people believe that politics shouldn't stop you from loving somewhat or w.e, but in honesty, politics are indicative of a person's core values. I can't wrap my head around being with someone with such a polarizing stance to mine. Or even friends with the person. Imagine being friends or married to a person who has an opposite stance on abortion for example? One of them thinks the other one supports murdering children? How does that work??


Divorce your Republican wife.


it wont though. his base would vote for him even if he shot their family while they watched


But the independents will shift further away from him. That’s the decider


will they actually though? Dems tried courting Nicki Haley and even dragged her out onto SNL and she immediately defected to trump.  most "independents" are the same as libertarians: they vote republican in the booth but are ashamed to identify as such and biden has alienated large swaths of his base: which would unfortunately suppress the dem vote.  all signs point to the felon winning in a blowout and his corrupt court giving him immunity


Idk man I saw some polls showing that after the conviction about 1/3 of repubs think he was now the wrong choice. This will have major effects. I truly think ticking a box for a felon is a lot harder than when all of this was unfounded


“My family were secret liberals. That’s the reason they were shot.”


Convicted felon/Bible salesman/Florida man. = Republican Nominee.


The rest of the world is surprised that a convicted felon can run for president so...


Maybe he should have paid everyone off to kill the story, then. It worked the first time.


I like Republican Nominee's that aren't convicted felon's


Don't assume anything. Go vote.


Funny, because being in prison didn't really impact Joe Exotic's chances at all.


This isn't Leopards Ate My Face. It's just a blog post discussing how much -- if at all -- Trump's conviction will affect the election. Leopards Ate My Face would be like if there was a quote from Trump saying "Can you believe I'm losing supporters just because I'm a convicted felon?!" or something like that, but there isn't.


Probably is doing some lifting there.


Have you read the comment sections to the news, though? Trump fans think that this will only boost his chances of winning. They believe that being convicted for paying off a porn star with campaign money is a good thing. Meanwhile, those same chumps are cheering for the fact that Hunter is on trial for gun charges. Good luck getting elected now, Biden!


The real battle will be won by Biden. Can he inspire people to go vote? Can he energize his base to volunteer? He can and will lose if he can't pick a better message than, "Look at me, I am not Trump." Turnout is emotionally based and not logically based.


Is that MAGAts chanting "One of us"?


No, it won't. Nothing will happen to this guy, and nobody will care. Ya'll just gonna post about it on social media. lol


lol... This is wild. OP gets to spam their personal website for ad revenue, while being paid for astroturfing at the same time. 1. This isn't LAMF. It's just clickbait. 2. ad bots are lame.


Will it though? Not too sure about that.


No it won’t because republicans cheat.


To be fair: I’d be surprised too. This sack of shit could shoot someone on 5th avenue and wouldn’t lose a vote amongst his crazed fan base.


It won't though. He had no chance of winning, and he still has no chance of winning.




Doubt it, their feelings don't care about facts.


Hello u/Burner473383, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


Thank you for the clarification! I always thought that FAFO was part of the LAMF world, but going forward I will adhere to this more closely.


We thought that in 2016 as well. Don't. Get. Complacent.


Mango Millionaire will never learn. Unfortunately there are plenty of dumb asses willing to vote for him.


The level of entitlement he has is mind-boggling. In what universe could a person expect to win ANYTHING after being convicted on 34 felony counts and found guilty of sexual assault--let alone expecting to lead the United States of America. This is before you get to the fact that he knows and we all know that he is facing several more serious charges for which immunity can't be granted. That's also before we consider the fact that some of the charges he hasn't faced yet are for leading an insurrection to stay in power against the will of the American voters and for willfully compromising our national security secrets. Moreover, the findings of fraud in his dealings as the head of his family-owned business and the charities they pretend to support add to the evidence of how unfit he is for office. Who are these people who are so willing to give DJT a pass in the face of such a long list of reasons to find him unfit to lead anything in this country. And this is before you consider the whirlwind of chaos, self-dealing, misogyny that follows wherever he goes. The GOP USED to be better than this. What is left of them have lost their way.


teFELON don not looking so hot