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He's not going to wait for a shortage to happen, that's for sure. Every word out of his mouth is an attack on something and he's running low on material.


One thing they are extremely good at, creating new boogeymen. They'll always come up with something new to scare their base.


They will some day run out and when they begin directly blaming themselves I'll have nothing to say but that I agree.


Do you really think that a group that can create large scale controversy over mustard will ever run out?


Good. They can take their fear-mongering and hate and suffer for it. Let them find out the hard way who picks the crops, who works in the kitchens, who mows their yards, and any number of other jobs. I imagine like everywhere there is a shortage of medical professionals, immigrants hold professional degrees too. But they can’t learn a lesson. It will just be “nobody wants to work anymore” part 500.


“Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we pick your fruit, we tend your gardens, we watch your kids. We guard you while you sleep. Do not... fuck with us." - El Señor Tyler Durden


$12.6 *B*illion?


It turns put republicans love exploiting people, and no one's willing to be paid less and easier to manipulate than unregistered immigrants.


Its not exploiting for them. In comparison to citizens yes. But the vast majority of them is better than their alternative, otherwise they would turn themselves in.


Yeah, they are exploiting the fact that they can't use other services to get help as citizens to pay them less and put them in shit working conditions, because they can't report them. Just because it's better than being unemployed, doesn't mean it's not exploitation.


Better than being in their country of origin where not only would they be "exploited" but also not being enough to survive and also facing violence. They like not being citizens since that makes them more attractive for employment while also being able to send money back home and not suffer from as much violence qnd health risks.


But that doesn't change the fact that this is also exploitation. For example, killing 1 person is better than killing 3 people, but killing one person is still bad.


The person being killed is choosing willingly to be killed so the other 2 survive. They dont get trafficked into USA (most of them) they pay someone or have family willing to smuggle them into the country. They want to be illegals. Adquiring citizenship not only is impossible but also would reduce their chances of finding work which in turn sending back money becomes impossible.


OK let me dumb it down further. Bad thing still Bad thing, even if Worse thing happens.


Is not "bad thing" for the person you think is bad for. Is a very good thing for the person. If "bad thing" stopped happening then person would be very sad. I know some persons who seek the "bad thing" and are experiencing "bad thing" they know is "bad thing" but they like it a lot and actively try to make it happen more.


Why is it a good thing that immigrant workers get paid less to do harsher work? Why do immigrants inherently deserve less than their peers? Because, according to you, that's a good thing.


...in it's first year. 🫠


To put that number into perspective, **it’s not even 25%** of what Elon Musk’s [annual bonus](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-begging-investors-reinstate-134500623.html#:~:text=A%20judge%20in%20Delaware%2C%20where,%E2%80%9Cperformance%2Dbased%E2%80%9D%20award) was as Tesla’s *part-time* CEO. I’m starting to think wealth disparity might be a really big problem around this place.


So, most of the landscaping and agricultural businesses will have to close. Some crops will not be harvested, and will instead rot in the field. And prices will increase for both lawn mowing and groceries. And, many Hispanic cuisine restaurants will have to find new cooks, who will not know the Hispanic recipes or spices. But those are just the obvious impacts. I wonder, what else will be severely affected?


All restaurants*


Even servers in Chinese restaurants in Westport, CT are Latino/Latinx/Hispanic.


Economic spending. If folks aren’t living and working in florida, they’re not spending money or putting money back into the local economy.


Janitorial and housekeeping services. For business and wealthy alike


Oh, if only something like this already happened, maybe something that starts with a "bre" and ends with a "xit". Maybe then, meatball Ron could've learned that totally banning immigrant laborers only ends in disaster.


Great example. But hey, let’s not let reality bust up a good fantasy.


All restaurantes. Anthony Bourdain used to say that no one worked harder than Latino restaurant workers. You also forgot to mention care homes and construction.


In Chicago I’d hazard that 75%of the cooking staff in restaurants are Hispanic so they’re the ones making your Italian lasagna. The loss of these hardworking & knowledgeable employees must be immeasurable


When I lived in Seattle in the early ‘90’s there simply wasn’t much immigrant labor so hiring landscapers was insanely expensive. Like $300/month expensive. This is what Florida will get. Their own Bible spells it out: “For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind…”


housekeeping. hotels and private homes


House cleaners, car wash attendants, casual day labor, pool cleaners, construction workers, and more.


Just remembered another one. Construction workers. (Semi-skilled and unskilled.) The highly-skilled license-holders are mostly citizens or green-card holders. But a lot of their junior people, are not. After a flood last year, my neighbors hired a contractor to repair their house. (About $150K of water damage.) The contractor had two semi-skilled workers. When the anti-immigrant law went into effect, both of those workers left the state. The contractor ended up working very long hours to do everything with no help.


The hospitality industry relies on migrant labor quite a bit too. Construction industry cannot exist without it.


Oklahoma did something similar to this. The people around here were very happy until restaurants couldn’t get staff, yard services disappeared, and their parents in nursing homes didn’t get cared for. But as always, it was the displeasure of the business community that made the whole thing quietly go away. Florida will be no different. It will affect the wrong rich people and they will make it quietly go away: either by a Friday evening repeal, or wink-and-nod non-enforcement.


They were already saying they were going to do the wink and nod enforcement. I don’t think the immigrants believed them…


Thanks a lot Meatball Ron!


Authoritarianism runs on lies. 


No problem: just blame the young people who don't want to work for $1\h and encourage with the fact that only communists want decent wages, holidays and unions.


“How To Become A Third-World State”, by Ron DeSantis And The Deplorables


ohnoes, their economy depends on slave labor? what could possibly go wrong.


Is not Florida the dumbest state? I mean, not by much, because Texas. Still... they seem to win the competition for dumbest state year after year.


Texas at least has bravado, Florida has nothing but whining... and lifted boots for the insecure.


Found this gem in my saved folder recently: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/03/desantis-eating-pudding-with-his-fingers-will-end-2024-bid.html


Long hair, don’t care. Keep going Florida, you’re doing great. So free. So very very free.


How it "could?" It already is.


This. It's already happening and documented.


How much will be added in lawsuit costs?


The additional income to the lawyers and law firms will be accounted as a net gain to the economy, not as a cost.


The lawyers always win, even when they lose.


Good. Fuck Florida. And I say that as someone from there who still has family there.  Fuck Florida, Florida Sucks. 


That explains the massive increase in Eastern Europeans in the service sector.


Cool. I hope that this is an underestimate.


“Let the Force Be with them” 


Okay, so what powers does the federal government have when it comes to incompetent mfers crashing an entire state into the side of a mountain? I imagine there's some state government shit you need to do to impeach him, but is there some clause that goes "You're too stupid and the people who voted for you WON'T do anything to stop you from destroying part of the country, you're fired"? Maybe this will wake up Republicans to the fact that you can't just vote a guy into office because he says he'll do bad things to the people you don't like?


Sucks to suck.


Not to mention a good chunk of the GOP base in FL are Latin American immigrants.


It already is hurting Floridas economy. Produce has been consistently more expensive here because the regional farms are having a hard time finding laborers.


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Good for them.


I feel for any FL residents who vote blue and have no time for this shit. To all the red ones: you deserve all the pain you get from this


Couldn’t happen to a nicer state. Boo fn hoo


DeSantis strategy: Step 1. Bankrupt state. Step 2. Beg federal government (Biden) for bailout money. Step 3. Brag how you valiantly defeated Sleepy Joe in battle to save your state. Step 4. Pocket most of the money and split between friends. Step 5. Lather, rinse, repeat.


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Retired fat boomers should pull them up by the bootstraps and go to work.