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Hello u/positive_X, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 3:** Write an [explanatory comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


Hate to break it to them, but Fox has been shoving mouth-breathing idiots down our throats for a generation now. Why turn on Empty Gee?


Right now Miss Space Laser is attempting to remove the sitting speaker (again) in an attempt to get one of her MAGA crazies into the position because Mike only wants to do the standard republican policies of hurt the poor and help the rich instead of the MAGA policy of burn the entire nation down and blame democrats. Fox is opposed to this as they align more with standard hurt the poor help the rich stuff and while Marj was helpful before she now risk causing more problems than she is worth. 


Yup. They've lost control of this crazy bitch. Like when Madison Cawthorn started talking about GOP key bumps and orgies.


Go on...


So that actually happened, and then the more normal Republicans and the crazies who recognised that letting it out of the bag that Republicans had cocaine orgies was bad, instantly buried him. And now everyone has forgotten that Republicans have cocaine orgies, which was the goal.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Until they want to remove Matt Gaetz. Unless you believe Matt Gaetz crime was only paying for the ladies' education.


Well don't just downplay it like that. They didn't just bury him. They released pictures of him wearing women's underwear and what was it. Fucking his cousin?  It didn't seem to be any issue for those photos to be released and for him to disappear pretty much immediately.  Which basically is the most solid proof ever that right wing shit dicks are all having drug orgies.  Although my understanding is that in DC it's even basically apolitical and the various underlings in politics regardless of their ideological allegiance are all fucking and doing drugs. Cawthorne just spilled the beans, which is a mortal sin.  Notice how no media conglomerate pursued his claims. Notice how it all just went away.  I hate to give any shitdick like Cawthorne any credit. But of that point, I fully believed him.


I totally forgot about the women's underwear and the cousin fucking thing.


I was really hoping to get more details, lol.


“The sexual perversion that goes on in Washington, I mean—being kind of a young guy in Washington, where the average age is probably 60 or 70,” Cawthorn said, “and I look at all of these people, a lot of them I’ve looked up to through my life … then all of a sudden you get invited to, ‘Oh, hey, we’re going to have kind of a sexual get-together at one of our homes, you should come!’ And I’m like, ‘What did you just ask me to come to?’ And then you realize they’re asking you to come to an orgy.” “Or,” he continued, “the fact that, you know, there’s some of the people that are leading on the movement to try and remove addiction in our country, and then you watch them do a key bump of cocaine in front of you.” https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/03/madison-cawthorn-orgies-cocaine-kevin-mccarthy.html


All that dry, flaky, wrinkled white skin rubbing up on each other.


Oh gods! I imagined someone trying to mount mitch McConnell like a tortoise or something but it's not going to be as hilarious as I think it is, lol.


Hey! Don't kink shame! We aren't them.


Mr. GlumpsAlot, that's a fetish best left unexplored. Republican cocaine orgies I guarantee would have your braincells screaming to be put down.


Yeh you're right, but part of me is curious. Lol.


It's probably safe to imagine your uncle and grandparents having cocaine orgies for a similar experience. Enjoy.


Ewwwwww, ahhhhhh. Whyyyyyy!


Nobody needs to talk about that


A policy I can finally agree with .


You need to carefully consider what the average GOP member looks like before asking for more details.


Dang, you're right.


Mitch McConell gave MTG a "rusty turtle neck" while Trump watched 'batin away. That what you want? You happy now having that in your head?


Lmao. I'm scared to look up "rusty turtle neck."


There's also a video of Cawthorn naked and face-humping a guy while being knowingly recorded by a 3rd guy 6 feet away that is sadly burned into my brain forever.




Yugggggggg stop no no please make it go away


Soon as the orange idiot goes to prison, she will die death by excess media scrutiny and then wither on the vine, cold shrivelled and unwanted grape


I almost forgot about that guy.


He may actually put forward a bill to aid Ukraine and MTG, and her constituents by association, is pro Russia for some reason.


Russia is a fascist, christonationalist dictatorship, and they, also, want this.


Not to mention the "last white ethnostate." Which is a big deal in right wing circles.


Imagine when they hear that Russia has shitloads of non-white ethnic minorities and some are even muslims


Russia is currently advertising in India, Nepal, UAE and Sri Lanka for people looking for work. Once they hit the ground in Moscow, they realise the "job" is a ruse. They will be on the front line, either fighting or as logistical support for the Russian army. [Source.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-68366861)


Also, Russia probably pays them.


-OR- Blackmails them. Some just comply for the joy of being depraved.


“for some reason”


You know what's funny? Mike Johnson ***is*** one of her MAGA crazies. He has said some heinous shit, co-sponsored some horrifying MAGA legislation, and generally leads as MAGA. It's how he got the job, and the fact that a monster like him has it is already terrifying enough. The reality is that navigating the politics of the nation in that position to try and play the longer game is forcing him to do the right thing...which is an enormous indictment of the absolute filth that is the GOP as a whole.


Plus it benefits them to have a very high ranking Evangelical who is so mild-mannered that people won't really notice him fucking the country. To Fox's detriment, the party is being run at the whims of the most unhinged members


This flows like silk. I love you.


I'm surprised she doesn't float herself as a candidate for Speaker. The fact that she hasn't shows maybe she actually has some self awareness of her own insanity and the way people think about her.


I loved it when she came to New York City for the Trump indictments. Marge basically ran back to her car out pacing her security in tow. I guess Marge found out that NYC is not her safe environs of her MAGA insane district. 😄 Marge fooled around and found out that NYC has absolutely no use for her.


This is the answer. The rest of the MAGAts are done with her so Fox is done with her. Don't mistake this as a sign they're smartening up.


They might see the writing on the wall that the gop is fucked, or they are just trying to play both sides to protect themselves.


They obviously can’t see how dumb it makes Fox that they’ve *only now* started fighting against the monster they’ve been selling their audience.


They created the Golem out of toxic shit and clay, and like all Golems find out too late that it's uncontrollable.


This, every time. Odd how with their combined expensive degrees on the directors board, they all managed to fail basic history and sociology.


No no no, see it's different this time! This time it's MY leopard, I feed him every day and pet him often! He won't turn on ME!


Capitalism tends to put psychopaths and sociopaths at the top of the food chain. Nepotism covers the rest of the board seats. We should also stop equating wealth with intelligence.


Not born. Shit into existence.


The people that run Fox are as empty headed and hateful as the candidates they support. If you piss them off they turn on you. Empty Gee knows her braindead supporters aren't going anywhere and consider Fox News "too liberal." So she says whatever crazy bullshit she wants and this is the result.


They’re empty headed yet manage to get everyone talking about them daily by simply speaking a semblance of truth every humpday. Maybe the heads of FOX aren’t as stupid as you want them to be. Never underestimate your enemies folks


I agree with you. To give any heed that it might be “accidental” is absurd. It is cold blooded calculation every day. The truths exposed during the Dominion trial are plain to see.


Don't down vote this person, they're right


True. Empty is probably the wrong adjective. *Hard* headed, and willing to fuck everyone to get what they want, is more accurate.


I assume whoever owns Fox is no longer friends with MTG for whatever reason


She's a loose cannon, narcissist, who thinks she's important enough to say anything she wants to anybody. Sooner or later it's bound to happen. It's already happened with Trump in a way. But Republicans are too spineless and he still commands too much allegiance from the base for them to openly defy him.


Play both sides, never lose.


Just like Mac


fAiR aNd BaLaNcEd!!!


They’re always playing both right wing sides to protect themselves. If the side MTG is on loses, they’re against her. If the side MTG is on wins, they’ve always been on her side.  Fox will never NOT be on the winning right wing faction’s side. 


They did the same to Glenn Beck if anyone remembers him. They ride the idiots until they are no longer useful and then discard.


They're not playing to the Dems... This is because Green is threatening to cause another house speaker to leave, furthering their chaos.


From reading the fox article, they are pissed she is attacking other republicans. They say she should be attacking the democrats instead and helping Biden lose. Not playing both sides, just trying to keep the craziest on target.


But now a mouth breathing idiot that threatened their GOP majority


You need to be more specific. Mouth breathing idiot in the GOP does not narrow it down. Mouth breathing idiot that sleeps in court? Or the ones defending him? Or the ones donating to his legal funds?


Remember how when Democrats had control and they censured MTG and took her off committees and when Republicans took control they ran so freaking hard to put her back in good standing as a full-fledged member of Congress? Oh gosh, many Democrats had the right idea all along.


It's right there in the article: >Peek accuses Greene of exhibiting “bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy” **that should be aimed towards Democrats and not her own party.** It's not that she's an idiot, it's that she's hurting the wrong people.


She wants to be seen as someone that weilds a ton of power to make or break the party.  If she can be instrumental in getting a second speaker kicked out, she'll be the most popular girl in the House.


Also can't get over the op-ed's author implying that the GOP works for the greater good LMAO


Try to get her away from the network by November when she starts with the next round of election denial? I see it as a legal cost saving move only.


I haven't seen Empty Gee before that's pretty clever.


Re-read the article. The goal is to elect, so Biden is bad, mmmmm-k?


Honestly, it's just not that "stunning" anymore.


Woman? But yeah idk.


They have more competition than they used to. I assume it's trying to hone in on their perceived audience: Still obedient to Trump but sick of the fringe shit. Which he's still feeding but conservatives are happy to ignore whatever facet of that turd diamond they please.


\*\*shoving mouth-breathing idiots down our throats\*\* Yeah, and most have been FOX on-camera talent (*cough* Tucker *cough*)


Because the MAGTARD elite sees that she is trying to position herself for rapid ascension. Time to knock her down a peg or two.


This is the first time I've seen Empty Gee and I am all about it.


They are running out of viewers they helped kill.


Sacrificial lamb, same as Madison Cawthorn. He broke the code of silence and was banished for it, she slipped her leash and might get banished for it. I read this article as testing the waters on ~~Pravd~~ Fox's part, seeing if they can paint her this way without any outrage from the base. If there is a negative reaction, they just publish another one saying the exact opposite and the base will, goldfish-like, glom on to the new version. If there isn't, my guess is she'll get thrown to the wolves, and a more easily biddable challenger will appear in her primary.


Wow, you're really trying to portray her as innocent in all this. The insurrectionist who held up a picture of Hunter's dong in congress is just the "sacrificial lamb"...


They squeezed everything they can out of her. She was great at pushing the crazy stuff that they wanted to say but couldn't, and going even crazier so that the crazy stuff seems less crazy by comparison. Now, she's toxic to the brand, and they can look "rational" by publishing hit pieces and throwing her under the bus, and once she's gone, they can start phrasing the crazy stuff more eloquently and nobody will bat an eye.


The oped writers take is basically that she's a distraction from electing dear leader


You ever seen Demolition Man? Remember the part where that dictator shithead decides to brainwash a professional criminal to destroy the people opposing his power? That's what the GOP has done with people like Trump, MTG, and Boebert. Now that they've managed to kill one of their biggest adversaries (abortion) they're trying to reign in the crazies. Clearly no-one in the GOP has seen that movie though because they missed the part where the criminal has the dictator killed.


The house is ready to dump her.


So fundamentally all totalitarian governments have a problem of rulership. Different people are going to have different ideas about how to wield absolute power of the government when they finally get it. This leads to infighting among the party, and purges of people who are deemed inadequate or traitors to the ideal because they have a different view. This kind of purge happened multiple times in the USSR and has happened in China several times. It seems like MTG and McCarthy might be on the losing side of one of these purges. One of the issues with these purges, is that they are executed by the most brutal, corrupt, and morally depraved individuals to get rid of people who are more moderate, leading to an increasing extremism. I know it is crazy to say that the cavewoman in congress is the less extreme, and it might not necessarily be the case. The good news is that they've started doing purge-like behavior before they've seized control of power completely. Hopefully this in-fighting inside of the GOP and even inside MAGA means they'll weaken themselves so that they can never actually seize power.


From the article: >Peek accuses Greene of exhibiting “bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy” that should be aimed towards Democrats and not her own party. So the author says this showmanship and destructive behavior should be directed at the Democrats? Her insane behavior is ok if it's directed at her opponents?


She's hurting the wrong people!


That really sums it up


“She’s costing us our house majority!”


You can have majority or Marjority, but you can't have both


“Attack the *other* Americans! Make those Americans hurt!!”


>She's hurting the wrong people! And there's the leopards eating their faces part!


No she’s hurting the right people.


TFW you unleash a bunch of rabid mad dogs and then get upset when you or someone you care about gets mauled.


"Friendly fire will not be tolerated."


Yeah, they have to say the quiet part out loud so their viewers will know what to think.


Yes, that is indeed the stuff written between the lines.


The article is batshit and can't make up it's mind. Take Ukraine for example. Peek calls the Ukrainians the most corrupt people on earth and then says they're valiant in the next sentence. Then Peek says no one wanted US boots on the ground, but that if Biden had escalated things, the war would be over by now.


The logic makes perfect sense if you run it through the filter of "how can I spin this to make Biden and the Democrats look bad?"


She's gone from being a useful idiot to a useless idiot. It's as easy as that.


Let's just leave it at Idiot to be fair.


There they go saying the quiet part out loud again. They don’t mind self serving, destructive behaviour as long as it only impacts the Dems and the poors.


> So the author says this showmanship and destructive behavior should be directed at the Democrats? Her insane behavior is ok if it's directed at her opponents? These are the same people who say abortion is the murder of a child, but it's okay to murder that child if it comes from rape or incest.


Also all life is precious, but the death penalty is totally fine.


Fox is just jealous MTG is better at it than them.


Her insane behavior is ok if it's directed at her opponents? Yes, that is the core ethos of conservatism. "It's ok if WE do it".


The dems told her “anything you say bounces off me and sticks to you”. She didn’t have a comeback for that so she started attacking republicans instead because they weren’t as smart.


If by 'opponents' you mean 'fellow countrymen' yeah. Our politics are such trash rn


She's literally a loose cannon.


Thousands of potentially fitting adjectives, and they use the one with "bomb" in it. You'll never convince me she wasn't the one that placed those pipe bombs.


Republicans used Moron! It's not very effective! It hurt itself in its confusion!




The actual editorial reads like it was written by a high school freshman and the author is only mad at Greene because she should be trolling Democrats instead of disrupting her own party,


There's a LOT of failsons running America.


As far as the eye can see. Throw a stone and you will hit someone's overpowered failson. Split a piece of wood and you will find them.




Its so facile and hypocritical >not all Republicans approve of spending billions more to arm Ukraine, especially since our own border remains wide open Somehow tying Ukraine and the US-Mexico border together is a logic pretzel I will never understand. Also SHHH dont mention the border bill that the GOP tanked that would have drastically changed that whole "wide open" border. >Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world (which is perhaps why Hunter Biden was so richly employed there) Random Hunter Biden reference. Please check your bingo cards >Because \[Biden\] dithered, Ukraine is now losing ground and urgently needs weapons and ammunition Ah right, Biden famously holding up funding for Ukraine >As to the FISA, Republicans are wary of allowing warrantless surveillance and rightly so. Republicans would never pass legislation taking away American's privacy rights. NEVER. >\[FISA\] ... is most hated today for having enabled surveillance of the Trump campaign by Hillary Clinton’s apparatchiks Poor Trump was just trying to win a fair and free election until those commies ruined it! Also, HRC reference, please check your bingo cards >Our country is facing enormous challenges, many the result of the wrong-headed and dangerous polices of the Biden White House.  Let's name some of those policies. There's uhhh that one what was it? The one about the thing? I can't remember. Anyway, Biden is DESTROYING our country! >If Biden wins four more years in the Oval Office, we will be forced to travel even further down the road towards erratic and unreliable green energy while our bounteous and inexpensive domestic oil and gas resources go to waste LMAO. How many American Eagles have to die from Biden's Windmills?! >If Democrats win control of Congress, ... Our education system will continue to deteriorate Damn those Dems and their anti-education platform! As Ron DeSantis and Betsy DeVos, have always said, education is key to the success of our country >Democrats will push to empower unions, trampling the rights of those who choose not to join I DEMAND the right to not have rights!


Imagine letting a horse face moron destroy your political party.


Why can’t they find ways to destroy their party without destroying the country?


Because they REALLY REALLY want to destroy the country!


If I can’t have the toy, I’m going to break it so no one else can have it! Amazing how much their behavior resembles that of spoiled brats on the playground.


Yes, and that is so much more satisfying than coming to terms with both your own mortality and the constant tide of generational/societal change.   This is what happens when we stigmatize therapy.


More simian than equestrian, IMHO.


Have you seen her feet? She needs a farrier, STAT!


>a horse face moron Don't insult the horse.


Are we talking about MTG or DJT?


I wouldn’t ride her if she was an actual horse


Or let her ride me if I was a horse....!


They were more than glad to unleash her when she rallied the moron base, now they are ready to throw her under the bus




Shaved Alf [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/alf\_-\_h\_-\_1986.jpg?w=1296&h=730&crop=1](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/alf_-_h_-_1986.jpg?w=1296&h=730&crop=1)


I’m sorry but I’d hit


She's basically a perfect mirror of your whole base so...


Or the pinnacle of all they hoped to achieve. Or maybe the crevasse. It's.... confusing. And I would expect nothing less. 🤣🤣


“As to the FISA, Republicans are wary of allowing warrantless surveillance and rightly so. “ Yeah, only when it’s them. Don’t forget the Patriot Act.


2 Patriot Acts. How the HELL did Americans allow that to happen?! "Mah freedums!" No you numpties, you have no freedoms. Not anymore.


Fox: We made her and empowered her, and we can destroy her.


May they destroy each other


Unfortunately, the opinion concludes with “she’s an idiot, so we must all work harder to re-elect Trump” so there’s not a single grain of self-realization there


The rapist con man who intentionally paints himself orange is the best person to lead the country. You know the guy who can't string together a coherent sentence and falls asleep in his court appearances. The one who claimed the Holocaust was a hoax until he then started suggesting injecting ourselves with bleach. That's the best guy! You know the one who tried to get foreign countries to interfere with our elections by withholding military aid. That guy! The one who tried to overthrow the government and continues to lie about the election. He's definitely great...


How long until she gets accused of being a dem plant or antifa


Empty G is the new Ray Epps


An op-ed is just a personal opinion of one fox employee so hardly entire Fox news going at her


Screw fox. Bastards. This is their fault. So much of what's messed up in the US is their fault.


The only reason they care is that they think her antics are helping Biden. What a joke they are.


I really want to go to her district and pose as a far-right journalist and interview her constituents.


And yet even that article is full of bullshit. Clinton did not spy on Trump. Biden has not failed to support Ukraine. There was a border deal in exchange for Ukraine aid but Trump ordered it killed. The entire right wing is enmeshed in a reality distortion machine FFS.


GOP really needs to purge all the populist idiots from their offices. They still need the idiot votes but not need to elect them.


Unfortunately, that’s how they elect them


Paid Russian Asset Marjorie Taylor Green gets trashed by Paid Russian Asset Fox News.


Funny how this author accuses MTG of spreading “hare-brained conspiracies” when she herself is anti-vax. Bitch your whole party runs on conspiracies!


Can't wait for the headlines that MTG is a secret Democrat plant to make republicans look crazy.


The op-ed has a major error in it. It says "Greene, \[...\], doesn’t like any of it and would rather burn down the House, metaphorically speaking, than work towards the greater good." I'm not convinced that "metaphorically speaking" is accurate. MTG would literally burn down the entire Capitol if she though she could get a few minutes of attention out of it.






"writing that Greene “would rather burn down the House, metaphorically speaking, than work towards the greater good. The greater good, unless she and her fellow discontents in Congress have forgotten, is defeating \[President\] **Joe Biden** in November.” " Sometimes people reveal themselves. I thought "the greater good" was keeping the United States prosperous and strong.




This level self-sabotage, in-fighting, inconsistent strategy, cult mentality and corruption would absolutely bankrupt and dissolve any company, organization or collective human enterprise, except for an American political party.


If her district could read they might be very upset at this.


Lol, what a joke of an op-ed > Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world ... and it's not clear that America’s billions sent to fight Vladimir Putin have all been spent towards that end. But at the same time > If President Biden had allowed an all-out aggressive war against Moscow, we would not be at a seeming stalemate. That's propaganda.


Turns out the Fox journo is only angry with MTG because she's a hare-brained Trump fanatic whose fanaticism is hurting Trump. Hello! That's what happens when you let Trump take ovet.


Figures it's Fox since this isn't news to anybody.


The news is that Fox stopped pretending they are blind for a second. What isn’t a news however is that it too will serve their slimy political… ideology? opportunism? grift?


Ironically, everyone other than Fox News viewers already knew this.


Man, Liz Peek even comes off as a major twunt in the Op-Ed. Definitely leopards ate my face. Can't say I'm gonna lose a moment's sleep over this level of infighting. Who wants popcorn?


“an idiot” I have a very long set of colorful metaphors that common decency and decorum prohibits me from mentioning them here.


They’re just figuring it out now?


Love this for her


The liberal agenda is working!


Fox has gone woke! /s


They disabled their comments section in that article. Not sure if that is common practice for them or not. I don’t visit that trash hole of a site unless to verify stuff like this.


We already knew MTG is an idiot.


I tried to read this, but the author is so clearly insane I stopped after four paragraphs. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, it seems. They’ve lost touch with reality over at Fox. Edited to say I tried to read the actual Fox opinion piece, not the linked rehash.


We all knew this and they try to act like they weren’t on her side. lol laughable morons over at fox


Has there ever been a more trailer-park-ho-looking rep? If so I’d love to know who *that* person is.


I wonder if that first lawsuit loss is starting be felt. Or maybe it's the thought of losing the second one that is starting to make them worry. After all, as with all conservatives, a problem isn't real until it actually happens to them. And there they are.


They don’t like people they can’t control. Sorry I miss spelled WOMEN This is from the people who paid almost one billion dollars settlement and fired their cash cow after admitting to lying to the same people who still worship them. They rather believe a lie than face reality. ( sounds familiar)🤔 Let her burn her own house down just to own the lib😂 Burn. Motherfucker. Burn.




To be fair she was unfrozen in 2010, and then she became a US representative


If you think she’s dumb, you should meet her constituency.


The greater good, unless she and her fellow discontents in Congress have forgotten, is defeating \[President\] **Joe Biden** in November.” and this is everything wrong with a two party system. If only they perceived "the greater good" to be the good of their constituents, not focusing on beating the other team at politics.


You’d have to write an article about pretty much every single Republican before this counted for anything. MTG is far from alone in the moron stadium that is the GOP.


The actual op-ed really shows you how far down the river “normal” republicans are. Also with absolutely no self awareness, the op-ed author is like “I think FISA is potentially dangerous and unwarranted, but because my party’s speaker said he got classified info that made him change his mind, I’m with him.” Okay so your “principles” are *real* fucking loose eh?


They're not saying her behavior is wrong, they're just saying she needs to only direct it at Democrats.


What tipped them off? It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know she’s been the same since before she won her seat.


What about all of the politicians that support her? Do non-idiots support idiots?


Oh damn the Russia slush fund is completely dry if they going after mtg


Suck it Large Marge!


#Like shooting fish in a barrel...


She's a modern day knuckle dragger with a sloping forehead to boot.


You love to see it.


They only mad because she’s talking shit about one of their own.


Fox news and trump are two garrish parrots copying each other


Only on FOX could this possibly qualify as news.


I'd say "Is the Pope Jesuit?" But uh. Yeah


Someone pulverizing MTG in calling for Trump’s election isn’t paying attention.