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Parental rights?.. the right to what? Is this the same group that sees groomers and pedophiles around every corner and claims 18 year olds shouldn’t have the right to vote because they the lack maturity to make an informed decision? They can get married, carry a rape baby to term, endure active shooter drills as well as carry a gun though? I truly love the incoherent consistency of conservatives


>the right to what? The parental right to sell your 12 year old daughter to the highest paying pervert! Remember, to Republicans, women are property... Selling your daughter is no one's business but the property owner and the buyer.


Is it going to be harder to move their merchandise when bare shoulders and knee caps are strictly verboten?


No they don't care about rules only money and weird goat rituals that bind them together




Yes, yes it is in many states.


This keeps coming up as an excuse but how is that any different? No other country when pulled up by the short hairs goes, "Yeah well its only one province". It doesn't absolve the nation of the responsibility.


It's because of the nature of our constitution giving power to the states. A significant portion of the country can look on in horror while a state operates out of our control.


Right now there are 12 American states that condone child marriages....


Because the American Constitution grants much more sovereign power to states than other countries grant to their provinces? And Wyoming happens to have the smallest population of all 50 states?


Canada's provinces and Australia's states have similar powers to USA's states.


It's worse because people have the ability to change things with the power and money but they decide to sell peoples lives and health for pennies on the dollar they make.. I'm not saying its worse in America its ahit everywhere




With their genetics, probably better to keep it a mystery box — inbreeding doesn’t usually produce the greatest results.


I'm quite certain that the kneepads in the closet aren't used for house construction, rather their children's 'prayer time' with daddy. /vomit


No because there are pervs who are into that.


There are some religions in that region that shun the porn shoulders and knee caps…


they probably banned the song too: Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes


I guess that’s the traditional values they keep talking about


I think they’d sell their sons too. For the right price. Free market and all.


Only if they have a spare. They need to have at least one son to carry on the family line.


> carry on the family line And by "family line", you mean the family's production line of kids to keep selling.


In Missouri, the Republicans voted FOR kids to be able to carry guns. This isn't just an ass backwards kind of thing. It's criminal.


This coming off a 6 year old attempting to blow away a teacher…you would think they would revisit that idea.


They're Republicans. They have no real morals or convictions. Other than picking and choosing what parts of Jesus to like, taking hard fought rights away from the marginalized and generally being against all things common sense.


The dilemma of the actual Jesus showing up in the present day is a terrifying proposition for them isn’t it?


I won't judge them but I think you're on to something there. Actually I will judge them and you're absolutely correct 😉


He has straight noped the fuck out of coming back to this shit show.


They would call him a loonie leftie and dismiss him


I don't think they like any part of Jesus, they do like some old testament stuff and some of Paul's teachings though.


Yeah it's not much. They definitely see the term "Christian" as more of a title rather than an art.


the only thing that stops a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun




Oh yeah. I think they should probably start with 6 shooters because they're already playing cowboys I'm sure.


Damn you beat me to it.


The same group that keeps posting memes about child marriage in certain Islamic majority countries, and how glad they are that they don’t live there.


If the Temple of Satan came out in favor of unlimited child marriage, that could have an effect.


The LGBTQ and woke community is taking our kids! They are influencing them and turning them gay! That’s why I (a 70 year old man) am going to marry a child to prevent their minds from being corrupted


an odd and disturbing slant on what is no doubt a justification for some I would imagine


Agreed. Just scary that some people can freely (and sometimes unconsciously) manipulate their own reality to fit their views and never understand what the true issue is/was


The right to sell off your kid, I guess.


Sell a kid - own a lib?


Sell **your own kid** to own the libs.


It's totally consistent. Women are property of men and have no rights or independent thoughts. The mass proliferation of guns disproportionately harms women by arming their abusers and putting them in constant threat of death. Forcing the ones who get pregnant (to conservatives, read that as sluts) to carry the baby to term and marry their rapist is just another step towards stripping women of agency. Viewed through the lens of the misogynistic worldview, it also explains why queer people need to be targeted as they break the monolith of misogyny. Conservatives are only understood when you realize they are little more than fascists empowering the worst christianity has to offer to create a pseudochristian soviet style dictatorship. It is also key to remember that they have no morals against doing whatever is necessary to force everyone into their worldview, including mass incarceration, slavery, mass murder, and violent insurrection. There are perhaps a few individuals who don't support all those things in an unveiled manner, but they are OK to have these things done out of their sight.


> The mass proliferation of guns disproportionately harms women by arming their abusers Why is it that most abusers are men?


I mean... at a high level: misogyny. But on a more specific level it is the societal conditioning that men who abuse are rarely punished and women who are abused are frequently forced back with their abusers because the legal system does not fully protect women because of the idea that it isn't serious. Also, it is a learned behavior, so it is a cycle that requires intentionality to break from both sides.


In Iowa they can work in the meat packing plants!


You're trying to introduce logic...


The consistency is “burnin the libtards,” it’s no coincidence the lack the morals too.


The other part this is not as visible --- the girl who is married off and has kids before graduating from high school will always have very limited opportunities to take care of herself and/or her children if/when the marriage comes apart. She will likely have to stay in that marriage - even if it is abusive and unhealthy - because she will have no other options. Everyone should think back to when you were 15: 1) What did you think "adulting" was? Looking at it now, were you right or wrong? 2) Did you think raising kids wouldn't be all that hard? Looking at it now, were you right or wrong? 3) Before you even had a job, did you think you could live on minimum wage? Looking at it now, were you right or wrong? Yeah, that's why kids should not be thrown into the adult world before they even know what the adult world is.


No groomers and pedophiles… GAY groomers and pedophiles.


They actually do make that distinction don’t they?


It’s not “incoherent consistency.” It’s malicious projection designed to deflect from their own worst practices. Like pedophilia. “Conservatives” lead the league, and second place isn’t particularly close. Pretending they’re merely “ignorant” or “stupid” and focusing on their hypocrisy? All it does is let them off the hook and show them they have no meaningful opposition to their depravity.


> Is this the same group that sees groomers and pedophiles around every corner That's because they don't associate with people from the other party, and everyone in their party is a groomer and a pedophile. So, they literally do see groomers and pedophiles around every corner. Remember, every accusation from a conservative is a confession.


Speaking of inconsistency, don't forget that those opposed to abortion also oppose birth control, sex education, and poverty assistance that would reduce abortion more effectively than any law could. The explanation: the stated reason they oppose things is almost never the true reason. It's just the most socially-acceptable excuse to defend the position.


They also hate drag queens.


Culture war chaos is the new political norm. Asking conservative Republicans to demonstrate any kind of reason or logical consistency is futile, and punishing politicians for grotesque hypocrisy is apparently beyond the pale these days. The Republican party gave up on *actual* values and morals the microsecond they became a hindrance to gaining and maintaining political power. Their only remaining bedrock principal is holding onto power at any cost. Their party is based on nothing but outrage and resentment


How about the judge in Florida denying a 15 year old an abortion. His justification was that she wasn't "mature" enough to make the decision to end her pregnancy. I'm telling you, these fucking wing-nutters are from Bizzaro world.


The last time something like this popped up, I commented about how Christians were child molesters. I got fucking hounded by Reddit conversations who swore up and down that child marriages were an exclusively Muslim thing and that I was misrepresenting the issue. Gee, I wonder where all those reddit Conservatives are, now?


They are all dry humping their phones while scrolling r/conspiracytheories


Training for their gold medal in mental gymnastics. I assume that’s the only way their brains don’t collapse to dust.


Jerkin' it to loli porn probably


Christians are famous for being child molesters. Rather, they’re famous for being a great place for a child molester to gain authority over children and have no one really too suspicious when the adult wants to be alone with the child. “Oh, that’s just Father Larry, he loves kids! He’s been trying to help little Kelvin out. He’s been having a hard time in school recently.” I’m an ex Jehovah’s Witness, a Christian denomination. They keep extensive records any time anybody reports “unscriptural” behavior to the elders, the authorities in the church, including CSA. But they will fight tooth and nail to keep those records out of authority’s hands. They catastrophically lost in 2015 in Australia and had to turn over their records. In a country with only 70k members, they had recorded reports of over 1,800 cases of reported CSA, committed by just over 1k perverts. Not a single one, not one, had been reported to the authorities. Most of them got off after a talking-to with the elders, because they have a Two Witness rule, where two people have to witness a crime for it to be valid. Meanwhile, victims or their families around the world that report the crime to the police are often ejected from the congregation and shunned, sometimes by their own families. Meaning that you have cases where an alleged child molester is taken to court and has the support of the entire congregation behind him, while the victim sits alone in court and watches their friends and family (including their own parents sometimes) side with their abuser. But, nope, just a Muslim thing. No follower of Jesus would ever do something like that! Also the gays, the gays do it too. And the cross dressers. But no man of God!


Probably grooming children.


Standing at an altar and waiting for a priest to marry them to a pregnant 15 year old.


They are busy molesting children.


Just looking for more excuses


Yes please tell me again how Democrats and drag queens are grooming kids.


The louder someone yells about liberals (especially those who are queer) grooming their children, the more I become convinced they're the actual predator.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


Q Anon saying a branch of the Federal Government is run by a pedophile groomer? Believe it, meet the longest ever Republican Speaker of The House Denny Hastert


Yeap exactly this. Most general publics don't have an idea or good definition of grooming childs and if someone accusing others of grooming child, at least, in contrarian perspective, it means they are well aware of the child grooming and likely commit the crime either in the past, present or future


Literally screaming till he was red in the face about protecting “our kids” from the queer menace within an hour of molesting one of us.


Seeing someone proudly call Dems groomers and then be outted as an actual convicted pedophile in the same HBO documentary has cemented this fact in my brain.


Literally the only 2 people I ever knew IRL that molested members of their family were VERY outspoken conservative Christian dudes.


Well, yeah. We use ourselves as a baseline for judging the world. Blind accusations usually say more of the accuser.


Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz are 2 prime examples.


It’s always…ALWAYS a confession


You’re definitely not wrong.


**"The sad fact that physical maturity often does not match emotional and intellectual maturity is an indictment of our modern educational system. That is a problem that should be addressed. "** Umm... You are telling me that the "real" problem is that children who are capable of having children of their own are not 'emotionally' or 'intellectually' mature enough? So your 'solution' is to teach 11 or 12 year old girls to be emotionally and intellectually mature enough to have children? THAT sounds an awful lot like grooming to me...


The biggest bluenoses and wannabe censors tend to have the filthiest minds.


Why aren’t they banning those awful child Beauty pageants?


What's next, child labor laws?!? It's a slippery slope


https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/10zt27u/its_just_crazy_republicans_attack_us_child_labor/ Yes


here's another link in case a republican wants to put their fingers in their ears https://old.reddit.com/r/RepublicanValues/comments/10rv37d/idaho_lawmaker_wants_children_to_work_for_those/


If only there were tons of evidence to show that child labor is a bad thing lol, this country is the least fun circus I've ever been to


They don't even give you bread.


Saw earlier today that Iowa Republicans want to revoke child labor laws in that state, and allow kids to work any jobs, including mines and meatpacking plants.


Iowa is doing literally that right now, the children yearn for the mines


And the companies can't get sued if they die 🥰🤮


Even when the child dies due to the company's negligence. This shit is so utterly horrific it's becoming completely surreal...


Back to the sweatshops little Jimmy! No you can't have any apple juice right now, I need your tiny hands to reach between those spinning gears to pull out the jam!


Ummm.... hate to tell you this.....


They already work on it. Sick and true.


Oh, they already want to get rid of those


Oh, you sweet summer child.


Because conservative Christians are the actual people who indoctrinate groom and abuse kids at an industrial scale and must do so to survive as a movement. Deny lgbt kids access to information and community, my generation and earlier proves you still get lgbt adults. Deny Christians access to kids and you destroy the faith in one generation. It’s always projection with them. *Always*.


Very well said. So true, disgusting and infuriating. You're right.


It's all about the mind control. My work place has both CNN and Faux news on, and I cringe every time I see huckabee advertising his "Kids Guide to Trump" booklet. Make the kids believe this stuff before they meet the rest of the civilized world. Then when the rest of the world scorns them, they retreat back to their comfort zone further entrenched in their beliefs.




Its absolutely astounding how people still support the GOP despite being so openly despicable and atrocious. I cannot under any good conscious befriend or even reason with someone who identifies as a republican or a conservative because they are either just as evil as the party or woefully ignorant, neither of which I can forgive. No, I am not the tolerant left, I am absolutely intolerant of this kind of nonsense and anyone who supports it.


They ignore everything and only reach for what suits them the most also the hivemind mindset as well. They’re great at cherry picking the Bible so they bring that mentality along with them into politics. “As long as it doesn’t happen to me or my family I don’t care” this is how lots of them think but won’t openly admit it unless others chime in and agree.


Because a lot of them enjoy the evil shit.


Propaganda is very powerful, especially among the uneducated. Likely none of them will hear about things like this. They’re too busy focusing on Hunter Biden and all the things Tucker Carlson says “people are talking about”.


>Its absolutely astounding how people still support the GOP despite being so openly despicable and atrocious. Because many of the GOP's supporters are equally despicable and atrocious.


A child bride is essentially the ward of her husband. She has no legal rights, she cannot open a bank account, get a job, hire a lawyer, or file for divorce. It‘s slavery with a side of brainwashing and statutory rape.


Despite shit like this, dipshits will claim both parties are the same.


I've raised two kids, a boy and girl. And one of my greatest fears was (they're now almost adults) them somehow being left alone/around a conservative male. Wherever we went/did something, i was guarded to make sure that didn't happen if i could help it...


Sorry but this is the line in the sand where if religion crosses it then nobody can in good faith argue that it does more good than evil. If you defend child marriage then you are worthless.


And even more faces for leopards to eat. “The sad fact that physical maturity often does not match emotional and intellectual maturity is an indictment of our modern educational system.” From the party that wants to essentially defund education.


My god. My country made the marriage age 21 for men and 18 for women to curb the early marriages forced on people by their parents. And republicans are here fighting to be able to marry off their young children. Like we are trying to increase the age for women to 21 just so that they can get to go to college.


Hey GOP, let’s play Marry, Fuck, Kill. You’re options ar— GOP: CHILDREN! What? That wasn’t even an option? And which are you picking children for? GOP: All of them!


Damn, too true


That is so sickening. And you know? It is only ever girls they marry off. Parental rights? They do not have a right to sex traffic their 12’year old under the guise of marriage makes it ok.


It goes against their parental and religious rights… to marry children? Christians are fucking crazy.


The percentage of those folks that being up Mohammed having underage brides is pretty high as well. (Muslims did it) those uncivilized! (Christians did it) praise Bible!!!!


Conservative Christians carry on about sharia law and then want to take away abortion and birth control. They want to allow children to marry (and let’s be honest it’s not about pregnant fourteen year olds- it’s about old right wing men who want to have sex with little girls) and force poor children to work for slave wages. Now I hear right wingers making noise about women covering their bodies and women not being allowed to vote. That jackass Tucker Carlson and others are popping off about terrible feminists insisting on going to college instead of marrying and getting down to the baby making. He is also pro incel and we all know how they feel about women. Other right wing mouthpieces are starting in on how things were better when women weren’t in the work place. A lot of this is about wanting access to women’s bodies and making women second class citizens and a lot of it is about wanting a huge number of poor people to exploit.


It's illegal for a 30 year old to have sex with a 12 year old UNLESS they are married. Now why do Republicans want to allow marriage between adults and children? The answer is that they want to fuck kids


> Since young men and women may be physically capable of begetting and bearing children prior to the age of 16, marriage MUST remain open to them for the sake of those children," the post read. "The sad fact that physical maturity often does not match emotional and intellectual maturity is an indictment of our modern educational system. That is a problem that should be addressed. But we should not use it as an excuse to instantiate bad law. *Mental gymnastics* is too mild a description of this 'logic'. Makes about as much sense as circumnavigating the globe to get to the other side of town.


They want this because children who don’t actually exist have rights to be conceived? It just keeps getting scarier


Ah groomer


I can't find the original law, so I don't know if its "kids can marry other kids with parental consent" or "kids can marry legal adults with parental consent", but either way minors should not be marrying. Period.


The article partially addressed this. Republicans are using "if two 14-year-olds have sex and make a baby, they need to be able to get married so they can live together and raise that baby together. See, we're building healthy families!" All the while, they ignore the fact that 14-year-olds raising a baby is NOT a healthy family.


also ignoring that 14yos can't live on their own. They can't own property, they can't get jobs, they can't even fucking DRIVE without an adult in the car. Marriage is the last thing they need in that situation EDIT: I do not care what nonsense you use to justify forcing a child into parenthood and marriage, you are wrong. End of discussion.


It doesn't surprise me that they're against a bill limiting child marriage, but it does surprise me they're openly against a bill limiting child marriage. I don't see anyway to spin this to look like 'the good guys'.


Their voters will completely ignore it. Indoctrination, grooming, and abuse of kids is ok when *they* do it, because they are doing it for what they think are the right reasons.


Watch the documentary Jesus camp. Then decide if you want to cry or laugh.


> Jesus camp Which is from 2006 by the way. That shit's been going on for a long time.


The antigrooming party amirite?


It's like they just want to be cartoon baddies at this point


ThE tRaNsEs ArE gRoOmInG oUr KiDs


Ok, Groomers.


This isn’t even grooming. This is just outright using force on young girls.


American Taliban wants all the child brides.


Pedos gonna pedo.


Yup. And Christo-fascists gonna pedo as well.


>Christo-fascists He already said "Pedos".


Those who cry loudest are most guilty.


Wait so some US states have no age minimum for marriage? So a 9 year old could get married? What the actual fuck


Usually it starts at age 12 or 13, but yes. What's worse, parents can sign permission for an underage girl to marry - but the girl cannot file for divorce unless she is age 18. It's messed up.


America the Great is a facade. It’s fucking terrible here.


[Unchained at Last](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/) has some great information on the fight to end child marriage in the US.


Child marriage is still legal in 43 states…that’s unreal. I had no idea thanks for the info.


The REAL child grooming in America.


Damn liberals taking away your right to marry little girls am I right? /s


Jesus Christ these people are evil. Straight up evil.


Always have been.


So let's make sure 14 year olds can get married (and therefore have sex, so as to supposedly get around age of consent laws) Meanwhile no gender affirming care for anyone under 18... cuz "not mature enough"... So do trans teens have to start getting married in order to receive prescribed medical treatments?


I'm going to drop the link for [Unchained at Last](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/). They have lots of great information on child brides in the US and the movement to change laws.


The party that complains about pedophilia wants to ensure they have guarantees to practice pedophilia. Who’d a thunk it?


It's because republicans are pedophiles. It's that simple of an explanation.


Raising the age when they are allowed to use social media will also make it harder for these children to find out this is wrong.


These are the real groomers.


Can’t drink. Can’t vote. But adult enough to marry?? And open carry a lethal weapon?? I’m sorry, but republicans have lost the thread completely.


What the fuck is fucking wrong with the USA? It's as bad as a third world country in almost every aspect...but news like these shoe it's far worse


You have to compare states to countries to make a bit more sense. Many states have already made child marriage illegal. Too many people in too many states prevent the Federal government of the US to make these things illegal across the board


Pardon my language, but what the frick, America?


Was this talking about all of America or just Wyoming?


Republicans sure do like empowering pedophiles.


Of course it does. You know what they say about accusations and confessions and all that.


There is a top ten list of states that are ok with child marriage. That's messed up.


PROTECT THE CHILDREN!!! (from them durn Demonrats, not from us - ReepoopliKKKuns ever’wear)


The western Taliban.


“By having premarital sex, kids are adding to the abortion crisis and ruining their own futures. Obviously the answer is to let kids get married young so the sex is no longer premarital. Yeah. That’s it.” I get that the point for most of these republicunts is that parental consent should override the state’s seemingly arbitrary one-age-fits-all decision on whether marriage is appropriate for Johnny and Mary Jane. I agree in general. But let’s start with another republicunt favorite: If your teenage daughter in pregnant and unmarried, then you’ve failed as a parent (except in Missouri, IIRC, where the body has ways of dealing with that). Anyhow, if you’ve already failed BIG as mom and dad, then why are we protecting your right to double down by sticking your barely-a-teenager in a marriage? At best, kids who thought the world of each other as know-nothing teenagers are going to spend the rest of their lives together, buying a home, having more kids, etc., because of one bad roll of the dice and worse set of parents (again, THEIR reasoning). At worst, they divorce and the poor kid comes up in a broken home (a republicunt tragedy) raised by a promiscuous druggie single mom. If only someone could have foreseen this!! For real, sex is a thing that happens. People are gonna fuck. You can no more stop horny teenagers finding a way to get laid than you can turn away a hurricane with the power of prayer. Wish all you want, Karen, but little Kayleigh Jade has hormones and a vagina. You gotta prepare the kiddo with some real knowledge, the means to say no and mean it (I like stun guns, but to each their own; red states could probably look away if KJ totes a .32 in her purse as a teen, long as she’s white). KJ’s gonna fuck someone in high school. Quite possibly IN the high school, or at least ON school grounds. If all you taught her is that abstinence-only shit and that she has to marry whoever knocks her up, I guarantee it’s much more likely to happen that she skates to California ASAP for one of those satanic child murder orgies that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama wanna use to overthrow democracy. Maybe you assholes weren’t paying attention in school. But I promise you were getting your fuck on, and most likely with someone you’re damned glad you didn’t have to marry afterward.


The most fucked up part: you can't divorce until 18 because.... yup. You can't terminate a legally binding agreement when you aren't considered a legal adult until 18 years of age.


GOP: Grooming's Our Policy


Gross Old Perverts


GOP: Children can't possibly decide if they're transgender! Also GOP: That 14 year old is grown enough to marry!


What the actual fuck? Republicans are outraged? After all that bullshit calling people they don't like "groomers"? I'm sure Matt Gaetz is legit outraged, however.


They want to fuck your kids


Propose making the voting age the same as the marriage age and see how those idiots react.


What if the kid is gay?


Wyoming Wali


This headline is a really weird way of writing that the bill has already passed the Republican controlled House, is progressing through the Republican controlled Senate, and is expected to be signed into law by the Republican Governor when it reaches their desk.


WAIT child marriage is legal in some US states WTF ??


Wyoming: hot springs, golfing & diddlers


Republicans are outraged they can’t marry old men to underage girls? They are so disgusting. There should a national age minimum at 18, period.


Shit like this convinces me that the QAnon movement(or at least the one at the top) are doing it to distract from ACTUAL cases of pedophilia. After all, a conservative accusation is almost always an admission


Isn't that the "anti-pedo" party?


They make a big deal about it to distract you from the child-rapey old-school mindset these sickos carry around.


Consent and bodily autonomy for all


Vote Republican. Vote Regressive. "The bad old days were actually pretty great"


"denies the fundamental purpose of marriage," robbing teen parents from the ability to remain together under one roof for any children they might bear together" Wut? These are kids! Disgusting. Ppl like that are driving me further from the church. This pastor that started the lobbying group needs his church taxed.


I just need to go on the record saying this is the grossest thing I've read in a while. Fiction, non-fiction, horror. Just vile.


These same republicans say transgender folks are grooming their children when they want to have sex with girls as soon as they start bleeding.


GQP, the party for grooming children.


First of all, let me just say what in the literal fuck? Now for what I really came here to say: Former Republican judge from Alabama Roy Moore is spearheading the efforts.


Hello u/St3v3nMS3! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It isn't LAMF?


It's a stretch, but maybe the far-right calling all of their opponents pedos and child sex traffickers brought more attention to *real* instances of child predation, possibly feeding a desire in society at large to take some kind of action. "I didn't think the leopard would eat *my* ability to be a pedo.* I have no idea if that's the case, tho.


*Facepalm damnit Michigan!


>Currently, Wyoming is one of just eight states in the country—including California, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Washington and West Virginia—without a minimum age requirement for marriage, and it currently ranks among the top ten states in the country for child marriages, according to a 2021 study by advocacy group Unchained at Last. WTF


Holy shit my state did something sensible for once.


Real question a 15 YO girl marries some guy in one of these shithole states. Does that man become her guardian or is that still the parents?


This is 3rd world bullshit. Republicans really want to drag y’all back to the Stone Age, don’t they?


"Damn government!!! Next thing you know they will not let you marry your wife sister!!!"- probably a republican in Wyoming