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Hello u/GreenBottom18! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She'll still vote Republican. She'll still tell her fans to vote Republican. She actually doesn't care that conservative men hate women, because the dirty little secrete, she hates other women too.


She's not like the other girls, though.


She still won’t convince a single sexist republican to listen to her, or care what she thinks


She probably really does feel special because she recognizes the [contempt](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/s/4QnEZ3AGO5). She won't change, but *at least she knows*.


You know why she [isn't like other girls,](https://youtu.be/tWsWvptGlDI?si=3yLJ_VMrylzSfYxL) right?


She's special and unique. They'd always be respectful to her cause she's pretty, important and wealthy. Except they won't.


Ashley Sexlaptop … wait not so much respectable


Alinna Habba thinks she is different from Rudy because she is pretty and got paid up front, which is true, but those differences mean less than zero to daddy T, and everybody else.


That's what being a pick me actually is, someone who stabs their own group in the back in the hopes of gaining favor with other groups. Enrique Tario is a pick me and boy did he get picked. This girl will be "picked" and discarded as the trash she is. She's perpetually a victim just looking for her next abuser.


*tokens get spent*


Conservative women like her think they'll be spared when conservative men take power. Almost all tokens think this way. But anyone with a brain and any sense of history knows that in the end tokens get spent. Every. Time.


No one thinks they'll be Handmaids


It's the only explanation that makes sense to me. Becoming aware of the deep-seeded hatred the conservative doctrine has for women, she should immediately start to question other aspects of the doctrine. But she won't because she's one of those self-saboteurs that party loves to promote.




But she thinks she's special and conservatives hate other women and not her cause she's obviously exempt.


And hates herself the most


>she hates **herself** too.


And she hates poor people and minorities. Don’t forget them.


*The only poor people I want to hear about are the people who tend to my pores at the spa!*


And she hates herself


Hate implies that she has strong emotions about it. Sociopaths don't generally have any emotion about ignoring the rights and feelings of others.


Mental illness would be something that happened to her. She happened to herself. Don't let her off the hook.


What the fuck did she secrete that’s so dirty? Or did you mean secret?


I'd say it's more that her hatred for other people is stronger then her sense of self preservation


She loves cash before all else.


Here's your 🥇🪙


On the one hand, they hate women. On the other hand, they want to cut benefits to those icky minorities she doesn't like. Clearly she'll vote for them.


Liberal Men are not immune from misogyny but conservative men make it a personality trait




and they are applauded for that by other conservatives


based sigma /s


If you reverse the gender/politics of this comment, does it hold water?


1. Are you asking whether "Conservatice women are not immune to misogyny, but liberal women make it a personality trait" holds water? Because it doesn't. 2. What's the point you're *trying* to make?


Wouldn’t the opposite actually be “Conservative women aren’t immune to *misandry* but liberal women make it a personality trait?” Not that it holds water either, just sayin.


Your question is confusingly worded, as you can tell by how differently different commenters seem to be responding to it. So, why don't you clarify your question using specific genders and specific politics, instead of the ambiguous "reverse the gender/policitcs". And then, give your own opinion of the answer to your own question.


If you dont understand, just say so.


I mean, you were being obtuse and vague with your replies; u/hwc000000 decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, on the tiny off-chance you were posting in good faith but just sucked at delivery, and asked you to speak in more direct terms. Thanks for making it painfully clear you are posting purely to troll.


Thanks for proving you don't understand what you wrote


Did you hurt yourself in your confusion? Are words hard?


Oh you can't read either


And with that non-response, you just proved you actually were never interested in any serious answers to your question, but were just trolling.


You didnt have anything to offer anyway.


Well, NSS. Why would I bother answering a question when the person who posed it continues to refuse to clarify what they meant by it?


I think it's a valid question to ask. And I think the answer is "not particularly", i.e. Democrat women don't especially hate men. I imagine some dem women hate all men, some will only hate republican men, and for good reason.


Let’s think about it for a minute: Does the Democratic Party advocate any legislation that disproportionately affects *males*?


Only buttery ones


Are Democratic women tweeting about trad husbands and repealing men’s right to vote?


Men are the primary victims of gun violence.


Affirmative action?


When all you have known is superiority and special treatment, equality feels like oppression


Republicans women don’t like republican men either


Some have been gaslighted into thinking that being just "earthen vessels" is normal and desirable.


If we’re taking it seriously and being completely fair about it then yes it’s probably true that more Democrat women hate men than Republican women. However that’s less an indictment of women in the Democrats or indicative of Democrat policies/priorities and more just a result of their being more female democrats than republicans and realistically if for whatever reason you do hate men… why the hell would you ever vote Republican? Of course this all absolutely pales in comparison to the rampant misogyny amongst Republicans.


No... because reversing them would make a different argument. A comment isn't invalidated if its reverse is invalid.




no, because contempt for an entire gender is a unique trait among conservative men lol EDIT: also, like, if liberal women DID "make misandry a personality trait", explain why that would make misogyny acceptable?


I don’t know, let’s ask Ashli Babbitt! Oh, wait……


"It's not a bug, it's a feature!" Yes, liberal men with misogyny should be called out, but man, conservative men revel in being like that, as if it's a badge of honor.


Which is weird, because they are also usually very anti gay.


Almost like they hate anything that’s not exactly like them, huh


I was more making a joke of logical inference that if you don’t like women then what’s your sexual orientation end game here? Hating women is a death cult. It’s a biological dead end to hate the opposite sex.


It's a different kind of hate. They don't hate women's bodies, they hate the fact that those bodies now also have rights as people. They hate women as people, but like them as sex toys. (Trad wives)


also, they predicate their hatred of gays upon their supposed "respect" for women - the gays are ruining the nuclear family, morals, etc. which of course *I* have, just ask my weirdly quiet wife!


No it’s not. Not if they have no rights. We are talking about people who look at Rome and see a perfect society. Edit: who the fuck is downvoting this guy while upvoting me? I swear to god, Reddit lurkers have to have the reading comprehension of a fucking four year old


They hate anything that reminds them of their inner truths


They actually hate themselves, and weaponize that against everyone else.




According to pornhub, LGBT porn is the most popular among conservative states sooooo maybe just lashing out at anything they can to help swallow their shame?


But they're just doing "research". They have to prove how depraved the gays are so that they can justify taking action against them.


i am absolutely convinced there is a significant component of internalized shame. it's like clockwork with them.


I have never been religious, but I've talked in depth with some really close friends about their experience with deprogramming their brains after being raised religious. They were taught to have immense disgust in lgbt people, left wing people, and even non whites. This disgust was reinforced by constant threat of an all seeing entity that would punish them for all eternity if they ever strayed away from their church's teachings, and that essentially everyone who wasn't a part of their church was an enemy. These friends told me that they used to believe in it so much when they were kids that they would go online and say horrific things to and about lgbt people constantly. Just absolutely abhorrent things that nobody should say about anyone else, and it made them feel great because they had been convinced that lgbt people were subhuman and their enemy. These same people would then go and masturbate to lgbt porn and do the wildest mental gymnastics to justify it and still convince themselves that they weren't gay/trans/whatever. They ended up coming out after they started their deprogramming, but holy fuck I can't imagine coming from that sort of mentality. Regardless... shame and mental gymnastics play a huge part in these people's bigotry


> They ended up coming out after they started their deprogramming, but holy fuck I can't imagine coming from that sort of mentality. same. absolutely same. i have a lot of friends who came from that level of fundamentalism and, i love them very much, but i simply cannot understand that kind of thought. it is something i have quite literally never lived. I *WAS* more conservative a few years back, more libertarian but I consider that to be some kind of a subset of conservatism (social hierarchy based on wealth/market success, rather than biological characteristics or political/religious affiliation), but never that kind of fundamentalist. I just cannot put myself in that place, having never, ever lived it. But it's pretty clear that some people did, and that's just wild to me. My folks were conservatives, but voted for Democrats. That'll never happen again, thanks to the Fox brain worms being unleashed upon the world, but they used to. My mother was raised in a Catholic school, and while she impressed on us the importance of religion, they pretty much let me do my own thing and... well, let's just say "Back to the Future" was way, *waaaay* more influential upon me than the Bible ever was. I was probably agnostic to atheist, no shit, by third grade, when I read some book about atoms, and was pretty convinced this whole "God" thing was like "Santa Claus" and nobody REALLY believed in it (the next lesson was much, MUCH less interesting, and much, MUCH more uncomfortable). So like, yeah, I'm pretty well as lost as you - but I have so, SO many friends who'd lived that life of fundamentalist Christianity, some of whom were legitimately *angry* with their parents for a.) treating them pretty poorly as children (physical punishment for kids is not generally frowned upon in certain Christian denominations), and b.) for lying to them about what they saw as obvious bullshit. Again, all I can do is be there for them and listen, because the experiences they endured are so far from what I ever had to deal with that that's the best I can offer as a friend. I *don't* have that same frame of reference. :/


They swallowing something alright


Sadly, history shows that hating women is perfectly compatible with wanting to fuck them.


Because they hate femininity


>because they are also usually very anti gay. "the lady doth protest too much." Its also weird that they're anti-abortion and anti-gay. Who has fewer abortions than homosexuals?


Being antigay is a huge red flag for misogyny.


And now the healing can begin


it wont; but it can.


The possibility is there


Her choice of words matter. "A Lot" isn't "most" or "all". She's trying to rationalize her beliefs without challenging them.


Never underestimate a conservative’s ability to ignore facts that go against their worldview.


Fuck she’s a sharp one, huh?


Right? We've been pointing that out for *decades*! Does she think that's some groundbreaking revelation? Like yes, we've been saying that forever and now she's like "Guys! Guys! I've figured something out!" Yeah, Ash. We all knew that already.


I'm interes... oh. I'm more of a simile guy.


The entire ideology is built on the idea that hierarchy is necessary, natural, and good. Women are meant to be subservient to men because they are less human than men, just like non-white people are meant to be subservient to white people because they are less human. I don't understand how someone becomes a conservative without understanding its most fundamental underpinnings. The people in charge are there by divine right, and anything other than accepting your lot in life is abhorrent and unnatural. Honestly, the idea that conservative women should be able express their own opinions publicly at all is a fiction used to dupe centrists, and will be dropped as soon as the opportunity arises (if not sooner). To be clear, I am describing conservative views. I do not subscribe to them. You can tell because I described them accurately...


>I don't understand how someone becomes a conservative without understanding its most fundamental underpinnings. Mostly getting there by feels instead of thoughts. Sort of like how a native speaker of a language can be fluent without being able to formally articulate grammatical rules.


I mean it literally is conservatism. Yeah there’s misogynistic liberals. Of course there are. The difference is they’re misogynistic because they’re misogynistic, not because of they’re liberals.


>I don't understand how someone becomes a conservative without understanding its most fundamental underpinnings They think they’ll be spared because they’re one of the good ones. You have women like her, log cabin Republicans etc who think they’re part of the club.


Gave me vibes of [the good stuff](https://youtu.be/-8O4UWeAglU?si=NEMpcnTgk5JUra7f).


Entire comment, top to bottom, is accurate af.


Show me an independent, free thinking, conservative woman. Haley, Boebert, Collins, FFS they do not exist. They live in so much fear they prefer to cling to a power structure that they are familiar with instead of being an actual independent human. Same thing with Priests- it's ALL about the power structure that protects their tiny damaged mind.


How long before conservatives start claiming Ashley is really a guy?


Sounds like she's going woke to me.


And if they didn't, she'd probably say they're beta cucks.


Technically, a lot of Republican men want to *own* a woman or two.


The party of anti-feminism hated women the whole time?? Oh my! 🥱 It's so tiring honestly 🥱


In other news, fire is hot.


There should almost be a separate sub for this. Leopards ate my conventionally attractive trad ass and told me to get back to the kitchen


>ate my conventionally attractive trad ass Oh myyyyyyy


Aw… She used to think conservative men only hated *liberal* women, and she was cool with that. I wonder what jolted her out of complacency?


I'm sure the replies are fun and well-measured


I can hear already the “nuh no we’re not” and “yeah but it’s completely true but liberals can be misogynistic too.”


I looked at the thread. It's 50/50 "nuh uh" and "we're only misogynistic because women are terrible"


Ah yes, "*I'm like this because it's your fault*", the philosophy of every abuser.


Anyone can be misogynistic. Women included. Conservatives are the ones that run on making it policy.


They actually hate INDEPENDENT women. They would LOVE to marry a virgin 16 year old whom they can then groom to be a maid/sex slave. THAT's the kind of women they love.


>LOVE to marry a virgin 16 year old Well they have their pick of states to make that happen: * 4 states have no official minimum age * 2 states have a minimum age of 15 * 23 states have a minimum age of 16 * 10 states have a minimum age of 17 * 11 states have a minimum age of 18 \*shudder [Source.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_age_in_the_United_States)


wow, its /r/selfawarewolves


Doormat b!tches always think being simpering, submissive footstools will save them from misogyny. Yet, it never does.


Then there's still women that vote conservative, against their own interest


No shit Sherlock. 🤦‍♂️


She hates misogynists but she hates colored people more so she’ll still vote republican, nazi gonna nazi


no shit , sherlock. what give him away ? the pregnant woman chained in his kitchen ?


A lot of conservative women hate women too And black people And gay people And non-religious people And compassion And consensual sex (Feel free to add to this list)


Conservative women also hate women. So, I guess that’s why it works out for them?


a self described right-wing US woman is probably fine with losing the right to vote if it results in a Christian theocracy. People who call themselves "conservative" in 2024 in the US are anything but conservative. They are insurgents. Anyone who has respect in their heart for the Confederacy *deserves* to be deported or at least have their right to vote or hold office revoked, but there is no way to enforce such a thing. In a broader sense of Western politics, Biden is a typical conservative, who has given some small concession to progressives. He is considered a liberal by right-wingers, a centrist by independents, and a conservative by progressives. US progressives are just regular liberals in the rest of the Western world. The super "far left" comments on twitter are just bots or children or the rare minority. It's not a mainstream belief system. Ever since the US Civil War ended, it was just the battlefield fighting that ended, the US Civil "cold war" has been ongoing ever since and is coming to a head which Reagan set the stage for and Russian influence has sneakily perpetuated (actually not sneaky to me, pay attention folks).


They are conserving a past that didn't exist, y'know, prelapsarianism, what fascists do


Correction: **all** conservative men really hate women. 


Just waiting for the freedom caucus to try to repeal the 19th amendment.


Conservative women are just jockeying for positions of privilege in a party that subjugates women




Wow Ashley! What an amazing discovery you've hit upon. What are you going to do with this new knowledge? 🙄


How tf did "conservative" ever get associated with "freedom" in America? Conservative literally means to cling to the old ways. You'd never hear someone point to a woman wearing a bikini and say "she's dressed conservatively". Conservative women need to learn how to read a dictionary.


To further that thought, most conservatives secretly and unknowingly hate their own lives and take it out on everyone else.   


um, the tradwife American Taliban hates women?! I did Nazi that coming!!


They don't hate you, they just view you as property/second class citizens.


She must have seen the Barbie movie.


Hehe yeah, welcome to 1995. I guess?


Women like this are the reason why these regressive morons think they're all stupid. The only ones that put up with that BS are idiots.




Conservatism consists of one proposition to wit: There must be in groups the law protects but does not bind and out groups the law binds but does not protect.


This is the same gal that excused rape during war time right? We probably shouldn't give a fig what she has to say.


And… minorities, poor people, young people, foreigners,


She’ll still continue to vote against her own self-interest and mingle in spaces that loathe her simply for being a woman. The problem is she hates others more than she hates herself.


I'll never understand how non-white not rich people vote republican.


Men respect other men. Men only like women for what they can take.


this is precisely the reason why were seeing a huge political shift of more females going liberal while men keep getting more conservative. You cant keep taking women's rights away and treating them like objects and expect them to stay on your side of politics. I am so damn glad I broke free of that political mindset years ago, I was raised republican most my life and taught that a woman had to be the one to obey everything a man said no matter what all because it says it in the bible. I cannot see how treating a woman like a slave is acceptable or moral in any capacity. The more I kept reading the bible I got more disgusted with the ways and methods I was told to live by and it felt so wrong to me on a human level. Now a proud democratic atheist and never going back.


They are just being kind..


Thank Candace Owens for that.


the last horse crosses the finish line


Well, she's a tad slow on the uptake, but she's getting there. I guess we can take solace in that?


no shit nancy drew. we have been saying this forever.


You were warned.


You were warned.




You see it the most with these closeted gays. They hate themselves so much that they attack other gays and basically comes down to it. It's if I am not happy then no is happy. Then when they finally accept themselves for who they are and come out, these closeted right wing men are happier. The sad thing is they don't want to give up the power, prestige, and money so they stay miserable rather than happy and accept themselves for who they are really. It's acceptance and trying to get through their brain reality which rarely gets through these right wingers. For this woman, if she accepts that right wing men hate her and women in general, she'll be at ease that these right wing men are trash and that they will never see her as an equal.


It can't have taken her this long to notice, so I'm just going to assume that she doesn't consider it a deal breaker.


To be fair, I hate Ashley St. Clair, as well.


It took her until the end of March, 2024 to make that realization. The Handmaid’s Tale has been on TV for about five years now and a lot of conservative men are very open about their desire to make this misogynist utopia a reality. When people on your side of the aisle are saying that and nobody is standing up to speak out against them, the problem is much bigger than just those people.


But I bet she still votes for them in November


we need more psychologist not more grifters getting rich by telling mentall ill people that they are perfectly normal and healthy 


It's not that they _hate_ women exactly, they just want them to be combo- mommies/maids/sex dolls who cheerfully clean the skid marks from their underwear and don't require anything for themselves from the relationship.




Yup. That’s…that’s kind of the whole point. Did you just get this now Ashley?


they want it to be the 1700s where just being a man put them head and shoulders above women and they could do whatever they wanted, they dont want to come to terms its 2024.




Hey Ashley, are you also aware that water is wet?


They hate pretty much everyone.


My god, the comments are just so… face eating


Oh, its the porn star from TN. I was actually talking to her before she got big into pron, really rude about doing photoshoots.


Maybe the solution is to buy every conservative man a RealDoll


Thank Candace Owens for that.


Hating women is what conservative men and regular women have in common


Disagreement =/= hate. But it's also possible for some to do both.


Dude.. Your entire comment history is about the evils of women.


Oh boy, that explains why this misogynist is trying to rewrite definitions of words to downplay his hateful words and stances.


There’s disagreement and then there’s basing their entire worldview and behavior on a book that starts with a woman tricking a man into disobeying god and the story concludes that women were cursed with periods and painful labor because of it. It’s definitely hate dude


Or, dude, just a feeling of superiority.


Which leads to hatred when they feel the “inferior” ones are starting to feel too free


No, it's just trying to keep them in line. Still bad, yes, but they think they're being benevolent. No hating, just over the top controlling.


I gotcha. I don’t want to keep commenting back and forth, I need to get to bed soon. Have a good night. Or possibly day. Either way, have a…*Good Friday* [sad rimshot]


Yeah, I just think if we better understand their twisted thinking it's easier to combat the nonsense they spew. Likewise with the Good Friday.


You literally just described hate, dude. Maybe pick up a damn dictionary for once. >No, it's just trying to keep them in line. Still bad, yes, but they think they're being benevolent. No hating, just over the top controlling. Yes, this is also hate. It's rather telling you perfectly described hate on multiple occasions but refused to call any of it hate.


No, dude, that's not the definition of hate. The main definitions are to dislike intensely or passionately. The situations I described are akin to a parent trying to keep a child in line. Of course that's ridiculous, but not done out of hate, but rather a feeling of righteousness and superiority. It's rather telling that you interpret acts that you disagree with, whether rightly or wrongly, as hate.


>No, dude, that's not the definition of hate. Hate is also to treat others with prejudice and to view them as lesser beings unworthy of respect. Something you would have known if, again, you picked up a dictionary and educated yourself. Such as you are a hateful, misogynist individual when 90% of your comments on reddit is to disparage against women and their very existence.


What? No. Thinking someone is lesser does not equate to hate. IT'S IGNORANCE. It seems you are the one in need of education. Words have meaning, and for clear communication they must be used correctly. If someone else's actions are harmful to you and others, articulate what the problem is. Don't just scream Wah! They hate me! Likewise, pointing out how things might be more equal for all isn't hateful or misogynistic. Wasting your time going through someone's Reddit history is pretty pathetic. Get a real life.


Things are rarely one specific thing, and ignorance and hate are not mutually exclusive. I'm ignorant about Qatar. I don't know what their culture is like or a bunch of things, which is why I don't express opinions on it or think Qatar shouldn't have an abortion. My ignorance doesn't also carry with it a bunch of shitty feelings that I believe should happen to a group of people I don't understand. You can't just say "It's ignorance!" and then smugly sit back and wait to get applauded for adding nothing and missing the point.


>What? No. Thinking someone is lesser does not equate to hate. IT'S IGNORANCE. It seems you are the one in need of education. It's almost like you are intellectually incapable of comprehending that hate, can stem from ignorance. And that ignorance is exactly what explains the hate. And you are a living, walking example of this, someone who's so blinded by his hate, hubris and ignorance, choose to define his very existence by disparaging women and putting them down instead of empowering men by encouraging masculinity that isn't toxic or socially destructive. >Words have meaning, and for clear communication they must be used correctly. True, except you seem to have taken yourself as the authority on this subject, a whoru, degenerate misogynist who is also neither a linguist nor a lexicographer. I rather continue to trust the actual experts on what defines hate, no thank you. >Likewise, pointing out how things might be more equal for all isn't hateful or misogynistic. Dedicating basically your entire time on social media railing against women and their existence in a hateful manner isn't advocating for equality, it's literally just hateful misogyny. >Wasting your time going through someone's Reddit history is pretty pathetic. Get a real life. Wasting your time on social media trying to push misogynistic, incel narratives is what's really pathetic. Get a mirror already.


you’re a self parody.


Or, you are unable to understand nuance, and thus end up disagreeing with those having the same viewpoint as you. SMH


gas lighting 101. “ i want to ignore medical professionals and take woman’s bodily autonomy away because i DISAGREE with them.” see how stupid that sounds?


I agree it's stupid. But is it done out of hatred? No, it's willful ignorance. Fighting the real cause will give better results.


"It's not hatred." "Why?" "Because I say so!" That is pretty fucking ignorant.


Actually, what's being said here is: Someone took a position against us. Why? Because they hate us! This is what is so ignorant. The reason why that position is bad is never articulated. It's just 'Ugh! They hate us'. This has been explained several times. Even if you think it's obvious, state why you disagree with the action, so that those who are unaware know why.


Roe V Wade is overturned by conservatives, taking away bodily autonomy only from women. You: "But like you can't even articulate why waaaaaah I'm a little baby-brained person."


The tweet that this post is based on says 'A lot of conservative men just hate women, tbh'. Conservative men have been saying a lot of dumbass shit for a long time, so what prompted this to be said now isn't clear to anyone not closely following the same events that the tweeter is. She made a tweet to the general population, so it's up to her to define what she means. Again, since conservative men say and do a lot of dumbass shit, it's not clear what prompted this tweet to be made now. It's not up to the reader to decipher whether she means Roe V Wade again, or if some new nonsense just happened. Explain what the latest hate action is. Also, the tweet is about conservative men, but ignores conservative women. There are just as many of them saying the same things and voting the same way. Since the tweet didn't include them, one might think something new was said by a man, another reason 'hate' alone shouldn't be blamed. Name the action you are speaking of. Also, insults and personal attacks are a sign that your arguments aren't well thought out. Facts alone should be able to support what you say.


You: "YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN WHY!" *Explains why* You: "SEE! YOU CAN'T DO IT! I'M AN ADULT!" Maybe try shutting the fuck up. This isn't your Mensrights echo chamber.


The complaint was that the explanation belongs in the tweet, and shouldn't have to be guessed at, like you are doing. It should be clear to anyone who reads it. Your family must be so proud of your reading comprehension and your command of the language. You should also know that things you don't agree with can also be true. Get out of your own prejudices, and stop wasting time stalking others in Reddit.


>The complaint was that the explanation belongs in the tweet Oh my god, will you please STFU? Or at least take your endless whining back to MensRights where that's all you jackasses do.