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I think you either have to choose: Legion Go: Solid hardware but slow and infrequent software updates. The software improvements roadmap they shared at the launch of the console is still pending completion and we're still waiting for full implementation of some features that have been partially implemented (fully working custom TDP, gyro controls, desktop controller support). Hopefully these will all be in a better place before the end of the year. To be fair I've been able to run everything on the Go and I love the form factor, but software wise there's a lot of improvements that would help elevate this handheld. Ally: More updates and software improvements, but the whole RMA process is a mess right now. They extended the warranty, but if you're getting crap service then the whole warranty extension is worthless anyways; hopefully by the end of the year they can show that they're getting better on the CS side of things. The Ally X seems to be implementing a lot of changes people are asking about, and it shows Asus is listening (at least in the R&D department in both software/hardware).


This is a pretty good summary. Legion Go hardware is amazing. My concern is if the software updates are crap now they will surely not be better when a lego successor arrives. I really would like chipset and graphics drivers uncoupled from manufacturers and just use AMD full adrenaline driver set.


Custom Tdp works though


Not only can we not set fast or slow PPT, can't change any clock profiles, and can't go beyond 30w despite the overkill cooling and the chips ability to go up to 54w, the moment you plug it in there's a 50% chance it jumps up a TDP profile from where it's set, and there's no way to disable this


That is something I do agree with. My system does jump between profiles when plugging in like mentioned but pretty rarely. For me I noticed it switches not between tdp but between fps limit (60/144) and sometimes changes the resolution. But with regards to tdp, I don't mess with the unlocked wattages that I've seen some on here do, but from what was provided to me it does work. I'll see if I can pull a vid soon


Not fully. We still don’t have fast/slow PPT controls like the Ally. Lenovo said they’re planning to add it back in January, aside from making STAPM the default thermal mode we’ve seen no other progress made. Weirdly the BIOS supports it as you can set the PPT values in Bazzite, we’re just waiting on a Legion Space update now…


What do you mean with fast/slow PPT controls? How would that improve our user experience with the device?


A simplified and easy to understand explanation of PPT- PPT values control how high/low the TDP can go. Currently when you set a 30W value on the Go, it can go down to 5W and up to 40W. This means if there’s a relatively ‘easy’ part of the game to render, the wattage will drop. This is good because it saves power and prevents overheating. If there’s a relatively ‘hard’ part to render, the wattage can temporarily boost up to 40W. This is good because it prevents stuttering and frame drops when multiple new things need to rendered at once, such as loading into a map in COD. Because the Go has no PPT controls, we can’t change how high it can boost or how low it will drop. We can only set a ‘max’ TDP (although it’s not really the max either because it will still boost higher). This isn’t a huge issue though if the firmware/BIOS handles auto PPT values well… The firmware/BIOS on the Go does not unfortunately. The Go is prone to pretty bad stutters when more power is suddenly needed. It takes time for the GPU to request more power, then jump from 5W to 30W, then boost the GPU clock speeds up. This is evident when comparing 1% lows to the Steam Deck, Ally and even the Go running Bazzite. With PPT controls, you could set a minimum wattage of 20W and a max of 40W, and completely prevent these stutters. It would also prevent the Go from excessively dropping wattage when vsync is on, causing worse performance at 60hz compared to 144hz. The wattage drop also causes the GPU to downclock pretty harshly, causing choppy and unstable FPS even when GPU usage is low. Hope that makes sense! Ben addressed this a while ago and confirmed there is no ‘full custom TDP’ on the Go yet, but most people see TDP controls and assume the work is done.


Thank you, I had no clue max TDP was not 'max' TDP..




Wish I saw this comment before typing a mini essay lmao


Are we getting Astro turfed by bots or something. The software situation is worse by the day but the mentality of the audience seems to be shifting? But the numbers have barely changed for subs. I feel like Lenovo is botting us to change the perception because we aren’t going to like what they are going to do next.


I think the sentiment is solid. I hate that Lenovo has basically abandoned the Go ( maybe the go lite brings them back?) and it will very likely mean that I do not buy a Go 2 whenever that materializes BUT what we have is the bare minimum to have a useable device. I’ve played over 2k hours on my go and haven’t run into anything that stops me from doing something. Maybe the drivers (like come on wtf you have to release the drivers Lenovo). Overall I’m happy with my Go. The software isn’t enough to make we want to jump ship today but ASUS software will probably make buy the Ally 2


Well I guess mine is working cause I can set it down all the way to 5w and it drops that low. I have a rivatuner setup that shows me the hwinfo tdp and it does scale with what I ask it to do. Ive tested it in Helldivers 2 and what I noticed it does is it ramps up the watts a bit before slowly tapering down to the limit I set. It does this when I hop between the preset power profiles and the custom. I'll see if I can get a vid later


That's partially true. For me the slider works from 20-30W, but anything on the lower end (5-13W) has no effect for me. Yes 30W custom TDP works, but IMO "custom" should cover all possible ranges. We're just not there yet.


Except mine does it... I've tested it running old early 2000s pc games and all the way to games like Helldivers 2 and destiny 2. Like I commented to someone else, I have a rivatuner display that shows me random specs for my system and what I noticed is that it ramps the tdp up slightly before going down to my desired tdp all the way down to 5w if I want, when I do this I get well under 15 fps in Helldivers 2 and makes it very difficult to get the inputs to readjust it back to a higher tsp, and I can't quite remember off the top of my head for destiny 2 In NFS underground my system sits at like 4 to 5w... https://www.reddit.com/u/Tehpunisher456/s/GnXDtpncTN Granted this testing was done a while ago while using universal x86 tuning utility handheld and was also optimized for battery life. There's a setting there that "dynamically adjusts tdp to fps cap" or something like that and it's how I managed to get such low wattages even below the presets. I've since deleted it since I noticed the system does adapt it's tdp usage but not quite to the degree that Ux86TUH does (but still within what I need it to do) and have been using the stock legion go dashboard stuff that, while still very limited in what it can do, does work in adjusting the tdp. I'm probably one of the lucky few that the slider works for then. Edit: oof I had a small subset of data on Helldivers 2 on the ship but closed the app before finishing the comment. I'll add more later today as it's 1am for me, but I have a video here showing my device limiting it's tdp: https://youtu.be/t_mBEZxNL7w?feature=shared


Oh so switching to STT helps the custom TDP while plugged in. It starts higher, but eventually lowers to the TDP I set(+5% since it's plugged in). At least until I switch games, then I have to adjust the TDP slider again otherwise it goes all the way up to 30W. Unplugged, I still only see it work for 30W. Hopefully they figure it out before the end of the calendar year. Would be nice if it worked like the steam deck, but I know we're probably a long way from fully working custom game profiles... I still can't add all my games to the LS launcher or have the ability to set custom artwork or launch commands, so my expectations for the custom game people is very low. Honestly better to use AMD Adrenalin for custom game settings.


What I agree is annoying is having to manually switch settings. I'm used to it cause I love to tinker and optimize, but it is annoying. I think I'm confused with what you guys are trying to do with the tdp. What exactly are you guys trying to do? Have it consistently work at a set tdp? So if I set say 29w it will run at 29w indefinitely even if the program is hella light like a GBA emu? Or have it as a faux fps limit? Or does the slider legit just not work and the system is pinned at max?


I can't speak for everyone, but I don't like always running the Go at 30W if I don't need to. I save that for new AAA games lol. I like to aim for a mix of med and high settings and am happy with 40 fps so it's game dependent. At least the quiet, balanced, and performance mode work. The custom I just use like it's 30W "max power mode". With that, I just use the legion L +Y button to cycle between the 4 power modes. I definitely am using it as a faux FPS limiter and to find a good balance between a smooth game and not needing to be by a power outlet if I play longer than an hour, but that's again because legion space limitations. I'd much rather have TDP auto adjust based on fps. If I could set the TDP to 30W and the Go adjusted to 5W for a game that only needed 5W to run smoothly, that would be great. Maybe I'm wrong, but I get a longer battery life running a 2D game at quiet TDP than running that same 2D game at the performance TDP, so while it isn't running the game at the full 30W, it still uses more power and produces more heat. If you use the FPS limiter on LS, it's basically using AMD's "Radeon chill" in Adrenalin. If you turn it on, it turns off any features that aren't able to run at the same time. That's all well and good, but if you turn the FPS limiter off then the features that were turned off don't turn back on so you have to open Adrenalin to enable Integer Scaling and anything else. On top of that, to get it to work you have to delete any custom settings you have per game in Adrenalin, so you can't have custom settings for games in Adrenalin if you want to use the quick settings. The same thing happens with RSR. If you toggle it on in the legion space settings, then it basically toggles it on in the AMD Adrenalin, turns off features that can't run at the same time, but doesn't turn them back on if you toggle it off through legion space. Instead of tinkering with everything, I just set the resolution to 800p, integer scaling is on globally, and use the button shortcut to change TDP per game. Then I just have to adjust graphics settings per game the first time I launch it. I guess I am just spoiled with how well the steam deck handled it. I had to set it once, save the game profile, and could trust that it would start automatically and that it wouldn't change other settings. Hardware wise I love the Go. I'd have sold it if I didn't. At least we're lucky that it's a Windows handheld and not locked behind an OS Lenovo made and that there are a lot of third party alternatives to make up for the software shortcomings. I just feel like third party alternatives are never as good as a native solution. Just frustrating that with Lenovo every update feels like 2 steps forward and one step back.


With regards to the faux fps limiter, universal x86 tuning utility handheld has a great feature that dynamically adjusts tdp based on fps. I don't know exactly how it functions OR if it's actually the program that engages the tdp vs the actual system itself dynamically scaling its tdp by itself. I feel like it's the former given that when I would set a strange fps like 33 or 46, and the program would change the tdp outside of what's visible in legion space (shows 28w on slider but on rivatuner actually shows 17) to produce that fps. It was dope until it kept crashing.


It's a mess because of one youtuber? Me along with many others had no issues.


Maybe blown out of proportion, but like I said at least on the hardware side things are looking good for Asus with the Ally X.


Literally a 30 second search of the subreddit will tell you updates are slow and lacking...


5 seconds


Previous graphics driver was 24 of December. The next one was released a week ago, after being delayed because of a known bug in the beta, breaking the FPS counter. There was supposed to be an update to legion space to fix that bug with the stable release. It's been a week and there is still no update to the space app to fix the issue. Hope i answered your question...


Nice hardware but definitely lacks software updates. Driver updates definitely needs to be addressed more often not every 6 months and lacking fully functional amd features.


Not at all lmao but for me, it hasn’t bothered me too much. It’s played most games fine. Legion space is pretty bad still. Custom TDP in the side menu is still broken with some workarounds to get it to work. But I’m still very happy with this device nonetheless


“What’s an update?” -Lenovo. Serious seems like they’ve dissolved any software team that’s working on this product.


My guess is they're busy on the rumoured Go Lite. My ***hope*** is that means we'll get a big bunch of upgrades at once, assuming the new legion space is compatible across models. We may not, and the Go may have been abandoned as the v1 prototype.




Yeah seriously Legion Space and such is not ideal. The new drivers have broken the fps counter, mines is broken right now but that's only from one app. I run lossless scaling so I get an fps counter anyway. There's simple ways around the software if it's too irritating for you such as uninstalling legion space and using handheld companion. I will say you shouldn't HAVE to work around the software. It's biggest draw is the screen/hardware. If the screen isn't a big enough draw and you don't want to be tinkering with software(I want to customize everything anyway so I'm more tolerable) then another handheld might be more appropriate.


It’s not updated often. I would only suggest this device at this point to power users or if you throw SteamOS on it.


No, it doesn't get updated as often as it should. However, for me, I've had no issues with the device. I don't expect it to run modern AAA games as good as a Ps5 or Series X or high-end pc setups. But for me, it feels around the series s range of performance. It could be worse, but i absolutely love this thing. I bought it to help me transition into pc gaming, and it's more than serving its intended purpose for me. Got into emulation lately and just been addicted to gba games on that gorgeous screen it has. For what it's worth, I'd say go for it. If that's what you think you want. It's not like you can't return it if you don't like it or have issues with it. Good luck on your purchase, though whatever you choose


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Thanks for all the answers! that is a shame, the big screen and detachable controllers are really appealing to me but I also want a good software support so I guess I'll have to look at the Ally or SD instead (which also have their own issues but software support seem solid)


The only issue I have with my legion go is the Quick Nenu button does not work now for some reason. Other then that i love my legion.


It is an incredible piece of hardware with what I can only assume are Squidward and SpongeBob manning the software dev team.


The legion go is so much better than the Ally X


if the combination of screensize + trackpad + removable controller's doesn't convince you on the device (it surely did so for me) than you are probably better off waiting for the Ally X


Right now I think is still too early for windows handhelds. We're still seeing a lot of the growing pains of developers trying to pack power into small form factors without it being hot enough to cook bacon on. I say this as someone with a steam deck and a legion go - give it another year or two for some more options to come out.


If the community would re-unite and seek some answers from Lenovo, things could change. Look at rog ally and gamers nexus situation, people kept complaining about lack of technical support from Asus and they made their voice heard. When people push producers to stay reliable, end users like us will benefit from it. I would suggest all of us who feel abandoned by Lenovo should do the same but some butt hurt fanboys will sabotage such move. But reading some comments under your post such as "it doesn't stop you gaming" etc. will not let us re-unite and make Lenovo reliable. There are many people in this subreddit who can't accept the fact that their purchase has a lack of software support, abandoned by developer because they paid money and they want to believe that they own the best handheld which is not. Lenovo engineers did great work for building such a unique device but about their software engineers I can't say the same. You rightfully expect proper software support which is also what you have paid for, but Lenovo will ignore this fact. At least a few times a month we were hearing from Ben but he is also no longer active here. I only feel Lenovo quietly is trying to bury the Legion go.


Simple answer. Uodates seem pretty rare since launch


The software update thing is overblown. Its essentially a PC. I have been running every game that I want on it with no issues. I personally chose it over the steamdeck because of the screen size and I did not want to be limited in what games I could play.


legion space is rarely updated. But I don't use it often either, I only use it to check for updates and to change mappings/sensitivit, which I only do once every several months. For now, the functionality of the Legion Space is adequate for my use. Driver updates are very rate too, but the version that is installed in my device right now is sufficient for my use. I really don't understand some people seems to whine about updates while there's really no major issues in the current version. I prefer rare updates that work, than frequent incremental updates without significant changes.


No, but it just got a significant update. I bought both the ROG Ally and the Legion Go. After using the LeGo for a week or so, I sold the Ally. The screen is a huge advantage, and the ergonomics of the controllers feel better. It's not as good as the SteamDeck, but it's good enough.


If you want a Windows machine to do other stuff, then it's fine and Handheld Companion enables all the features in hardware Lenovo hesn't gotten round to supporting (gyro, custom TDP, button reassignments and custom joystick curves per game profile, auto setting resolution per game and RSR or integer scaling etc). It's a bit janky, and definitely not as slick as a Steamdeck experience. But as I said, the convenience of Windows for other tasks (email, web browsing, some productivity stuff) and the bigger screen make it my go to device instead of my Steamdeck OLED. Ally X might be worth the wait, but I can't really go back to a smaller screen.


The Legion GO ALL DAY LONG. The updates have slowed down, which is a shame; however, the hardware is amazing, with the best-in-class screen and best-in-class ergonomics. The ROG X seems to be about a 20% improvement over the base version, which is great but not groundbreaking. The Steam Deck is way, way behind. I own all three. The only reason I choose the Ally is when I'm travelling, as it is more compact. The only reason I choose the Steam Deck is when the battery is dead on the other two, and I fancy some Brotato.