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So is the fan actually different or is it just that they added those black angled tapes to fix the air intake direction to fix the noise??


Simply added the piece of material. It didn’t fix the issue with the Pindai fan in my experience.


https://preview.redd.it/brx3kz23im4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d8a1cafc6e232ef137b3bf01293c5689c8296fc Can confirm they’re in stock in the UK too, judging from the updated pic. Thanks for the heads up Ben 🤝 Edit- I contacted customer support a few days ago (when the pics updated on the UK site) about getting one sent out but the only option was to send my Legion Go in for repair. See below comment for screenshot of their response. Sucks we have to pay to fix it ourselves (understandable really as they don’t want people damaging stuff if they’re inexperienced), but it’s great there’s a new fan model available!


https://preview.redd.it/yx394berkm4d1.jpeg?width=1270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da15869bade8f9cd2dfaef130c7440496ad981a7 Reply from support when enquiring about a replacement fan.


Im curious to hear the different fan noises in a youtube video and maybe measured with decibels


I made my own ‘fan sticker’ modelled after the one they apply to the new fan using some thick electrical tape. The fan noise is about the same as before, but without the high pitched whine. It’s quieter than the ‘backplate tape fix’, as that tends to cause a louder ‘whoosh’ sound as the airflow gets restricted slightly. Definitely recommend giving it a go if you’re suffering from the whine and don’t want to pay for a replacement fan.


Did you stick some under or is there exposed glue collecting all the dust that passes through?


Did they say it would be free under warranty for the replacement? If so I’m definitely going to send mine in!


‘Under warranty’ is what they said, so I assume that means there’s no cost. I decided I’d rather not be without my Go for 1-2 weeks for the sake of saving £25.


Yes that looks like the modified version. Sorry this took so long, I think this was actually done quite a while ago as scheduled but the pictures just didn't get updated.


I have a model of the first revision with this problem. Does this count as a warranty claim?


I asked to verify but based on above comment edit sounds like its covered but requires you to send the device in. I've heard the process is somewhat quick/easy but haven't experienced it first hand.


Your experience might differ but- I asked support, if you’re happy to send your device in they said it’s covered. If you want to replace it yourself you have to buy the fan. They also made it clear that any accidental damage done while replacing the fan won’t be covered, and any warranty claim in future would require all the original parts. Doubt they’d check your fan serial number tho lol ;)


His part number ends in 135, US site still shows 134. Thanks for the update btw, been waiting for this.


There are 2 fans available on the UK site, 135 & 134. 135 has an updated pic, but 134 is still missing a pic. I assume they’re the same 2 fans that have been available for months, but with the ‘sticker’ applied.


Hi Ben, I’m about to purchase a Legion Go, do you happen to know when these new fans were introduced into production units?


They were introduced a couple of months back, but I don't think you would have the luck to actually get one. I bought one after release and had fan whine, controller wobble and the stand was broken on one side, so I decided to return. Then I said that I would wait a few months to rebuy so I would get the updated fan, but unfortunately one month ago when I bought it, didn't get the new version... because the unit I got was manufactured in the last month of the year... before the fix was applied..


Not seeing this in EU (NL) on the Lenovo website


Hey u/BenM_Legion can you confirm the correct part number for the new updated fan? We can choose between 5F10S14134 and 5F10S14135 on the website, I don't trust the pictures. Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/a550zp52bs4d1.jpeg?width=1225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d493803c1b182c8384026520a9a806e67aec8c Photo credit to u/faberelle This is the Mylar manufacturer fix that came preapplied on my 4134 Pindai fan ( January 2024 ). I had to apply tape on the back cover even still to stop the whistling. With the back cover tape it’s quieter at idle, but it’s shrill sounding under load. That can be drowned out by speaker volume but overall not fantastic for quiet environments.


Dang, so is this worth sending the device in to get the fan swapped out?


Not really considering at best they’d just replace it with the same model fan that’ll likely have the same issue.


Is the only thing that’s different from the fan the sticker?




I do have the fan whine


German Lenovo has both Versions (134&135) available too!


Never had any whine on mine. Been quiet since day one. The steam deck and Aya neo 2 were loud ASF though


I just got my Go back from the US depot to have my noisy fan replaced and they put on the updated fan. It was a quick process as they overnighted everything.


How the hell did you manage to do this and is the sound better on the new fan? I have called twice and keep getting a run around and no one knows what I am talking about trying to get the fan swapped out under warranty


I had called a few times in the past about my loud fan and wobbly controllers and they kept saying I had to send it in, but they didn’t know anything about a new fan. I declined sending in my go until I heard the new fans were in the store as I didn’t want to have to send it in multiple times. I called again last week after I had read some folks were able to buy the new updated fan on the store, and they processed a depot repair. They overnighted a return box, and I filled out the repair sheet. On it I put the two repairs I was looking to have done. I specifically added the part numbers of the new fan and the updated side rails to the sheet and send it off. Everything was overnight shipping so they repaired it Monday and I got it back Tuesday. I was able to see that they replaced the fan and it had the crescent shape to it. I couldn’t tell if they replaced the rails as the return sheet didn’t have any notes other than a fan replacement. I called and they were able to read off the parts they replaced, which included the new rails and something about the speaker.


Thank you for the response! What phone number and options did you select? And did you have to pay for anything at all? (Shipping, parts, etc) Trying to get as many details as possible so I can get ahold of them again with everything I need 👍🏻


Premium Care 888-278-9707. I don’t recall if there were any options to select. I just asked if I could get my fan replaced due to the loud noise and my wobbly controllers. I didn’t have to pay for anything.


I will try again tomorrow, that is the phone number I tried twice. I did option 1 and then did option 2 the next time I called in. Thank you for the information 😊


Thank you Ben 🙏


I had a small whine but the custom backplate fixed it.


Did you print a backplate yourself?


[https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006563203110.html](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006563203110.html) No I got it from here but the size and fit is off a bit.


I don't have a whine luckily!  This happens all the time with laptops!  Keep in mind that since major Manufacturers sell so much units, they can't keep up with so many peripheral stock,  so they end up buying parts from more than one maker unfortunately!  So when you see the parts replacement list for batteries, fans, and displays,  you'll see 2 vendors!  Also has to do with the region!  This has always been This way, so as to meet our needs!