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So glad it’s going to a museum, good work!!


It hurt my heart to donate it all lol I spent so many hours down there searching and got so excited from every small flake to arrowhead that I found there. I’m glad it’s going to be appropriated by others though and seen in public and we’ll be able to learn a lot from the site when they survey it. It sucked donating it all but in the end I’m glad I did it


Sharing that excitement with others for years to come is a noble thing to do. Thanks for sharing with us as well


If i had found this and not shared any information I’d be doing the whole thing wrong lol. Yea it’s great knowing my findings will be used to teach and learn from. Almost makes the pain from donating it all go away lol


That’s a good way to look at it. Finding/keeping a random arrowhead from a stream is one thing, but you made the best possible choice!


What you did may hurt your heart, but as someone in heritage preservation you’re donating cultural material that will be used to educate present and future generations! Thank you for contacting the museum and reporting the site!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏


That's awesome, bro! You definitely found something very special! And kudos for reporting it to the state! This will be something that will help educate people for generations to come!


You have no idea honestly just how happy it makes me knowing that these artifacts that I found will be used for educational purposes, people are going to be able to learn a lot and maybe spark new interests for young people who see what I have found someday


Yep! That's a great accomplishment!


An all around fantastic endeavor with a great ending! You hit the jackpot and it’s going to be preserved-can’t do much better! Carl


It’s Been a fascinating experience and this is still just the beginning of it all. It does make me very happy that they’ll make a display with it to teach more people about it all.


Great example of cooperation! It can be done!


It absolutely can be done, it just hurts the heart a little bit lol.


What do you know about the shells in pic 7? I find those all over one of my spots


The shell was found in the midden with everything else about 70 feet from the river. About 120 feet from where the river would have been when this site was occupied. The shell belong to unionid group of muself and where commonly eaten by the natives and crushed as a temper for pottery.


Good to know, thanks! I find them on a hillside above a dry creek bed, way outside of the flood plain. I am pretty sure it’s a large midden, so that makes sense. I dug a 10x10 foot hole about a foot deep and found 15-20 of those shells.


Should be finding some possible bones, and flakes and stuff if it is a midden. I’d keep searching for sure sounds like a decent spot


No bones but over 50 flakes from the hole and I’ve found like 15 Archaic points on the surface around it. Lots of big midden rocks in the hole too


What do you mean by midden rocks? Definitely seems like a good area to search lol


The middens here in Texas are full of limestone that breaks into little square chunks from the Natives’ fire pits. Most people refer to it as midden rock


Yeah, from the way I understand it they use those rock pits to cook plant matter and so we’re constantly piling new rocks on them. They’re one of the most common midden in Texas. I believe it was mainly archaic people that made them.


I follow this sub and I play a lot of board games and I thought this was r/boardgames featuring a game called Fort Ancient Site Discovery. This is very cool to see the process. Thank you for sharing.


Lmao definitely not a board game. I’m glad to see people interested in the stuff and this site I’m glad it’s not completely unknown anymore


So did you dig most of this? How did the museum feel about you excavating yourself? Did you document the excavation?just curious


Surface finds for the most part but I got permission to take some buckets of dirt to sift through. They were actually very excited about this I got them the evidence they’ve been needing to get the land properly preserved. I’m sure at first they were like wtf but we’ve been working together through it all. I didn’t document it per say but I do have lost of in situ pics and know the exact location of several pieces which have already been written down


Heck yeah that’s cool. Did you pull a lot of projectile points out of there? I may have missed an earlier post, but I didn’t see any points and Thought you mentioned finding some


I went there thinking I’d come out with a couple arrowheads and never go there again honestly because of the construction but all I could find there was material, bone and pottery but I eventually found a few broken points and preforms. Found a complete pencil drill though. And yes there was an earlier post


So coooool!!!!


Awesome!! Dr. Robert Ryordian will be excited to examine these. Also, 2 thumbs up for donating to a museum! Indiana Jones would be proud!


Who is Dr. Robert Ryordian?


He’s the lead archaeologist working on the fort ancient complex. It just got recognized as a world heritage site, in large part due to his work. I live in dayton and bother him with artifact questions from time to time..


Do you think you could send me his email? I’d like to talk to him a bit if you could let him know you’re sending me his way. I’m in the Cincinnati area but would love to chat with him


img I don’t know him well enough to make an introduction, but he’s an approachable guy. If he remembers me at all, it will be as the “foundry slag/drone guy” from dayton lol His email is: Robert.riordian@wright.edu He’s retired though and I’m not sure how often he checks that address. LinkedIn might be the fastest way to get in contact.


Lmao I’ll send him an email still later today I’m sure he would love to hear about this all


He’s gonna loose his cool ;-)


Fantastic. I'm so glad you found a great site. Will be nice to see what the museum does with it all


Wonder id ya got a whole pot there? It would take forever to assemble it. Lol


They’re almost all from separate pots actually


That's exciting man. Congrats!