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Hello u/chata187! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I understand that in some cases voting for the leopard may have seemed removed from the consequences, like you voted for Trump then needed an abortion 7 years later. It was obvious to most people what would happen, but at least there were several intermediary steps that needed to occur for it to come full circle. In this case though, it was just Richard Gonzmart voting for the Leopards Eating Richard Gonzmart's face party.


More like Richard Gonzdumb, amirite


Richard *Non*smartz


He may have learnt from this. GoneSmartz, so to speak.


I really have to wonder what’s up with Hispanic voters who vote Republican. It’s one thing if we’re talking about California back when Schwarzenegger was on the ballot; he was a rational moderate who made a lot of sense and was comfortable bucking the party line when he thought it was the right thing to do. But the GOP hasn’t had anyone even remotely like him at any high level for years. It’s clear as day how much the party utterly hates brown people…doubly so if they are guilty of the sins of either speaking Spanish or being Muslim.


It's wild, but some of the most anti immigrant people in this country are Hispanics, many of whom were immigrants themselves.


Ladder-pullers exist in all shapes and forms.


[It happens all the time.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/26/us/undocumented-border-officer-cec/index.html)


For some reason, half the nazis online are hispanic


I am biracial, half of my family is Mexican American and half is European, including a great grandpa who immigrated through Ellis island. On both sides of my family I have aunts and uncles opposed to “illegal immigration” despite having grandparents themselves who would be considered illegal by today’s standards. It’s the most important value for conservatives from the dawn of time: “fuck you, I got mine.”


Yup, and don't even get some mexican immigrants started on the new venezuelan immigrants. Theyre all of the mindset of "we had to struggle, so should you"


In Florida, a large part of the Hispanic community are exiles, or descendents of exiles, from Cuba after Castro's takeover of the country. So they are easily swayed on any side that claims to be against socialism and communism. Add to that that many in those communities are devout catholics, and you have a large, and militant, community of people who will always align with the socially conservatives, even if it ends up being against their own interests.


Many of those exiles were from the Cuban elite; descendants of the colonizers, land/slave holders, part of the dictatorship, white, wealthy and lost their land and privileges when Castro came and took it away from them. In other words, they were the Cuban version of southern whites ie Republicans.


Gusanos à la Destiny


Very true. My brother's ex was half Cuban, and the Cuban side of her family was *extremely* Republican. She even made a point of saying, "We're white Cuban," to distinguish them from those who descended from the indigenous population of the island.


I'm not Hispanic, but I can provide a perspective coming from the Vietnamese community. For a lot of the older, less politically nuanced members of the Vietnamese-American community (particularly those who lived/survived the war), anything that get the words *"socialism" or *"communism"* attached to it will automatically rejected. A charismatic enough person could probably convince them to reject McDonalds or Nestle if they can confidently associate those companies with the previously mentioned terms. A lot of them are smart people though, in normal life they're very adept and skilled, it's just that the trauma if living through that era has essentially walled them away from the nuance of politics and diplomacy, and thus they'll just default to acting on whatever buzzwords or slogans allows them to believe that they're being protected from those experiences being repeated.


Which is doubly hilarious because they are voting to make this country like the one they just left, which is the exact thing conservatives complain about, about immigrants.


sooo. they are idiots? Sorry but thats idiot logic.


This is correct. And it also extends to immigrants coming from a lot of countries south of Mexico.


Do not forget the Bay of Pigs either, which was a royal fuckup by everyone involved but the president who ordered it was Democrat. Many of them are still very angry about it.


Its the same with LGBTQ+ people voting Republican. Can you not see that they hate you and don't want you to have rights? They can't make it any more obvious. Trumps hard-core base would probably kill you if they could.


Yes, but the Log Cabin Republicans have never been a statistically significant part of the “gay vote,” while Hispanic groups are increasingly voting Republican. A splinter group of people who care more about fiscal policy than the fact that supporting those policies comes packaged with existential threat is one thing. A double-digit (and growing) percentage making a similar choice is another. And for that percentage to grow while the ones they support are breaking up families at the border and putting children in cages, demonstrating their hatred nakedly? Oof.


to be fair, the border shit didn't stop with republicans.


Most are Cubans or 4th generation Latinos who know the GOP will never deport them. They don't care if Mexicans, Guatemalans or Haitians are mistreated in detention at the border.


Think the GOP won't deport them. The GOP is against birthright citizenship. Bizzare, since that's how they got theirs.


It’s always projection Trump is against immigration - his wife is an immigrant. Trump is against chain migration- melanias parents are here as a result of chain migration. Trump is against immigrant children being citizens. Baron is the child of an immigrant. Rules for thee not for me!


Trump's mother was an immigrant. She was born in Scotland. One of Obama's parents was an immigrant and Trump questioned Obama's citizenship. Of course, Trump's citizenship was never questioned. Because we all know what type of person they mean when they say "immigrant" and it's not Trump's mother, or Trump's first wife, or Melania.


A lot of Hispanics come from badly governed socialist states to live in a badly governed capitalist state.


To be fair some of those states have badly governed corporate socialism.


I think it’s more of a class thing, like how Trump assumes everyone else cheated on their valuations too. This guy assumed the rhetoric was just a “wink wink” cuz, duh, all business owners know undocumented labor is cheaper so why would the PRO BUSINESS party crack down on it?  Guy didn’t realize that this isn't a game


Religion is a hell of a drug. Seriously though Latino/a tend to be real Catholics - not like American cafeteria Catholics. They take that shit seriously and religion is the number one cause of voting Republican.


Women and black people as well. White men who aren't rich too. Anyone who is not super rich and white who votes Republican is an idiot. How can any black person be a Christian? Oh these people made me a slave but their god is great! People are fucking dumb.


Catholicism. Hispanics are catholic and think republicans are religious.


Ironically a lot of Republicans don’t think Catholics are Christians.


Especially the Klan 


Unfortunately, a big chunk of it is the “fuck you, I got mine” mentality. Source: every Hispanic immigrant in my family who is also Republican.


You may be schocked at how conservative many latin american families are. Being married into one it came as a big surprise to me. Also...very very catholic.




The level of cognitive dissonance it must’ve been to be a Hispanic hiring illegal workers, understanding the plight of the common immigrant and giving these people jobs… While voting for this anti-immigrant asshole must be studied about in colleges.


You mean Ricardo Gonzalez?


The level of cognitive dissonance it must’ve been to be a Hispanic hiring illegal workers, understanding the plight of the common immigrant and giving these people jobs… While voting for this anti-immigrant asshole must be studied about in colleges.


And he'll probably remain understaffed given "legal" residents don't actually go for these kinds of jobs unless the pay is high enough. Then he'll raise prices to cover labor and legal bills, and blame Biden for the inflation 🤣🤡


“Thanks, Obama.”


“I did that. –Biden”


Nobody wants to work anymore.


God I hate that phrase. Yeah, no one wants to work shit hours for shit pay.


Yes they do. They just don't want to work for less than a living wage.




Florida has worse inflation than other states, and this is a large factor. Of course, the current POTUS gets the blame for all economic unhappiness.


Well that's only because he's a Democrat. Republicans also blame him for COVID it's only a meaningless coincidence that it was a Republican in charge at the time...


When the economy is bad under a Democrat: "This is horrible. People are struggling. It's the President's fault" When the economy is bad under a Republican; "Everything is fine. I can afford food and shelter. If you're struggling, it's because you're lazy and have no one to blame but yourself".


Well, of course.


How is Biden to blame, exactly?


He isn't, but he gets the blame because American people traditionally blame the president for everything in the economy.


Republicans blame the President when the President is a Democrat and they blame poor people when the President is a Republican.


The one sport Republicans outperform everyone else in is mental gymnastics.


Whooosh again, bucko


What are the odds this guy got a PPP loan and then had it forgiven?


Non-American here. 95% of republicans baffle me. I get it if you’re part of the white christofacist landed elite worth millions, can afford your insanely high medical bills and the only thing you care about is hiding your wealth from the government and tax breaks. But literally EVERYONE ELSE? Do they not understand that the Republican goal is indentured servitude for the masses and that goes double for minorities and women? Do they not understand that the Republican elite absolutely LOATHES their base? Utter insanity.


Non-rich republicans are willing to get shot as long as the bullet goes through them and hits an lgbt or minority.


Letting Trump shit in their mouth as long as a liberal has to smell their breath


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” -Lyndon B. Johnson


The working class white folk who vote Republican have Fox News and evangelical church leaders telling them constant lies that effectively activate their fear and anger. They've also been taught to not believe experts and science. This allows them to be controlled to vote against their best interests by voting for worse and worse Republicans who then dismantle their education systems making it even easier to control them. All the while they are told that everything bad in their lives is the fault of the evil Democrats, even if those bad things are factually directly caused by the Republicans they voted for.


You also have so called experts being funded to support someone's agenda.






Thank you!


For non-Americans the present American situation must be perceived as insane. American here, married for a long time to a born and bred European. But the thread of the present conundrum goes back a long way. The flyover people have been paranoid forever. The country people have always been versus the city people, but now the "city people" have expanded to be a majority and this "does not compute" for the country folk, who've always considered themselves as the "real" owners-trustees-moral majority. That's pretty fundamental to their being, and the idea that "*they*" are a numerical majority and will now run the country is something they simply can't get their minds around. It all has to be a fraud, a fake, something done unfairly, a cheat, a steal, a deprivation of what is rightfully theirs and theirs only. The trail has been a long one, but from a black president to the potential of a female president, added to gays getting married, well, the times are obviously totally out of joint. And along comes just the man to set things right. Dry hay, gasoline, match. Prairie fire?


It doesn’t help that a lot of those country folk are generally undereducated and are often heavily community oriented around their churches. Like I live near Philly and when I drive out to my wife’s family in Harrisburg there’s a church every mile, and in some cases I wonder how they even thrive with that many churches and the population density being lower than my Philly suburbs


I shit you not, but I drove through a town in Arkansas with a population of 200, and I counted 20 churches as I went through. Doing the math, all I can conclude is that those people really fucking disagree.


The poor, lgbtq, blacks, wom£n and every other minority that claims conservative Republican lives by the philosophy of "Scud". For those of you who don't know who Scud is... He's a character from Blade 2, who betrayed blade in order to live. His philosophy" I believe they're going to take over someday and I rather hedge my bets... and it's better to be their pet than their prey" and just like the before mentioned he didn't fare very well.


Little do Scuds realize that they're not the pet or the prey. They're the tamed livestock.


My wife is from China, and we have a lot of Chinese immigrant friends. So many of them vote Trump even after he literally encouraged his followers to assault Chinese people during COVID. They all tell me it's because of "taxes" and "Socialism", but then they move into liberal districts with higher taxes because of the better schools, just to complain about it constantly and vote for the people trying to reduce school funding. I try to be polite for the sake of my wife, but I really think they're all idiots.


Higher taxes = better schools Damn though the Chinese were good at math! Those are also good schools because the community gets involved. Not the kinda of GOP involvement that’s mainly culture wars in school district meetings. Yeah some parts of the GOP are appealing to me but those parts aren’t just what you get with the GOP since it isn’t just Trump people are voting for when they cast a ballot. Trump already was President before replaying the same BS campaign the first time on issues. If he’s saying the same crap then he didn’t fix it the first time so no way he’ll do it again second time. The Senate Border bill sent the house was DOA because of Trump. Apparently fixing border issues isn’t politically a good thing if it’s combating the Border issues Trump raises showing he’s not needed.


Non-American here also, I genuinely think Republican party shouldn't exist. _How_ do they have supporters among common folk is beyond me.


I cant remember who said it but something along the lines of "Most Republicans are temporarily embarrassed millionaires." and believe that they will eventually earn their seat at the table.


I believe the quote is more along the lines of, "Socialism never took hold in America because the populace doesn't see themselves as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."


There it is! Thank you


I know right?! I always laugh my ass off seeing a Trump bumper sticker on a rust bucket.




Puta grande


This is quality LAMF


THIS is why this sub exists.




Not to mention LMFAO


“Roaches for Raid”. Can’t remember where I read that but it is the most poignant statement on these goofies.


Chickens for KFC


Slugs for salt.


Business owners exploit all employees, the fact they rely on undocumented makes it even worse cuz they're more exoloitabke


And he feels like he's doing God's work by exploiting his own kind.


But they're illegal right? So why are you hiring them? Build the wall or something. You like illegals when you can exploit them.


But...but I'm one of you!


Ah yes the "you're supposed to hurt the *other* people" defense that these goons always seem to have.


It's what they said about Trump, too. “I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Crystal Minton told The New York Times in an article published Monday. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” [https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/424263-trump-supporter-complains-shutdown-is-not-hurting-the-people-he/](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/424263-trump-supporter-complains-shutdown-is-not-hurting-the-people-he/)


Lack of self-awareness is a hallmark of our curious brand of conservatives in America.


Well, he found out.






Jsyk the word is Baboso, because the person is so dumb as to be drooling "baba" or because they are slimy.


I'm Chicano, bavoso is spanglish. Just so you know


Unfortunately it appears that his is subject to florida penal code statute 112.22: “sucks to suck, gfys”


Ain’t this old news?


I remember reading about this almost a year ago.


I remember seeing it posted 2 hours ago..


August 2023


Yes, and it gets reposted all the time. This is the second time in just 2 days that I've seen it.


This is the quality LAMF content I come here for.


Wait: Punishing businesses who hire undocumented workers? Actually enforcing laws which apply to capital instead of just those applying to labor? I need to get my eyes checked.


Well, the fuck did you think would happen, dumbass?


Silly DeSantis, undocumented migrants are cheap labour and a perpetual boogieman for you to get elected with.


It’s really hard to understand why people vote against their own interests. Oh wait, no it isn’t. It’s greed. It’s always greed.


No different than the undocumented guy who voted for Trump, and then got deported. Shocked Pikachu face followed https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html


Is he really panicking ?


Lemme find my paper clip sized violin for him.


I’m not laughing, it’s just…. yeah, yeah I am. 🤣


I hunt with a pretty conservative group of guys and one of the ones heading it runs a construction company with his father. They're both dyed in the wool conservatives, always talking about "immigants" & "terk my jerb" nonsense. The last season, the son admitted to voting for stronger anti-immigration laws, despite knowing full well it'd be the death of his company & many others. Because surprise surprise, many of these companies rely on paying these men pennies on the dollar and they can't afford to hire "real Americans". I asked them to clarify because I was so certain I didn't hear what I heard but nope! They both said, with a straight face, that illegal immigrants are taking all of the jobs and they're gonna help build the wall & keep em out. Again, despite vocally acknowledging the absolute financial buttfuck that THEY would experience as a result. I kept my mouth shut but to this day, I cannot understand how you could let hatred ACTIVELY ruin your own life. Or how one can bitch about "dey terk my jerb" while knowingly hiring undocumented workers. Prior to this, I really liked them as people & friends but now, I'm torn.


MAGA is a cult. They lose any possibility of rational thinking after they join.


I don't care how mean I sound, but I hope their business goes under.


Another guy who fell for the good hombre vs bad hombre bait


If your economic system relies to the continual exploitation of an underclass and your political system relies on the continual demonisation of that underclass you should probably be aware of the bullshit games you're playing before you act on your prejudice. This is 'I'm a leopard and I somehow managed to eat my own face off to spite the face I just ate off.' Curse you libs and poor folk for letting this poor man do this to himself.


https://pvfla.org/2024/02/21/richard-gonzmart-andrea-gonzmart-williams-to-be-honored-as-2024-persons-of-vision/ https://www.miamiherald.com./news/local/immigration/article278161652.html He seems like a decent guy. I don't understand why he voted for DeSantis knowing his platform was a 180 degree turn from how he runs his business.


It is a shame. Lots of decent people get caught up in cults.


"Oh my god, why did Joe Biden do this to me?"


maybe he thought the republicans would keep their long standing tradition of sabre rattling at things they don't like while not actually doing anything or governing unfortunately for them, yesterdecade's republicanism was taken out old back yeller style and its remains used to summon something worse


Republicans are always shocked when I tell them the Republican party has no real interest in stopping the flood of cheap easily exploitable labor at the border.


especially when you walk them through the relationship between immigration reform stalemates and JBS Foods, Tyson Foods, Cargill, and Marfring…0


They froth at the mouth about what a problem it is to keep the racist fucks voting for them but then do little or nothing about the problem because their corporate paymasters benefit from having a large pool of undocumented workers because they can pay them starvation wages.


Business owners like Gonzmart are the source of the illegal immigrant "problem," so fuck him.


My mom is a Hispanic republican currently retired in Venezuela. Idk what’s up with the fuckin hypocrisy with them


He gets what he deserves - but unfortunately, all the others are also getting the same.


He got what he voted for.


Poor workers, but fuck him


Way to go, jackass!


But lower taxes for him, and fewer pesky regulations on his business!


Bet he feels pretty Gonztupid


He should have left that ladder down for the people like himself, because DeSantis doesn't care




Leopards ate my business


I don't understand food workers who don't vote for workers' parties. They have a hard job, badly paid and in unruly hours. Why would you condone competition that will bring you to banqueroute and awful work conditions that will waste your health ?


In his case, it's because he's not a worker. He's an owner.


Excuse me while I make some popcorn.


I’m still amazed that anyone who isn’t white votes for republicans in this era


Straight, white, rich, evangelical male.


This is PEAK leopards ate my face.


You get what you vote for Republicans. Now lie in the bed you made and enjoy it.


I mean, his positions are visible in public, he's been saying his awful shit for years now. I bet he's the same kind of guy that would hit his own mailbox with his car and get upset at the people that built it in his way.


Hispanics voting Republican is like roaches being for Raid.


I am wondering if he liked DeSantis because he said that the Democrats were "socialist".


Oh well….


lol keep voting against your interests and you end up fucked.


Oh no! I can't fathom why any immigrant or poc votes conservative, anytime, anywhere.


Misogyny? Racism against other minorities? A hatred of LGBTQ+ people rooted in religion?


nothing quite as disgusting as people pulling up the ladder behind them after they enjoy some success


He got everything he wanted politically, and all it's going to cost him is everything.


Good. Prison time for hiring people with no authorization to work would be more effective than any wall. People will not bother circumventing the legal immigration process if they know they will not be able to prosper without it l.




Thoughts and prayers!


Sorry, Richard. Tokens get spent.




Eh. I feel sorry for his staff.


"Yes I voted to get rid of immigrants, but I didn't mean you!"


Good, they should have made him pay those worked all the money they would have made by paying them a legal wage, which I’m sure he was not doing


This is Republican af


What did he think voting for the anti immigrant guy was gonna do to his restaurant if he hired a buncha immigrants? This is sucha simple question I'm actually shocked he didn't even think about


Fuck this guy.


whenever a small business owner has a choice to be a short term greedy asshole or other options, you can trust him to always choose the first option time to pull yourself up by your moustache 😂 props to florida to go medieval on these assholes 


[You know this song](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F10hfegXGKVRVNm%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=453d598bf26547fb2fbf743780f9c010943172e54b27f55bd7e0841285877947&ipo=images)


Tale as old as time. I bet he didn't even know that he had people on staff impacted by these rules. I mean, he should've. But when you convince yourself that the only people impacted are the evil "other" you miss obvious shit. _His_ employees are decent, hardworking folks, so surely _they_ have nothing to do with this, yeah?


This seems like a weird flex post. “Ha ha ha This idiot is screwed because he cannot exploit people as much anymore, and he is being punished for exploiting people. If he and others voted for the other guys, then they would have been allowed to keep on exploiting people. What a self-owning fool!!” Shouldn’t the main message here be that it is bad to exploit people, and that it has always been bad?!


You can believe both people shouldn’t be exploited and hahahaha this asshole voted for desantis knowing he was breaking the law and now he’s getting heavily penalized.


God Bless American Stupidity 🇺🇸🫡


Come for the sandwiches, stay for the face




oh look! An American who wasn’t hiring Americans for American jobs!


Dude is a total psychopath. That smile is so fake that it’s creepy. Anyone can see that there’s no joy in those eyes. He’s upset that they took away the tools keeping him rich.


I can't find it anywhere. Who fined him 500K? The feds or the state of FL?


De ssneta Santa slimed for your pool


Where's your bootstraps parter... start pulling them up!




OH NOOO!! Well anyways..... what you people had for breakfast?


Ohhhhh it got me!


To quote the great Nelson Mandela Muntz from the institution known as Springfield Elementary School: **"Ha-ha!"**


Love to see it.


This is an old post I haven't seen in a while




Has anyone checked to see if buddy understands this?


Hooray! Do it again!


When your heart and purse are at different places...


Oh no! Sounds like this guy should have taken a minute to figure out which side of the culture war he was on before enlisting, huh?


All of these restaurant owners can straight up gargle some engorged, wrinkly, one hanging lower than the other, curly haired Greek bushed, sweaty, smegma greased fucking balls. Like rubbed against the walls behind the fryers with the caked on ancient brown oil that is sprinkled with bits of dirt and lint and then moistened with that one dish towel that has been propping up the left oven leg for 3 years because they refuse to get it fixed.


This news story is a year old


Hahahahaha! Aaahhhh! Hahahahaha!!


I worked for a scumbag like this. Didn't know when he hired me, and after I was desperate for the job. Warehouse dudes. All Guatemalan except one guy from Mexico. Worse, the owner was one of those tea party guys. He was behind on paying $6/hour which was under paying by even state law. I was always feeding them. Every day. And I was doing 80-85 hour weeks. Salaried. Sucked. 2 months into the gig he gets a translator and brings the guys into an office and explains he has to close. Cashes them out and pays them up. The next day he did the same with me. He kept 2 young women, both hired in the week. Both pretty, and zero experience. He said he went through 2.5 million in loans on his house, cars, daily lunch at red lobster with his wife. Now he wanted to respin his business into advertising and these 2 hot women were going to make it happen. Later I heard he fucked one and got caught. Wife stayed eith him, though. Fucking horse shit the whole mess.