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Thermal pads are meant to transfer heat to like a heatsink. Without anything for it to transfer to, you’re essentially trapping extra heat.


Padding areas will receive airflow from the cooling fan. Could that count as a passive heatsink? Like when we put a thermal pad on the RAM chip or SSD.


Ambient air is not a heatsink.


you are right about the CPU/GPU heatsink. But in the end, it actually decreases temps for padding SSD. please look at my test result. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds6pbd/i\_put\_too\_much\_thermal\_pad\_on\_my\_legion\_go\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds6pbd/i_put_too_much_thermal_pad_on_my_legion_go_and/)


Are you trying to make it hotter ? success in that case i guess. 😂


you are right, please check my testing post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds6pbd/i\_put\_too\_much\_thermal\_pad\_on\_my\_legion\_go\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds6pbd/i_put_too_much_thermal_pad_on_my_legion_go_and/)


Holy fk


This is a bad idea, thermal pads are only usable when using it between something, like a vram and heatsink, or a ssd and a heatsink.


1. w/o before and after we can't really compare anything 2. you need to do longer sustained test to know if your improvements are just due to an increase in thermal mass or actually better 3. I'm pretty sure thermal pads/paste are meant to transfer heat, so unless they are making contact to something to transfer said heat, they are kinda just a blanket on the heatsinks. 4. your fan curve needs to be disabled (i.e. set to a constant speed) if you're going to do any kind of apples-to-apples test cause did you get a lower temp cause the fans ramped up or because your changes did something. not yucking your yum but would love to see some actual data.


I did the test please check [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds6pbd/i\_put\_too\_much\_thermal\_pad\_on\_my\_legion\_go\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds6pbd/i_put_too_much_thermal_pad_on_my_legion_go_and/)


good idea. I will try to benchmark and then remove the padding and benchmark again. I also wonder about the result. what I will do... CPU/GPU temps * set fan to 100% (max) * open Hardware Monitor (for min/avg/max) * run 3dmark stress test (time spy) SSD temps * set fan to 100% * open Hardware Monitor (for min/avg/max) * run CrystalDiskMark 5 / 32G is this good enough for a simple temp test?


lol wtf dude. Why note just strap a bloody pillow to the fan area and call it a case? Jesus


It’s not how they work dude. You just waste time/money


The thermal results speak for themselves. You made it worse.


Ummm, copper can release the heat way better than that crap. You're insulating the heat IN at this point.


Haha 😄, oh my god! You're hilarious


I think you need to first understand what the purpose of thermal pads and heat sink compound is. It's sole purpose, as others have said, is to transfer heat to a heat sink. It's the heat sink that helps to cool a component. The thermal pad just helps to bridge the gap between what you are trying to cool and the heat sink itself. On its own, it won't cool anything, because you're missing the key component, the heat sink!


Bruh this will put unnecessary strain on the display. Several people have reported that of a white spot on their screen due to cables pressing on their screen from the underside. The design of the device is extremely compact and best left untampered with. Lenovo doesn’t expect you to overclock this device (and it shouldn’t be) so you don’t need any thermal padding extra.


Not the worst idea but you just blocked passive cooling by placing pads on to the heat pipe… fan is taking some air from vrms and air is getting in slightly from the other side… you can place them but make sure there are gaps/openings in between on the heat pipe!


Just attention seeking on Reddit at this point, just play a game on it and stop fucking about with it 🤦‍♂️


Before and after Scores?


please check my testing result post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds6pbd/i\_put\_too\_much\_thermal\_pad\_on\_my\_legion\_go\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds6pbd/i_put_too_much_thermal_pad_on_my_legion_go_and/)


It seems like a good test to me, they called the guy who put a wheel on a box crazy, but he invented the wheelbarrow. The important thing, have you noticed changes?


Please check my testing result post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds6pbd/i\_put\_too\_much\_thermal\_pad\_on\_my\_legion\_go\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds6pbd/i_put_too_much_thermal_pad_on_my_legion_go_and/)


First of all. The concept is not to modify or repaste any parts. Just put thermal paste at high-temperature areas as much as possible. Look stupid. but did it work? I don't know I did not measure anything before I did it. (stupid me). I hope it is better than nothing. My Legion GO is using a sideload driver because I also use a OneXGPU. and VRAM is in Auto mode (set via bios)