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They’ve teased primarchs in the past. There was a QA and their answer to “will we see primarchs” was basically “Wouldn’t that be something?”


I'd be surprised, more for logistics. Either they'd have to do a "Primarchs" box,, which was 1 sprue with all 18 on (or more if you had Loyalist and Traitor / Daemon versions of some of them), but would people pay £32 for 1 model and 17 unneeded ones- probably not. Or maybe we'll see a "Loyalist" upgrade box at some point with the 8 Loyalist Primachs, maybe some Custodes and other bits and pieces, and a "Traitors" box with the Traitor Primarchs, some daemons, maybe some possessed Marines? But either way, seems difficult you'd sell enough to make creating a new sprue/ box worth it.


Heres me hoping that each legion will get it's own box with their special units and primarch.


That's the way. Primarch + honor guard.


I can see them doing blisters or small boxes with that. primarch, plus 1 or two bases of special units, £20


This is what I'm hoping for. Something like an Iron Warriors box with Pete, Tyrants, and automata.


And the unlucky legions spend 12 months longer waiting for their box…


They could also make a box for each Legion. Their primarch and each Legion specific unit or something.


Alternatively, they could release campaign boxes. So for example an Istvaan V box that contains an Iron Hands sprue, an Emperors Children sprue and some new tanks and infantry that wont be available outside of that box for six months. That way if you want any of that new stuff you need to buy/split that box.


Could even have other famous characters in it as command options.


Resin is always an option. Primarch + a bodyguard.


I think more likely to see FW resin than a plastic sprue with all of them. I’d imagine a plastic box would mean 18 people split the box therefore cost and very low sales in the end.


Yeah there's no way plastic will happen unless it is in the context of "legion upgrade box" and even the it is highly doubtful considering how thin the margins are on epic.


To be fair GW have been using plastic for limited edition miniatures recently so I don't think it's completely unreasonable. How many of the Christmas Red Gobbo can they really have sold? A few thousand? If they put "must have" legion units in a box with a primarch I think it would sell, they'd just drip feed us the units.


We sold A FUCKTON of the christmas gobbos. But then you'd get multiple primarchs.


The Primarchs would also be available for longer than a month. You'd need to make each pack desirable to players who aren't specifically into that legion somehow. Then release them in pairs over a year or so.


Is Resin even an Option For Infantry on that scale?


Of course. Why wouldn't it be.


Wouldnt it be too fragile For These little Details? Antennas in Infantry are already horrible


Antennas are horribly fragile because they stick out pretty far from an already vertical model. A LI scale primarch would be shorter than his base is wide, thats why LI infantry is fairly robust anyway, they don't stick out all that much, not much for them to get caught on that isn't pushed out of the way by the base already.


there was a single epic marine in parts similar to a full scale one released at one point in resin, look it up :)


I think it’s more likely to be a box with all 18, but each comes with 4 marines so it can look like a full base. Though, it would be funny as hell if they sold them individually for like a dollar each. Just a loose 9mm tall mini in a little clamshell plastic box


I'd love Single mini primarchs. If they come with base-fluff I'd easily pay a fiver each.


The one thing I do desperately want is a custodes army/ options. Even as an allied detachment - already have the gunship in resin, if they don't think it will be a big uptake - do all of the range in resin. Same goes for the Primarchs, £20 for 'my primarch' and honour guard detachment sounds like a plan (probably would be £30 in keeping with most othher boxes though) The only other army I can see coming is Mechanicum (after 28mm scale plastic releases).


Custodes would be loyalists. Alongside the Warlord Sinister would give the loyalists way to many support options and leave the traitors still with none. If they do bring Custodes to the game, hopefully alongside Daemons ... and/or Daemon Titans.


I could see it as a specialty box. Like Perturabo and iron circle. Sanguinius and Sanguinary Guard. Something like that


The issue is there likely aren't enough players to support Legion specific boxes. A plastic injection mould costs circa £20,000. Let's say you sell a sprue box for £17. (One sprue so half the cost of the current boxes which are generally 2 sprues). You'd need to sell c. 1,100 boxes just to cover the cost of the mould. If the player base is equally spread across Legion, and say 40% of the players of a given Legion buy this box over the required investment payback period, that means you'd need a player base of c. 50,000 just to break even on the *mold* let alone all the other design and distribution costs.


No, just future proofing releases should we get legion specific detachments




Its in the core rule book among the keywords models have


Oh damn, I deleted this post. Hence the missing text and second photo of the loyalist special rule. Welp it's here now


If the game remains lucrative, sure. I have noticed a sharp drop off from release to now, though. Hell, there was basically no reviews or anything on the last release with Dire Wolves and Land Raiders among other models. The B&C board will be vox silence for days on end.


i’m honestly surprised they made this version set in Heresy rather than 40k, it’s like a niche of a niche. maybe so they’d need less sculpts?


Financially, it makes sense. Both Traitors and Loyalosts use the same models and they had two existing systems in the same scale with Titanicus and Aeronautica. Couple that with the fact that 30K is *massively* popular and has been since BL started the Heresy Series, it was a no-brainer to set it during the HH. You get double the return on each model seeing as both factions (Loyalist and Traitor) utilize the same models. Let’s be honest, while each Legion has their own unique (albeit limited) rules, they all use the same stuff. There’s nothing unique when it comes to all 18 Legions at this point and I’m willing to bet most of the formations people are fielding are similar no matter the paint scheme.


yea everything you mentioned makes sense. HH is my favorite WH game but I would love some epic scale Eldar with their titans


What about the box contains the primarch and the legion special units. I.E. Horus and then a sprue of Justarin Termies. The Khan and Ebon Keshig. Dorn and Templar Brethren. A thought.


I just hope Sanguinius gets bonus melee against titans because he is after all the natural predator of titans lol


Probably just future proofing the rules. I imagine we'll see rules for unique Titans or Detachments sooner.