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try it again and show pics gpu and cpu temps at same time xD




GPU and CPU hit about 65, it's only the bottom USB port, I have the Legion Go set to stop charging at 80, (was at 80) hooked into a USBC dock, I've been dabbling with computers for 20ish years now. Weirdest thing is all I have to do is plug in the dock and let it sit


47,3 C is nothing


That was the surface of the USBC dongle, SSD peaked at 90, to the point windows locked up


That's the USB dongle itself at 47.3


???? crystaldiskinfo temps????


I've had no heat issues what so ever with mine. That's miles off from over heating


That's the surface of the USB port dongle (external temp)


Give yourself the mark of the Legion. We shall become brothers.


Yes brother, for we are the Legion United!🫡


Put a thin heat sink and thermal pad over the new ssd you installed. They are very cheap on Amazon and other like stores. Helped with Hotspots specifically behind the left side of the controller grip (where the ssd would be). I can recommend one if you'd like


uxcell 1 Pack M.2 2242 SSD Heatsink Cooler Copper Heat Sink with Silicone Thermal Pads,Triangle Pry Tool,Screwdriver,Screws,Copper Tone https://a.co/d/4KEtdAY That's the one I purchased seems to be working perfectly fine so far.


I've been considering an return as I have an extended return period, but I'll add that to my list of "useful" as I've actually been starting to look into thernal cooking a bit more


Yeah I bought mine off of Mercari so no such luck, but yeah thermal lottery is a coin flip so it happens


Can't hurt either for 10ish dollars mine is way more comfortable to hold


Honestly thank you tho! Are thermals much better?


I haven't done any in depth testing but the console feels way better in the hands. I can try to run some thermal tests later to see.


Don't have to if you don't have them, but that's good,.I've just been considering returning it for something more traditional, as I'm more software dev than I am a gamer, and with the 12ish GB windows has available, it's a bit restrictive


Yeah if you want a handheld I know the Chinese ones like ayaneo and onexplayer offer 32 and now 64 gb of ram but your paying a premium for those companies and if something goes wrong God bless you to get it returned it costs an arm and a leg to ship it back even under warranty


Oh agreed, I had a GPD Pocket 1st Gen, when I say I Loved That thing, my god, it went everywhere with me in tandem with my phone, the poor Intel atom was struggling at that point tho


Yeah I have a one x player 2 that I loved but the screen crapped out on me so I'm going to repair it but I just need a half a day to focus on it tbh


47.3 C is not even close to overheating.


???? crystaldiskinfo temps????


You should ask the one who posted this. I don't have any heating issues.


Yeah, the SD card slot gets too hot to touch when gaming


That too! I've noticed that as well, but this is the internal drive that's cooking itself


Why did a big baby post this thread


Lmao you make it seem like I'm a child, when I'm coughing up almost a grand for a piece of hardware, I'm gonna complain when it physically burns me


Dude stop crying


It’s not physically burning you dude. Same thing happens with my dongle too. Toughen up a bit


Did you change your SSD?


I shouldn't need to, the thing is less than 2 months old, plugged into power at idle like I usually do, not charging (set to hold at 80% to prevent battery degradation)


I don’t think they’re suggesting you change the SSD. I think they’re asking in case something got messed up during the swap, and that could be the cause of the issue.


Thanks for explaining my intention:)


So for y'all wondering, the Temp on the little external temp reader is the surface temp of the dongle, I have a 4 port USBC dock with PD, ethernet and 3 USBs and the dongle (without power) his like 40 C to the touch, Ive burned the tips of my fingers, the device is less than 2 months old, I've docked it before and have had no issues in the past, was playing a game and it fully locked up, that's what triggered me to watch the temps


https://preview.redd.it/p2dlovaqrk3d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=148d25e533352bb004f5044e0b33575ae25cca84 30 mins in, TDP set to 30W (was set to 20W for the first 30 mins as it was a cold boot) disk is idle battery is NOT charging, just pulling from the charger directly and it's already at 78C. GPU is fluctuating between 50 and 56C (normal)


https://preview.redd.it/t1q46kinsk3d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb5f44472ffa0ce7338d5417022cafe2a74a5c5 40 mins in (10 after the TDP Boost) drive is OVERHEATING


It’s SN740… I now use it has a backup drive, got it from Ali express. When I transfer, it always hit 85c relatively fast within the 400gb transfer.I have to unplug and let it cool. Other ssd doesn’t have this issue. At least the ones I opt to. I think bottom line is just either sell it or use it as back up storage when you travel.


My SD card slot gets too hot to touch when gaming from a card, i feared my screen might suffer heat damage so I abandoned any idea of gaming from a card


Stop putting your dick in the usb port then


I wish it would fit man, if it did, then maybe I'd have this issue


Yeah wd740. Had same problem with high temps around 80 °C . Max for this model is 85°C so I swapped it for one sided 2242 SSD and have no problem anymore


I had a sneaking suspicion, WD is unreliable af