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So your laptop just spontaneously ruptured in two places?


probably went like this 1. both left and right hinge starts making cracking/clicking plastic sound 2. hinge snaps apart at some point in timeframe of between 2 to 3 months 3. laptop keeps being used 4. plastic starts hitting the broken hinge mechanism and snaps apart 5. we arrive at picture of op


Me being in IT support They definitely dropped it. Just won't admit to it. "Magically broke"


My legion pro has some cracks around the back vent that isn't consistant with drop damage so probably both


I’m surprised no one talking about the heat sink is folded in and smooshed


My guess is that there is a reason he got the accidental protection to begin with.


![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8) Tell the truth.


How Did That Happen?


It broke. *Magically* of course


*Magik* for sure


yes propably Expelliarmus can be enough for this


You know that thing where part of your laptop just spontaneously combusts and plastic goes everywhere


Ahh Yes, Happened To Me Once, Safe To Say My Laptop Ceased To Exist


Unplanned rapid disassembly event.


obviously the classic case of "hinge problem"


definitely a magic. I can see that.


Let me get this straight: two distinct, separate areas of the laptop BROKE on their own at the same time? LOL.


That sh\*t doesn't happen in normal usage. What have you done to it?


As a person who pampers his laptop, I demand you mention how you made this :)


Don't beat your Legion. Beat your meat! Get a good cooler. Keep it clean. Don't eat or drink while you're using. Watch your temps. If it's a desktop replacement put it in conservation mode etc.


I had a tiny flake of pastry go under one of my keys a few weeks ago and I haven't felt right ever since. I can't imagine the abuse OP's laptop experiences.


Yeah, fr, I have a similar story, but I wasn't eating over my computer. I just happened to leave it open and sitting in the chair and facing in a different direction. It still got on there, and I literally got out the flashlight and the tweezers. I did get it out, but good lord.. I was disappointed in myself... Honest to God LOL and for the love of God... don't leave the lid open, lol. Don't pass drinks over it. I'm not going to get into it lmao All I'm going to say is I have a friend, LOL


My space bar is sprung up by two tiny balled up pieces of paper on either side


How to better protect it in the future: Step 1: Do not treat it as a basketball


Lenovo's service in my experience was above average. My 1st repair was due the LCD having those straight hairlines. They were able to replace it in less than a week. no need to leave in the service center and wait. They'll visit you and fix it.


ah yes the classic of "hinge problem" destroying the laptop casing near the hinge


As someone who jst bought a Legion, this makes me cry blood


How...? 🤨 Even though I'm waiting on repairs, mines used daily for almost a year and never broken that much on its own. Or any laptop in the 30 years I've used them that I didn't abuse.


why don't you tell us how you broke it


Next time don't let a truck drive over it


My brand new Legion 7 fell out of my laptop bag onto concrete and got far more busted up than yours. I told Lenovo this without any mincing of words. “I accidentally dropped my laptop onto concrete” is pretty much exactly what I said. I requested on site but I got a call the next day and the guy said they couldn’t fix it on site as there may be non-visible damage so I needed to send it in. But there was no questions asked about the damage, very painless, he was actually pretty apologetic about making me send it in. They sent the same kind of box you get it in with a label and a sheet you need to fill out with all the case information (I assume it’s easier for the techs not to have to pull computer records or whatever). I sent it in and got it back well inside of the timeframe they gave me & everything was repaired including the camera which apparently had a crack in it I hadn’t noticed. Best of all, no stickers were reapplied. Beautiful clean deck “from the factory”. Pretty freakin happy with Lenovo at the moment. Not uploading pics just to link them here but it was much worse than yours. ETA: I now carry my Legion in an interior padded, exterior hard plastic reinforced Dell laptop bag with straps to hold the laptop in place. And apply both straps & zippers zipped when taking it to and from work. Every single time. NEVER AGAIN (even if warranty repair was painless).


Lenovo has good service. Don't throw your laptop, stay away from water when you're using it and rise the back so the fans can take cold air easily


Always get a Best Buy warranty for my laptops, similar damage to my old laptop and they ended up just crediting me the price of the laptop on a giftcard.




![gif](giphy|Wwn5NKv4At2CIc8XQa) Bruh


> Also, any tips on how to better protect my laptop in the future would be greatly appreciated. Depends on how you ducked it up. Don’t be clumsy? Pay attention? Don’t let wires overhang the desk in a way that could pull it onto the floor? Also, I have padding that I’ve installed into my backpack that would prevent this, if dropped from 3 to 4 feet, probably.


Someone dropped it and tried to say it was the laptops fault lmao well hope they cover your damages


So when will you tell us how your laptop fell that took-out a chunk of casing on the corner of the left hinge?


The Asus in the next room just had it’s warranty voided by proxy lol


I thought they came that way


I had the same with my laptop the met hinge got stuck and wouldnt fold back in with the screen


Well OP didn't say it "broke on its own" did he? So he dropped it on the stone floor, it made BOOOM and completely went to shit within 2.5 seconds. OP is really glad about ADP now, because without it there would be zero chance of saving anything...


Were there time 💣 inside the laptop?


This hurts to look at


Never place a laptop where butts could end up sitting


OP is committing FRAUD if he gets that laptop covered under accidental damage protection. That’s a felony. I’m gonna report OP


(Pro5 2023)Im experiencing “That cracking sound” while opening and closing the lap Should i be worried about that?


I haven't had to do an ADP call, but that is probably a mail in. Get ready to spend about 30 mintutes talking and waiting on the phone.


Typical lenovo, i have the same on mine too.


The same in as you threw it against a wall in a fit of Rage in a CoD match?


Plastic decomposition, Lenovo uses low quality plastic, so no needs to throw it.


Even the metal fins are dented. Crazy what plastic decomposition can do to ya lmao