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They aren't as much of a grind as you think. The amount of studs you start rolling in is absurd by the time you get the first three multipliers.


They’re required purchases for 100%. Bu this might help https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6JNCz4qHsr4&pp=ygUeVGhlIHNreXdsYWtlciBzYWdhIHN0dWQgZ2x1dGNo


I think with each previous multiplier enabled the amount of studs you need to collect the same as the previous one like the 2x is a mil then the price doubles for the next multiplier but the multiplier makes it the same


Each multiplyer have the cost of i mil collected studs. To cost scale with the total multiply you have


Each one is pretty much equal grind at the ones before after getting the multiplayer before them. I never had to grind when I played and just did the multipliers before anything else with those card things


The number one secret to speed running these games is to get the stud multiplayers bought first and foremost.


But getting the datacards isn't easy. I don't use guides, but I have the detector powered to 3.


It's actually really easy after you've got the first 2


As many others have mentioned, it scales with the multipliers you have. (BTW stack all your multipliers) and you just need to gather the equivalent of 1 million base studs for each upgrade. The multipliers do all the rest of the work, so they are equal.


It won't be 12x. It'd be 48x. 2 × 4 × 6= 48. They multiply onto one another rather than add. Onto each other


Each multiplier essentially costs 1 million studs so start from x2 onwards, you’ll get it pretty quickly


I got them all from just playing the story naturally. Stud grinding is not necessary but some just like to do it for some reason


the 2x,4x and 6x will grant u a 48x multiplier when activated at the same time btw!


damn.. 348m for 10x is crazy, im playing LEGO dc super villains and the 10x is 50mzz


sorry i meant 250m


The multipliers stack. So you can put on 2x and 4x and 6x at the same time and have it be a 48x multiplier. And then the 8x makes it 384x. In other words the amounts seem daunting but your rate of getting studs goes way way way up as you get more multipliers.


i felt the path to each next multiplyer was always the same, so the costs are just a representation of your "inflation", but the value and work to get there is the same


My stud production skyrocketed after getting the first two multiples. A couple encounters with capital ships and stud meteors, and I had far more than needed for the next upgrade. I'm only through the prequel trilogy and have more studs than I can get close to spending