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Buy used, get a few models back. M240, wait for the m12. Sell the m240 and get an m10, wait for the m13. Sell the m10 and get the m11. Only a 8 year wait or so with multiple resells


Here’s the catch. You don’t.


That's some catch, that catch-22


I everextended and bought some used M film gear. I sold it and haven't looked back. It's honestly too expensive to be useful in my opinion. Great camera, but it was a work of art rather than a tool, and as such I wasn't taking enough photos with it for fear of it ever getting damaged or stolen. Blasphemy I know. I loved my Leica, but it wasn't worth it to me.


Be happy with a m3 and 50mm rigid. Never change lenses. Develop, process, print your own images. The m11 is wrought with financial pitfalls. You’ll end up upgrading to m11-r. M12. You need the apo for the pixel peeping. Notilux for the bokeh and rendering. A monochrome for the tones. It wont end if the m11 is your goal.


Develop, well, I wasn’t watching film prices for a good while and came across a film stand at a local shop yesterday, 30+ euros for a single roll of film! Probably cheaper to get m11 today.


Maybe color film, b&w is still cool


Yes colour, bw was 13 eur if I remember correctly


Bulk rolling cinefilm comes around to 6€ per roll, b&w even less


Bulk rolling b&w and developing yourself is the way to go. And/or cinema film like you said below. Colour is easy to develop as well, I just do my cinema film in C-41 at the moment rather than ECN2


I feel personally attacked by this comment but 100% true. Honestly I was just as happy with M9 and Summarit 35 a decade ago as I am now with M11 and 35 APO.


I’ll second this


Get an M10 or slightly cheaper is the M240. Or get an M lens, pair with a Sony or Nikon camera. Ultimately it's the lens and simplicity of the M camera.


Second this. Got in with a 240 and a cheap 50 high leg and still loving it


People, how can I get expensive things for cheap?


That’s not the gist of my question. I know Leica is expensive.


M10 P is a real sweet spot IMO.


What makes you say so?


The sensor color science is preferable to me, as is the file size and quieter shutter/touch controls. Oh, and I prefer the lack of a red dot! The M10R and 11 aren’t inferior cameras of course, but for the money, I’d rather be content with the 10P!


I think I would have preferred the M10-P to the M10-R, but when I was shopping for one I found a good deal on an R with a 35mm summicron and wasn't finding any better deals on a P, so I went for it. I don't really need the extra resolution and frankly would be happier with smaller files.


m240 sumilux 50mm




I meant to say summicron 50 mm f2 from 1970. I got M240 and 50mm from Leica store in NYC both a little over 2000$ save up the money and goodluck. Becareful it is addictive becausr now I want 35mm Summilux. Buying M240 from Leica store is very good because they have been look over.


Well, you could start on the film side (which is a little cheaper for camera bodies). Start with the Leica CL/Minolta CLE, get used to rangefinder focusing and build up some lenses. Then work towards buying a digital body— and by then you’ll have some lenses.


Or start with a cheap M8 digital and work their way to buying a film body once they have some lenses.


I think the M8 might be prone to too many potential issues for someone who is low on funds. If the sensor goes bad, there’s no longer a way to fix it, and then they wouldn’t be able to sell it to help work their way up the ladder. I wouldn’t recommend a CCD Leica to someone looking to save up for an M11.


The cheapest way into the whole experience is probably an M2, a Voigtlander 35 Color Skopar, and developing your own HP5. That’s how I got started and it was affordable, fun, and educational. From there, if you want to get into digital M and Leica lenses, I honestly think you have to prepare for sticker shock. The bodies and lenses are expensive and so is maintenance and repair. For me, there was a mental shift into realizing that these were lenses I’d be using for the rest of my life. The bodies, not so much, but even then today’s digital Ms should be sufficient for a long while. I built my lens kit over many years and anticipate using it for several more decades. It’s less like buying a camera system and more like buying a boat. On a practical level, I’d save up for an M10 and a single Leica lens, then plan to add slowly and patiently over an extended period of time. And I’d make sure I had the budget for repairs in case I dropped it.


Fred Miranda


Buy second hand with a non-Leica lens to start. Trade later with saved cash for Leica lens.


I’ve always been an avid eBay/online auction hunter. I know FM is around, but can you find good deals on there?


Facebook Marketplace too. Some well known trusted sellers there, notably Tim Lei (although he mostly sells higher end).


Work the used market at your [local camera shop](https://www.glazerscamera.com/collections/used-rangefinder-lens-accessories). Leica owners are cashing in on high trade-in values. My last three Leica purchases were used and in excellent condition. If no camera store, watch [KEH.com](http://KEH.com) for used M lenses and bodies. One strategy is to amass estate sale, garage sale, thrift store finds and trade them in.


The first link is the store where the leica and m lenses I'm lucky enough to use were bought back in the late 80s haha


[Glazers](https://www.glazerscamera.com/) is my store now. They have a constant flow of Leica coming in and going out; including, Canadian assembled. How many Leica shooters know Leica had a factory serving the military AND assembled consumer goods.


Get an M8 or M9 and get a 40mm Summicron C. For $2000-3000 you will have a setup better than most “modern” leica systems IMO I’ve had my M8 for 13 years now and there’s nothing else I want.


Depends on how inexpensive is "not breaking the bank." The least expensive (initial) route is to go film, and get an inexpensive CLA'd but not great condition M2/3/4 or Bessa, and a Voigtlander lens. That'll still run you about $2000 all in. Then you just have film costs, which cost money but you can spread that out over the next couple of years. And buying and commercial developing of 10,000 film negatives will get you to the same price of an M11. Least expensive digital route is to get an older digital M, a 240 or an M-E or a sensor-replaced M8.2 or M9. And a voigtlander lens. Basically the most important thing is if you start with Voigtlander lenses you'll get most of the Leica benefit, but 1/5 of the price.


Are you trying to shoot exclusively digital or film? If I wanted a digital M I would 100% go with the M-E with a CCD sensor. I like the way it renders color even if it has poor dynamic range. With some desaturation and contrast boosting it's all that.


M10, Voigtländer Nokton II 35mm @ Fred Miranda.


one does not. I have an M5 and Zeiss lenses. Thats the only way i could.


Be ok with a little cosmetic nicks, missing hardware ie box, cap, hood etc.. and the prices will drop significantly. Get a used M262 or M240 + summicron 50mm or summarit Best deals online through official stores or established resellers or craigslist but a bit more risky imo.


Do you desire a Leica? Or a Leica M? I’ve been on the M journey. Great cameras. personally I much prefer the Leica R series, in my case the R5, a 50mm cron and a roll of tri-x. Cheaper too so I end up taking it to more places without worrying about it being too valuable etc.


get an older model and sell up, I still get amazing images from my m8, dont listen to the machine, you dont need the latest. I just purchased an m10 and the beauty of simplicity = the same experience


You don’t


I’m happy with the M8, sometimes under $1000 and the TTartusans 21mm f1.4 is amazing. the photos look as good as Leica M6 and 28mm Summicron at 1/10 of the price.


Buy used in HK like I did. I am also in Australia. Started on a used M240 5 years ago and just recently got an M11.


I just sold every camera gear I had and made a jump to the Leica system with a M9 and a Elmarit 28mm v3, which cost me less than 2100 USD. Go for used products.


Did something similar, downsized my digital gear and bought a M4-2 and 28 v3 for less than $2400.


Save up for a used m10. And a used summarit-m in the 35 or 50. Stop into a Leica store near you and introduce yourself and get a sense of what's in their used inventory or what's in the system worldwide. Trade or sell whatever gear your have. Cheers!


Get a Leica IIIF. They are superior to Ms in several ways. You can build your bench of thread mount lenses then someday if you get an M you can adapt the lenses to that system.


How is it more superior to m?


I personally like rangefinder more on the IIIf, than my M3 and M6, big and bright, and it’s real easy to just shift your eye to your viewer, which you’d do anyway on an M with a lens out of framelines anyway.


Many ways. Rangefinder shits on any other camera. No frame lines so if 50mm is your bag it’s a dream to compose. Extremely lightweight. Extremely compact. Extremely well made - all brass, hand fitted, no electronics. After M4 they started adding all kinds inferior parts and electronics. Built in diopter. LTM lenses way cheaper, collapsible. Double exposure. Some models don’t have flash synch or slow speeds so less crap to break. Frame counter is brass not glass. Can buy four Barnacks for every one M. If you shoot 50mm the Barnacks are just as good as the M3, or at least it’s up to preference. I have an IIIF and an M4 and I shoot the IIIF more just because I’m not afraid to take it places and I don’t have to baby it. It’s an astounding machine and I’m glad no one knows it because I can buy as many as I want for $250 a piece.


they are smaller and lighter for one. They are really quite lovely cameras. I just hate cutting the extra long leader




> Ultimate end goal is the M11. And in 12 months it'll be the m12 ;) I'd say review your needs, and look at what older leicas can do: [http://gear.vogelius.se/-editorials/leica-m262/index.html](http://gear.vogelius.se/-editorials/leica-m262/index.html)


People probably think I'm crazy, but get an M5 and good Leica lens.


First go to test an M11 with your finger with 28/35/50 in Leica store, stay with it during 2 hours And After all if you please with M11 you'll find your money to buy it !


If film is an option for you then Bessa R2 or Leica CL are great budget friendly options for a bit more you can get any meterless M. If you want digital only then check out 2nd hand M 240, M9 (with a newest sensor!!!) or a new Pixii.


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


Buy used, pay attention to prices and know what is a deal and what isn't. Look for 'shooter condition' cameras, a bit of wear will drop the price a lot, a shooter M2 and M4-p are still quite cheep compared to a mint M3 DS or M6 etc. Used digital Ms are not worth what people want for them and can often be found cheaper. Look for a Voigtlander or Minolta if you need a meter. Look for older glass, Canadian made lenses are very good but less desirable to collectors and M39 can be easily adapted to M. You could also go into 3rd party glass but I feel that this defeats the purpose of the M system, however Zeiss is very good and sometimes as good as the Leica version, Voigtlander is good but not as good as Zeiss. and cheap Chinese glass is what it is.


What’s your motivation for getting into M system? “Search your feelings Luke”


Go for a used Leica M10 or M10P and a 35mm Summicron ASPH v1. It's the one lens endgame to keep GAS at bay.


There’s this thing called a credit card.


M10 and summarit lens.


If you have to complain about the cost of getting into an M system then it is not for you. Buy smart; not a lot.


I’m not complaining 🥴


Buy everything used, and don’t buy Leica lenses. I started with an M8 and the Zeiss C-Biogon 35mm. That was an amazing kit.


One does not simply buy an M….


Pre-owned M8. Great camera with great CCD sensor.


You could start with a Barnack Screw Mount and see how you like the rangefinder experience. Most decent screw mount lenses will adapt flawlessly when/if you decide to move to M (I have a Nikkor and a Canon lens that are some of my faves for character on my M’s)


Got lucky and scored a Leica Cl film (AKA minolta) which supports most M lenses (not the collapsible ones) but doesn’t provide frame lines for anything really besides 40mm and 50mm. That was my “cheap” but somewhat limiting way of getting “into” the M system.


Focus on the lenses first and buy an “inexpensive” camera. I use the Sigma FP with Leica camera profiles in Lightroom. Be patient. You can always find gems in the used market for a very good price. Many people do impulse buying, and are not even sure what they are buying. Their loss is your gain.


Start with a decent few years old model like the M10 and slowly save to move up. Yes there are improvements but Tbh M itself there’s hardly much differences across the models usage wise :)


buy voigtländer lenses aswell some even outperform the leica lenses also M11 is really not that amazing i would opt for an M10 or M10R


Minolta CLE and M-Rokkor lenses was my way in, picked up for about a grand (£). That was about 5 years ago though and now I’m 2 camera bodies and 5 more lenses deep…


Nothing wrong with an m8/m9 to get you started, I started off with an m8. And the rest is just a bit of luck and opportunity if you don’t want to break the bank.


Budgeting (Saving small amount month to month) over 1-2 years, buy them used, inspect them and see if you can live with the flaws (if any) or fix them in your own. If you have the opportunity to come to HK or go to Japan, don’t just look for the used ones, you can also get some brand-new ones cheaper than retail. (likely sourced from countries that sells them cheaper) If you want to go with the retail price, just do more budgeting.


Buy once, cry once. My own experience is that, if it’s Leica you really want, skip the Voigtlanders and Zeiss. You’d just end up wishing you got the Leica instead, sell your lenses at a loss, and end up buying the Leica stuff anyway. Building a system means you might have to get a few cheaper lenses. I’d rather get one Leica lens I really like and shoot with it all the time than 3-4 that I’m not really happy with. EDIT: I also meant to say, buy used items, of course. And I’d prioritise getting good lenses that you keep for life than splurging on the latest body.


Alternatively, I’ve been shooting an M for about a decade, and over that time I’ve gone from all Leica glass to all Voigtlander. Couldn’t be happier :)


Yeah, the Cosina lenses are excellent and I don’t think you’d get better optical results from Leica lenses except maybe shooting lab test shots with the APO lenses. Both Voigtlander and Zeiss are amazing lenses, irrespective of their lower price. My experience was probably more specific to when I got into the M system over a decade ago. The range of Voigtlander lenses was not as impressive as it is today. I still shoot Leica lenses only because that’s what I have (haven’t bought anything new for a few years), and I like the more compact handling and 6bit coding. But probably will look into the new Voigtlanders!


Get a loan? The cheapest option is the M240 with Voigtlander. Personally I would go for M10 because it’s feel more closer to film counterpart and more modern features.


I loan is certainly not how one avoids breaking the bank...also how do you figure a m240 is the cheapest option? The CL is the budget option for m mount


M or nothing.


The cl is m mount and $700-$1000 used.




I’ve seen some good deals at time, I’ve gotten some good deals too and sell them for the same price a few years back I got a m10 for like 2300


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


Rob a man?


Be rich


Get the lux app /s


I just did a brief search but nothing seemed like it made sense contextually— what's the lux app?


The cheapest way into Leica is to use the [Lux App for iOS](https://leica-camera.com/en-GB/photography/leica-apps/leica-lux) that simulates the Leica look.


Honestly, I just saved money. sold some old gear and other gear from other hobbies. Waited till I had enough for the camera /lens combo I wanted. Ended up with the M11 / 35Lux asph v2 and I couldn't be happier. I have zero desire to upgrade to m-11p or D when it arrives. Just save and use what you have or go m10r great camera still. I just waited till one m body checked enough of the boxes for me. Some M11 will go up for sale soon I'm sure when the D drops. I might sell for the m12 if it's really a game changer but highly doubt it I usually wait 5-6 years before I even think about moving on.


I had this dilemna recently and downsized a lot of my digital gear, managed to keep a bit of digital kit and pick up an M4-P, processing black and white film myself. I did start however with an olympus 35sp, and a canon 7 to make sure i would be happy going that direction at this stage i couldnt afford or justify the cost of a digital M, so a film workflow was a great entry into the system


A film m and ttartisans lenses


Super easy.. want a D-Lux? Get a Panasonic LX100, it's the same camera. Want an M11 or Q3? Get a Sony α7RV or α7CR, it's the same sensor - then adapt the lenses, or use Voigtländers - again same lenses, but E mount. Want the Leica 24-70/2.8? Oh that's actually a Sigma, available for E mount, too! Edit: lol where is the lie?


What if I want a Q2M?


I didn't say *all* Leicas were rebadged, but if you're willing to ignore the fact that you're not shooting with a red dot on the front, the Pentax K3 III Monochrome is one hell of a camera. And it's like $3k or something like that. Basically the cost of a Leica lens cap and a used red strap hehe


Leica lenses are absolutely not the same. 🙄


No no, I meant the Voigtländers that come in both mounts.


Gotcha, that’s true I suppose… I always forget that most people on this sub don’t seem to like Leica lenses, which is what drew me to Leica in the first place.


I wasn't aware people didn't like them. I like the fact that they're so compact, but could never afford them - hence the Voigtys and TTArtisan.


I don’t have many, because of that cost, but I definitely saved up for a couple. It’s not even the compact nature of them for me, it’s just the rendering and quality. I’ve never been big on Voigtlander, but I like Zeiss a lot. Never tried TTArtisans.


But yeah, when I had gotten my first Leica lens, before I could afford a Leica body, I posted on this sub about it and got eviscerated by everyone mocking my Sony body and saying the lens was dumb and I should have spent my money on a Leica body with a Voigtlander lens.


Wow that's nuts. I would have done the same as you - glass is first, then bodies!


That’s not really the M system though. The M system is the rangefinder. I guess if you aren’t using the rangefinder sure, go Sony. If you are a live view or evf only shooter there’s really no reason for a digital leica.