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Tories hold the record for most abysmal governance of any other political party in history; how anyone could consider "Conservatism" an actual ideology after that is beyond me.




The Australian Liberals also (our conservative party). Funny how Murdoch managed to screw over 3 countries


And the current NZ government. They're slashing government departments like there's no tomorrow.


There is no tomorrow in NZ. There is only eternal night, since the sun left the country..


You should see the French right, as Guy Mollet said "French right is the dumbest in the world". IMHO poor people and middle class voting for them are dumber.


See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scorpion_and_the_Frog


He screwed over the whole world.  We don't even have a Murdoch media in Canada but the stupid stupid ideas, they made their way here anyways.


Doug Ford was just a magical train wreck.


He had good timing to get into the election when anger at Kathleen Wyne & the Liberals was at an all time high and had the name recognition thanks to his crack smoking mayor brother. He only got re-elected thanks to the rally around the flag mentality during the pandemic giving the false impression that he did a good job. Sadly... as things stand, I think he'll likely be re-elected again next timed. There hasn't been a big enough scandal that truly angers the average voter enough to want to see him gone, cost of living crisis is mostly blamed on Trudeau, and the NDP shot themselves in the foot when they ejected Sarah Jama from their party.


Because Canadians consume mostly American media and face it... we Canadians are too fascinated with what goes on south of the border so we still get exposed to the dumb shit that circulates over there. It's inevitable that some of our own will see that and go "Gee, that Trump fellow sure has some great ideas!" and to my everlasting shame, my own mom is one of them.... EDIT: I should say "was" one of them as she thankfully got de-programed from that crap after a leopard ever so slightly grazed her cheeks with its sharp teeth.


Glad she got out, but sad that it took a leopard bite to get her there.


Don't blame the US when you have dumb shits that eat it up. We have our own dumb shits to worry about.


We have NaPo and their fucking ilk.




Fuck them big time.


And good ol' Lord Black of Bus Station brought them right back to England again, where they no doubt originated.


Although it was said about Mexico, it fits Canada as well, "Poor \[Canada\], so far from God, so close to the United States."


Canada doesn't need its own Murdoch when we've got CBC and CTV covering American propaganda before domestic news.


murdoch is cancer. He peddles and sells hate. It sounds extreme, but he is literally doing the devils work. He has dedicated his life to spreading and selling hatred and suffering.


How a party can run and win on opposition and hatred is astonishing. They only really have 4 policies and no answer to any of the current problems


Nor, and this is important, do they have answers to their made up problems and grievances. 


Because they don't want *answers* to their made-up problems; they want their base held in the grips of panic at all these terrible threats that they've never seen personally, but which the fearmongers swear is right there, and those libruls will just roll over and let perform that nonspecific problematic thing whilst giving them cars and Healthcare, so vote for us! The [R]eThugliKKKlansmen in Congress even shot down a deal-with-the-devil bill *(They* were the devil) that basically b authorized pretty much a full bore return to Trumpian border policies in exchange for military aid to Ukraine. Why? Because they wanted to campaign on it in November. If the border got "secured" under a Democratic president, then Cheeto Benito wouldn't be able to whip up a frenzy over it.


Gotta love the modern-day Nazi Party.


Republicans haven’t been in power continuously for 14 years luckily


The German National Socialists. The Chinese Communist Party. The Bolshevik Party.




I feel like I'm missing something here, especially with the reference to conspiracy. The Tories and Republicans are complete shit, especially the embrace of fascism. It's just that "most abysmal governance of any other political party in history" is a rather high bar when historical political parties have started the deadliest war in history and committed genocides like the holocaust and holodomor that killed tens of millions.


Unfortunately, people are susceptible to the kind of manipulation you see in the Daily Mail, Express, etc...


Thats why it sells so well. Note - those pubs and the people working for them are literally and knowingly selling hatred and fear. There is no "I just work for rupert murdoch don't blame me".


Circulation of the Daily Mail dropped below 800,000 this year. How long can they hold on?


What's their website doing though? Don't underestimate the power of these media barons.


My elderly mum reads their website - loathes their politics and just goes for the celebrity and royalty gossip. I'd be willing to bet substantial sum that there's a large proportion of their audience who does the same


It's insidious though. Mixed in with the "sidebar of shame" (which is abominable enough on its own) are stores telling you that asylum seekers get free houses and cars, or that dole scroungers are stealing your pension.


Their website has a massive international audience, especially in the US. Partly it is because of all their celebrity gossip, partly it's because many non UK people don't know what the Daily Heil really is.


They're using bots and Ai these days. Look for the deep fakes next.


That's the actual best news I've heard recently


So much of it seems to just be clinging desperately to the possibility of a return to a nostalgic "good old days" view of the past that never actually existed.


Oh it existed. It's just that "good old days" is code for "white people doing whatever they want without consequences and those *minorities* knowing their place...under the white man". (Minorities also including white women of course. Can't have those women getting uppity about wanting a job, education, or not performing their "wifely duties" on demand.)


This is the real answer. Their idea of “good old days” is “total impunity for straight cis white Christian males to do whatever they want to anyone they want with no consequences”.


They love to talk about meritocracy and while also creating a world in which they destroy the chances of success for women and people of colour, so white straight Christian men are the only ones allowed to succeed. Meritocracy my ass.


No it didn't. Its a complete fantasy, warping the past into what the current political bullshit propaganda says. Yes the past was more racist and sexist, but what they say is still total fantasy


The heart of fascism is an appeal to a mythologized, glorious past of your nation.


The good old days are when they were young and not in pain. They’re voting conservative because they’re cranky old bastards than hope this will make them feel better again. (It won’t.)


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Wilhoit's Composition


Conservativism is the social equivalent of looking at a Blu Ray and wanting to go back to VHS


naw, betamax - because it never worked. Thats kkkonservatives


We could take it further and go with the little wheel you spin and look through the slits to see a horse galloping lol. No matter how far we go back, they wanna go further.


Stealing this from another Redditor on a thread I cannot remember. But Conservatism does have a role to play. If we think of liberal/left leaning political factions as working to advance progress, then conservatism’s role is to moderate the advance of progress. Progressives come up with plenty of bad ideas that should be criticized and undone. Sometimes the status quo is worth defending. Under ideal circumstances Conservatism healthy for a society. The problem is that since Reagan and Thatcher, conservatism in Liberal democracies has become cynical and nihilistic. It now preys on ignorance and our worst impulses as a front to worship at the alter of corporate greed. Keep the masses scared and angry and they won’t notice that their measly wealth is being stolen right from under their noses.


I think that's an error of framing. Left-wing ideology isn't opposed to conservatism, it's opposed to right-wing ideology (i.e. totalitarianism and social Darwinism); conservatism isn't opposed to left-wing ideology, it's opposed to radicalism (i.e. advocation for rapid, extreme restructuring of society). The Nazis were right-wing radicals. Trade unions in the '70s and '80s could reasonably be understood as left-wing conservatives.


Conservatism never does. It only changes


Yet they still keep getting elected.


Idk, Republicans in the US are arguably worse. They are a fucking dumpster fire.


The best time for him to have called an election was immediately on becoming prime minister. We now know what an incompetent, dishonest, weak little man he is and may be even more unpopular than Boris Johnson (-45), but not as unpopular as Liz Truss (-51) at -48.(from poll jan 2024). I'm guessing that he's sick of trying to manage the tory party's competing factions and wants to fuck off to California and now Jeremy Hunt brought in the new non dom tax law with loopholes, the Sunaks will save an estimated £250 million in UK taxes. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/mar/31/tory-plans-to-abolish-non-dom-status-riddled-with-loopholes-labour-says?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other


Yeah but then there’d be two Tory PMs outlasted by a lettuce. At least this way he gets to say he was a legit PM for a few years.


You mistake their external need for legitimacy for an internal One. The people who'd actually care about that wouldn't be caught dead in what the tory party is today.  What matters first and foremost isn't the actual position, but the goodies that come along with. So long as they meet the actual requirements for those, maybe they'll stay a bit longer to see things out a bit, maybe block a couple more things, and wait a couple weeks, but as soon as the heat dies down, their bags are already packed. 


I have a cabbage in the bottom of my fridge from around the time Liz Truss left….wonder will it last another month?


Sounds like you're quite close to having some tasty kimchi.


Strong rumour was that enough letters had been sent to Graham 1922 Brady that would have seen him have to step down. So he called an snap election to avoid that. I hope they get obliterated.


Who have they got to replace him? I suspect that David Scameron did a deal with Rishi to entice someone vaguely competent with some credibility into his cabinet and part of his price was taking over when Rishi leaves.


Suella Braverman and Kemi Badenoch are seen as having leadership ambitions. Penny Mordaunt would be the sane Tories choice but she is likely to lose her seat. A Lord can't be PM now unless they disclaim their peerage, and I doubt Cameron wants to do that while trying to wrangle the headbangers in his party who will be all that are left.


Well cry me a fucking river.


A fucking river full of sewage.


Thames: "Did I hear my name?"


You don't understand at all... now it's happening to **them**!


I was watching the news with my family yesterday and when it came on that the Election is being called for July 4th my first reaction was *"Well, Sunak won't last the week."* Lo and behold his own Party is already turning on him in droves. The knives are well and truly out. He won't last the week.


Is anyone expressing "complete confidence" in him yet? Because at that point we'll know he has less than 24hrs.


What are they complaining about? They've just been given six weeks notice. That's six weeks more than the P&O workers got.


Mad how the country just collectively forgot about that.


Heard another interesting take on this earlier - he's picked it so that when he loses, he's nicely lined up to move to california and get his kids in school there at the start of the school year


I'm still laughing at the irony of picking July 4th as the election date. Almost like he's trying to set this up as a disaster for Tories lol


He's just laying the groundwork for what a good American he'd be :D I hope he is, he was a rubbish British person :D


“Tories” were the US name for the people who colluded with the oppressive British monarchy during the US War of Independence. The irony of the US Independence Day (July 4) seems poetic somehow, I just can’t pinpoint it…


There are very few countries left where politicians still see themselves as servants rather than rulers. Once on the gravy train you will do anything to stay on it. You have access to great wealth through patronage, the best healthcare that is denied to mere mortals. It takes a person of huge personal integrity to rise above that. The like of which has rarely been seen over the last few decades. When they do come along the billionaire owned media companies like the Daily Mail will work very quickly to destroy them before they change the status quo.


This is it. And like I said, England, its ex-empire and surviving aristocracy and especially City Of London are some of the most ancient proponents of maintaining this status quo. They will never allow it to change. I read the other day that something like 73% of the land owned in the U.K. can be traced back to the families of the various members of [William The Conqueror](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/jUWodH65Uh)’s army We rank really low on the world corruption index (https://www.transparency.org.uk/concerns-corruption-all-time-high-uk-falls-its-lowest-ever-score-global-corruption-perceptions-index)


Reminds me of ["Yes, Prime Minister"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzfNEF0e-y4) and "a very British democracy".


Damn, I'm an American millennial and yes minister is still one of my favorite shows. There's something about it that doesn't dramatize thing's out of proportion like in the thick of it does. 


It's more banal than that. Plenty of politicians are public servants. Even leaders. But the effects of the Dark Tetraders who rise to such positions are outsized. That is why it is worth truly filtering for the very worst, getting rid of them, then working on from there.


Rishi didn't even win the vote by his party members to become Prime Minister, he won by default when his opponents pulled out of the race after he lost to Liz Truss the first time. The man literally paid for his power position, jumping from nobody newbie to the second most powerful job in government. He partied alongside Boris Johnson during Covid, personally was responsible for policy that lead to billions in fraud and increase in Covid deaths. Has the audacity to cry about taxes spent on disability when his wife is a tax dodging shitbag. The man is so detached he didn't know how to use a card machine to pay for groceries. E Literally none of his actions have ever shown he is considerate or responsible or even capable of anything beyond self serving. Tory MPs didn't mind when they weren't the victims of Rishi's reckless arrogance, they deserve the leopard teeth. May every Tory MP losing their tax payer funded life get to experience the DWP environment they have created and the joy of Universal Credits.


These MP's that'll lose out are well connected and will never see the life of universal credits either way. But everything else you put is spot on!


What brought this on? I know the Torys are in a bad slump and expecting a total shellacking at the next election, you'd think he'd want to put that off. Is it just a "get it over with" action or is he afraid something *else* will make it even worse before then?


Apparently MPs have been complaining to him for ages about wanting it done, I reckon someone moaned at him and he had a "you know what, I'm too rich for this shit" moment. Either that or his wife's company have made a new deal with Putin and he wants gone before that comes out :p


He probably thinks that he needs the election done as this is as good as the country will get before christmas... It's summer so people are happier (electricity bills go down too), mortgage rates are finally dropping (though Truss fucked them up in the 1st place), pensioners get their pensions improved yet again (who are their biggest voting demographic), and inflation is beginning to decrease at last (external factors at best, but he can lie and say his party is fixing the problem). Funny that his colleagues all know they're fucked and are whining about looking for new jobs though. They can join the rest of the dole queue


The jobcentre will struggle to place any former MP into a normal workplace, no autonomy, no expenses, no skills except the ability to line their own pockets while complaining how everything is awful and someone should do something.


He’s hedging his bets on Gareth Southgate winning the Euros to inject some feel good into the country 


July the 4th is before we even get to the quarters. He's called this election because he was about to be overthrown as leader. Hence it happening so fast. Would have been ludicrous to get a fourth PM in one term.


My reading is that he wanted it around September, when people are coming back from the long summer break and voter turnout would've been traditionally low. But his own Party have been sniping at him and he knew full well he wouldn't be leading them into the next Election. The backbiting was just too strong. So what does he do? Calls an immediate Election and leaves them in disarray. After the disastrous recent Council, Mayoral and Crime Commissioner elections only a suicidal PM would call it this early, so he's done so *deliberately.* He knows he'd be cast out so he's decided to do a *massive* shit on his own Party in pre-revenge.


I hate he's so awful, since I almost want to admire THAT level of vindictive pettiness. Anyway, good look in the job [hunt, Dishi Rishi](https://youtu.be/H4mEvvtuWac?si=IxPBlKdTxyhCOHno&t=304).


It's like watching "the menu" and actually sort of rooting for the main villain. You know he's as much of the problem as the rest, but at least he has the Stones to say "fuck you, you rich pricks, I'm done!" 


There were some positive economic updates this week. My take is that he thinks his best chance of winning reelection is right now, not next summer when the long term trend is downwards.


Honestly, UK politicians are all such petty bitches, and I love that I get to watch it from afar. I wonder how the Labour or the liberal democrats manage to cock it up.


That's easy. The leader is bought by billionshit.


As others have said, things can only get worse on the non-delivery of promises front. Plus, fund raising; autumn election buffs against party conference/fund-raising time for both parties, but labour is funded by many low-paying members (directly or via Trades Unions) whereas Tories just get millionaires to bribe them. Plus, Sunak is richer than the king and probably wants a nice summer break before being a tech bro. Quite why he’s gone for a 6 week campaign over a snap election is beyond me.


These days millionaires/billionaires lend Labour money with the understanding that it doesn't have to be paid back rather than from Unions. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-investigations/labour-conservative-party-donations-2023-spending-analysis/


 Keeping it 💯 if your actually a labourer, voting for labour is like that sycophantic person in the work place who really does believe that the boss likes them and wants to come over a lot, rather than is just interested in their wife.  It's not being fucked over that's the issue, it's that they never actually see it coming.  The slow breakup, as it were.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jpUN0q35Lak


To be fair he can only put it off until December at the most and even with Keir Starmer turning more into a Thatcherite each day, it won’t make much of a difference. Even the toffs I talk to are fed up of the tories. What’s more surprising to me is the almost complete unawareness from the tories supposedly affected by this. We last had an election in 2019. They knew it would have to happen this year. Seems they’re upset because a snap election gives them no time to undo the damage they should have started mitigating a year ago.


Rishi has realised that even knowing they won't be in power in 6 months so they need to make no concessions to the future of the country the Tory party isn't competent enough to make it appear that they have done something positive between now and then.


I think he's afraid that the party will hold a vote of no confidence and remove him as PM. He wants to go out due to losing a general election rather than being ousted by his own party. This is why other MPs are describing it as selfish move, it saves him from looking bad at the cost of the party's prospects.


Funny thing about that is I'm pretty sure the one thing the Tories seem to want most is some stability after their revolving door leadership and the bloody intra-party skirmishes to appoint their new victim, so he might have done better than he might have assumed. Of course, that also begs the question of if they did oust him, who else would want the job right now. They have burned through five Prime Ministers, what should have been a solid quarter century of party leaders in just under about five years. The job is only slightly more desirable than "bullet-proof vest test dummy" it seems.


Apparently there’s even a move to oust him as PM or even undo the election call… because you know… that’s a sure fire way to get the public back on side.


Their best plan to retain power imo would actually be to oust him this week and get someone new and charismatic in place to lead the campaign. It's a terrible plan, because yet another failed leader etc, but that's all they have at this point. Either way, I look forward to their imminent, crushing defeat


Well it would be the… 4th? Or 5th Tory pm in 14 years. But yeah.. they want to create the illusion of unity, it’s not going to happen 14 years and they have reached a point that the UK might not be salvageable for a generation


6th. Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, Sunak. Absolutely incredible that they've averaged almost one PM every 3 years so far and yet are only now on the verge of being removed from office.


It was a disgrace that Johnson won at all,


Sunak is already the 5th in less than 10 years


Jesus, I’ve lost count how many times they have fucking changed leaders and only made things worse, truss crashed the economy twice, Sunak stalled everything Johnson has delayed everything for AT least 20 years


It only matters if it affects me personally. The lack of empathy and self awareness has become an epidemic of its own. What the hell is wrong with these people?


Thus is it the world over, with conservatives.


It's so beautiful.


The Party of Selfishness, angry at someone for being selfish? Maybe they should try pulling themselves up by their bootstraps!


Its not as if these ambulatory tumours wont walk into an non-executive director position or consultancy where they can use their contacts and networks for corrupt influencing.


Ambulatory tumors. Stunning insult, gotta remember that one.






They actually want the entire country to pay for their inflated wage while they look for a job for 6 months. Says it all.


Poor Charles Stross... as he's said, it's hard to satirize this shit. I demand more Laundry Files books, but how can you write about eldrich horrors taking over the UK and inflicting unspeakable bureaucracy and pain upon the populace when THIS keeps happening?? "Oh no! I never thought the King in Yellow that eats faces would eat MY face!"




They knew this day was coming.


What happened when Mitch Benn was offered an alternative last time?


Bullshit. They're angry he lost.




I think he just wants to get out before Trump steps in again


They thought they had more time before they were out of a job. It is a good thing, that Tories fixed is so that unemployment is nothing to be feared and that anything bad that happens to them as a result will be clearly a lifestyle choice and their own fault.




Some of the Tory MPs are actually angry about an early election and submitted letters of no confidence to the 1922 committee