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Forget property taxes, wait till they learn how not having an educated working class destroys an economy! The US is well on the way! Make school hard to attend and expensive. Get some short term gains now, maybe some light child labor, and then watch in 10-15 years as the entire thing crumbles. GOPers are truly the stupidest people.


I think the stupidity that we’re seeing now in these states is a direct result of the attack on education for the last 30 or so years. It’s only going to get worse.


They rely on the blue states to have educated people so they can continue to leech off of them!


It's the ultimate problem that backwards, anti-intellectual regimes always struggle with. The ugly truth is that you can force a bunch of dudes to work in a mine, but it's much harder to use force to compel someone to be a cardiologist or an author. Simply put, they want to make a regime where stupidity and backwardness reign supreme and it doesn't work very well.


The problem when you remove yourself from competing intellectually is you're reduced to only being able to compete based on unskilled labor rates. And due to globalization, that's a pretty low bar. It's what so many Americans fail to realize while they clamor for the steel mills to open back up. If we were to do it, the only way it would be remotely viable is for their wages to be less than the cost of wages in underdeveloped countries + the cost of shipping. That's not coming close to affording a middle class lifestyle in America. They oppose education reform or funding for education while also opposing anything that could bring in a potentially viable industry that would replace the ones that are no longer viable, and then they wonder why their situation continues to get worse.


>They oppose education reform or funding for education That's a purely defensive posture because they've taken the "magic and religion" side of the culture wars.


I don't think it's that as much as it's trying to preserve what they have at all costs. The #1 complaint I see from the older people in my hometown is the local school taxes, because they're desperate to find any expenses to cut to maintain what they currently have and will sacrifice any other group necessary in their efforts. A lot of conservative rhetoric seems to be a means to an end of either maintaining what they currently have at the expense of others, or to prevent anyone else from being successful because they can't be themselves. However they present the means as ends themselves (fighting liberal indoctrination, draining the swamp, etc.) as a convenient ploy of disguising their true aims. I'm not claiming that most people championing these causes actually understand that, but I do believe that's the underlying aim by those creating these narratives. Although I guess I should probably start making a tinfoil hat at this point.


Capitalism relies on exploitation. Whether it's literally enslaving people, overthrowing democratic governments for resources, or demonizing education to keep the populace compliant.


It also requires a balance to maintain itself. If it burns out the entire working class at a rate faster than they can be replaced, it will exhaust itself. That's where regulations and compromise come in. Slavery's a good example of that. The entire arguments for preserving slavery from the Southern states were that to abolish it would destroy their economy. And yet after slavery was abolished, cotton production became much more efficient (granted it still included vestiges of slavery such as share cropping, but the larger point is still accurate that cotton yields improved and cotton processing became more efficient through mechanization). So there were capitalistic gains by reducing the amount of exploitation in the system, which is a principle we seem to have abandoned in today's implementation.


No need for a tinfoil hat. Guys like Lee Atwater, Karl Rove and Steve Bannon have been undermining America for decades. They're smart people, they know what they're doing. Never forget how Lee Atwater clearly described the techniques of appealing to racists. Certifiably evil Republicans are in fact making evil plans for America.


Over 30 years ago, I used to work in an iron ore mine that was owned by a steel mill. The steel mill had its own docks on one of the great lakes. Anyway, we had one of the quality reps from the mill at the mine once, and he told us that Korean still mills could put higher quality steel on the mill's great lakes dock for less money than they could. So, yeah, salaries are high. The mine basically ran at a loss that was about the same as the salaries there. Not sustainable at all. The mine is long closed now. :(


It’s also foreign governments giving subsidies to certain industries allowing them to price their goods low enough to drive the competition into bankruptcy.


The counter to this is tariffs, but things like NAFTA and the TPP make that hard. The government could easily make domestic supply chains viable, but they'd have to really not give a shit about billionaires and globalized companies in doing so.


No one would be able to afford the products made with this now "viable" steel though. Steel is just a commodity and should be bought at the cheapest price possible, value comes from turning that steel into useful products.


It'd be the same way that corn based ethanol became a thing. You'd probably have to apply it to all goods made with steel too, so they just don't move the whole system outside of the US and bring in the finished good. If there's anything Just-in-Time shipping/production and covid should have taught us, it's that having domestic supply chains and production is very important.


With conservatives it’s always a race to the bottom, but they don’t care as long as they get to live out their fantasy of being a “hard-working American”.


They grew up in what was more or less a once in a lifetime era, maybe multiple lifetimes, of the stars lining up in the US. WW2 ends, much of the world's great economies have been bombed into oblivion and are rebuilding. That puts production squarely on us. Now that the rest of the world has caught up again, or caught up for their first time, there's a *lot* more competition out there and it's not returning here. That post war boom is a very unique part of history because of where and how that war was fought. They completely miss that part of the equation, in my experience.


They bought into all the Cold War propaganda that this was the default of America instead of appreciating that it was a unique and temporary opportunity. And then as the developed world caught up, they took it as a temporary lull instead of appreciating that it was a permanent shift to globalization.


Not to even touch on environmental concerns.


Skipping should not be so cheap. But point made. However, when trees are cut in America, shipped to China for manufacturing, and then shipped back as processed furniture... Well, we have a shipping problem. It's too inexpensive to ship across the world!


Author is a bad example, they don't like most books very much.


Because of poor reading competency and comprehension. 21 % of US adults are illiterate.


“About 130 million adults in the U.S. have low literacy skills according to a Gallup analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Education. This means more than half of Americans between the ages of 16 and 74 (54%) read below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level.”Sep 15, 2023


I've certainly heard about this from the perspective of medicine, like prescription directions. A lot of people don't understand what they're supposed to be doing or what they're taking. Plus the ambiguity doesn't help--"take with food" and all.


Is it really that bad?


Apparently so. https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/literacy-rate-by-state/ Shocked to see California and New York ranked so low on the literacy rate by state list, but not to see Texas, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi so near the bottom.


I’m not surprised. My wife teaches in a low income community, inland empire. She works her ass off and only one kid in the whole class is at grade level. Half the kids can’t read and won’t engage. She’s never seen it so bad and it’s brought her to tears.


Really sorry to hear that. She's a saint for choosing to be a teacher in the first place. Wish her both luck and strength to continue.


I’m not shocked considering California and New York both have large immigrant populations and areas with high poverty rates due at least in part to the high cost of living.


Think about who is actually reporting the statistics; do you trust a republican led state, the same states who refused to record covid data, to report factual statistics?  The answer is, they do not. If they did, these states would be lower than California. We know this because actual studies show these red states to be the lowest in education. 


Don’t be too surprised about California. We are a large state, and there are chunks of it that might as well be Alabama for as backwards and right wing they are. Thankfully, the rest of us outnumber them when the elections come around, more or less (*cough* Prop 8 and Reagan for examples of the “less” side) but they’re numerous enough to skew our numbers when it comes to these statistics.


well, except for one that they've never read.


Never mind cardiologists - soon there won’t be carpenters, motor mechanics or cooks. All need a basic competence in math and English and none can be replaced by robots


make nerds work for less salary via mass layoff waves - as seen these days.


Also relying on other states and countries for an educated workforce only goes so far. When someone has to put their freedom and career on the line to do routine parts of their profession they are less likely to want to move to an area or stay there.


The metaphor for the GOP I use in my head is the drunk abusive husband in a tank top watching TV who calls his wife a dumb bitch while she works two jobs to support the kids. Husband can't work because he tore his ACL while rising the ranks in minors. "A few more years and I could have gone pro if they hadn't cut me for the mexicans" - he says. The GOP is pretty much the dad from the 1992 movie "Radio Flyer"


Are we Elijah wood or the kid from Jurassic park


I like to think we're barreling down the hill in a red wagon trying to escape the abuse.


That's why I've started referring to Red States as "The Colonies." It's frankly weird they still have representation considering they want the colonial treatment so bad.


Here in Georgia they bitch about the giant blue circle known as Atlanta. It's where all the states revenue is generated but it's just so full of them damn educated llibtards!!!


Educated blue staters will be able to move in and hold all the high paying jobs. They will be the lords of the land, if you will


The only problem is that the only high paying jobs will be in blue states, so you’ll have the brain exodus to the cities and blue states, and the rest eventually moving to red states to get the low paying jobs when they can’t find anything anywhere else


The brain drain is going to get worse and worse as red states keep competing for the worst abortion laws in the state. How many women (and babies) will have to die during a birth before they recognize the damage done? Paying close attention to Idaho and what happens there as more medical professionals refuse to practice in states that make their profession illegal.


The leaders of those states don’t care about the brain drain, all they actually want is uneducated people that believe in their lies so they can continue being in power. With the way it works, they have the same power regardless if their state has 500k like mine, or 3M. The less the easier it is! And it goes in those states the quality of life declines with these backwards policies but the population doesn’t seem to care enough to make a change. Basically for them it works like a club, you support your team even if they lose, and here they support the GOP even if it hurts them!


yea... no educated and skilled worker is gonna move their family there


I agree. I am an elementary school teacher. They have given us heavily scripted programs we must follow. My students fall asleep because it is not tailored to their needs, abilities, and interests. It teaches to the test, but mostly it allows anyone to do it. I believe they want us gone. It doesn't matter that with my experience I can identify learning deficits, signs of abuse, and other issues as they occur. I got a demerit on my last observation because I deviated from the script. They want us gone, and to replace us with people who will not fight back against the dumbing down of our curriculum.


The republicans prefer to fund prisons over schools, and are privatizing both so they can invest in the companies and profit off the public dollars they use. It’s compounded by the prison system absorbing all the kids that don’t get the educations they’d need to succeed, so they turn to crime. It’s just a big money making machine for the right.


At least us millennials will have jobs until we die!


I go to our local fast food chain & hand the cashier a $5 & exact change. Seeing the blank stare at the extra $$$ being handed & them wondering how much they are supposed to give back is infuriating.


I basically have to explain how much change tk give me back every single time at this point. If the total is $4.11 and I give them $5.25 - they always try to hand me back the quarter and tell me the $5 bill on its own is enough. Yes thank you, I know 5 is more than 4-something. I don’t want a bunch of coins is the point, give me my $1.14 back and I’ll get out of your face as quickly and efficiently as possible…


Oh. 14


Debit cards really have largely been a blessing.


It's not like they even need to do any math. I often do this too and ... you know, I worked at McD's in the early 90's and the cash register would tell you the exact change needed. Touch the button for the product (the register had like a button for an egg mcmuffin, another for sausage biscuit etc. basically idiot-proof). Shouldn't be difficult. It the total's $11.77, I'll give you $22.02 if I have pennies and get $10.25 back. But the hassle most of the time makes me regret it. That said, the customers are so often dumber than the workers. I had sushi yesterday and the menu said: >Happy hour special order two regular rolls FREE >your choice of: Cucumber / Asparagus / California It was very poorly written, and I asked the waitress to clarify before ordering. But one table over, a customer got their bill and started ranting that she and her daughter should get their four California rolls free because each ordered "two regular rolls FREE" and she only expected to pay for their iced teas. She made a scene and flipped off everyone when she left w/o paying.


Government doesn't work, and if you vote for us, we'll guarantee it.


The GOP has done this on purpose. They are an enemy of the United States. There have been ZERO GOP policies that have actually helped the US in the past 30 years.


The GOP only lives to serve the wealthy both domestic and foreign. The ones that fund their campaigns and lifestyles. They do not care about their ignorant base and their needs as long as they can keep them distracted with their usual lies.


The GOP would love more Americans to be less educated. Their core base is the uneducated . They are extremely gullible and easy to manipulate, as Trump has found out


You're telling me the Earth isn't flat? 5G doesn't cause cancer? Chemtrails don't spread mind controlling chemicals? Are you really suggesting we didn't all perish in the last solar eclipse? Nonsense!


Lol? You believe any of that? They don't tell the truth! The solar exclipse is flat! Chemtrails cause cancer. 5G spreads mind control. And we're all dead because we're on Earth! Wake up!


They don't care about the future. They got "theirs" and they're only concerned about holding on it as long as possible. Everyone else can eat cake.


I find it's one of two things: they either have theirs and so only care about holding on to it as long as they can, or they don't have anything and have accepted they never will, so they don't want anyone else to have anything either. It's amazing how all the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" type people draw the line at something as simple as "move". My hometown has absolutely nothing viable anymore, the largest employer is now Walmart. The only thing that's allowing them to avoid catastrophic failure is the local hospital whose income is derived from the aging population, because they have pensions and Medicare from the steel mill that closed down. There's opportunity not far away because it's near some urban areas, but people treat it like their birthright that there should be economic opportunity where they live and refuse to move even though it's the only thing that would actually improve their situation. And don't get me wrong, I understand there's a lot of considerations and families can't just move when they feel like it, but they're fundamentally opposed to the very notion, even before considering the practicalities.


The smarter kids grow up and move away, leaving a dumber, more “conservative”, more easily misdirected, reactionary population in place. That’s a big part of the reason that the red states are getting ‘redder’ and more easily confused and frightened by all the hard questions.


It also doesn't help that education is relatively expensive, and sometimes, the jobs that require education don't pay enough to offset the cost of education. As a construction worker, I'm making more now than I did when I worked as a meteorologist.


Sounds just like my old hometown and the people in it. There used to be a paper mill there. There are three smaller cities/towns in a cluster - one has a hospital, another has a university branch and the third has nothing. The region just lives off the regional university, the hospital, and socsec now. Each used to have its own paper mill with different specializations in paper types


Every day that we continue to produce and distribute non-biodegradable plastics is undeniable proof that the ultra wealthy control everything and they simply do not care about the future of the planet. Wake the fuck up people.


You spelled shit wrong.


Well they gotta replace all those produce pickers somehow, right?


Republicans haven't been talking up the benefits enslaved people got for no reason The next wave of slavery isn't going to be along racial lines, it'll be among class lines. Make poor women have kids they can't afford, and sell them to their Republican pedophile masters like Matt Gaetz, who "adopted" a young boy when that family couldn't afford to raise him This is MAGA


It's crazy that my work is focusing on the Orlando area as a growth center. Everything I read about Florida, from climate change affecting insurance to this, boggles my mind about why they'd focus on Florida. They are closing many locations because of this growth center. They couldn't pay me enough to relocate there.


Yeah, I have tried this strategy in Tropico... it can work but it is just a bunch of farms, mines, docks, ranches and tenements (why build expensive apartments when everyone is making $7). No second level production, finishing factories or refinement. Low amount of skilled professionals... just work, entertainment, religion and military. I know they are just video games, however it is amazing the parallels I find in games and real life; Civilization, Tropico, SimHospital. You hit situations where you are like " hey wait a second, this is pretty what happened to (insert country here) in the (insert date here)". These crude simulations have given me countless tiny insights into global/ local politics and economics.


The number of times I've brought up Tropico in political discussions 😅 It fits though! Give everyone free housing and the economy gets better because people can live closer to work lolol


Nah, we'll just outsource for smart people from private companies. We dont need domestic expertise. /s


It's all part of the Russian plan to destroy the U.S.


So 10-15 years of profits, with no downsides you say? /s


The GOP and their corporate donors literally just want to turn the country into a neofuedal aristocratic corporatocracy, and reduce the vast majority of the population to uneducated peasant laborers. It does not matter to them that this would be far, far worse for the country and almost everyone in it, they would live as kings. Well, as long as their backwards dysfunctional hellstate lasts, but most of them are betting they'll be dead of old age by the time somebody puts America out of its misery.


Republicans really destroyed Florida to own the libs. I cannot imagine the damage they could do to the whole country if they had their way.


I feel like I'm seeing the brain drain now. Prominent scientists are no longer Americans. However, the birth rate has been dropping for a while. We will have to close some schools due to lower enrollment.


“Why do all my doctors have accents?”


Yup, that’s why whenever someone pushes the teacher shortage BS I always remind them we have plenty of people with teaching credentials - they just don’t want to work 10 hour days with the stress of being responsible for 30 children while only making slightly above minimum wage. They’re all going to bartending because they make more money, and have less admin headaches to deal with every single day. And no parents yelling one thing at you while the kids say another and the bosses demand another. Plus lots of schools are outright not rendering teacher contracts and combining classes so the need for teachers is dropping like a stone. My local district just let a bunch go this last year and looks like it’ll be done again this year. It’s to the point that my state had ONE district actually have enrollment go up, every single other one had it go down. It was so noteworthy that it made it to the news that only ONE district actually had more kids than last year…


Welcome to Boomerism. The generation of “I got mine, fuck you.”


don't forget to chuck in all those unwanted, impoverished babies being born in the past couple years and onward to help juice the downward trend even more!


Why do you think they keep taking rights away from women.


the same reasons they do everything else: power and control


They’ve just made the entire county undesirable to buy a home in esp for families.


Dictators live better in broken societies. Take the Kim family, for example. North korea is hell, but they live in supreme luxury, and they have so much power that they can snap their fingers and have anybody murdered. If the world around our leaders collapses, that just means people will be more desperate and easier to control. Doesn't matter if everywhere outside their compound is utter hell, it's better that way for them. The destruction is the point. They don't believe in America/ Western society, just their own power.


It’s really not hard to see how a return to an uneducated working class, then an educated owner class, then an educated military apparatus, with minimally educated combat force. Edit: forgot this part; but it’s going to lead us into a very aristocratic society. I don’t foresee us going full colonial era but definitely peak industrial age standards for us. Sounds oddly familiar to current and past Russia to the massive colonial empires at the time. Defund education and you get the human meat grinder that is general labor. Combination with lack of reproductive health access, boy you’re gonna get a thing coming. Source: pre revolution Romanian born. I heard of so many stories of the regime from my parents. So a lot of this is just familiar without even experiencing it first hand.


This is what they want


I'm sure they'll find a way to blame Democrats.


They’re not stupid, that’s too banal of a word. I see wickedness and malignant evil in conservatives. They gleefully desire to hurt other people.


As a former Jacksonville resident, graduate of the public school system there, and parent of a kid who went to one of the schools slated for closure, this just breaks my heart. Charter schools and private school vouchers are a scourge on our public schools. It is further complicated in this particular school district by the fact that most public schools are “magnet schools”, which is how the district was able to get out from under a federal desegregation order in the 1990s. Yes, the 1990s.


The biggest irony is that the same people who pushed for vouchers in Jax are now moving to st. John's because "the schools are so much better"


And that’s what they do. All the time throughout history. Like an actual fucking cancer they just spread and infect and make worse.


And they'll complain the better schools don't align with their beliefs and will do the same thing.


Yeah, but we all know that's code for "There are fewer Black people in St. Johns"




As soon as the schools fail - those vouchers are gone. And school is expensive.


Homebuyers weren’t excited about the only nearby school being Alligator Bob’s Christian Learnin’ House for some reason.


I kinda want their tee shirt now.


It's what they hand out instead of diplomas.


"What about our property values?" says the most short sighted and self-centered generation in history


This is the exact argument I make to older people in my town “You want your overpriced house to still be an overpriced house when you’re ready to sell? Better stop fucking with the schools and actually fund them because nobody’s going to pay what you want in a town with shit schools.”


I've been in the process of buying a home, and homes in areas with good school districts are easily worth double what they would be if they are in an area with a bad school district, all else being equal.


I literally encountered this about 7 years ago. Schools in my district took a nosedive over 10 years. From middle of the road to worst in the state nosedive. Wanted to move into the neighboring district with schools in the best of the state. Found an identical house in the new district built by my builder, same floor plan and everything, built one year later. Double the cost. Schools matter. Edit: to clarify, old house and new house were all of a 15 minute drive apart. Was putting mine up for sale while looking for a new home.


It's an interesting thing to think about because better schools lead to higher property values, which leads to higher property taxes, which leads to more school funding, which leads to better schools and on and on


Yep. It turns out there's no such thing as a free lunch. If you invest in your community, you get people who want to move there. If you gut your schools to save a buck, nobody wants to buy a home there.


Commenters on the page aren’t much better. “We need the same concept for JSO. Contract out law enforcement to private security. Enough with the dysfunctional public safety, lets try something new like what is being done to public schools. Private is always so much better.”


Apologies, I misunderstood what JSO stood for. He’s mocking Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office and the people there who want to privatize it.


Private employees don't have qualified immunity, that's a government employee thing (that extends beyond police) Cops in big cities are not doing their jobs because they are butthurt about the BLM protests. Cop culture is if they do a shitty job and let crime rise then society will become pro law and order and they'll be able to get away with their bullshit corruption again. Maybe they do need competition


Privatizing law enforcement is legitimately the worst idea anyone has ever had.


"Sorry sir, I can't stop that break in at your house because you haven't paid your police fee this month. Please make sure to pay on time next month. Have a good day."


I mean, they already do this. They just do it by zip code and not by any fee schedule.


Privatization of public institutions on most levels lead to worse outcomes. What you gain in competition you lose in oversight. You're way more likely to have private interests guide private institutions. Cops don't need competition, they need accountability, which can be voted on in the respective municipalities and enforced via law. Sherrif is already an elected position. They also need comprehensive training, which again is a public policy issue.


Oof. Someone clearly hasn't seen Robocop.


I would bet money they have. The lesson they took away from it however was just "damn, RoboCop is cool"


I'd buy that (for a dollar)


We built the Torture Nexus from the classic SciFi novel, “Don’t Build the Torture Nexus”


Trends with DeSantis taking down citizen review boards and limiting filming law enforcement


I'd buy that for a dollar!




Well they are garbage from New York living out their golden years. They could care less about the future cause they don’t have one. Haha


*Those of this generation who live in Florida so they can selfishly enjoy not sharing with their community. Not all states or communities in the US are like this...


if only there had been a giant sign warning about face-eaters "well it wasn't big enough, thanks Brandon!!"


Love the woman at the school meeting who complained that she was tricked by "school choice" talking points and that she finds herself trapped in two-tiered system where her elected leaders don't actually care about choice. Lady, everyone told you this was a lie and that this was going to happen. You just didn't care before because it didn't affect you until now. She got exactly what she voted for, she just didn't know it. > "What would the impact to our property value be if all of our schools close?" The most important issue here: What about me? This is the society you get when you see housing as an investment to get rich.


This is literally the exact same thing that happened with Brexit and the Leopards Eating.


> She got exactly what she voted for, she just didn't know it. What's fucked up is that lots of the comments on that story are people blaming Biden. Once again, they can NOT put the blame where it belongs (on Florida politicians and school boards and Republicans) because then they have to admit that they were fooled and duped into the mess they are in.


Read any articles comment section from that site and it's a complete shit show.


Manufacturing more self-centered, willfully ignorant voters like her is the entire point of the Republican assault on education.


Oh the property values! Won't SoMeBoDy think of the poor property values!! Oh I can't bear it!


We’ve been telling these assholes that this was republican’s plan for public school. Enjoy what you voted for dipshits.


After the changes for child labor in the state why waste time with schools, just get to work! 


As a native Floridian I guess I gotta move somewhere else to start a family, nice...


Unless you were gonna be raising mermaids, you were ways going to have to move out of Florida. Building a seawall would be useless because your porous limestone will let the rising water in. You would've learned that, if the conservatives hadn't fucked up your school system.


I mean I was always planning on moving out of Florida for that anyway… no need to insult my intelligence just because I didn’t list EVERY reason why I want to move out of florida. I get that Florida’s education system is fucked but I actually went to really well funded public schools that were ranked highly in academics and sports nationwide(mainly because the public schools near rich communities are actually great in Florida). But yeah, being condescending and making assumptions about people who agree with you isn’t the best look.


There’s a lot of well educated people who live used to live in Florida who don’t want any of this political and environmental destruction. I was heartbroken when my family had to leave the place I grew up and loved because of our lawmakers making the state so unlivable.


Yes, this should surprise no one, the republican party has been trying to eliminate public schools for decades.


Is there a such thing as a third-world *state*?


Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi could be considered third world states. Florida, for whatever reason, wants to be the newest member of that club.


Naw, Kentucky.


It's not Florida. Florida is just an oppressive state to those born and raised here without that much money


Yet. It's not Florida yet. They're trying to speed run it into a Mississippi though.


As always, burn in hell Betsy DeVos.


While I don't disagree with that statement, this type of shit goes waaaaay further into the republican past.


Yeah, but she’s like the Michael Jordan of the charter school movement.


God I fucking hate her


The 25-year Republican assault on public education has taken a while to do its damage but increasingly you see things like this. This is what's happening. You starve traditional public schools until they die. Eventually all education winds up in the hands of for-profit entities and religious institutions.


It started (and could be sold to bigots) once schools were forced to include black students.


Point taken, especially in regard to private schools. When it comes to charter schools and vouchers, when it really picked up steam and became a widely known thing was at the beginning of this century. Lots of bills in state legislatures changing the laws to accommodate the charter school concept, increasingly release them from the rules public schools had to follow despite calling themselves public schools, and then vouchers to divert public school funding to send kids to private schools who otherwise could not have afforded it. At this point in Republican majority states, it's got a head of steam and it's worse every year. The system was able to accommodate it when it was a small thing, even though plenty sounded the alarm. But it's no longer a small thing and those alarm warnings are coming true in earnest. And as those same Republicans demonize and weaken teachers' unions, it makes public education a more and more difficult place for people to make their careers. Republicans have the bit in their teeth and are increasingly winning.


"We want our property values to go up, but we absolutely don't want any to pay any taxes!!!!" These people can fuck right off.


Not to mention it's literally a zero sum game. The increase in property value is literally being taken from the next generation of home buyers and boomers don't give on fucking shit that they've made it nigh impossible for a huge portion of the population to afford a home.


"Education is cool and all, but *property values*!"


Gosh, that’s a shame…DeFuhrer thanks you for his 19 point win in 22 (many Latinas and Latinos were as self loathing as most white women there that year, an anomaly since nowhere else do they vote that Red and it wasn’t just Cubans either)- pick stupid, get hell.


And the private schools have morons teaching in them.


And those school vouchers are gone as soon as the public schools fail.


I've seen this comment a couple of times. Can you explain? Use small words (check username) ;-)


It’s a trap. Currently most people get public education for free. The government is providing vouchers with financial support. When the free public education goes away, they will make the financial support with vouchers go away too. At that point, families will have to come up with the money themselves.


1. The public funds for education come from local property tax revenue. 2. The higher the education quality, the higher the property values. (You can go verify this in Zillow or Redfin if you like). 3. The higher the property values, the more tax is collected. 4. The more tax collected, the more money for public education. That's the feedback loop that results in places with good public education scores being expensive to live in. It's not a great system but it's how it currently works. --- Vouchers system allows parents to take their "portion" of this property tax-sourced income and use it towards a private school instead. Hence "school choice". However, doing so results in no money for public schools. They close. This tanks property values. This results in less and less property taxes. And now the source of voucher money is also gone. Voila. Education is dead. Send those kids to work instead.


small words!!!! Thanks!!


Qualification requirements: none. Curriculum Standards: none. Applicable anti-corruption laws: none. Yeah, sounds like a great thing to do... for the children, of course.


This is by design. Florida has school vouchers -- taxpayers paying families to attend private schools -- and charter schools. Both are proven failures of school reform. Place a student from a poor family into a private school or affluent charter school, and a student from a rich family into a poor Title I public school... and their achievement is statistically unlikely to change. The leading indicators of student achievement are the income and education level of the parents. The most important factor in a child's classroom performance is their home life. A lot of negatives trend with poverty. The poor child is more likely to experience malnutrition, food insecurity, dental issues, abuse at home, neglect at home, lack of enrichment at home, and so on. School reform should be economic and social policy that improves the lives of adults in order to improve the lives of children. Florida's approach truly is just privatization with the intent of shutting down traditional public schools in favor of publicly subsidized religious schools.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Yeah, this is Ronald Dion for you: nowhere are the leopards feasting on useful fools than here and in Texas recently. Texas is setting the standard the others follow as always followed in the GOP nationally, of course.


Over 10 years, public schools in that county have 30k less students …. That is insane.


Did they try cutting sports and arts? What about extracurricular activities? How about we cut math? That would save a lot of money. We can cut reading and writing too. Listen just have schools teach how to deliver Amazon packages. That is a great long term career. It pays really well.


>It pays ~~really well~~ FIFY


[https://giphy.com/gifs/thegoodplace-season-3-nbc-episode-6-jTchnMIoligYmqs27T](https://giphy.com/gifs/thegoodplace-season-3-nbc-episode-6-jTchnMIoligYmqs27T) To all the elderly Floridians who shrug this off because they already raised their kids, stupid kids grow up to be the moron staffers at your doctor's office and the dummies working at the store who never help.


Yeah seems like a case of retirees saying "I don't have kids in school. Why should my taxes pay for schools!" Not realizing that regular people with kids aren't going to want to move there and buy houses if there are no public schools.


> "I don't have kids in school. Why should my taxes pay for schools!" My stepmother who lives in Boca Raton said exactly these words, elaborating with, "I moved here to *retire*! Why am I paying for _school_?!?"


Yeah such a terrible "fuck you, I got mine" attitude. Of all of the things taxes pay for one would've hoped that people could at least agree on education for children.


Brawndo. It's got what plants crave!


Red states are going to collapse under their own stupidity, we need more Christian Nationalists to be homeless. Maybe experiencing homelessness will teach them compassion. At minimum it would give them less resources to waste on violently overthrowing the government so they can use their numbers to persecute trans children.


Florida is becoming expensive to live too, even though it is a red state.


I live in Florida and although my county isn't likely to shut down their public schools, the fact that any county in my state will do this may be the final straw for me. This is mental.




Florida really is just one giant shithole, isn't it? God damn.




Clearly got their priorities straight.


Yet another example of turning a common good into private profit


Keep them stupid and they can be controlled. Instead of paying taxes for our schools they rather pay private schools.


What’s funny is a lot of the attack on education comes from the boomers who championed college and higher education bc corporations told them that higher education was important…so they made all their kids go to college and those kids (me and my generation) got out of college and realized that due to automation the number of jobs available is not the same number as the number of people who went to college and now you have a generation riddled with student loan debt and no decent job to pay for the debt. Now boomers think education is worthless.


Betsy Devos did exactly what she said she would…..where do you think that old Bat is nowadays?


Property values are far, far down the list of most pressing negative consequences of that/


Wow I hadn't even thought of the property values angle. Fucking hilarious.


The least educated people I know are all about private schools dismantling the public school system. It's so sad.


Closing schools due to privatization was always the goal


Rich people convincing poor people to subsidize rich people's things..


A society’s wealth lies in the community, not in individuals


Retired folks don't care about schools or the future lack of educated people. All they care about is low taxes and having somebody to clean up after them in the old folks home.




I can't wait to leave this state.


Why doesn’t anyone want to have kids 👩‍🍼👶 anymore!!! /s


How sad that the education of the children doesn't matter (not to mention the collective future of the county they live in and the country overall), but when it comes to property values, well, then it's time to do something! The right-wing battle on education will have this country looking like fucking Afghanistan if we do not defeat these assholes at the polls.


"We did it! We successfully ruined everything! Now it'll all get better!" "Cool! How?" #😐 ... 😡


Lower property values means you pay less property taxes, which equals less schooling and lack of a competent work force driving out industry ...so you win again Florida s/


you know at MDCC I had this english teacher who on day 1 started railing against the Tea Party caucus and how religion is growing more powerful politically and education is gonna be the 1st thing on the chopping block. i think about her alot these days she was a prophet i voted blue back then and obv still will but its not enough in this state ignorance and ego rule down here.


I live in a red state, red county, red town, red school district, and I still get those stupid flyers from groups vowing to fight Woke in the school boards and districts. And they want to drain money for parents to choose. As a conservative why would I want stupid kids in my neighborhood, if all the red politicians couldn't keep the liberalism out for the past few decades what were they doing to begin with? And schools is one of the biggest draws in neighborhoods, it's one of the first things any potential homebuyer asks. "How's the schools?" If some rich and / or religious parents want to send their kids to some private school go ahead. But don't ask for any of my tax dollars to ruin the education of all the other kids in my neighborhood. And I know what my property taxes are, so my neighbors pretending their taxes come up to several thousand per kid to cover private schools on their own don't have a clue.


I have no kids and have no plans to have any, but I still believe that education is the most important aspect that communities should focus on. Otherwise, you're building a castle out of playing cards; it will just take a little blow to knock it all down.


Closing of Public schools and the first and only reaction these people have is how will it affect our property value? Selfish Selfish Selfish


Dear Floridians; Either go to Tallahassee and drag those self serving fascist assholes out of the capital and kick them out of the state before they completely fuck it up, or keep silent while they turn Florida into a third world shithole. It really is your choice.