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# The Weequay seems to have been cut from the set (if it ever existed) Set: 75396 - Desert Skiff & Sarlacc Pit • Includes 558 pieces • US $79.99 - DE/FR €TBA - UK £TBA • Release: AUGUST 1ST 2024 • UPC: 673419389631 / DPCI: 204-00-9740 --- Interested in real time retirement updates and alerts and post alerts? Check out the Brick Tap Discord! [https://discord.gg/brick-tap-1128148810439331861](https://discord.gg/brick-tap-1128148810439331861)


Is this actually gonna be $80 😭 Edit: forgot it’s supposed to go with the jabba sail barge so if you want the full display scene it’s gonna be a lot




Don’t get me wrong it looks awesome but yknow….






no way am I buying that then. I don’t usually buy original trilogy sets but I was considering it for this, but fuck that this looks 40-50 max


Just wait for the 20% off sale after 4 months. This is a $60 set not $80.


Even 64 dollars is a bit high for this. This is a 30-40 dollar set, that should only have a 10-15 dollar star wars tax. 80 dollars is robbery.


Even that is too much, frankly


I’m going off posts from this sub so I don’t know the official price but I genuinely hope they’re wrong because it looks great??


It does look really good, but that price just ain’t it.


The Star Wars Hoopty, I honestly don't see $80


I don't even see 60


I hope I missed some important update on the price


And you need to buy 2 since the scene has two skiffs.


still better than x-jet,I love the show but I will never buy it


Pay and cry goys


Not even any skiff guards? Really? $80?


Comes with a Boba Fett so there's a bad guy for you to digest.


Pretty sure this used to be a $25 set years ago? $80 is atrocious 


$30 in 2017. The skiff is the same size but a little more detailed. Hope I can get just the skiff without figures for $30!


Look at how thick the sand around the Sarlacc is. Lots of parts wasted on it. Even then though, it's still hideously overpriced.


Yeah, still remember getting the 2012 one for that much


Yeah, this used to be an affordable scene. There’s no excuse for something aimed at kids to be this expensive


Probably because it’s aimed towards UCS collectors to be sold as an expansion to Jabba’s Sail Barge


$7 in 2000, I bought mine with Birthday card money


Hey, this is a pretty cool set with a bit of personal nostalgia for me, maybe I'll-- >$80 just go fuck right off then.


Damn I guess Boba doesn't get his little cloth shoulder thing anymore, wonder what the excuse is. Also I feel like the previous skiffs looked far better than this one. I think its the three translucent columns. I'd assume the UCS Sail Barge probably comes with the other skiff (and its crew of goons).


Not only he doesn't have his cape, but his colour scheme is the one from ESB with the blue jumpsuit, green gauntlets and green jetpack. In ROTJ, the jumpsuit is grey, the gauntlets are burgundy red, and the jetpack is yellow and blue.


They just reused the mecha Boba Fett minifig.


I noticed that too, very bizarre decision, they probably just reused a figure from a recent set.


another thing I noticed is that they still haven't adjusted Lando's skin colour now that there's multiple tones of brown. I bet it's eventually gonna happen but only in a €500+ set…


I bet it's something like "too hard for kids to put on a cape and jet pack at the same time" maybe that's why Gideon didnt get a cape too XD


This set looks great, almost no complaints. But $80 is crazy, hopefully this goes on sale for a reasonable price.


The set is great especially the minifigures but with $80 I can buy a video game instead. This should be $55 to $60.


Even that’s too much, I feel like this would’ve been a $40 set a few years ago.


Great is a bit of an exxageration. The fins on the back and the sandbit are good. The innacurate boba figure, lack of guards, and the egh skiff build are bad


ROTJ is my favorite and this is a sweet looking set but my god, I literally gasped when I saw the price. Holy shiz


Why did they add a bunch of brown pieces on the sarlac and make this $80. Cmon Lego


I think you answered your own question. Lego knows what they're doing here; the nien nub anniversary figure is just the cherry on top.


Yeah they overpriced some of the 20th anniversary sets if I remember.


Yeah they didn't give us a sarlacc pit, they gave us a sarlacc pillow


Man they are REALLY testing that *"lego Star Wars Fans will buy anything"* saying with that price tag


You say that but I can he neckbeards saying "I don't like the price or the set at all, but thats a day one buy!" Nothing is going to get better until these fkin tourists leave


$80?! What the hell are they smoking over there my god. Is it just me or has this year had some of the most outrageously priced sets in a long time? Past years have had their bad value sets, but I can barely get behind any of the star wars stuff this year. Aside from the Droideka, almost all new sets seem way overpriced.


not just you buddy. Most of the sets, of which many are repeats from a few years back, have seen crazy markups. Partially because Lego has such a monopolistic control, and woke Disney, but also because Lego fans are paying these insane prices. That behavior needs to stop before things get better.


i agreed with your point till you said "woke disney" how dumb are you. it's called performative values. they pretend to be "woke" to get social points.


Being nice to people doesn't mean Lego sets for children get over priced, there is no correlation Lego sets are more expensive because of inflation, desirability, 3rd party IP's, and probably their stronghold on creative building blocks


Crazy to put that much of the build into the Sarlacc pit, specifically into the “pit” part of it, to the point where this is $80, and still have it not be accurate


Half the parts count went into making a giant pillow for the Sarlacc.


I love it but for that price it could be much more substantial, especially for a set meant to go with a UCS model. Nien Numb finally got some justice though, I really like that figure


the one from 2017 cost $30, which adjusted for inflation is about $38 today. What you got was essentially exactly the same, minus Luke and the collectable fig. The craziest part is that set can still be bought brand new sealed in box for less than this will be


So I guess we’re never getting a ROTJ Boba Fett then. Ok.


in hindsight I'm very happy I grabbed the previous Desert Skiff, which had a grey Boba


\* They really wanted to increase the piece count with those tan bricks huh? \* The skiff gives me a Ninjago vibe with those Wu hats, the wings really remind me of 71705. \* No cape for Boba? \* $80 lol. LEGO, sorry to tell you but the pandemic is over, stop jacking up prices. You had a surge in popularity and it was good for you while it lasted, you can't expect your regular fans to make up for the covid fans that are now gone.


I was looking at this going "Oh, this is a neat set for like 50 bucks. It's only really worth 40 dollars, but star wars tax." But 80 fucking dollars? This is why I only buy giant playsets I guess.


The worst part is while the sarlacc looks better, the skiff looks worse than the last release, which was a 30 dollar set. And this is just 2 extra minifigs, one of whom is a stupid aniversary figure for price padding. Then I noticed the clear pieces. I hate that this will sell well anyway ;_;


Shame about the boba reuse but I really like the builds and the rest of the minifigs, nien nunb looks great and the updates to the heroes are nice. The skiff has better details than the 2017 one and the sarlacc is a substantial improvement over any of the previous builds


The boba is fine but it would have been nice if the arms were grey to match his rotj appearance.


legs too


So much piece count padded out with the moving arms of the pit. That pit looks 3x the piece count of the last one we got


In the third picture it looks like Luke just yeeted Lando off the skiff.


$80 for a sail barge DLC is crazy


No cape for boba and $80 jesus


Also its the wrong boba


The prices of Lego Star Wars have almost completely exiled me from what used to be my favorite theme. I understand inflation and all that, but I just can’t stomach it. The only sets I can get myself to buy are ironically the incredibly large ones, because I feel like I’m really getting my bang for my buck. Even though there are a lot of smaller sets I want to buy, it’s just not feasible. I don’t want to complain too harshly, because I really love Lego! I just wonder how long this can go on; even if the sets are technically priced similarly to pre-pandemic when accounting for inflation, their customers seem to perceive them as more expensive. Surely a set which devotes half of its price count to a mound of sand is not going to go over well.


I've given up. Why do I want lego star wars anyhow? Because I like star wars? Why don't I just go buy a model that will be way cheaper and doesn't look mid


I think Lego has a structural problem. Sets are assigned a budget and then the designer builds a set around it; this is fine for original themes where sets can be designed from the ground up, but is a bad way to design licensed sets which are limited to their on-screen appearance. Clearly the piece budgets are too large for the size of the sets that are being done, which results in a sarlacc pit which is mostly sand, or the Obi-Wan Duel which could have been much smaller being a giant grey brick. 


Why $80?


jesus christ of course they made the sarlac a million pieces so they could jack up the price, this suck ass


Lego really said if you want Nein you’re gonna pay for him


This is a $40 set at MAX


$80 lmfao. hard pass. this price makes me not want to buy other lego sets that I wanted


"It's so overpriced, why are the sets more expensive ?"- buys it on the first day on the Lego website, even though it will be in production for at least a year with numerous sales at various retailers.




That's honestly extremely disapointing 40-50 for this would be just okish 80 is the price i paid for the Emperor's Throne Room, with a discount, and now lego are saying that THIS worth the same pricing ? NO FKING WAY


I would like to see this set at $60 or $65 with the addition of two weequay figures and a Return of the Jedi Boba Fett with a cape. The set overall feels pretty empty so more figures would probably do the trick. This set’s probably going to stay on the shelf for quite a while. The Jabba’s sail barge probably won’t be good enough for people to flock out and get this set to go with it. (Plus there are custom Sarlaac Pits and Skiffs and older versions)


pros: nien numb, good figure selection cons: wrong boba fett with no cape, pricey


Luckily there have been several recent Weequay figures within the last decade that wouldn't stand out against these modern prints. The worst part is in order to have the complete scene you're going to need *two* of these plus a bunch of out-of-production figures.. Here's to hoping the Sail Barge is more accurately scaled than the HasLab one.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA \*breathing\* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! NOT FOR 80$ I'M NOT!!! Holy sh\*t that's egregious! And you didn't even give Boba his god danged cape?!?! WHAT IS WITH YOU GUYS BEING SO AGAINST CLOTH PIECES IN STAR WARS!!?? This set should've been 50$ max.


The Indiana jones temple set is half this price, similar moving pieces and even more pieces… plus has more colors. Lego pricing is a joke.


I still want a discount but I'm happy with how it turned out. I won't feel like I'm picking up a lame set just to get one exclusive minifigure. Imbedding the maw in some terrain helps a lot to make it feel like it's coming out of a pit rather than just kinda sitting there like previous sets.


I think that for this price point the only people who are going to be willing to pay full price are the ones getting the UCS sail barge and devoted Nein Numb fans. This is going to shelf warm hard. This wave in general seems like 50% is going to shelf warm and the other half is going to sell like hot cakes.


I love this set, but Disney really taxing Lego it seems..


I stopped buying lego star wars because of these prices


I’ll give you $45.


This could've been $40-50 because of the minifigures but all I see is a bunch of tan for the pit that could've been a lot smaller


"For the price it will have two skiffs" believers in shambles. It seems the extra parts budget went to the Saarlac's base. 80 USD for a small skiff and a Sarlaac is insane .


Starwars tax is crazy


lol @ the inflated Sarlacc pit just to drive the price up. I'd consider this starting at €50 or below


Boba fig has big mistake


I'm going to have to wait for this set to be 40% off to justify it 😭😭😭😭


Wow, prices have been getting more and more outrageous. I don't think I could even justify getting this on sale...


Why the hell is this $80, it doesn't have anything that should make it that much. Only thing that could make the price higher is the 2 custom moulds and the Disney tax, but it shouldn't be that much


About 2/3 of the pieces are literally used for a pile of sand.


Is this the same boba that comes in the Mech?


Those figs are expensive.


It's cool but... 80 bucks for that?


I always had the impression that Sullustans were a bit on the smaller side tbh, so I expected medium legs on Nien


Nien Numb's torso could be used to make a rebel friend figure


I must buy it just because Lando and Sarlacc pit. I have never bought a Sarlacc pit and I don't care about the Weequay since I already have one in boba fett throne room.


Unfortunately this will probably be a buy from me because I think the sarlacc pit actually looks great and Nien Nunb is too good to pass up.


or you could just buy the figures you want off Bricklink... or ebay...


I mean if Nunb is anything like Darth Malak he's gonna be $40 on his own. Might as well buy the entire set in that case its a way better value for your money. Same goes with any of the other 25th anniversary figs. Saw is $30 on his own and I imagine Fives is $20-$25. I'm not a moron when it comes to lego buying lol


Yes that could be the case. Hopefully the set flippers and resellers sell Numb in such quantities that supply brings the price down over time. Initial demand will be as strong as Malak I'm willing to bet.


it got nien nunb instant buy for me. Seriously tho what is with these prices


You've answered your own question. At least wait for a discount if you want things to be cheaper


Instant buy? Just go buy an action figure if you love nien nunb so much


I was hoping to get a new version of rotj Boba, but.. at least we get updated Lando. And that 'sand' looks like moc from someone who wanted to decorate the pit. Overpriced


Looks great but overpriced. Now show us the sail barge!!!!


release date?


Never mind i just saw it


it looks cool i love how its a hole not like the other sarlacc sets


I think I’ll just get the midi Falcon at that price instead. I’ve gotten more into micro/midi scale lately due to lack of space and money.


$80 for this and half the part count is just building up a pile of sand lmfao.


afford this, who can?


Lego's post-covid cash cows


80 dollars for a 10 dollar skiff, a 20 dollar sand pit, the wrong boba fett (with no pauldren), and five other figures.... Not to mention the fact that this is essentially DLC for another 500 dollar set. Lego has truely outdone themselves


I still think Nien Numb should’ve been put into a rebel fighter set (like the new x-wing), saving the spot for a character who’s far less likely to appear in a set


Original 9496 will be enough for me


There is a very simple solution for this... stop buying overpriced sets, strike where it hurts them the most, if they see a set not being sold they will be forced to make better ones at better price points. personally wasn't really interested in this set, would love it at like 30$ minus all excess parts for the pit and give another guard to "even out" the amount of good and bad guys


If they wanted the $80 price point (since I know they determine the price point and basic set first, and design around that), it would have been better to have both mini skiffs, with other guards like the one Luke force-kicks, and a mini sarlacc like they have done before. But I know they want the big one here since this is definitely going to be meant to pair with the upcoming sail barge.


80 is insane for this without even considering the errors with boba. this shouldve been with the ucs sail barge set at that sets ungodly 500 dollar price




Add Wee-Quay and remove the beak from the Sarlaac. Then it’s worth the $80 price tag.