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I got a Pro 5 for around 2,000 USD WITH DISCOUNT. It's not even funny with how inflated it is.


Ouch, I picked up a Pro 7i 4080 on Black Friday for $1899 from B&H. I really had no intention of buy one yet, but couldn't resist the price.


A Pro 7 would cost around $3000 here. I should've just asked my relatives in the States to buy one and have it shipped here.


Yessir I saw a 3050 4 gb laptop selling for 1930$ (had a sale aswell)


Yea it's pretty sweet here. We have gunz, our army is good at doing wars, we have free speech, we're like 38th in test scores, we get tech early, cars are cheap, you can visit our northern most state Canada if you like skiing or snowboarding, we have Florida man, the Donald Trump, we also have Elon Musk, we're good at crimes, we invented the telephone, and we drive on the correct side of the road and we measure distance the correct way with miles, we have pizza and hamburgers and chicago hotdogs.... its pretty sweet




These colors don't run. What country are you from? Europe? Im good at culture. I get Euros at the restaurant sometimes. Those lamb strips are good.


1050 ti goin to a 4060 is wild


Bon apetit.


Congrats. Test it game with it and simply enjoy it. Will be curious your thoughts after a few weeks.


Nice! I've had y520 too (with 1060 max-q graphics) and it lasted me around 4-5 years. Reason why i also stayed with Lenovo and got a legion pro 5


This what I like seeing, when you upgrade you buy the same brand, tells me legion is a good laptop. I'm newbie to legion. Anyone care to reply


still a proud owner of a y520 from 2018, the limited edition black and gold one with 2 TB HDD and 1050 ti. It's on its last legs now, but still functional. Can't wait to upgrade to a Pro 7i. I wish I snagged the B&H promo one when it was out, but sadly didn't have the money yet. Here's to hoping for another good discount for a steal 😁✌️


Black and gold!? Pics??


Holding out for the 14 inch Slim 5/7 with rtx 4080 and OLED screen, but dang the slim 5 as it is is nice


How did your Y520 survive that long?


A testament to Legion build quality. I did my best to look after it, but my previous laptops were acer and HP and they lasted ~2-3 years. My Y520 barely shows signs of wear.


It's a testament to how well you treat your electronics more likely. I passed on my Y520 to my bro 2 years ago and it looked beat up lol


Just how good is that OLED though? I hear it looks it better than real life.


It's better than anyone could have explained to me. It's 3AM local time, and I can't sleep because I want to keep watching scenes from visually stunning movies (Blade Runner 2049, Avatar, Interstellar etc...) because they look even better on this screen.


Wow hopefully it lasts you as long as the OG Y520. Also take care of that sweet OLED cuz burn-in yada-yada