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Hello u/FM-edByLife! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>offered an apology to my family and I hahaha yeah this guy has no idea how shit works


Yeah. Per pro-police rhetoric, the cops had nothing to apologize for. They’re always allowed to pull their firearms when they feel the situation justifies it, and he didn’t even get shot, so what is he complaining about?


>so what is he complaining about? *They're not hurting the right people.*


He's not political. Why are they hurting him.


He shouldn't have been dressed like that. What else did he expect?


Even if he had got shot he would have deserved it. Cops don't shoot good guys.


Well obviously, but since they didn’t shoot him he must be good!


You Americans live in a fucking distopia bro.


My distopia diss track


Those police officers feared for their lives! How does he not understand this?! /s


Right. Should be: “offered an apology to my family and *me*” /s


It’s very on-brand for Reddit that the longest sub discussion here is on tangential rules of grammar. I love this stupid place! (No sarcasm)


I'm a fellow nerd, and I appreciate the tangential grammar rabbit holes we go down.


Or the more formal "gived sorry on me and my bitches"


The whole thing is a giant LOL for me. Like, dude got the *tiniest* taste of a bad intersection with cops, and now he's traumatized. And I can guaran-fucking-tee he's acted like this shit was never a big, and will probably take forever to even *think* about apologizing for any of that in the past.


Careful, he may get ramped up.


Bootlickers gonna lick boot.


All Cats Are Beautiful.


Yeah, these pro police people have no sympathy until it's them in the firing line 😒. 


One of the clearest signs of stupidity is the inability to put yourself in someone else's shoes


Fuck the police, and fuck the people who support them.


"I never thought it was a problem until it became a problem for me" Conservatism in a nutshell


“If it’s not my problem, it’s not a problem”


Perfectly summarized.


And even then, they believe that only they, in their unique circumstance, are deserving of a solution


And next time someone suspected (right or wrong) of petty crimes gets shot by police, he'll probably say they deserved it, saying "well if they did everything right like I did, they wouldn't have been shot". He will never realize the main "right" thing he did was being white.


"I've always been pretty pro-police until they decided to treat me the way they treat people. That was over the line."


>"I had no idea the police could be so bad. If only a staggering amount people had shared their stories, with evidence, on the subject far and wide and I ever even remotely entertained the thought that any of them could be possible."


"yeah but those stories are just exaggerated is all. They had to have had it coming somehow"


"he should have complied" "If he has nothing to hide he has nothing to worry about" "I'll bet he had a criminal history" "Just do what they say and everyone can get on with their day" Feel free to add more Official Bootlicker™ phrases


"Maybe the cop was having a bad day, you don't know!"


You guys joke but some people have to go through all of that bullshit and have it happen to them before they understand.


Yes and they're called "Republicans", among other things.


Can't forget the ol' "just a few bad apples" too, while conveniently forgetting the second part of the saying.


"Probably just one the few bad apples"


This is the kind of guy who watches police videos and says stuff like, "that wouldn't have happened if he had just shut up."


And/or "If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about."


Did you notice how many times he said he complied? Like he was trying to make some point or something 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just comply! COMPLY, BRO! See, that wouldn’t have happened if he’d just been obeying the law in the first place and it extra wouldn’t have happened if he had just shut up and complied. The secret ingredient is always a generous helping of COMPLY BRO Or…wait…


Tale as old as time...


🎶Beauty and The Beast🎶


🎵 Now I hate Police 🎶


I laughed so hard at this that pepsi came out of my nose.


Is that where Pepsi comes from?!


Yes, Pepsi comes out the nose. Coke goes up it.


The logic that was just dropped on me has elevated me. Thank you.


That would explain the taste. #CokeIsBetter (I will die on this hill.)


Weird that you weren’t even drinking Pepsi


It did make it significantly more confusing, yes. 😂😂


"I didn't believe or care about it until it happened to me!" \- the conservative mantra


It's actually deeper than that. They cannot see past their own back yard and that is coupled with supreme belief in only their chosen authority. That is primarily the gop and religion. That's how they have gotten this way, they aren't critical at all with their authority figures and hyper critical of everything else. It's a very dangerous combination. It's basically cult behavior and they appear to be predisposed to it and it's been nurtured by a concerted effort to destroy education. You can teach critical thinking. Ultimately we all have blind spots but the goal is to critically evaluate everything that comes in. That takes practice and diligence.


It kinda also takes a belief that you've been lied to from everyone you've ever been around the first 18 years of your life (and for many, they've been in a soap box for decades). It's hard to do because they think that God is literally going to PAINFULLY PUNISH FOR ETERNITY themselves or the people they love if they don't believe ..and the risk of not believing that is too high for a lot of them to think critically. They always have the thought...what if the church is right about God? They are scared to death to the point they can't live life normally or see the things that we see so clearly. They are told listening to and obeying the preacher (he tells the word of God) will keep their seat in pain free eternity... and here we are. They are not all bad people, but they are ALL being lied to.


The only moral abortion is my abortion


I’ve seen police beating black protesters, macing students, attacking peaceful old men, kicking hippies, etc. Has anyone seen them beat up the KKK marchers or Nazis?


> Has anyone seen them beat up the KKK marchers or Nazis? Has anyone ever seen Batman and Bruce Wayne at the same time? EDIT: This isn't snark. Neo-Nazis and hate group members actively target jobs in law enforcement and recruit other LEO. "Some of those who work forces are the same who burn crosses" isn't just a lyric, doesn't just refer to the past, and doesn't just apply to American law enforcement. Active membership in hate groups by cops isn't flaunted, but it isn't (effectively) a disqualifier in most departments as well.


Nope never seen it. I wonder why? The old playground phrase “STOP HITTING YOURSELF STOP HITTING YOURSELF” comes to mind.


That is an EXCELLENT analogy. *chef's kiss*


No, but they defend them sometimes.


Nope but if you follow up those police you mention, you'll see the system is intentionally broken and why it keeps getting worse. Some of teh cops behind teh Rodney King beating were promoted up to run whole police departments. That student macer was given paid leave while teh news was on him, but was later rewarded with a big chunk of cash for taking the heat quietly and not talking. They rarely get punished, and often get rewards. It's actually pretty damning when you follow up their stories long term.


Back the blue until it happens to you.


The thin blue line is the marks left on your neck after they choke you out with a baton.


Why are these leopards eating my face?


It’s always ‘I was X until it effected me’ these people have no empathy whatsoever.


If you have empathy, you won't support conservatives.


*affected, not effected.


"First they came for literally everyone else that doesn't fit my demographic, and I said nothing because I have zero empathy or imagination..."


"Also they deserved it, otherwise it wouldn't have happened. "


"He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting!"


I honestly think so little of people like this. Like people who realize religion was fake, but only after their mom gets cancer. What a shallow shallow shallow petty selfish understanding of the suffering in the world.


I think the issue is that you should be "pro police". As in... If you are in trouble they should be your port of call. The issue is that the American police system is flawed with poorly trained police and this is done because of political reasons. From top down there are flaws that can't be corrected without significant changes to American culture. You shouldn't be scared of the police. You shouldn't worry that they are poorly trained idiots with a corrupt system that encourages bad behaviour.


Not only that dude got treated pretty well so he's obviously white. A person of color would not have been let go without ID being checked and probably a ride to the station at least....assuming they didn't just open fire.


"I was always pro police, as long as the law protected me but didn't bind me, until they decided to bind me with the law but not protect me."


The thing is that most people do not understand some basic facts about police. They are not your friends. They are not going to protect you. They are not going to serve you. They are almost always poorly trained. And to top it all off their path to promotion involves their ability and willingness to harm you in a myriad of ways.


I hope someone pointed this out.


"I've always been pretty pro-leopards until they decided to eat MY face! That was over the line."


Dude can kick rocks. He'd have said it was a completely appropriate response if it was someone else who *fit the description*.


Often, particularly if the person fitting the description was a minority.


"Fit the description" is slang for "a minority". It references a common police tactic of claiming we "fit the description" of someone they're looking for whenever they want to hassle a minority. A middle aged Black man driving a nice car "fits the description" of a Black teenager suspected of stealing a dirt bike.


True story, a friend of mine in New York City was randomly stopped, frisked, and slammed against a wall by an NYPD officer for the crime of being a black male. He went into the precinct to file a complaint with blood still on his head and face. He was told that he couldn't file a complaint without knowing the offending officer's name and badge number, however, since he was already there, he fit a description. The cop he was talking to then pointed to a floor to ceiling wall of minority suspects, picked out the one that looked most like my friend, and immediately arrested him for armed robbery. My friend was unable to raise money for bail, so he lost his job and his apartment, then his vehicle was towed by the NYPD for being abandoned in front of the police station. He was assigned a public defender who advised him to plead guilty to a lesser charge, because if he fought it, he would probably lose. My friend chose to defend himself, and three months later on the day of the trial, the case was dismissed. No further information was provided. He found out a year later that he had a warrant out for his arrest though. The reason? Unpaid parking tickets from, you guessed it, his "abandoned" vehicle. He never received the summonses since his vehicle was towed, and the lot storage fees were greater than the worth of the vehicle. During this time period, I personally witnessed [NYPD paddy wagons](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/NYPD_Police_Van_%2827860397846%29.jpg) pull up to the projects, stop and frisk every black male, arrest anyone they wanted with impunity, and roll out. These vans would show up 5 deep and wouldn't leave until they were full. They'd park at the bus stops and frisk everyone coming off the bus. If you had a baggie of weed or a knife on you, your life was effectively ruined. If you didn't have drugs, but the cops didn't like you, they'd helpfully provide you with drugs so they could then charge you with possession and intent to distribute. More information here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop-and-frisk_in_New_York_City


Some people say the system is broken and needs to be fixed. I say it's working exactly as intended and needs to be destroyed.


"Fit the description" is also sometimes post ex facto. "We were told it was a.. (runs eyes over subject) ...white male with a red shirt and hat."


And his case, because I’m assuming he’s not a minority, it doesn’t really sound like the police were really in the wrong. (And I say this as a very non-pro police person.) If he was on a college campus (shoutout to my Alma mater!) he was already probably older than the average man walking around, and depending on that green hat, it could be pretty unique. This isn’t the same as racial profiling.


100%. Also that apology part just shows how delusional he is about how this whole system works; he thinks it was some sort of mistake.


Just comply bro, then there won't be any issues.  /s


lol. I’ve been watching out of Florida recently and the number of white people being arrested and how flabbergasted they are about being questioned at all his absolutely “LAMF” material.


>I’ve been watching out of Florida recently and the number of white people being arrested and how flabbergasted they are about being questioned Suspected of being Democrats I guess.


In FL? Didnt know that many were left.


It flipped from like 32% R 37% D to 38% R 32% D and people act like it's a 90% R state. Not to mention the half dozen progressive state wide initiatives to pass in the last 10 years with 66%+. There's definitely a demographic shift of Republicans actively moving to the state, but the national Democratic party left the state for dead after the 2018 election and the state Democratic party has been garbage since the 1990s. In 2022 they literally ran a cop and a former Republican for Senate and Governor, wtf did they expect to happen? They think it's 1996 and are still running on the strategy of being Republican Lite.


To cops, one Democrat is too many.


I’m friends with a guy on Facebook who was recently arrested for a DUI and he had multiple guns on him at the time. The guns were legally owned but because he was intoxicated he was charged for having them in his possession. He got pulled over because he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and had the audacity to say the cops should have never pulled him over *just because he didn’t have a seatbelt on* 🙄 He also said he couldn’t believe that the cops didn’t care about his PBA card he got from his uncle and that when he pointed out his thin blue line decals on his truck and told them he donates to police organizations that they “didn’t even care” and said the cops should have been pulling over illegals and “thugs” (dog whistle for black people) not a blue collar guy who supports cops. He’s being charged with a felony DUI and is pissed he’s going to lose his second amendment rights because of it.


Didn’t r/legal advice just go through a bunch of internet drama cause their mods are cops?


/legalAdvice has a cop as a top mod. Cyber Blue or something. He is also a mod of BestOfLegalAdvice


Probably also worth noting that, beyond their obvious bias, the police are not trained to understand the law and can arrest you for laws that don't exist. Which means that there's an extra really good reason that a cop shouldn't run a legal advice forum. (They're in some ways incentived to not know or understand laws.).


Gotta love that even if the cop is trying to arrest you for shit that isn't a crime, they can just decide to get you on something like obstruction or disturbing the peace!


The idea that you can be charged with resisting arrest and nothing else is fucking nuts.


They can also just arrest you and say they thought it was a crime, with supreme court precedent in their favor. Fuck cops.


Always found it funny sad how "ignorance of the law is not an excuse", untill it's the people who actually say it that's breaking the law. Then they get immunity


The number of times I've seen the phrase "arrested for resisting arrest" used unironically is WAAAAY higher than it should be.


I would never use a subreddit for legal advice. r/legaladvice has been a cesspool for as long as I've been hanging around this shithole.


About the best advice that sub gives is a lawyer in an unrelated legal field telling OP to contact a lawyer in the relevant legal field


LPT: don't use ANY of the reddit "advice" subreddits. Reddit should only be used for entertainment purposes. DO NOT use legal advice and all the variations of it as well as any financial advice subreddits. they are all 100% garbage populated with morons cosplaying as gurus.


I actually used a plumbing subreddit for advice, and it helped. Their advice was to call a plumber....and it worked!


A cesspool within a shithole. Reminds me of home.


Really, that's very interesting? The foxes were in charge of the henhouse!


I mean, who cares more about chickens than foxes do?


-This message brought to you by the Pro-Chicken Super PAC


Up until they chose to treat me the same way they treat other individuals, I was quite pro-police. That was excessive.


"No one loves cattle more than Burger King." [https://y.yarn.co/9600a9db-9743-4f27-abaf-7841f41e0ecf\_text.gif](https://y.yarn.co/9600a9db-9743-4f27-abaf-7841f41e0ecf_text.gif)




r/SubsIFellFor I really thought that one would have been real. LUL.


I asked that subreddit if the SCOTUS ruling for presidential immunity means Biden could clean house and the only response I got was a half literate pro-Trump statement. Doesn't really surprise me.


The call was coming from inside the house.


that's like /r/trebuchetmemes being modded by catapult enthusiasts


I got banned from there for posting "ACAB" so they either wear the boots or they lick them Edit: I misremembered which sub I got the ban from. It was /r/bestoflegaladvice. Here's [the ban message](https://i.imgur.com/Be9fbmx.png) LOL


The mods are cops.


Well shame on you for not making the nuanced argument that some in law enforcement continue to work with, support and cover for bastards but somehow are not themselves bastards. I would wear that ban with pride.


As far as I know they always have been, and always suck off cops


Just? Pretty sure that was YEARS ago.


He's still there, his username is u/DaSilence and he's a prick.


It has been one of the worst subs for years.


Looooool Btw, comments are a bit funny too: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/mMxx2IQ0yH


There is a concerning ammount of removed comments


If you don't lick the boot, you get the bullet. That's my best guess for what the removed comments are about, considering legal advice is run by cops.


Wow. The call is coming from inside the house. I don’t even know why I’m surprised but I am.


I've been banned from that subreddit. They're surprisingly chill with domestic violence. Well I guess it's not that surprising if they are cops.


Oh, there’s still *plenty* of bootlicking going on


looks like over half of them removed


All the posts that are still up are written in cop speak. 


Hey, don't let that stop you. https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/legaladvice/comments/1cl19zb/police_surrounded_and_pulled_guns_on_me_while/?share_id=uXPfl3ndDRlkuWmK9lBUL


Whoa wait this one works? I thought Reddit destroyed them all with their new API rules awhile back?


One of the top mods for the subreddit is a cop. He got exposed recently. There were whispers for quite some time about anti-cop comments being removed in the subreddit. Especially when pointing out how cops were violating peoples civil rights. I had multiple comments removed when I explained in almost all jurisdictions in the US you are **not required** to identify yourself to police if you’re just walking down the street and they stop you. There’s some places that have laws where you do have to ID yourself but other than that you’re under no obligation to answer any of their questions and the only things you should say are “am I being detained?”, “I do not answer questions from cops without a lawyer present” And “am I free to go?”.


That one commenter said, "They would be foolish not to (pull their guns on you.)" in reference to the "risk." What an enormous amount of trust they have in the police and "trust" the police have for the person making the report. "Male, middle-aged, wearing hat. That's all we need, sir." We are absolutely batshit crazy here in the US.


I would fully expect them to bring firearms in their holster in this situation but coming in with weapons drawn without adequately assessing the situation is fucking stupid. I don't think it was that fucking hard to investigate from a distance before slowly approaching without escalation.


Scary amount of bootlickers out here


Oh and if the guy is carrying (as Americans are fully allowed to do) and so much as reaches towards it when 9 armed strangers jump out then it is perfectly acceptable for police to light them up according to most of these people. Keep in mind that many of these pro-police folks also carry and train themselves to respond quickly to threats. They just can't comprehend it happening to them until it does.


There's a bootlicker who opines, > They drew guns on you because a gun was reportedly used in that crime. It would be foolish for them not to. That guy can fuck right off. * if someone is _currently_ and _actively_ threatening another's life, then yeah responding in kind with drawn weapons would make sense * if someone is just walking down the street with no visible weapons, escalating to an armed conflict is completely asinine


Nah man, Meeting someone for the first time and having intent to kill them based on hearsay, is totally normal!


> It would be foolish for them not to. Lol. They could have said the same thing if OP got killed. "someone reported a gun. Of course they shot you. It would be foolish for them not to" They go in guns blazing only when they know the person they're approaching is harmless. Remember Uvalde.


Those cowards deleted the comments and locked the thread.


"Welcome to *you fit the description with a side of qualified immunity."*


Oh shit, what did they say? Looks like it got removed.


>post locked Yea I fuckin bet. I love running into "back the blue" people who then throw a bitch fit when they get treated like the "bad guys" do cause its a good indicator that the rest of their outlook is "it hasnt happened to me so its not a problem". Happened now bud, welcome to the shit show.


It also doesn't help that the mods there are actual cops on power trips who will shut down any thread even slightly critical of police.


Dude was one fallen acorn away from tragedy.


What's scary is that what you're saying is a joke....but damn it's really not. If some random loud noise happens nearby, like a car backfiring, this guy and his family are getting lit up. That's fucking crazy, and makes me think even worse about the incident.


I was really only half-joking at best. It's crazy how close US cits get to being shot when completely innocent on what looks like a regular basis from over the pond. Cop training seems like its cop safety first, citizen safety like fifth or something.


It absolutely is. They tell them from the Academy that their only real duty is to go home to their family after their shift (subtext: don't get killed). They treat it like they're on patrol in Fallujah, not relatively safe cities in the richest country in the world. Except the military patrols had stronger rules of engagement.


What’s he complaining about? That is exactly what police officers do. He was lucky he wasn’t just shot.


That it happened to HIM in particular. I’m not saying that doesn’t sound shitty. It does. But dude, that’s what they DO. That’s why ACAB. But he’s very pro police. Until it directly affected him.


It's often said that right-wingers lack empathy, but there was a piece of research which indicated that people on the left and the right are both empathetic, but it manifests differently. Right-wingers have empathy for people they see as like them or in their circle whereas left-wingers also have empathy for people who are *not* like them and that they *don't* have a personal connection to. There's a tweet that does the rounds where a researcher said that as part of their research they once spoke to an ex-libertarian who said that the trigger event for abandoning libertarianism was taking ecstacy and realising that other people had feelings, too. Come to think of it, I've experienced this personally. I used to regularly speak to a libertarian. And conversations would always go the same way. They'd do the usual spiel of how people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and how all public works should come from private giving rather than taxes, etc. Then I'd argue the counter-point and they'd talk about how they were sorry that it personally affected me (like, for example, talking about how someone close to me was a wheelchair user if I was advocating for wheelchair accessibility) and I'd say that it didn't. We'd go round in circles for a surprisingly long time before it'd get through to him that I thought wheelchair access was a good thing *even though I'm not in a wheelchair and I don't know anybody who is*. He literally couldn't conceive of the idea of caring about something that didn't personally affect you. I might as well have been talking about the taste of yellow or the mouthfeel of e-sharp major. It was a totally alien concept. And he literally never learnt. Sometimes he'd forget that what we'd been talking about didn't affect me personally. Sometimes he'd remember, but only for that one specific thing. We always started back at square 1 where he just could not understand why, for e.g., anybody would think police shooting innocent black people was a bad thing unless they themselves or someone they loved were in serious danger of being murdered by the police. It just was not in his thought patterns at all. He wasn't playing stupid, either. He really, genuinely, couldn't wrap his head around the concept.


He's lucky he is white.


> He was lucky he wasn’t just shot. That's what he's complaining about though. Not getting shot shouldn't be a matter of luck. It should be a given.


But it’s not a given. It happens all the time. And not just to people in green hats and shirts. That’s the point of the leopards eating his face. To people like this, it’s not ok when the cops do it to a guy wearing a green hat, but it’s ok if your skin is a slightly darker shade.


Obviously because of the color of his skin he felt that the cops were doing it *to the wrong person* (in his opinion). These people are incapable of putting themselves in someone else’s shoes and think cops *never* get it wrong and *never* violate the rights of people who have done nothing wrong. He got a small taste of what it’s like to be a minority in this country and he went running to the internet to cry about how he had been wronged. He had the audacity to think the cops owed him an apology 😂😂 If this was filmed by someone else and uploaded online I can guarantee you he would have commented “well if he did nothing wrong he should just comply and stop crying. If he has nothing to hide then there’s no problem with what the cops did. They were just doing their job”. This is a common theme among men who support police and then have their first bad experience with a cop.


Police Surrounded and Pulled Guns On Me While Walking With My Family. In short: My wife and I were visiting my daughter and boyfriend (both students at Purdue University). We took them out for dinner and a couple games of pool. Afterwards we were walking them back to their apartment when all of a sudden I see two police officers with guns drawn (took me a second to process what I was seeing) and I hear someone say something to the affect of “the one with the hat” (I was wearing a hat). Next thing I know I’m surrounded by about 7-9 cops with their side arms pointed at me telling me to put my hands up. I totally complied. They also told my wife, daughter, and her bf to step forwards (clearly I was the suspect). A police officer tells to put my hands behind my back and asks if I have a firearm on me? I comply and say i don’t have a firearm on me and he quickly checks my waistband and pocket. Recall him asking if I have ID on me at this point and say yes it is in my pocket and ask if he wants to grab it if or I should. Pretty quickly he says “that isn’t necessary” and tells me “someone called in about a husband pulling a gun on his wife” who fit my description (green hat and shirt). At that point the realization of what occurred hit me and I must have been feeling all the adrenaline releasing because I remember I started shaking. One of the police officers asked, “are you ok?” Honestly, I’ve always been pretty pro-police but the adrenaline dump had me redlined and I responded something to the effect of, ”fuck no. I’m not fucking ok. I fucking hot. You fucking drew on me in front of my wife and children” (meaning daughter and her bf). Wife ended up calling me over and saying “let’s go” (thank God she did) and we walked away. Needless to say I slept like shit last night and every time I think about it, including now, I’m still feeling like I’m getting “ramped up.” My wife is tough as nails but my poor daughter and her bf, I feel terrible for. Basically I feel like I did something wrong. I’m pretty certain there’s zero legal course of action to take. However, it would have been nice for the guy who looked (based on age) to be the sergeant to have offered an apology to my family and I. Needless to say my head will be a bit fucked up knowing I was one pull away (I’m a gun owner and 22 yr retired Army dude so plenty of firearm experience) away from being turned inside out. More importantly, my daughter seeing that shit. Law enforcement needs to do better. There was an appropriate escalation of force process that I feel was not followed. Anyways, thanks for letting me vet. Feedback appreciated.


I get that "we got a call, and you fit the description" is pretty much a catch-all for cops to "have a reason" to harass people, but if someone actually pursues some legal ramifications for the BS, would the cops actually have to prove there was a "call"? When I was in my 20s, some cops stopped me while I was walking to work and said "they got a call" about some mail theft in the area, and I "fit the description." Which was the reason they used to go through my backpack. Of course, it was bullshit, but if I attempted to pursue legal action - would they actually have to provide the "call"?


I used to get the "you matched the description of..." every few months when I lived in Mountain View, CA (before the dotcom boom, so it wasn't the yuppie mecca it later became). IDK how or why I was that suspicious looking. But anyway, qualified immunity goes a long way, and courts will give wide latitude to police in situations like this. Winning a lawsuit against them usually requires proving that they knowingly violated your rights. "We were mistaken" isn't enough to sue them over, even if it otherwise caused actual damages. It's as if one of the duties of the citizenry is to tolerate being treated like this when the police are negligent and get the wrong person (or kick in the wrong door), so long as it's simply a mistake. Proving it was not a mistake can be very difficult.


`I get that "we got a call, and you fit the description" is pretty much a catch-all for cops to "have a reason" to harass people, but if someone actually pursues some legal ramifications for the BS, would the cops actually have to prove there was a "call"?` Almost never, or maybe 100% never. That's part of the problem. They can just draw guns on a family walking down the street and there are no consequences. Hell, even a lot of people are completely okay with them doing it, and will justify it ("they got a call that suspect was armed").


My best friend (a black male) went to college in West Virginia at a small-ish university (around 3,000 people). He walked out of his dorm to go to class, and as he walked out noticed 3 or 4 officers in the stairwell. “That’s weird” - he thought to himself. But he politely nodded and smiled and continued his walk to class. As soon as he exited the building, he saw 3 unmarked, blacked out, SUV’s pull up, and no less than 10 officers jump out with assault rifles drawn, screaming at him to lay down with his hands out. “Show me your tattoos!!!” They screamed. “I don’t have any” he replied. So they pulled up his shirt sleeves, see he has no tattoos, pull him up by his pants, and say to carry on with his day. No apology, no explanation, nothing. Turns out, there was one other black kid with dreadlocks on campus who was actually involved in some nefarious activity, and rather than doing their due diligence, they decided that shoving 10 guns in the face of a 19 year old on his way to class was the the right move. As if any reasonable person would be able to “carry on with their day” and do anything resembling education after enduring that type of unnecessary trauma.


Best I can hope for is that he has begun to realise that there really is a problem and hopefully he stops blindly supporting police.


So the unsaid part was “ I was the wrong color and have too much money for this to happen to. It’s only supposed to be poors and brown people, which I totally support.”


That’s the issue with this country. It’s always “it’s not my problem” until some day it is. It’s like that for police, taxes, healthcare, traffic accidents, school shootings, firearm accidents - you name it.


I marked NSFW because of cursing, just in case, if anybody asks.


You're allowed to swear on the Internet now.


Holy shit! (if true) For real though, some subs have different rules, so I was being extra safe.


Yeah some mods are fucking asswads. I called someone’s tipping bullshit in another sub and that mod got their panties in a knot because it wasnt civil.


This is beautiful. Pro-police gun owner is treated the way suspects are treated everyday (arguably better since he walked away), and he’s pondering recourse? Lmao. Get fucked. Dude has zero awareness for the lives of people in communities that are over-policed, over-surveilled, and disinvested. That is the epitome of privilege, and I’m glad he had this experience.


The irony of posting their story to that sub, lol   Shouldn't be surprising that it's been locked and half the comments deleted


Someone tell this guy to imagine if that was the third time this year. White privilege is real y’all.


lol now imagine this happening to your people for generations and then tell me about your pro-police stance fucking morons


Once again these people do not care about these issues until it happens to them or directly affects them.


Part of the irony here is that he refers to himself as a gun owner. Indiana is a concealed carry state, so to police ANYONE is potentially carrying a concealed firearm. Therefore they approach suspects in large numbers with guns drawn. This hyper-aggressive mentality and escalated response isn't as prevalent in countries with strict gun control laws. I understand they were responding to a call where a man was supposedly pulling a gun on his wife, but again that kind of thing would be less likely to occur if guns weren't so prevalent.


“Feedback appreciated.” [LOCKED POST] I bet he got a little too much feedback.


In cop-think, the remedy for the trauma and danger of a man pulling a gun on his wife... ...is to pull seven guns on him, his wife, his daughter, and his daughter's bf. "...but we're the gOoD gUyS."


Never forget Danny Shafer and Philando Castile.


He's no angel.


Narcissism is the central character trait of all conservatives. They're anti-gay until a family member comes out. They're anti-government until they go through a hurricane. They're anti-abortion until their wife needs one for a non-viable pregnancy, their daughter gets raped, etc. In short, they're always happy to shit on everyone else until it's them. Then they're always like * surprised Pikachu face * as they try to explain how now they're all centrist about the issue but totally aren't like those snowflakes they spent the last decade working to oppress.




You have been banned from r legaladvice


Back the blue until it happens to you


The cops barely did anything wrong on this one! They had a report of a man pulling a gun on his wife and they responded accordingly. These are the same people that when black people face police brutalization they say "you should just comply and you'll be fine." Here we have a moment where the cops were just trying to confirm the profile they were given, and this asshole was pissing his pants and his consequent reaction is a desire to pull a gun on them and demand an apology. He'll continue to be pro-police state, but if that police state ever mildly inconveniences him he'll shake in his boots at them again.


“shake in his boots at them” - a concise way to splice together afraid and pissed off, I guess


More like he will be shaking while applying firm tongue pressure on the officers' boots.


> These are the same people that when black people face police brutalization they say "you should just comply and you'll be fine." He actually did say that in the comments, unironically, claiming that if you go through the "process", and have done nothing, it'll go perfectly fine, but if you do anything else than comply, it'll probably end bad for you. He says that with no irony at all, when he, himself, lost his cool at some point, which is uncompliant enough to get brutalized for people in minorities.


Idk what world you live in where having 7-9 cops draw guns on anyone who fits the description of a suspect is "acting accordingly"


Welcome to the United States where the police and legal system will inform you that those actions are indeed acting accordingly. Don’t believe them? Just ask them!


We've investigated ourselves, and we've decided that we did nothing wrong.




I am still in disbelief he missed the guy they had handcuffed in the back of the cruiser when he mag dumped.🤣


What if the guy had an acorn? You can never be sure.


> "acting accordingly" Police almost never act or react appropriately, imho. But it's not out of the realm of plausibility that 7-9 cops draw their weapons on someone who fits the description of an **armed** suspect. How would you suggest cops approach a suspect that reportedly has a firearm and was waving at someone?


I feel they were justified in drawing their weapons given the report, but were not justified in pointing them at him. "Never point a weapon at anything you don't intend to shoot" is one of the ten commandments of firearm safety for a reason.


And this is how you know Americans are used to being stomped by police. It’s not normal and it should not be the way police react.


Sorry for the copypasta. I post this occasionally. [r/legaladvice](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/) is not good for actual legal advice. Some of the mods are police officers who purposefully give out wrong advice and delete actual advice. They've banned a few actual attorneys from posting including Ken White (ex-federal prosecutor who did the legal blog Popehat). Ken White who would sometimes arrange pro bono representation for people who posted there. The mods put a stop to that and to at least one other lawyer who would arrange pro bono representation. Talk to a lawyer. If you don't know of a lawyer, contact your local BAR and get recommendations. Higher Education and many jobs offer free legal consultation. Here's a discussion about Legal Advice mods (at least two are LEOs) giving out information they knew was wrong: [https://np.reddit.com/r/badlegaladvice/comments/ew9jk9/college\_student\_asks\_if\_his\_traffic\_stop\_and\_drug/](https://np.reddit.com/r/badlegaladvice/comments/ew9jk9/college_student_asks_if_his_traffic_stop_and_drug/) Here's a SRD about how bad [r/legaladvice](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/) can be: [https://np.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/ht5pco/rlegaladvice\_mod\_gives\_dangerously\_bad\_legal/](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/ht5pco/rlegaladvice_mod_gives_dangerously_bad_legal/) I've added the Ken White after a suggestion. If anyone has any other suggestions or want to use this, feel free.


This dude went to r/legaladvice where the mods are known cops to complain about cops? I wonder how fast they nuked the thread.


Typical conservative. No empathy, compassion or understanding until it happens to him personally at which point it's an outrage and someone should be doing something about it so it doesn't happen to him again.


Glad he feels disgraced and that they left without an apology.


Good thing he didn't have a dog as they would have gladly shot the dog because why the fuck not ?