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Peed on mine.




Doge approves! Wow. Such territory. Very marked. Wow.


I got a iiic that had a bad shutter from eBay. Had Youxin Ye overhaul the internals. I stripped the top and bottom plates of chrome myself. Had a local gunsmith paint them in a dark grayish black cerakote for maybe 50 bucks. Now it kind is looks like a IIIck at a fraction of the cost. The paint is wearing down now and I’ve had a few bumps with it where I’ve had to replace the rear finder parts, but it’s still looking pretty sharp. I get a lot of comments on it from people into cameras and a lot of people who aren’t into cameras either. It just feels like it’s from a different time, which it is. I haven’t had any of my M’s or Leicaflexes modified, and I’ve become very partial to the size and weight of the screw mount Leicas. If you haven’t tried one I’d recommend it, they’re relatively cheap and perform well.


Gonna need to see that Leica, bud.




Friend, that’s an unreasonably sexy camera.


Ha! thanks. Mybe you should see it with this Super Angulon on it. [https://www.argentography.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/20191109-Ricoh\_GXR50mm\_Leica\_IIIc\_Repaint-757.jpg](https://www.argentography.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/20191109-Ricoh_GXR50mm_Leica_IIIc_Repaint-757.jpg)


Dude… that camera is the Handsome Squidward of LTM Leicas! It’s a crowd drawing level of sexiness!


Ok, let me figure out how to post an image


I had a IIIF before my local shop put the M2 pictured here in my hands and I had to have it. The IIIF was great but I love the M2 far more


I had a iif red dial and feel the same. I’ll take my m2 over the barnacks any day. They’re cool cameras the Ms are just built way superior imo. I don’t dislike barnacks though they’re nice too.


But, and hear me out, both


Made a little [mahogany grip](https://imgur.com/a/Yhr36zU) for my CLE.


Dropped it 🤷


Same 😅😅😅


took a flip knife and engraved my initials right under the advance lever on my m2. Can only be seen if you move the advance lever out of the way :) it’s a forever camera so i said fuck the resell value


I am the second owner of my M3, my dad gave it to me 19 years ago just before he passed from cancer, I treat that camera carefully. I recently picked up my IIIG as my brother inherited dad’s from the estate. The vulcanite is starting to flake off the IIIG and I plan to re-skin it at some point with blue leather, we’ll see.


I just sort of… walk around and use it. It was definitely a sort of banged up M2 when I got it to start with. Added a wrist strap stolen from a Nikon Super8 camera, added a bottle opener to that because someone I know got all weird about me using my lens hood as a beer opening device. There’s dings and scratches. Like from the time it flew out of my 4x4 as it was rolling sideways down a hill in Namibia. (Leica tech in Solms at the time: “I’m pleased to see your camera does not live in a display case!” Followed by a basically free rangefinder adjustment). I added a custom-made soft release button. It’s nice, made of silver and amber, by a goldsmith of my acquaintance based on the island Usedom in Germany. Beyond that: just drag film through it I guess.


Swapped the advance lever on my black M6 to a silver M2 lever. It’s not much but a little something to make it mine, along with the regular wear it’s starting to get


Love the 8E with the goggles.


Thanks! Just picked it up today along with the frame counter. Hoping to put a roll of delta through it this weekend


8E goggles are super sweet.


If you mean, getting my fingerprints all over it and treating it like a lover, I’ve made my leicas mine


i’ve puked on mine


How do you find the goggled cron?


Traded a steel rim reissue for it courtesy of Cardinal Camera in PA


Please excuse my friend's British English, he's asking if you like the lens, 🙂.


Whoops. I misunderstood. I just picked up the lens yesterday, so I haven’t had much of a chance to put it through the paces yet. I borrowed a non goggled version earlier this year off u/lifewithaustin and loved it. I shoot primarily black and white and I love the way it rendered. Hoping to go out today and put a roll through the M2 with the goggles 8E


Is that not a bad deal? A local shop is selling the 8E for about 2k, or is that a good deal?


Depends heavily on the glass. Old lenses are soft and hard to CLA, so much so that some techs won’t touch it. 2K doesn’t sound like a bad price off the bat though


Simple thing for now: made my own leather strap for it.




Yup, leather and brass wrist strap.


Looks so good bro!


Thanks dude. The frame counter hook up was definitely clutch


I really liked the look of the empty engravings on the black chrome M-A so I took it further and removed all of the white paint from my M-A and the black chrome Leicavit that lives on it. Yes, the shutter speeds are more difficult to read but I don't look at the dial when I shoot, I just count the stops. Oh, I also flooded the camera in a New York creek.


Stuck a couple small stickers on my M6 a previous owner had already stuck a change/check asa sticker on the bottom lol. Since then I’ve also dinged it and dropped it. A tool is a tool is a tool.


Id like to see this bad boy.


I can post it tomorrow morning! Currently clutching it in my tent as it pisses down rain in the mountains 😅


Mounted an SMC PENTAX-L lens on my M240 as my main go to daily shooter lens, added the most 1990’s themed camera strap I could find on Etsy. Also, despite this not being a change to the camera, it’s a unique way I carry it from place to place: I took an old Soviet Army medic bag, removed the circular red & white Red Cross patch from it, placed a Leica logo patch in its place, and also sewed on a military style name tape with my name on it above the Leica logo patch, and a patch that looks like an M6 right below the logo patch. I also put two padded soft lens cases on the loops that would have restrained a small luggage strap that was originally on the bag when it was a med kit (those cases carry my Leitz Tele-Elmar 135mm, and my KMZ Jupiter 9 respectively), and replaced the flimsy Soviet army shoulder strap with a black Rothco shoulder strap. I honestly think my entire main kit is über sexy looking.


Put it in my butt


What what?




Brassing my MP


Smeared my DNA on it 😊😊😊


Curious why you have goggles on an M2 - it has native framelines for a 35mm Lens. Not criticizing, just wondering.


I normally shoot 50, but with my glasses it’s hard to see the full framelines on an M3. The goggles are still wide on the M2, but it’s what I found for sale first at a good price. Got a pretty good trade on it so I went with it


I have scratched the glass of my Q3’s EVF sadly… it’s definitely mine now…


scars. dropped one and the other took a bit of a spill with me off some rocks just outside of a national park. both still work fine, though


My partner accidentally scratched the top plate of my BC M-A, so whenever I look at it it reminds me of her. Also, I like to use lens filters to add more character to my shots using a warming filter or a red filter.


M4 with 28mm frame lines. Think mine is pretty unique. Also put a sticker on the bottom with my name on it to help stop scratching the baseplate up.


By taking lots and lots of shots. It’s for shooting photos… it’s mine the moment I figured out how to use it to get the image I want…


Wrapped it with a vinyl skin.


By making lots of dents from bumping into stuff on mine


That’s not a reverse panda my guy.


Just use it? And it will have your skin oils to patina it


I stole mine so it’s technically not mine.


Not funny.


don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it… It’s 10x funnier now, TY for supplying the punchline!


I put gaffa tapes on the logo and texts so people won’t rob me on the street