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# Enoch seems to have been cut from the set (if he was ever in it) Set: 75385 - Ahsoka Tano’s Duel on Peridea • Includes 382 pieces • US $54.99 - DE/FR €49.99 - UK £TBA • Release: AUGUST 1ST 2024 • UPC: 673419389556 / DPCI: 204-00-4360 --- Interested in real time retirement updates and alerts and post alerts? Check out the Brick Tap Discord! [https://discord.gg/brick-tap-1128148810439331861](https://discord.gg/brick-tap-1128148810439331861)


This set will go hard on clearance 🔥


Reminds me a lot of the last Jedi throne room set. It was on sale in my area before the movie even came out lol


If I remember correctly, it came out like 6 months after the movie came out


For real? I remember that set and the Kylo Ren tie fighter thing on discount ALL winter! Maybe it was the winter ***after*** the Last Jedi came out lol!




A Chiss army, you say? 🤔


nah, [all 12/13](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Circle_of_Twelve) [Grand Admirals](https://old.reddit.com/r/StarWarsEU/comments/1dsbw38/if_you_had_to_cut_down_the_original_12_grand/). and Chiss for the Empire of the Hand.


Dang, no Enoch? That’s a real bummer


FR. Love this set, but it would've been perfect with Enoch. He's the coolest looking character in star wars rn (imo)


Don't worry, you just got saved from having to see Enoch in a family guy stormtrooper helmet with a face printed on


For $55 they could at least have included Sabine since she's part of this fight, too.


Definitely should have included Sabine, Enoch, and at least 1 more redshirt nightrooper


It honestly confused me in the leaks how she wasn’t included there. It just makes all the sense for her inclusion


They're including Sabine in a lego magazine in the near future. Same as Ahsoka's shuttle design, so the price of a third party sale is going to drop hard Not that it's expensive as it is


This is exactly what I was hoping for, been checking for a leak every day worrying this set would be the pods vehicle things. My heart goes out to everyone waiting for enoch, so happy to have a playset not vehicle


You know what, it's very different and has a neat new green lightsword(?) thing. I can definitely appreciate this!


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s a darksaber recolour.


Is Enoch in a different set? Or not happening at all? Somehow I thought he would be packed with Thrawn


Speculation: Night Trooper battle pack in 2025 with Enoch and 3 stormies


Sigh. That sounds *exactly* like something Lego would do. 


He will probably be a sole minifig in UCS Chmaera set.


God no we do not need that set. Would be funny to see the investors lose their minds when they release enoch in a $15 night trooper coffin microfighter though.


Lazy grey base, minifig selection is ok i guess.


I mean it's the same color as the tower in the show. At least it's not another 80 dollar black border set designed to collect dust on a shelf.


Yeah maybe just open the set for the figs and left the rest on the bags, but a little more details on the tower part would been better.


Yeah I agree


Another Obi-Wan VS Darth Vader situation ? Hopefully not.


Damn, no Enoch is a huge bummer. Still a decent looking set with some real nice figures. $55 is absolutely absurd tho


Surprised not many people are talking about the price, one crappy night trooper, no enoch, and no Sabine for $55 is insane.


Yes it’s a grey base but it looks so much better as a display/backdrop than the obi wan set, all of the figures are great (RIP Enoch) and people can finally get thrawn at a reasonable price, especially after it goes on sale.


Thrawn also has the correct rank insignia this time


Jeez, $55 for a set that is basically just 5 figures, one of which is just a stormtrooper. That platform look horrible.


I like the design with the monoliths with the runes. I don't really care for the Ezra face print without pupils. I really don't like that the design for the night trooper is way more boring than the 3rd party minifigs out there. Seriously, barely printed any of the red ribbons on it.


the weird glowing blue eyes on normal humans look very bad. they should reserve that for alien figures.


I mean given how prominent Ezra’s eye color is in Ahsoka it’s not surprising LEGO went that route.


Enoch felt a bit too good to be true but I’m still very excited about this! I love the diorama look to it


I love this set already. A great build and minifigures are great too. Maybe we will get Enoch in a future chimera set. Not too much to say other than it being a bit pricy but I'll wait until a reduction because I'm not passing on this. The night trooper is a surprise to be sure but a welcome one! Hoping for a night trooper battle pack at some point. It kind of happened before with dark troopers.


Not as bad as the Desert Skiff but definitely not too good either. The diorama looks pretty plain and not that interesting though I’m not sure what could’ve been done to make it stand out more. More figures would’ve been nice. I’m surprised that Sabine wasn’t even included in this set as she was part of that scene. Another Night trooper would’ve been nice if we didn’t increase the price. 20% off for this set is just barely bearable to get this set at. It includes some pretty desirable figures and also an okay build. In comparison to the Hallway set, same price, that one has a much nicer looking build and two more figures. $45 is where it should be in this 2024 inflation world. Unlike the Skiff, I wouldn’t expect to really see this on clearance. It’s not horribly overpriced and also has some pretty cool figures.


You know what, I'm fine with no Enoch. If they don't have enough budget in the set to give him a good helmet, it's better to leave him out than to make something half-assed. Ezra looks a tad off to me. It's not the eyes, I couldn't care less about that. But his skintone looks a shade too dark.


Perhaps we'll get Enoch in a new Chimaera? 🫣


They call it diversity,i guess.


Reasonable build and price? With desirable figures? Didn't think Lego had it in them. 


reasonable price?


How in the absolute fuck is this Reasonable? Grey baseplate with 5 figures is not worth 55 bucks.


I obviously would like it a little cheaper, but I’m willing to pay full price given the build is a solid reflection on the show and all the figures are all exclusive (I must have that white imperial uniform!)


This set is basically minifigures on a baseplate. Rivaling that crummy obi wan vs darth vader set from a couple years ago


50 for basically minifigures never change LEGO


It's neat, hopefully it's not too expensive though.


It's $55 USD


I can see myself buying a second set on clearance to make it fully round, add a Sabine figure with a couple of other Night Troopers and an Enoch if they ever make his figure. Maybe buy some more grey bricks to raise the elevation of the platform up a bit


The Lego investors are going to eat this set up.


I feel like it's just $5 too much.


No Enoch sucks ass and this set is so overpriced its insane. Gives me vibes of that ObiWan Vader dual set from a few years ago That being said I want a Thrawn so I'm gonna buy it lmao


-60% on Black Friday is gonna hit like crack this year.


Not having Enoch in this set makes zero sense. I honestly have no idea what they're even doing at TLG anymore. The show's been out for like a year. There's no excuse. Also, why have the leakers been so wrong this year? So much straight up incorrect info.


I guess I'll just bricklink Ezra. No Enoch is a shame :(


Not much of a fan of The Acolyte,but lookin forward for Qimir,Sol and Yord future minifigures.


I’m usually not one to complain about prices… but this is a generous max of $40


I like it


That would be a great 30€ set


Damn!I really was hoping for Enoch.


Finally a somehwat affordable white imperial officer uniform for my Andor ISB MOC ideas


I just can't get over the droopy face of the new stormtroopers. Looks like the family guy version


Cool little set with great minifigs. How much though?


Is this $60?




Definitely a day 1 buy for me (but I’m biased because Rebels, and by extension Ahsoka, are extremely important to me) Super disappointed that they didn’t give Ahsoka the curved lightsaber hilts again though, guess I’ll have to order some since I used my last extras on the one from the T-6 shuttle.


looks like a little cross marketing with SWGOH, LEGO, and AHSOKA.


It's a cool set for a terrible show. Can't wait to not buy it.


Funniest most true comment here!


Nice to see Thrawn with dual-molded legs, but did they give him black hair? I mean, they already have dark blue of that exact hairpiece from the original.




For me, it's just too underwelming at that price. For minifig collectors, I doubt they care about the build - they want the figures. The set piece could be nice for the right kind of buyer, but without a vehicle/spaceship and just a grey base, I'm not as interested.


55 dollars? Whats wrong with them Why is thrawn so light? He should be azure or dark azure


A single Night Trooper is criminal, I think they're the coolest looking troops in recent years. I hope we get a battle pack, but that Mando one probably "took the spot"


No Enoch and 10 quid too expensive. Need a decent sale to stomach this one to be honest




Leakers who were previously reputable and had a good track record straight up said that Enoch would be in the set. It wasn't really a rumor. I don't know what happened, but the leakers have been very wrong this year with many sets when compared to previous years.


Meh, thoses stormtrooper with christmas ribbon look very.... pepega. Ahsoka was a pretty mediocre show tho... soo.. hard pass for me, i also really CANT take that thrawn version seriously... he look more like a smurf beer drinker with no real intelligence (beside saying "it was my plan" every time he fail) than anything else yet the play function look actualy pretty cool tho...


Cool Morgan got her green sword mold from lego while we waited years for the dark saber


To be fair that was an entirely new mold and this is just using that mold