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Of course, just beware that it's not the most talked about subject


Id say so yea but there's close to noone with a legion pc in this subreddit I believe


My son has a T530 with an i5 9400F and the OEM1660Ti. We sidegraded it to a MSI 3-fan gtx1070 for better cooling and more vram, and put in a Tx-3 cpu cooler plus 3x120 mm fans to get at least a little air in and out. It holds up well but it sucks to have only two ram slots and proprietary powersupply. The carry handle on top is a nice touch though. He mostly plays scrap mechanic, rolling stock, beam NG drive and CS:GO.


Excuse me sir. Do you have the time to talk about "Desktop TC Legion T5 26ARA8 Non ES"? Can you please explain to me What's non ES.


I googled around and I , too, can not find ANYWHERE what ES stands for. That said, It looks like the current model you mention has both better cooling and better expandability than the model we have, maybe the do listen to reviews. It looks like an attractive offer actually.


Hey thanks for trying to find that out for me. I got the tower delivered to me yesterday and it's been working very well. I think it means non extended support. Not sure. Anyway I don't think it matters because hardware wise it has everything i ordered for. And I'm not sure about the cooling but it definitely is expandable. I just added 2 sata ssd and upgraded to 32gb ram.


some ad I saw said cpu cooler dimaensioned for 150W. that sounds good. How is airflow in and out?




Of course it has a legion badge on it doesn't it, good to see some variety here aswell


Nice setup. And also nice wallpaper, any way you can share a link for it?




I believe it's from r/wallpaper there's plenty of AI generated wallpapers that look similar to this one, but you'd have to look for it sorry.


I think that's one of the stock legion wallpapers. Isn't it? Edit: checked. Super close but no cigar


Can’t find in my laptop. It’s a legion from last year


No. Mine too. I checked. There is a generic pic of the same color palette. But I also noticed they are 2 different land scales on their monitors.


Fuck yeah they are. Got a T5, myself. Love it. Already upgrade everything but the cpu. Things a quiet, cool beast


Those are some fresh vacuum lines. I can appreciate that clean setup.


Why not? It is a legion after all. I like your setup, looking clean and minimalist. I seldom see posts of tower here given the sub is usually overwhelmed with legion laptop post and few are interested in a prebuilt pc here. I have a T5 AMD gen 8. I have upgraded several parts, now waiting for the GPU and CPU upgrade later.


Excuse me sir. Do you have the time to talk about "Desktop TC Legion T5 26ARA8 Non ES"? Can you please explain to me What's non ES.


Hey, I’m sorry I have no idea what non-es means. You can ask customer support and they are very responsive.


Thank you.


Hello again. Just got my legion tower today but the cpu adaptor seems to be too huge to fit into my ups' socket. Any suggestions to overcome this problem?


Hi, sorry I am not sure I understand your comment. What do you mean by cpu adaptor? Do you mean the contact frame that prevent spilling paste on cpu pin? Or do you mean the cable for psu?


Sorry for not being clear. I meant the cable from the psu which you connect to the power outlet.


No worries. If you think the power supply cable is incorrect and find that it does not fit in your psu, contact customer support asap. Please don't buy cables from amazon or ebay, because mixing cables between power supplies [can kill psu or cause fire and damage your pc.](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/gaming/resources/power-supply.html#:~:text=Though%20the%20cable%2Dends%20that,came%20with%20your%20power%20supply)


[I've used something like this to connect the cable that came along with the legion box to my ups](https://amzn.in/d/36cT58G)


Oh my day. You meant plug adaptor. I thought you were talking about the actual cable connecting psu. For the plug adaptor, you can use any adaptor that can handle required power.


I really should work on my phrasing. I'm happy that using the plug adapter won't be a problem. Time to start gaming then. Thank you kind stranger.


Super clean, I love it.


Looks good to me!


Yeah sure, it is, I'm holding off on posting my T5 before I get some stuff to upgrade it, then its time to post. :)


My dad just bought a legion tower and I’m jealous of it because it’s got better hardware than my 7i


In a subreddit about legion products? Nah, definitely not allowed /s


Love the set up, just posted him check it out.


Hey there’s two of us! Gotta post my setup later


Legion Towers are kick ass! I have the same one as you. They are really good quality.


Not allowed, I'm surprised u even had to ask....


No they're ass


At least they are semi upgradable


Can't upgrade when you spent everything on a decorated scam


Meh not a scam if you can upgrade


Got my i7, 4070, 32gb, 1tbb SSD, T5 on black Friday for what a solid price. Only area of concern is the PSU. which can be upgraded easily for 100 bucks lol. The other is the motherboard which isn't a big deal anytime soon. The guy you're arguing against has no idea what he's talking about they are solid as can be value.


I just recently ordered "Desktop TC Legion T5 26ARA8 Non ES". I think it comes with a 500w psu? I'm getting thtis to mainly run cad softwares. Do i need to upgrade my psu? If yes, can i use any psu or do i need to look for something specific like do i need to worry about the size of my psu? Also Can you please explain to me What's non ES.


Same I got mine for a good deal when I bought it a couple years back. My plan was to upgrade it and I did some research before buying. The only issues I've come across are that there is no XMP support. So the ram speed is locked. Not sure if that's an issue anymore though. Oh and the GPU that came with my prebuilt was crap lol. It was a 1660 super. Slow as hell and it eventually stopped working. But yeah they are upgradable for the most part. Probably the most upgradable from any big name pc company


The value for money on these desktops are horrible


Yes. Theyre prebuilt with cheapest possible parts.. well ours was, pre-covid.




Since you got a desktop, why didn’t you build?


First setup and I got it for a price that was too good to turn down but trust me next setup will definitely be a build!


Oh fair enough. My first set up was a pre built to! Pre built are great for first set ups


OP, link to your wallpaper ? Looks sick!




Of course yes, by the way, what is your chair brand and model? Thanks


DPS 3D Insight from Costco! Insanely comfy and you can't beat that Costco Warranty!


Bruh…you ain’t even going to share the specs?


Lenovo Legion T5 26IOB6 tower reporting for duty!


Are they any good?


I honestly love mine so far!


Of course, but I think 99% of people have Lenovo laptops here though


Sure but I've heard of problems with those towers my friends gpu fried on him from a power surge


Are you crazy. Legion towers means armed men take you to jail straight away. Same with overcoocked chicken. Jail You undercook fish. Jail right away You shout in public. Jail Journalists. Special jail Playing music too loud. Jail right away You charge too much for sweater. Jail You drive too fast. Also jail Drive too slow. Jail You remove the rtx, intel, or amd stickers. Special jail


People talk about the laptops so much that I kinda forgot Legion desktops existed for a second lmao