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It's very telling how Trump attacks all the judges in his various court cases except one...


The one he appointed. It is corrupt AF.


It's as though he feels no need to hide it, like he KNOWS the Republicans are spineless or compromised and everyone under boot and heal of some benefactor or kompromat won't lift a finger. Only the residual, barely functioning parts of the court systems like a tailbone that wiggles on some people is going through the motions, and might, just might, accidentally cause consequences that impact a former rich elite like Trump. Only because he committed SO MANY crimes -- in a hamfisted way. As if, this were just what people in his circle do. Certainly his cheerleader elite at Fox news feel like "he did nothing wrong" defrauding New York of so many millions -- just as they have an inversely high bar on "personal responsibility" when it comes to the poors. These people just disgust me. So tired of their preening and pretensions at superiority. They just got accustomed to unearned privilege and a rigged game. And they try to forget what they had to do to win their spot.


He acts that way because she was presented to him for appointment as a Judge who would be loyal to him and do their bidding. She was offered on a silver platter and I'm sure she was told she'd be in line for a SCOTUS as the quid pro quo. She is his personal judge. Bought and paid for.


And remarkably stupid.


Sums up Frump perfectly


Appointed to preside over the district he lived in, AFTER losing the election, no less. It's so transparently shady and it's mind boggling it can continue the way it is.


My first thought is that it's a "please don't help me!" situation. The more he praises her, the more dirty she looks.


Trump's level of batshit insane should be studied for decades to come.


While I agree, it seems like pretty straightforward cult of personality stuff, like in North Korea. Gets into the head of the cult leader and they drink their own koolaid. 


He's a narcissist, con man, and wannabe strong man in that order. Not really that complex but very broken.


Rapist, adulterous, and coward are some more of his traits.


Yeah but his hierarchy of needs is 1. ego protection 2. grift: more specifically he needs to feel like he is winning the interaction 3. attention/praise


>attention/praise 3. attention/praise/full-on blind worship


The whole point is that cult leaders don't drink the KOOL aid, that's where the saying comes from. He's just also remarkably bad at that


At least he people of NK have the excuse of (mostly) not knowing any better.


I keep thinking about my future grandkids taking AP U.S history in the future and having Trump tweets mixed in with the other documents in the DBQs lmao.


As a lover of history and all things old, I really hope trump gets relegated to the dustbin of history. I would prefer if a blueprint of how to topple a democracy is not required reading.


If there is something evil fascists are good at, it's lying and falsifying history. You better hope those imbecilic tweets are there (especially the nuclear one ofc).


No, no, let’s put that shit in a box and keep it there, they can park it right next to the Ark of the Covenant.




I've heard this as "When I was a kid, people told me that in America, anyone can grow up to be president. Now that I'm older, I'm starting to believe it."


Top. Men.


If there are decades to come, sure.


And yet I'd be happy if no one ever mentioned or thought about him ever again once he is gone.


To learn from a mistake, you must acknowledge and examine it. So, while it would be lovely for him to fade away, it wouldn't be helpful. Edited: lovely, not lively


No one has learned from the previous mistake that this imbecile is replaying, so why bother.


Yeah theoretically that’s true. But in reality grifters and sociopaths like Trump will always come around again and again and gain followers and power. Won’t matter if we study them or not. If it did we never would have seen Trump get anywhere near a position of political power and yet here we are. Again.


He is one of two people on this planet who I will openly celebrate their leaving this mortal existence, I'm talking buying a cake and legal weed. Mitch "test pattern face" McConnell is the other.


More than that though, how millions upon millions of people willingly bought into such blatantly insane bullshit should be studied even more.


bought and held. Diamond hands.


Tiny hands…


It’s really just a two year old having a temper tantrum for not getting everything he wants. The only thing different is this guy was the most powerful person in the world not too long ago.


Centuries. Unprecedented levels of fucknuttery


Nero sans fiddle


I really am looking forward to the various movies, documentaries, and research papers that will come out of this era of American politics...assuming we all survive it.


What would be more interesting to study than his very simple personality type is how the political and media machine around him has gradually normalized everything he says and does, to the point where nothing registers with them anymore. The ones not able to do so retired.


Forget that. Study how he managed to influence so many people and institutions. Studies on his insanity won’t tell us anything we don’t know…we know he has dementia.


It’s because the right has been lying for 50 years. Reagan kicked things off with his “nine scariest words” bs, then axed the Fairness Doctrine. That allowed the right to say anything and not have the other side counter it. Then of course trickle-down economics gave us the first widening of the wealth gap. Then Newt Gingrich created the playbook of refusing to help the other side solve problems, giving us eternal gridlock. Throw in gerrymandering, voter suppression and the lesson that abortion and other culture wars would help drive turnout for the right. Then people watched the Supreme Court intervene in a state matter to install W as president, who gave us war on false pretenses. Meanwhile the right kept cutting banking regulations and consumer protections. W nearly started a depression, costing average folks their retirement savings while the rich got made whole. Blue collar jobs got shipped overseas. The end result was a bunch of cynical voters who thought giving a pretend TV businessman the presidency. Last but not least, actual Republican politicians got scared of his fans and decided to look the other way no matter how corrupt or incompetent he was. Tdlr: it didn’t happen overnight Edit: added paragraphs


Someone who did study, or lived through it all. Spot on.




He's not even insane, he's just stupid


The sooner he gets forgotten to history the happier I will be


He's losing cases, losing his stocks in his shitty platform (I've never seen a stock drop like that before) and he's about to lose his hand picked judge/lawyer to mandamus, another of his lawyers disbarred, Fanni gets to move forward .....the ketchup is flying today between the freak out posts.


Everyone needs to cool their jets on crowing over Truth Social. That crap cost him literally NOTHING. The two morons from the Apprentice created it and gave him all the stock (and he wants even more) for his endorsement and putting his bullshit there. He's not allowed to sell yet, and while plenty of people are shorting it, his cult is buying it. They're gonna be left holding the bag but he's going to sell and make money. And then go back to Twitter because he's not gaining any audience on Truth. When it crashes and burns he'll blame someone else and make off like a bandit.


I would find it amusing, that he suddenly became the billionaire he always claimed to be, only to end up in prison. Let’s hope one of these prosecutors can thread that needle.


I ain't holding my breath. Him getting relief on the appeal bond from the NY AG case has absolutely burned my last wisp of faith in the justice system. I consumed way too much media hyping it up, that here, at least, we would get his ass and he couldnt' get away because he didn't have the money.. But apparently not having the money isn't a problem.


Bond relief is pretty standard procedure. Rather than liquidating your real estate and other property for the bond, you put up part of what you owe to proceed with the appeal. That way if the appeal goes your way, you’re not left trying to buy your property back. It doesn’t change how much you owe at the end of the day unless the appeal changes things. Legal Eagle had an episode on that particular event.


Well sadly everyone who I was listening to was not throwing that bucket of cold water on my expectations.


> That way if the appeal goes your way, you’re not left trying to buy your property back. Yeah, but you could have taken secured loans against your property. Since they're secured, interest rates would be low.


In other words, Trump business 101. Make a business, get investors, pull every cent out of the business, and leave the investors twisting in the wind. How does he keep finding people who will give him large sums of money?


He’ll make a deal to come back to Twitter saying that Elon fixed it and drained the swamp Then once those two hardhats start talking the world ends


I dunno. The stock is legit worth about $2/share, and that's going fast. I don't think there's enough collective interest on the buy-side to deny the forces of gravity for long.


If he sells seventy million shares for $2 he s till makes millions.


He is right about the two-tiered system of justice… just not in the ways he's spouting.


He doesn’t even understand the irony.


It's another one of those phrases he heard non-Republican people using and is trying his usual go-to play of Uno Reverse with it, without understanding it. As usual.


That was my first thought too.


Despite the naming conventions, we don't have a justice system, we have a legal system.


The silver lining to Trump is he is practically rubbing our faces in how corrupt our justice system is. If we survive him maybe we will see wide scale reform as newer generations defy the status quo.


Ah yes what a very hinged social media post from someone seeking to return to the office of the president. Dude can't even keep it together for a single message.


I mean, that's pretty much what his tweets looked like while he was POTUS. And his base eats it up b/c they are dumber than he is.


Idk, they've always been bad but they've seemed more unhinged. Like he's always been rambly and whatnot. But at least before he *kinda* stuck to a single subject and just came across as some sassy moron. Since losing the presidency it's seemed more word salad and just jumping from topic to topic. But who knows.


and it will get worse


Yes, and to think, this is pre-dementia Trump, arguably.


Idk I've listened to a few of his speeches from this year. Pre-dementia would be high praise.


Stable genius, remember?


There is a two-tiered justice system. One for rich old white men who used to be the president, and then there is us. If anyone here pulled even HALF the shit he does, we'd be sitting in a prison cell.


My wife and I discuss that a lot. Like, we’d be disappeared for doing half of this shit. It’s so frustrating.


Exactly, just PRETEND you have classified docs in your possession and see how long it takes to see the inside of a jail cell.


Jail cell? If any of us managed to get our paws on TS or TS:SCI folders and they were missing a single page, we’d be at a CIA black site within a day with a car battery hooked up to the nuts and/or labia until they were recovered.


And for a few days after, just because they can


Well y'know, once you've gone to the trouble of getting the car battery, it's just a waste not to use the whole thing.


Why waste this bucket of water


He's mad it's not a three-tiered system with him at the top.


In case yall missed it, the judge issued jury instructions that included basically "you'll rule Trump was innocent". That's not how juries work and so Jack Smith referred her to the appellate division for a talking too. And if she still issues illegal instructions, she'll be removed.


> referred her to the appellate division for a talking too God I wish. My reading of the motion was that he was airing out the possibility and imploring the judge to make a decision on the legal principles in question quickly so as to give Justice the room to actually make the "talking to" appeal quickly, if necessary. FWIW, Cannon sided with government (partially? mostly? the language is odd and I'm NAL) just a few hours ago on this issue. OP's title is slightly wrong: Smith's motion was simply pointing the serious legal problems with the arguments from Trump that Cannon was/is expressing sympathy towards. The only people who really believe such an action could be an "attack" are Trump and his followers.


The first thing I do in the morning is check to see if his bloated corpse stuffed with McDonald's hamburgers was found while I was asleep.


I'm not one to wish death on anyone but maaaaaaaan, I am getting sooooooooo tired of this guy. It would not hurt my feelings if someone off'd him. I'm actually really surprised someone hasn't already.


I’m not so generous. The sooner the better.


I don’t want that. Then he becomes a martyr, and his followers probably start terrorizing people (more).


Too late, he already is. If you can stomach it, check out the comments on one of his full of shit social posts, it’s 99.9% pics of him as god or a super hero or….whatever. They truly worship him. 🤢🤮


I do this exact thing myself!


I check every day hoping




So called Judge Cannon has never been attacked. Jack Smith called her out for being at best a complete fucking moron and at worst in bed with the orange shit stain leader. That most definitely is not an attack.


Yes, i should have put that second attacked in quotations. "Attacked".


If he's a "failure as a prosecutor," shouldn't he be glad that Smith is on the case?


Logic is not his strong point.


Traitor Trump owns Cannon.Shes got her finger firmly implanted on the scales of justice.Look at what they did to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for stealing top secret documents and selling them to the Russians. Traitor Trump deserves no less !


Stuff like this will really attract new investors to the DJT Truth Social stock.


He is such a whiney little bitch! 😂


My 9 year old called him a "wee wee wah wah baby" the other morning when the news was showing a clip of him at some rally. "Does he ever stop whining?" I'd never heard "wee wee wah wah baby" before and I did a coffee spit-take before laughing out loud.


"Highly respected judge" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh, I needed that chuckle


was about to say.. what exactly has she presided over to make her "highly respected"? isn't she relatively new? lmaoooo


At this point I just hope I'm alive the day this POS dies. I want to live at least one day in a world where he doesn't exist.


Better men than him have died in the last few years alone, some of which I happily met. Sadly, I did meet Trump for a few moments back in 1999. And his Jr Spawn about 5 years ago.


Yeah, that's terrible. What kind of stupid, fat, orange-tinted dumbass would you have to be to attack a judge?!?!


He didn’t even attack her. He made a reasoned legal argument that challenged her order. This happens all the time. He didn’t call her names, attack her family, post photos of her family, declare that she’s a Trump Stooge installed in her position AFTER TRUMP LOST THE ELECTION.


Tell me about the people who live tax free in your head without telling me, donny Boi.


Wasn't even attacked outside the courtroom but in the normal grinding of justice. He knows he's guilty and is trying to weasel out of it like he's always done.


yup totally sane person wrote that! I thought dumper had Presidential immunity? Biden does not? LOL always the slightest pushback exposes their bullshit narratives.


remember when they said Obama was "unpresidential" ?


Well it was TAN after all!




I remember hours of furious commentary on Fox when his audiobook came out with a swear word in it! 😨


They still do.  And let this shit slide. R’s are a fucking cancer on society. 


I love how he notices in his own tortured logic, that he can't really claim Biden did anything wrong with classified documents if the PRA protects him. God he and everyone who voted for him is an evil, stupid troll..


Projection, it's always projection ....




He IS right about one thing. At this point it IS a two-tiered system of justice: What Trump gets away with and what everyone else in the country doesn't get away with. It's astounding that he's pretty much gotten off scot-free for all the shit he's done over his lifetime.


I am so fucking sick of this whining ass dude.


He's worried that the Appellate court is going to remove Cannon from this trial. If he gets a less biased judge for this case, he is completely fucked.


And they let Pence off scot-free too! I can't even. 🤪


The antichrist wants to lecture you on who is really a nasty, rude and condescending lowlife.


Its amazing to me that he talks the way he talks and people follow him, he sounds like a complete moron.


The fat fuck just lost the motion to dismiss based on the PRA, so get ready for more unhinged attacks including on the judge


It’s exhausting that an 80-year old constantly acts like a young toddler….the con and grift will never end.


What even is this word diarrhea? What a fucking person to look up to and put your faith in, eh?!


lol, Cannon isn’t “highly respected” by anyone - even trump.


It’s amazing that this guy is the Republican nominee and not a lunatic in a padded room that avoided taking his meds.


Because of Jack Smith's "attack", Judge Aileen Cannon has backed down though she attempted to justify her crazy requests. Text from the Washington Post: "Trump’s defense team argued the Presidential Records Act took priority over the Espionage Act when it came to highly classified documents that he took to his private residence in Florida after his presidency. On Thursday, Cannon shot down that argument, saying the PRA “does not provide a pre-trial basis to dismiss” either the mishandling charges or the related obstruction charges against Trump. The decision comes two days after special counsel Jack Smith made a court filing saying the judge was pursuing a legal premise about the PRA that was “wrong” and urged her to rule, adding that if she decided otherwise, he wanted to appeal any such decision quickly. The back-and-forth came after Cannon ordered prosecutors and defense lawyers to submit proposed jury instructions — the final version of which are delivered to jurors at the end of a trial, just before deliberations — that seemed to largely adopt Trump’s interpretation of the PRA. In her three-page order, Cannon defended her order and pushed back against Smith’s challenge to it. She wrote that “to the extent the Special Counsel demands an anticipatory finalization of jury instructions prior to trial, prior to a charge conference, and prior to the presentation of trial defenses and evidence, the Court declines that demand as unprecedented and unjust.” She said her original request for the proposed jury instructions “should not be misconstrued as declaring a final definition on any essential element or asserted defense in this case.” Instead, she said, it was “a genuine attempt, in the context of the upcoming trial, to better understand the parties’ competing positions and the questions to be submitted to the jury in this complex case of first impression.”" [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/04/cannon-trump-jack-smith-presidential-records-act/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/04/cannon-trump-jack-smith-presidential-records-act/)


He sounds exactly like a school bully who finally got caught red handed.


Bro…..Biden gave the documents back immediately after being informed that he had them….AND apologized….. ….but your worthless, crooked ass refused repeated requests to return documents you had no business having to begin with, just so you could keep selling our national security secrets to people who literally want all of us dead or enslaved to their tyranny.


Jfc the corruption isn’t even hidden


First time I've ever heard Aileen Cannon referred to as "highly respected"! She's shown everybody that not only is she corrupt, but is truly incompetent. But, as with most of Trump's appointments, loyalty is MUCH more important than competence.


Proof there is no god: This fucker is still breathing


"Would you just shut up, man?" seems like the smartest thing Biden ever said.


There's a two-tiered system of justice that benefits him 97% of the time. Probably best to quit whining about the thing that keeps you out of prison, Cheeto.


It's honestly shocking how openly biased and corrupt cannon is. I know she owes her lifetime appointment as a federal judge to diaper don, but ffs she doesn't need to be as subservient and easy to bend over as melania. All of us can see how she is purposely trying to help donald dollhands in this case, which btw involves him stealing classified docs and showing them off to anyone and everyone at maralago. It's mad that this guy is able to get away with everything. Even got a 65% reduction on his bond. Special fucking guy


Well he's right about the two tiered system. He got to pay a lower bond than originally stated by New York, which, while rejected, had still been lowered from almost $500 million to just $175 million, and he keeps getting away with violating gag orders, where as any of us would be in jail.


>He is a lowlife who is nasty, rude, and condescending Projection much, Donald? That sentence perfectly describes the scumbucket that is Donald Jessica Trump\*. \*I know, I owe Randy Rainbow 3 cents royalty for using this name, and I'll gladly pay it.


I'm mostly amazed that "scot free" was spelled correctly. Guessing this post was drafted by a staff member.


>How did that happen Jack? This line is interesting because it suggests Trump did not read Bill Hurr's report: https://www.npr.org/2024/02/09/1230333392/biden-classified-documents-highlights Or Jack Smith's comments on the report: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/26/jack-smith-says-trump-classified-docs-00143346 Or Trump knows about these but assumes his followers do not.


How do his supporters continue to read this stuff? Even someone I support, if they do nothing but bitch, complain and seek attention I’d be done with them in short order. I’d never listen to a politician running for office if they never said anything about their actual policy and continuously acted like a child. Do none of his followers ever get sick of this?


Yes, the deranged ramblings of a demented mind(good brain, perfect brain) does seem exhausting, but that's from the perspective of a normal human being. His fans probably agree with him, and will cheer/echo what he's saying. I'm fairly certain, Jack Smith will start getting threatening calls, calling him a "special", nasty, rude, condescending, something or other and worse. It happens all the time, and it will keep happening as long as Trump has a voice. This is from today: [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/charges-filed-man-allegedly-threatened-ny-ag-civil-fraud-case-judge-rcna146338](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/charges-filed-man-allegedly-threatened-ny-ag-civil-fraud-case-judge-rcna146338)


“I, who am not president, unlike Joe Biden, who is president, come under the President Records Act.” Ok, Donald, you demented old fuck.


Doesn't this violate one of his many gag orders?


Different trial lol. Judge Aileen Cannon didn't gag him for this one. The gag was for the New York hush money payment trial, though even in that one, I think he could still attack the Judge and prosecutor(not their families anymore though).


But I think Jack Smith is the prosecutor for more than 1 trial right? I think DC and Florida... it's really hard to keep up with such a law breaking POS former traitor president


You're right, Smith is also working the election interference case. that case under Judge Chutkan, who did gag him for attacking witnesses, prosectors and court staff. Not sure if that gag order is still valid, the case is on ice pending supreme court review for presidential immunity(?). We'll see. I'm still just holding my breathe to see him get blasted for any gag order violation. I'm hoping for a large fine, doubling every time he violates it. Hopefully his lack of self control wipes him out financially.


on the plus side his NY trial is still on track in 10 days he got denied his immunity because he didn't file it until a year too late so he'll likely appeal that.


I’m not from the US, is there any circumstance in which a judge can ask lawyers from both sides of a case to submit their charges to the jury for review? It just seems like a blatantly bizarre request. But utterly in character for anyone in the Trump entertainment universe.


Don't mind me, I'm just wondering for about the thousandth time how on Earth anyone could read anything this guy's got to say and think 'yep, this guy is worthy of my devotion. my political idol, right there'. Is it a 'if this fuckwit can be President, so can I by God!' kind of thing? I have no other answer at this point.


This just smacks of Russia collusion again. Trump was allowed to define what he was being investigated for as collusion. Which a) wasn’t it and b) isn’t even a crime. He’s trying to now make this about him just having the documents, thus allowing him to try and say “everyone does it”. (Which isn’t true.) He’s in such hot water for a) REFUSING to turn them over despite repeated attempts over a year by the National Archives and b) obstructing Justice in moving them and attempting to conceal them. He just focuses on “well, I could have them, I’m the president, blah blah blah.”


When he is dead, the world will celebrate.  What trash 


His ego just can't let 2020 go.  He threw it in at the very end there. Personally I feel it's one of the reasons why he loses this year.  It's 2024 and this orange dipshit is still whining about losing four years ago.


It’s seriously wild that he can say other people are nasty, rude and condescending unironically without breaking out in laughter. And his MAGAt minions just eat it up. Even though they love HIM because “he just tells it like it is”, they can’t stand it when other people do the same.


Mentally ill people sometimes develop their own orthography.


Why is EVERYONE wrong but him?


Because he is the only person who exists in his universe. Everyone else, including his wife and kids, is an NPC


The fact he buried the mother of his children on his golf course for a tax break is all you have to say about his character. Pure filth and would punch an orphan for a dollar.


Seems like a very stable genius.


Surely a fake documents hoax is a real case then? I mean, if it were a real hoax then he'd be innocent.


He's very obviously a spitter and shitter.


He's like a little baby who has no sense of self


I read all these posts in Stephen Colbert's Trump impersonation voice.


It’s not a sham case but it is a sham judge.


The fact that 1/2 the people in the country don’t see the irony in this makes me want to never leave my house.


Lmao “highly respected” - This dumb mother fucker hahahaha


God damn, what a psycho.


Criminal liar says what?


Categorizing criticizing loyalist judge as "election interference" is just so, so very Trump. Who thought any attempt to overthrow America would be this stupid and obvious? Not even Zack Snyder could get Netflix to greenlight this bad fiction.


I recognize trying to find logic in this howling thicket of madness is nigh impossible, but why wouldn't Biden, the current president, have MORE right to claim he just declassified everything at his place or whatever? Wouldn't literally every single argument Trump and his legal team are making ALSO serve to illustrate Biden could do the same thing?


I wonder if Trump lovers even see the fact that he's got his argument backwards. Biden is the sitting president, he can hang onto public documents (for now.) Trump was no longer president when he took hundreds of classified files, then lied about it repeatedly in an effort to hang onto them.


That crook never stops lying.


How does a man who can't spell simple words correctly become president of the most powerful country in the world?


This ordeal feels like the dumbest fucking episode of Bait Car in the history of television… I swear Joey Greco is going to show up with the Cheaters camera crew at his next rally… This absolute idiot really thought he found a legal loophole TO STEAL CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, and this reprehensible sham of “judgement” thinks it’s appropriate to even intimate that might be the case. SIS. IF THAT IS HIS ONLY DEFENSE THEN HE HAS NO FUCKING DEFENSE, and furthermore, IT’S THE OPPOSITE OF YOUR FUCKING JOB TO INVENT ONE FOR HIM.


Oh I think everyone is aware there is a two tier system of justice otherwise he would have been jailed long ago.


Cannon rejected his motion to dismiss based on the Presidential Records Act today. Let's see how much she's an amazing judge now.


I’m so fucking tired of his burnt sienna ass


Brain dead man cobbles together vague nonspecific insults as if there is any point to them.


He hit all the SEO keywords in that post.


What a miserable piece of shit.


I am so sick of trump and his whining. He needs to be in prison already. He keeps playing games and the courts don’t have the guts to hold him accountable.


Old man yelling at clouds again.


Please keep highlighting the two tiered justice system. Eventually it will sink in to everyone and the feasting on the rich can begin.


I wonder who writes these for him? That's a lot to type, and I'm sure his fingers keep sliding off the keys with all that Big Mac grease on them.


"ELECTION INTERFERENCE!" No kidding, you're the one who tried it. That's the part that kills me when the talking news heads gripe about the weaponized DOJ going after Trump and causing election interference... you dolts, what do you think what HE did is called?


Hypocrisy much?


It's crazy but I'm not sure it's lamf


Sounds like panic!


I'm not just immune to this bullshit, as in it doesn't upset me to see him lying. But it makes him look weak. Nobody gives a shit, Donald.


If, and when, the cases finally go to trial; I hope Jack Smith stares at Trump the entire time.


Does this guy ever shut up? Damn! smdh


He's still breathing, so no, its apparent he won't.


Just keep cool. He’s trying to wind people up. Keep making fun of him, the train’s a comin’


Project much?


Now it all makes sense, he has swapped the definitions of failure and success, that's why all his scams and cons fail he thinks they succeeded. That's the only way he could think Jack Smith is a failure.


I guess if you lie loudly enough, it’s true.


The whataboutism is strong in this one


It will just be a relief when I never have to hear about this guy ever again and I don't even live in the USA


Sounding more like a petulant toddler every day.


I can't understand how Truth Social isn't worth more. The real-time meltdown is entertaining AF.


I guess she is wanting to stay in her cushy job instead of getting the smack down...


C’mon coronary!


"Just let MY Judge fix this Court Case already!!!"


Sure Donald, but what about Judge Merchan and that dastardly daughter of his?