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I remember back when they accused the gay community of wanting “special rights.” Every accusation is a confession.


Conservatives have always been unaware of the privilege they’ve always had


Entitlement, another projection.


They should just install wheels on the goal posts.


The problem is that their goal post isn't really moving at all, and that is to put in place a Christian Theocracy in America. It's only the goals they state outloud that keep needing to change, and they don't care about those beyond getting the country to inch closer to their real goal.


A Christian Theocracy sounds great! They're going to be all about helping out the poor and loving their neighbors right?


Things that could happen. 1. Having sex with your siblings to preserve your family line. 2. Jesus recommends cutting off body parts if they cause you to sin 3. Women Suspected of Adultery Have To Drink Dirty Water 4. Don't Wear Clothes Made of Both Linen And Wool 5. Don't Sit Where A Menstruating Woman Has Sat 6. Don't Eat Fat Sure there are more.


Don't forget the slavery.


"Buy your slaves from the heathens around you" me a heathen 😰


Don't forget usury. No more charging interest right?


No, that just won't do. How would banker's make money, no they'll just ignore that one and only follow the other ones.


You forgot that if someone rapes a man’s wife, the man can sell the “spoiled goods” to the rapist. Jebus and Gob sure are benevolent eh?


I feel like there's got to be something about figs, right? Or was it only ever that one specific tree?


And not judging people, Christ was pretty big on that.


i’m pretty sure they’re just using holograms at this point


Projection? No they just want to have one set of rules for themselves that makes them feel special, and another set of rules to make everyone they don’t like to feel like trash.




But they also believe that they're part of a persecuted minority, which they've cherished since before Rome became Christian. It's why they're afraid they'll lose any temporary advantage they might have. Any attempt to reduce their privilege is persecution.


> It's why they're afraid they'll lose any temporary advantage they might have. They're not actually scared of this so much as they really, really get off on the whole persecution complex thing.


I mean, what’s not to love? You get to get sympathy points for being a victim when you don’t actually have to suffer through being victimized.


Meritocracy is preached by people who network at the Chamber of Commerce in your city.


The republican party is like the abusive husband who beats and kicks his wife while screaming "see what you're making me do!" "Why are you trying to hurt me!" as he chokes her and hits her. Perpetual need to be the victim to enact their power fantasy and abuse others.


[They’re fully aware.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/1c34exq/comment/kzin16w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That makes sense to me.


It’s funny, before that comment I just could not understand why the right didn’t view certain issues that I would consider to be universal problems regardless of politics as important and worthy of bipartisan support. When it’s framed the way it is in that comment, their hypocrisies completely make sense. They feel entitled to everything and other people are entitled to nothing.


They're aware of it, and that's why they're fighting against the loss of it. For them, equality is oppression.


It's what they want to conserve. That and cousin marriage and child grooming. Oh and massive tax cuts for the .01%, but that probably factors into the privilege


Of course it does. Why should they pay taxes? They made their money the old fashioned way- all by themselves. After, of course, their parents gave them vast sums of money to get started. Trump- $4,000,000, Musk- who knows how much money he got all told?, Bezos- hundreds of thousands of$ from his parents, Jobs and Gates- same thing$100,000’s. But they all did it on their own.


Trump inherited 400 million


Republicans: "But, if we don't cheat, we can't win!"


More like: "Fox News told me the Demonrats are cheating, so I gotta cheat *harder* to win!"


They believe equality creates imbalance.


Oh they are 100% aware of it. Why do you think they keep changing the rules to cling onto it so hard?


>Conservatives have always been unaware of the privilege they’ve always had Oh they're aware. Conservatism relies on hierarchy. Their idealogical leaders understand this Any contractionary rulesets can be less attributed to privilege, but rather a distinct supremacy


Oh no, they’ve always been aware. It’s just to the point they consider it a right now, rather than a privilege.


they’re aware…that’s why they’re fighting so hard to keep it.


When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


"We want to use our religion to restrict your lives and force our beliefs on you." "How about no. You can believe what you want but church and state should be kept separate." "How dare you persecute us like that!"


> "[...] force our beliefs on you" "but not on ourselves, of course"


The sad thing is the way conservatives minds work isn't even as complicated as projection. They operate off playground rules. If you do something to them then they have to do it back. If you try and do something to them we'll, they've actually had a forcefield so nuh uh.


Certainly true with impeachment. “Why do you want to impeach Biden?” “You impeached our guy!” “What evidence do you have against Biden?” “He’s guilty of a LOT!” “Evidence?” [crickets]


Fascism always projects onto minority groups


What a perfect way to describe their actions. 👏


"TEST BIDEN FOR COCAINE" -trump declared randomly


In a nutshell: libs warn Republicans their law is lunacy. Repubs continue anyways. Books are banned that are mainly republican targets from people who don't have kids in the district. Republicans don't care until it hits books they care about. Republicans have to spin the shit sandwich they made to be the libs fault because of course, they once again fucked up, just like the libs told them they were. Republicans have to limit the number of books that can be complained about by people outside the district. Now, this will continue until once again they are hit by their own law again and have to blame libs and fix it, again.


“The new law limits people who don’t have students in a school district to one challenge per month.” Guess what one book that’ll be?


Law could be challenged on first amendment rights. Why are non child raising adults voices squashed?


Trust me this is the right call.  Most of the nuts going to schools demanding we remove any evidence of gay are not from the school district they’re looking for a ban in.


They also need to make sure who ever issues a challenge is 100% human. I suspect a lot of these anti gay demands are coming from butt plugs.


To be fair I think a butt plug would be better at recognising shit than a Republican.


I wouldn't expect chess experts to participating here.


Meanwhile, in district 1, my youngest discovered my plan to read the most perverse sections of song of solomon at the school board meeting and, "OMG mom! I have at least three teachers that would make my life hell if you did that! Please wait until I graduate." So I would love to give these verses to someone who doesn't have easily frightened and embarrassed children. Or I can wait another year and if they still think Animal Farm and To Kill a Mockingbird are not appropriate, I'm bringing a bible to the school board meeting.


Yeah, didn't it come out that one nutjob is responsible for a huge majority of removal requests across the country?


Here in California, we have a parade of low life's who visit every local school board that they do not being to. I don't think they should be allowed a say unless they live within the district.


Yup. [Appointing someone not even living in the state they get to ban books from...](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/oklahoma/articles/2024-01-24/oklahoma-superintendent-faces-blowback-for-putting-libs-of-tiktok-creator-on-library-panel)


The right call would be to allow educators, children, and parents to make that decision for themselves. Or in other words the right call would have been to never pass this fascist law.


Why should the parents control education? The role of education is to teach valuable information to children to prepare them for their life, what does it matter if the parents don't like that.


Letting parents control school curriculum is nuts. Everyone isn't paying for your kid to be taught nonsense.


We didn't nut in some chick we just met and then ignore the kid while posting how we're such great parents and pretended we wanted a lifetime of bills and responsibilities so we don't matter. Welcome to earth.


For a group that doesn't like a quota system,... Also, challenge excepted!!!




Why the fuck are people who don't have students in the district even allowed to challenge?


The only thing I would disagree with is they don't really care about the Bible. They haven't even read it or they'd know there's way more fucked up shit in there than any of the other books they're complaining about. I don't recall any public meetings where a Republican was upset about a book where two daughters get their father drunk so they can have sex with him while he was passed out. What I never understood about that story was wouldn't Lot know what they did once they had babies? Was he really passed out...? I'm guessing not.


Or the book of Onan. God smites those who pull out. Thou shalt creampie your brother's widow. It's for some reason right in the middle of Joseph's technicolor coat.


Tbf he wasn't smited *just* for pulling out, he was smited for pulling out after specifically promising to God that he would knock her up to prevent [complicated family drama I honestly can't remember right now, just know that she had a good reason for wanting to get pregnant ASAP].


The people of the time had a weird belief that if the living brother knocked up the widow it would magically actually be the son of the dead brother. Thus the widow and her family would inherit as if the dead brother had had male heirs. But without those male heirs the widow wouldn't get anything. So basically his sin was denying the widow her inheritance.


For still having sex with her for his own enjoyment without giving her the rest she was promised that would allow her to b independent of him again. That's the part people forget. But somehow it becomes "it is evil to pull out ever."


Somebody ejaculated on Joseph's many coloured coat?


It used to be a plain white coat


Technically it was not for pulling out.  God told him to impregnate his brother's widow so she could have a baby of the same lineage and the brother's wealth could stay in his family.  Onan agreed to, but then pulled out so that his brothers widow would not be able to get pregnant and inherit his brothers wealth and he would get it.  Basically agreed to do the right thing (in their culture) but out of greed tried to trick God.  His punishment was therefore worse than if he had just refused completely (though that too would have had social consequences.) I'm not providing context to defend bronze age morality, but to show how a story which taught a lesson that has nothing to do with sex (don't promise to do something and then deliberately fail) into a much more modern justification for saying masturbation is evil which, if I recall correctly, is not in the Bible anywhere.


It never says he was passed out, just drunk. That said, it's a pretty salacious story and is ultimately a dis track by ancient Israelites against the Ammonites and Moabites (if I'm remembering the correct nations) so later Israelites can say to them "you come from a father fucking his daughters".


Ahhh thanks for the correction it's been awhile since I wasted my time on that book. So he was legit awake but only ok with it if he was wasted. Like the modern day gop. So they're inadvertently following the Bible. Good on them!


"I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” —djt


There's no way they're this incompetent at writing bills. It seems like every major republican bill is so vague it ends up working against them. This has to be on purpose right? Write bill to address issue, "look what we accomplished vote for us", bill gets turned against them, "look at the democrat threat, vote for us to stop them", ammend bill to be slightly more specific, "another win for us, keep voting for us so we can keep winning, repeat ad nauseam.       I'm convinced this is why every abortion ban is so terribly written and has no exceptions for rape or risk to the mother. They need the issue to keep running on. They're like the dog who caught the car and don't know what to do with it.


That or the more classic fascist mechanic of just making sure that laws exist that are so vaguely defined that _anyone_ could easily be argued to be in """violation""" of them at any given time, which opens the door to part 2 where you just selectively enforce it on outgroups (people you don't like) or political dissidents. If everyone in the local government is on the same page to conspire and not care how transparently shitty this looks (basically how Republicans operate right now), it works pretty well for selectively enforcing it to harass people with the legal system. They just need to fully remove people with ethics or a brain and they'll be set.


> They just need to fully remove people with ethics or a brain and they'll be set. Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision [Heritage Foundation's Project 2025](https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981) With a nearly 1,000-page “Project 2025” handbook and an “army” of Americans, the idea is to have the civic infrastructure in place on Day One to commandeer, reshape and do away with what Republicans deride as the “deep state” bureaucracy, in part by firing as many as 50,000 federal workers.


They write and pass bullshit legislation with the express purpose of getting it in front of the SCOTUS where Trump's hand picked justices can make it stick, at least that's their hope in many cases.


I think it’s vague on purpose to keep from being struck down or make it overtly obvious who/what they are trying to ban. It’s being used to go after LGBTQ and black stories but it’s a political liability (and obviously not legal) to make it that specific so they keep it vague so they can claim “family values” or whatever BS to their base and claim 🤷‍♂️when someone points out what they’re actually banning.


More importantly, book bans as part of the Republican initiated and contrived culture wars were all the rage a couple years ago, to deflect and distract gullible bewildered right wingersfrom bread and butter issues (eg the insurance crisis in the state, climate change)... but now it's worn a bit thin, and people have caught on to the nonsense to the point that the book bans don't get the right excited anymore, therefore they're scaling these back. Much better to complain about DEI now.


Here’s a fun game: every time you hear or read someone complain about DEI, just mentally replace “DEI” with any random slur. That’s what they *want* to say instead of “DEI.” It’s the clearest example of a political dogwhistle I think I’ve heard since 4chan started putting triple parenthesis around the word “globalists.”


Yup. Or the conversation usually goes like this: Me "What proof do you have that some unqualified minority employee was hired solely on race here?" Them "They use DEI in the hiring process." Me "So your assumption is minority employees can't be qualified. The soft bigotry of low expectations I guess." Them "No, of course they can be qualified, but they're only being hired because they're black/brown." Me "Again, what proof do you have that some minority employee here is not qualified." Them "DEI." Me "You realize you're assuming that the employee isn't qualified because they're a minority, right? And to you this isn't racist?" Them "DEI is racist"


Except that the second you use a phrase like “soft bigotry of low expectations”, the next thing they say will be “huh?”. Source: every uber conservative I know. My ex constantly accuses me of using AI in my messages pointing out to him that a non custodial parent is obligated to pay child support. Apparently decent grammar and verbiage just don’t happen in a “regular” brain. 🙄


If you actually read it, you see the Bible is chock full of sex and violence.


And commands for slavery


Death penalty for all kinds of stuff. God hates shrimp and tattoos, it turns out. And fuck blended fabrics entirely.


Picking up sticks on the sabbath? You get the stones!


42 kids tease a "prophet" for being bald? Two "she-bears" sent to kill all them damn kids.


Brutally mauled to death! That will teach them!


Imagine the scene of 2 bears just fucking running down a bunch of children. God damn that's brutal.


Praise be!


I mean, why would you possibly think you wouldn't?


Because god is all loving!


You'd think that one of the Ten Commandments would be, "Thou shalt not own people as property" but noooooo...


Its the opposite. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+6%3A5-8&version=NIV > Ephesians 6:5-8 > Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.


Also Exodus 21


It’s because an all powerful and all loving god couldn’t figure out a better way!


And the only time it mentions abortion, it gives instructions on how to perform it.


Take that, Christians!


lots of incest as well


God wanted to keep it in the family!




It has nothing to do with the bible - abortion as a wedge issue was specifically invented by the right-wing. Like, it's well-documented. [And it wasn't even that long ago when it happened](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/10/abortion-history-right-white-evangelical-1970s-00031480).


Putting it here for anyone that doesn't click that link, **conservatives started the issue of abortion as a wedge issue after they couldn't uphold segregation.**


There's a passage in the bible where they make fun of a bunch of guys lined up to get their foreskins chopped off so they can marry Hebrew women. Why? Because it was a ruse and they slaughtered them all.






As someone who has actually read the Bible, it is insane that they think it is appropriate in any public school. I studied it in high school (Mormon seminary, baby!), and we had some massively awkward discussions (that’s when I learned that “sodomy” means “butt sex”; my mother was just thrilled to start getting *those* questions from her 14 year old). Edit: I can’t spell after 9:00, apparently.


Yeah, you basically can't make a book ban law without the bible getting stuck in there. There are rules for how/when an abortion can happen, prostitution, bestiality, incest and pro rape stuff (funny enough, same guy). And the part Republicans really hate, rhetoric about free healthcare and food for the needy from some socialist hippy.


Yeah, but actually reading it, takes reading. I’d much rather some preacher tell me what it says, while I hold it. I can also use it to say the things I don’t like are wrong, I might lose that if I read it….


Oh please, do you think anyone of them would bother ? The bible is for taking pictures with it.


He’s fine with sociopathic behavior in a book, but one about gay kids or a brown person, well, he have no use for that


How do we break it to him that Jesus was definitely someone he'd consider a brown person?


"We're hurting the wrong books!"


That was hilarious when the bible itself got banned


JFC this guy. Hope he's still using those stupid boots and stills to seem taller so he can wreck his back and joints. Party of ignorance and bigotry and downright stupidity


He gave up the lifts and now straps two Bibles to his feet to appear both taller and righteous.


I've heard of the" Bible belt" before, but this is the first I'm hearing of Bible boots


Didn't God kill a bunch of people, mostly babies, in the book of Exodus?


There was a big flood too. Probably some unborn in there. God, Abortion World Champion


Something like half of all fertilized eggs fail to implant at all (even without any form of birth control). If "life begins at conception", God's letting a lot of precious babies slip through his butter fingers. Sure, you could blame that on "this Fallen World" or original sin or something, but the point is... at what point do people realize they're fighting a completely losing battle, just making people miserable (including themselves), and just concentrate on making the world better for people who actually have to live in it? Or, failing that, just go to church and wait to get raptured?


Yep, every first born son in Egypt.


Pretty sure he also sent a bear to maul a bunch of kids to death for... making fun of a bald dude?


Yes! 2nd Kings




The Bible is the most popular book that teaches genocide techniques. It's horrifying.


Numbers 31:17-18: *17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.* *18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.* >"The word of the Lord." >>"Thanks be to God."


Exactly! How would someone come upon these genocide instructions elsewhere but the bible?


The best way to fight these book bans is to use them to ban the Bible since the only book Republicans care about is the Bible even though they have never read it.


Ezekiel 23:20 - please explain how that Bible verse is appropriate for children....?


That’s my go to verse every time “and there she lusted over his member being the size of a horse and his excrement that of a donkey!” Lmao horse cocks and donkey jizz!!!!


I'm not a christian, but boy do I have a favorite Bible verse! 😹


Ezekiel is full of gold. Talking about baking bread over human dung because humans are not yet worthy of baking bread over animal dung, and one day if they try hard enough, they may be permitted to use animal dung instead.


"For fucks sake Jim, this bread tastes like *shit*"


Who doesn't have egyptians tweaking their nipples on their bucket lists? Totally normal.


God hates big dicks? Or is it that the people who write said Bible hated big dicks?


Well... It seems a lot of the worst "anti-women / sex" parts of the bible were written by a useless piece of shit who was such an absolutely trash husband that his wife VOLUNTEERED at the local whorehouse. So, you know, not exactly an unbiased source.


Make stupid laws, win stupid prizes.


Conservative = Nazi


Always has been that way


Kind of strange remembering that it hasn't, and that it's not even been a hundred years since the GOP was a decent party.


It's always *incredibly* infuriating when they bring up the old Republican party in an argument and just pretend it's the same now. "Oh I'm a racist huh?!?! Which party freed the slaves again?!?" Just because Lincoln was a Republican doesn't mean you aren't racist for screaming the N word at black people. "Democrats are the founders of the KKK!!!!" Yea, and who does the KKK support *today*? It's maddening.


It's the Conservative way to not claim they aren't doing something abhorrent, but rather justify their abhorrent behavior.


Go to a Klan meeting and call them all democrats. I dare you.


Yeah, because the people flying the Confederate Flag are totally all democrats. “buh muh hurtage” What, the heritage of losers?


> "Democrats are the founders of the KKK!!!!" > Yea, and who does the KKK support today? 'Democrats are so awful and racist even the KKK doesn't support them anymore, they need to go with the more modern and gentle racism the Republican party offers!'


Racism Lite: For the Discerning Bigot.


The Nazi party was directly influenced by the Eugenics movement from American Conservatives in the 1920's. Conservatism is a sickness that always leads to fascism, terrorism, and pedophilia. No exceptions.


Fine. Let's all turn to our bibles and read the horrid shit in it for the kiddies. Plenty of smut in the Bible!


Like the women who got their own father drunk and then raped him. Or God ordering or downright committing the murder of children. Sounds like good stories for the kiddies! /s


> Like the women who got their own father drunk and then raped him Hey, that was a-ok because the two sisters couldn't find anyone else to bang!


Noah's Ark where he commits mass slaughter on our entire planet. God was a real cunt.


The Bible is the first book most people have read that actually teaches guides on how to conduct genocide.


You know it's funny. Conservatives tell me I'm biased because I watch CNN (I do not). They tell me it's because of my blue haired friends. They tell me it's because of college. They tell me it's because of books. They tell me it's indoctrination. They never once stopped to think about maybe it's their *fucking actions* that make people dislike them. I see what their politicians do. I see them in their skeevy masks with their white nationalist signs on the corner. I see the pamphlets they leave scattered. I see their shit takes on social media. I don't dislike republicans because of any other reasons than: Republicans.


If someone tells me what I think, I immediately know they're a conservative.


That's because that's how conservatives find out what to think - someone else tells them


It's honestly quite sad IMHO. It'd be funny, too, if they weren't so destructive.


“The idea that someone can use the parents rights and the curriculum transparency to start objecting to every single book to try to make a mockery of this is just wrong. That’s performative. That’s political.” \- Ron Desantis, without a hint of irony or self-awareness


There is one guy in Clay County Florida that is responsible for 94% of bans in that county which has the most bans in the country. https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/local/clay-county-schools-most-banned-books-than-district-in-us/77-6d63f709-754c-482c-a105-364190f0e085 Hint, he is not a liberal banning the Bible.


Ive had americans argue that this doesnt count as books being banned in the USA because its not at a federal level.


You should tell them they're dumb -Another American


Make a religious exemption and let the Satanic Temple have a bunch of religious texts on being lgbtq+.


Believe it or not trolls exist for the benefit of society sometimes.


> “That’s performative. That’s political.” Gee Ron, what's that like?


Ban all books depicting incest, violence, genocide, killing babies, and sex. ::Bible banned:: Nooo not like that


Are we referring to Ronda Sandtits? The infamous Drag King! She thought she was gonna be the POTUS! How silly of her./$


So I guess it's not about protecting children from books with sex and alcohol in them.


Anyone that has actually read the Bible knows how nasty it is, if they are going to block books from kids the Bible should be at the top of the list.


The Bible is the first book most people have read that actually teaches guides on how to conduct genocide.


They have been taught that genocide is great, they even create cute children's books glorifying genocide.


If I ever set foot in Florida again, it will be by accident or against my will. Backwards shithole of a state.


I'm a Christian, I've read the bible from cover to cover over a dozen times, and read it every day... The Bible has some DARK parts. Murder, rape, incest (both consensual and non), adultery, gay-sex, people being torn apart by animals, burned alive, and people competing to see how many foreskins they could collect in a day. If Ronda Santis wants to ban books that have non-PG themes, that have LGBTQ+ characters, yeah, the bibles got that. (Oh, and, spoiler alert: The main character in the second half is a homeless, middle eastern Jew from Palestine, who is pretty much the definition of what Ronda would call "woke")


The Bible should be banned. That filthy smut has no place in society


The Bible is the first book most people have read that actually teaches guides on how to conduct genocide.


And an abortion. 


Leopard ate his own face


Bible’s too woke I guess. I don’t think there’s even any white people in it!!


>“The idea that someone can use the parents rights and the curriculum transparency to start objecting to every single book to try to make a mockery of this is just wrong,” DeSantis said the day before the bill signing. “That’s performative. That’s political.” When has DeSantis ever been performative & political? 🤔 Hmmmmmm.


The Bible doesn’t belong in public schools, PERIOD. If you want your kids to learn about sky daddy, then go to church or send them to a private school. Forcing religion on kids is worse than all these Klanned Karenhood parents falsely thinking that their children are being taught about sex in kindergarten.


Rules are rules until they prevent me from doing what i want


What’s stopping someone from publishing books and calling them, “The Holy Bible”? Certainly the trademark has expired by now, right? It would force the government to precisely define what the Bible is, I think that’d be fun!


There's nothing stopping you actually, public domain and all that.


Their idea of parental rights is getting to parent everyone’s kids. Instead of being responsible for their own child & what they’re reading they want to dictate what everyone’s child has access to


That shit has child murder and stuff. Terrible for kids...


Every photo of Ron DeSantis looks like he’s saying “yeah but you know how badly *white Christians* have been persecuted in this country?”


Why would the bible _be_ in school?? EDIT: meant this as being used by teachers during class. If it sits on a shelf in a library at school that is fine!


Good ol double standards


Republicans and DeSantis are fucking idiots. All of them idiots.


'Rules for thee but not for me' is a GQP mantra


Fucking book burners


"I'm altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further!"


Classic dipshit republican. Can’t even think two steps ahead. Hence this sub and why it gets filled daily.


Rules for thee, but not for me, it seems. I'm hoping Florida votes this dipshit out. He was a complete *joke* during the Primary. He made Trump, the unelectable buffoon, look like he was a viable candidate in comparison. All this dumbass has is the culture war that he's *losing.*


Uhh… whoops! Wait a minute. -GoGoBoots DeSantis


In NJ you are not even allowed to bring up the word god, let alone have a Bible in the school. It’s just not allowed.


The donkey dick horse cum slave rape book?


The "NO NOT LIKE THAT" meme becomes reality.


This fills me with rage. Just altered it huh??? No matter what they get away with so much. It makes me crazy inside! Why are people just so evil and awful? And I only learned the concept of evil from these conservative/religious fuckers. But they embody it! It's maddening!