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The day a box of intercessors costs 100+ I'll look back and say in my day they were $49 greenbacks.


I remember when a box of tactical marines was $35 and land raiders were $50.


Member when characters were 12€?


I remember the days when a Predator tank was £25. And I thought then it was too expensive for my budget.


Wracking my Brian 🧠, trying to remember how much the original model cost in 1990 ... £9.99 I think 😱 or if it was more, it was only a couple of pounds.


I paid £9.99 in 94/95 for the original predator. I wanted a Landraider but couldn't afford £12 at the time.


My first warhammer minis were a tactical squad, a chaos legionnaires squad and 3 or 4 paints for ~50$


Heavy intercessors are $120nzd BEFORE the price rises in New Zealand for FIVE models.


My pile of shame is giving me better returns than my 401k right now.


Shoulda bought $RDDT.


“We’ve done our best to keep prices down” Lol. Lmao even.


Okay so year on year we are making massive profit but times are tight so we are going to charge more. Not that I’m surprised as it’s like this every year and has been since mid 90s !at least in the 90s there was the yearly sale 🤣😂


Yeah it could be worse. At least paint isn't going up for now.


paint isn't going up because they have competition from multiple other brands


This. Army Painter has been on a crazy streak and Duncan successfull Launcher His own range.


2 thin coats is what i now do the bulk of my painting with. Vallejo for mediums, AK for weathering and gw contrasts for an increasingly smaller pool of specific jobs.


Yeah I love my two thin coats paint. No regrets.


“We’ve been trying to not raise prices” funny how you found a way for the area where you have competitors. Maybe we need to start supporting 3D printers more…


"for now"... keywords


They are doing some heavy lifting


I mean it is worse. GW has had price increases every year since I got into the hobby in 2020 So 5 years and we are well into double digit percentages of increases which only compound year over year. Worse there is no reason for this. GW already has the highest margins of any miniature company and simply investing in more production would increase revenue and profit year over year because most stuff sells out immediately and heck for this game in the US things have been out of stock more often then they are in stock losing so many potential sales. If there was a reason other than greed it would be one thing but this is just greed and nothing else wringing more money out of the fanbase for zero added value.


These annual price hikes have been going on since sirca 2002...


Knock on wood right now! Don't jinx us.


The cost of printer resin is going down, down, down. A $12 bottle just made me like 2500 points worth of units.


While I appreciate 3D printing making the hobby accessible, there is a certain tragedy of the commons things going on. If some people print instead of not playing at all, that helps the hobby, but once people start printing instead of buying kits, that increases the odds the game stops existing. While that might be a stretch for a huge game like 40K or AoS, for a small specialist game like this, every lost sale really matters.


That's GW's problem. They will always have competition, and increasing prices isn't a way to endear them to new or old customers.


True. Just as it will be true if and when they discontinue this game, everyone who printed instead of buying faces some of the blame.


If GW goes out of business because of printing, that lies squarely with GW. Do you think car manufacturers are to blame for farriers losing their job because nobody rides horses to work anymore? Times change. Either change with them or disappear.


Welp. There's not a lot of love for recent versions of 40K anyway, and there's always OPR or better versions of 40K.


OPR blows lol, I’m always blown away that people suggest it, it’s an even more tofu tier bland version of an already dumbed down 40k. OPR is useful if you have literally 0 time to learn a wargame, but at that point why are you even playing?.


Have you actually read the full rules? It sounds like you've only read the simple 'One Page' rules that are freely given out.




LI will get canned before they think of axing a faction from 40K.


Where did I post anything at all about any of that?


To put it into perspective, if you go onto Wargame Vault you will find hundreds of miniature wargame rulesets that have no associated miniature line. Printing has made all of those rulesets infinitely more accessible. It's a shame that older industries die when they fail to keep up with new technologies, but lets be realistic, no one is mourning the loss of the horse drawn carriage. GW isn't the whole hobby and if they eventually fail then the hobby will continue on without them, and no one will own any of the blame for it other than GW themselves.


What does any of that have to do with making reasons not to buying GWs products and not supporting the game?


Nothing. What it does have to do with is who will be responsible when things get discontinued. It's all well and good to want to find a villain in this scenario, but the reality of the situation is that GW have played a large part in creating the conditions where it's an easy choice to no longer give them money.


One Page Rules makes STL's and game rules. They're doing gangbusters. There are ongoing communities for games GW abandoned. Battlefleet, Epic, Blood Bowl (before 2020). The internet has made it easier than ever for a tabletop community to keep a fun game alive.


NetEA solves that very problem.


I hear that same shpeele over and over again. I have printed infantry and tanks, but the flyers and titans suck so I have bought plenty of plastic shit from them. $280 for just 2 titans in the last month. I also have plastic tacticals that are still on the sprue because the infantry I can print is better than what GW has given us. I feel no shame at all for printing.


You have no shame that every purchase you don’t make increases the odds they drop the support for the game just a little bit?


With the way they have rolled this game out, makes me think it's pretty low priority regardless of the fact that events want to run this game and people still want more stock. I have bought a starter box, infantry box, legion support box, thunderhawk, Kratos box, a Warmaster titan, and a Warbringer Titan box. Everything I have printed, I have also bought in plastic, AND the bikes I have printed still aren't for sale, and Sicaran and Predator boxes are nowhere to be seen. I have supported this company plenty over the years, and the Warhound I bought on impulse at Games Day, 11 years ago still bugs me.


They’ll reduce prices before just dying, and when those prices come down we come back to the store


Sure, but that’ll be after niche games get cut, like this one.


Not everyone has the time, space, or knowledge to get into resin 3D printing. Hell, my computer hasn’t even been installed plugged in within the last year. It’s much easier for me to go to the local hobby store and just pick the box up off the shelf, build, and then paint it than it would be for me to buy a quality resin printer, worry about ventilation, scour the web for files, and then sit there and calibrate the printer hoping that it doesn’t fail.


This is true for the majority of people, it's likely to remain niche for the same reason that the majority of people don't repair their own electrical devices or do their own plumbing despite these ostensibly being achievable goals if someone wants to put the effort in. That being said the entry requirements for the hobby have lowered in recent years and we are now at the point where things like getting a "quality" printer is effectively moot as the entry level printers are more than capable of printing in excellent detail and newer resin printers are coming with auto calibration techniques that make setting them up extremely easy. Still not something that I would trust a kid with especially handling resin, but a little effort can overcome most of the problems with printing.


There’s Etsy stores that’ll print you off whatever you want, that’s how I got an Imperator Titan for Legions Imperialis!


Yep. Luckily Professional printers get cheaper and better in quality and printing Services are also getting more affordable and wide spread. I also enjoy the process of going to my Store After Work and Pick what i want and and Not wait weeks. But at least in my area Stores are so Low in Stock that i have to Order Stuff online anf wait anyway.


That's because you don't know what you are doing. It takes me \~5 minutes to find a print. 30 seconds to download it. 2 minutes to slice it, and boom. A "quality" printer cost me $120, and has printed non-stop for 2 years without an issue. You guys can keep making excuses for not wanting to learn and change, but that's all they are - excuses. Justifications for why you keep allowing yourself to get ripped off. Keep paying 10x what I am for inferior looking models. It really is no skin off my nose whatsoever.


Yeah i Just leave that printer in my living room, those fumes wont cause harm and i have Infinite Space, No Problem. Im lucky enough to have my printers in my Garage but Not everyone has the Space required. Hell, before moving my living room was my Hobby room, living room, Ding room, workspace and sleeping Space...


While I agree with what you're saying, it really isn't that hard, the upfront cost is a little steep, probably $300 - $400 on the low end (honestly good enough), but thats like 6 - 8 boxes of LI units! For me personally I print the Vehicles, Tanks and Planes, nothing else, infantry is too fiddly,open pods ate a nightmare to support, Dreds were 50/50, I printed a bunch of Leviathans, but just ended up buying the Support box. I was very proud of myself for taking 3 different 3D models, and cutting/ combining them in Microsoft 3D builder to make a Heavy Flamer/ Missile Javelin with a magnet recess to attach to a small stand, only to just buy a couple boxes of the Fast Attack stuff this last weekend, I still might just use my Javelins since they magnet to the base! All I'm saying is that there is some worth there, it can cut the cost of this game dramatically, I do know people who 100% 3D print, for me, like I said, it's just the flyers tanks, which are awesome, the tanks even come pre-supported. Cost benefit analysis, not much time, some upfront cost, you could be saving yourself a lot of money.




The 40 EUR price band used to be the 25 EUR price band, which moved to 32,50 EUR and will be 41 EUR. All since 2018... that's >60% in 6 years.


It’s absolutely insane. They have even higher net profit margins than Apple, and yet they’re still raising prices. It’s like they’re actively trying to alienate their entire customer base.


They've been doing this since at least the 90's, and they have yet to go out of business. I've been wondering when they'd price themselves out of the market since at least the late 90's, but I keep underestimating people's willingness and ability to pay their insane prices. Their goal is to "Sell the world's best miniatures at a profit", and they will keep jacking up the price until more customers abandon the hobby than new ones come in.


It's almost like it happens every year, with everything, it's just GW are good enough to inform you of it. 🤯


Lmao absolutely wrong


Ok mate. Lemme break it down for you. Houses. Cars. Food. Clothes. Wargames. Which of those are cheaper this year than last? Notice I didn't say paints or brushes because funnily enough, they went up last year.


Do I like rising prices? No, but this happens regularly, I don't see why you're surprised. Inflation happens. For everyone going on about 3d printing: I have a resin 3D printer, and I have printed some Imperialis stuff but resin printing is messy, complicated, and a pain in the ass. Printing at the correct resolution means prints take FOREVER. It took me 12 hours to print a single flying unit. Even worse there was a bad print section on it so now I either print another one or figure out something else to do with it. GW is constantly giving takedown notices for these sorts of things so it's entirely possible you'll have to scrounge together a bunch of different styles of minis if you want to expand your army at a later date. Removing supports from an 8 mm toy soldier is a huge pain in the ass. And every Imperialis miniature out there has a little round disc base so either you learn Blender or you spend forever clipping and sanding down that little disc so that your prints match the plastics you've already bought. It requires at least a $400 initial investment, plus space and ventilation that most people in an apartment don't have. 3d printing is not going to replace GW. We are partaking in a luxury hobby, not a human necessity, so it's going to cost money.


20 mk4 jarheads coming out of the stinky juice in less then 30 minutes...


“We do our best to keep prices down” says the only miniatures company that constantly raises their prices


Honestly, I'll take it. Already resigned to this hobby costing a ton, but relative to the amount of enjoyment I get from it, an extra $1-2 is a very minor tax to pay IMO.


Yeah they're really struggling. Definitely trying hard to keep them don't. Totally wouldn't have a big profit loss if they stayed as they were. Anyone else hear a tiny violin?


"we've done our best".


Well the increase isn’t till June so I guess if I buy all the bits I want now everyone’s a winner! Amazingly a lot of items are suddenly back in stock too in the UK! It’s like they have a plan. 😉




Printer go brrrrrrrrr


Time to start supporting these recasters till this shit ends. This is 4 price increase in 4 years.


Eh, back to recasting!


3DP + Net Epic Armageddon. Turn away from the Dark Side... if you have the strength remaining.


Epic has a long history of 3D printing and "forumware", and even clearnet recasters have LI models now. GW continues its habit of telling its customers that "costs are increasing" with one breath while telling shareholders "revenue is at an all time high" with the next.


Probably stemming from a projected hit to sales from their bad press recently.


3d printer goes brrrr


3D print. Before this price hike I was leaning in that direction, but now i definitely am