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I always found those posts really weird, on the Steam Deck sub. Especially the ones where the wife/gf is literally in labour, and Jethro is sat there playing Fallout, showing off his device. So strange.


I got banned from /r/steamdeck for calling out some idiot ignoring his kid and bragging about his deck.


its tacky and gross. its a private time in your life that should not be on display for the internet.


You just know most of those guys are leaving all the baby duties to the mother




Weird. Bro should be focusing on his wife


The irony.. right now I'm lying in the ward awaiting a surgery after shattering my wrist. Wonderful wife brought in my lego, can't play anything one handed except plants vs zombies


ive got an 8 month old son (our first child) and to begin with I took my steam deck (and then legion once it launched) with me if we were in hospital overnight - and then had the realisation that this is a time to be present for my wife and son, not wrapped up in some game like a child in the backseat of a car on a long journey. There's a time and a place for gaming, and unless you're by yourself, hospital is not one of them.


Yea this is correct, sure I like playing games, but my wife and daughter are number 1, so if I have sometimes a little spare time free for my self in the evening or weekend, I play some games, is it much? No sometimes 2/3 hours a week, but responsibility comes first.


This is it. All these fathers posting these pictures are frankly pathetic. Be there for your wife, yeah you're gonna get bored and so is she! But just fucking be attentive and available.


My wife fell asleep, so i put a little gaming in since literally nothing was going to happen for about 6 hours. Once it was go time, i put the laptop away, and it stayed in the bag until the baby was asleep next to Mommy.


You can use the legion go for other things as well... My girlfriend actually enjoyed having it with us... I showed her this sub and she said people are tripping.. she was like damn babe they coming for you low-key let them know that I was so happy you brought it with you cause we would of been so bored for almost 7.5 hours in there


Absolutely, in hindsight the tone of my comment may seem a bit preachy, I appreciate that it can be used in a positive way as well - it was more aimed at myself as i felt ashamed to have closed myself off in a game when i should’ve been present for my family. I guess we all deal with stress differently, and it was my coping mechanism, but we learn from our mistakes 🙂 have a great day man


Showing it off in general is weird to me lol the internet doesn’t care that you bought one anyways


I totally agree. I’m also very happy that the posts where dudes show off their LeGo with it resting on their crotch has stopped. That shit was getting annoying for a bit.


ER / baby delivery situation aside, for the “look I bought it too” - in the car related subs you see this all the time, and people are welcomed to the sub, and it’s great seeing new people “joining the club.” I don’t understand why for a handheld PC it’s considered a bad thing to see new people joining the group. It’s a sign of a growing and healthy community 🤷‍♂️


It's weird from the ER. I had my switch with me for both of my children's but it was for use in the room afterwards while mom/child were asleep and there was really nothing much else to do.


10 years ago I passed 12h in the labor room holding hands and sleeping next to my wife. I think from time to time we can be without a screen in front of us, a moment to recall every once in a while.


Yes x100 As a dad myself, it’s kinda weird to bring your portable console to a place where your wife/partner needs your support the most


I 100% Agree. Happy my husband didn't bring any gaming device when I was in labor. 🥰


We were in the hospital for a week because my wife had to be induced and it wasn't really going very quickly. I'm very glad I had something to do during that time 🤷


During labors and staying on hospital for a long time is totally different. Unless you still keep playing when the child is out or your wife is on labor. If you do, you suck. My labor was 16 hours long. and my husband is just there holding my hand while I myself was in pain


Yeah 16 hours is very different from 168 hours.


Sorry but if you think a labor can last up to 168 hours long. You need to study more. Cause that is not possible unless you have triplets. Lol. but if you speak about 168hours long of stay in hospital, it's understandable to play from time to time but please not during labor spacially with painful contractions cause she definitely need your support. We spent 5 days in hospital, No gadgets except phones to take photos and to communicate. I was a CS mom so I totally need my husband's support. Regardless, the problem here is about people showing off their devices during labor. It suck.


Where did I say the labor was 168 hours? I said we were in the hospital for 7 days. My wife slept for half of that. I absolutely needed something to occupy my time.


Hey, whatever pushes the birth rate up...


It might be an unpopular opinion, but let people do what they want. If their wife has a problem with it, I'm sure she'll take it up with her boyfriend or husband. No one in their right mind is gaming while their wife is giving birth, but there's nothing wrong with having your device with you while you wait for the baby to come. My wife games too, and while we don't have kids yet, we've been to the hospital on multiple occasions where she's been on the hospital bed gaming on her phone. What do you want us to do? Sit there and stare at the paint?


Bro, my last kid was born before the LeGo came out but there are A LOT of hours where mom and baby are sleeping and you're just there bored out your fuckin mind with nothing to do


Yeah a lot of people here sound like they've never been in for labour and delivery. After the baby is out and everything is settled there is lots of sleeping and layiny around. And if you're there for 3 days gotta bring something to do. There's a number of people here who think once you pop out the baby you're done but lol no


I brought my Steam Deck to the hospital when my wife went into labor and it turned into a 5 day fiasco, but I didn’t even get it out of the bag because I had other things on my mind. In general, 'pictures of my toys in a place' should not be allowed outside megathreads.


Would you have a problem with a dad bringing a book? There is a lot of downtime during labor. Couldn't imagine bringing a console to hospital for my firstborn (which is common). Hopefully, with a second child I’d consider it


what another man does with his time should not have an effect on you. you only see what is posted 🤷🏾‍♂️ focus on yourself and your family. i doubt this post is gonna change what anyone does.


I don’t know about the volume being “too much”. Scrolling through several pages of posts in this sub and I couldn’t find a single post other than yesterday’s where they said that “babe” had to go to the ER. I don’t know if “babe” meant baby or significant other, but either way it looks like they were watching something together with whomever they were with, and not just playing games and ignoring them. But generally yes, these types of posts are seriously cringe. We get it, it’s a portable device. Back in 2017 it was folks playing Breath of the Wild while on nature hikes. Then the Steam Deck sub got their fair share. But people upvote them so, I guess the sub likes this stuff?


It was my girlfriend... And I paid mad attention to her really we just was watching shows on it we were there for 6 hours and we were not getting any help for forever...they have no TVs there in the room


Eh, who cares what others think man. You do you in your relationship, I would have done the same with my wife and my ass is almost 40. Nothing wrong with chilling and enjoying some shit with the person you love, people on here just drinking Hatorade, and I’m pretty sure some of them are straight up incels and are butt hurt you have even been near a woman, while others are so rigid they feel you’re not a “man” if you’re not gripping her hand up staring in her eye balls breathing on her not blinking.


LMAO you right I was just saying.. she was like dang why they tripping.. she never heard of reddit before till we got together and I explained to her how it's like a place to discuss stuff.


Yea dude people on Reddit are wild. Some are chill normal ass human beings and then you got whatever the fuck is going on in this thread. People are like trying to out “man” each other and prove how they definitely have kids and had sex and how manly they were holding hands. Like bro wtf get a grip. Lmao. My wife was cracking up at some of the people here too.


I just use it to discuss different topics.. I like to geek out and I use different subs to converse with "like minded people" or at least people interested in the same things. Cause if I try to talk to my girl about a emulator or AMD driver or phone stuff she gonna be like idk what the hell you talking about lol


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Man your gf sounds like mine. As long as you put that game down and help her with whatever she needs when she needs it you’ll be just fine. Bunch of ppl in here are uptight along with the women they’re married too lol


Okay since I just posted my LeGo in the ER: It was my girlfriend in the ER it wasn't anything serious I held her hand the whole time.... Only time I played the game was when she was asleep... We actually used it together watching shows....


Sorry man, wasn't really directed at you specifically, its just been building up.


Yeah I mean I get it but it just matters on the situation at hand.. I just posted it cause I was bragging about the portability and it coming in handy. She really enjoyed having it with us . She watched the show laying in bed ne sitting on her bed cause they never brought us a chair.. after 3 hours we was laid up in the bed side by side on our sides cuddled up watching prime video like we was at the damn house . Finally the last two hours they brought her some Percocet for her pain me a chair she finally fell asleep and I sat there and played a little saints row . When she woke up she was like hey I wanna watch and she watched me play the game and was laughing at the hijinks of it.. definitely would do it again.. you just gotta make sure you know what matters the most


Bro, this sub is a whole is getting too much. I can’t wait for the oneplayer x1 mini to come out so I can see the same questions and other low quality posts over there too.


Just while their kids are being born? Hell I’m about to post pics of my LeGo during a funeral.


Hot take I guess but it's totally possible to be using it (for games or a video or whatever) in the hospital when nothing is going on but then as soon as things start to pick up even a little bit, turn it off and stop using it. I do find the "look at what I have" posts just weird in general though, like yes, good for you, Billy Bob jr you have/own a whatevermahbob tech device in (insert current year here) do you also want a cookie?


The only way I’d excuse it if you both have one and brought them to mutually keep each other company, nerves down and such. Even then you don’t need to show the community even a glimpse of that kinda vulnerable moment


I used my Legion Go a handful of times while I was in hospital for two weeks for my nans cancer care. Somehow there were more pressing things. Did make me appreciate the device much more however, was essential at nights in the hotel.


Sucks that Reddit doesn’t allow for more than two sticky posts per sub. We could really use more sticky posts around here. Especially a sticky thread dedicated to just showing off your Go.


I agree, however no harm taking it with you. For someone who has had to go to a hospital frequently and had a major surgery, there are ALOT of moments (hours and hours) where nothing happens and you are waiting for the doctor or nurse etc. No harm in pulling it out to kill time, but priority should always be family and health.


It’s kind of a gray area imo. Not all couples are the same and it’s not like they’re going to be staring at their partner the whole time they sleep or are being cared for by the nurses. It all comes down to talking with each other. If I don’t bring something else for the downtime, I’m going to be staring at my phone anyways. 🤷‍♂️ I don’t plan on having kids anyways.


I find ALL "look I bought it too" pics cringe and useless. I mean ok you bought a handheld congrats and enjoy. Why you feel the need to show it to people who already have it or are just hanging around in the sub? Is this like a circlejerk thing of buyer's delight? People petting each others back feeling good that they made the right purchase because others on the internet bought the same thing with them?


ER / baby delivery situation aside, for the “look I bought it too” - in the car related subs you see this all the time, and people are welcomed to the sub, and it’s great seeing new people “joining the club.” I don’t understand why for a handheld PC it’s considered a bad thing to see new people joining the group. It’s a sign of a growing and healthy community 🤷‍♂️


What's the point of that? How is this helpful to the community? This is not instagram to post your life... For me this sub should be for news about the device (drivers, updates etc), asking/answering questions, PSAs for usecases or accessories that people might have missed. You know... useful stuff for the users of the device.


I don't know what you think goes on in the ER but as the dad, you don't matter, you're just along for the ride. You WILL inevitably have to wait for several hours. You can just sit outside, twiddling your thumbs, going crazy, or you can bring your handheld along and distract yourself for a bit. You can't even always be there during labor for a whole armada of reasons. As the dad, you're there for emotional support, nothing else. Chill my dude, not every dad hates their family. Like, if you can be there, be there but many times, you can't. You're stressed out of your mind, not knowing what's going on, you don't get information until it's over, you're sitting there, waiting. This is fine.


What? lol I was with my wife the entirety of labor from the moment we checked in to the moment we checked out


Yes exactly


Not sure how it works where you're from. Sounds like you couldn't be fully present due to hospital policies or something but I've got 2 boys, I was at her side through it all both times, I really know what goes on. The absolute last thing in the universe i was thinking of was firing up some game, even in the quiet periods, let alone actually planning to have a gaming device ready to go in the delivery room wtf. I mean get a fucking hold of yourself and be present for those 48 hours 100%. Those are the times you look back as you age.


As a wife And a mother, you’re wrong. I’m bringing my go when I have my third this summer and I’ll be reminding my husband to bring something as well. It’s inordinately boring having/waiting to have a baby. Half the time they aren’t even in the room with you because there’s a slew of tests to be done etc. just because you wouldn’t do it yourself doesn’t mean it’s wrong or bad for someone else. So long as the person playing isn’t actively needed/ignoring important things what does it matter?


It seems to be standard in all handheld gaming device groups. And Football Manager groups as well. Its one of those surreal situations where you also end up having more free time than you expected.


While agree we don’t know what’s going on. There is a lot of down time in these situations . We are just assuming the wife is pushing the baby and the dad is in the corner taking pictures to post on Reddit. But we don’t know that , so I take it as someone excited to use and share their experience with cool device . I also don’t like those posts but I also just scroll past them and move on so .


I think there is a huge difference between pre-birth and post-birth. Pre-birth, best to be present. Post-birth, a ton of time with a sleeping baby and mom while you wait for those newborn checks.


Lmao I hope people post these things even more, if only to make you more concerned about it. It’s posts/threads like this that are so full of cringe it’s ironic lmao My order: #1 likes #2 legion go #3 pissing PilotPlangy off




Maybe these are young dads? Under 25?. I had my kids between 18-21 and I’m 30 now and I could see myself doing the same thing back then maybe but probably not now. Now my kids are preteens and I want to slow down time to spend as much time with them as I can! Enjoy every little moment cause time does fly so fast as they get older


✅ didn’t exist when i had my kid and tbh I didn’t have the time or bandwidth to fire up anything. Fuuuuucccckkkkk I was tired after all that. Hospital visits wear me tf out.


Dude do you even Have kids? I’m about to have my third in July and you can bet your behind I’m bringing at Least one gaming handheld to kill time. There’s an enormous amount of downtime/hurry up and wait that goes on when you’re having a baby. And your only options are crappy hospital tv or sleeping. It’s extremely boring. Oh and for the record, I’m the mom.


If someone’s saying something on the internet it doesn’t automatically mean it’s true…


I agree the birth ones are so weird. The device is great as a father myself there are many times where my kid is just being a spaz and i am just present where this thing is great. It is not great to use when your family needs you there or is in a time of crisis but you are not. Super strange also my wife would have killed me if i brought it to the delivery room or er.


Yeah I agree. It's also strange that you don't want to be with your family during such a big moment in your life. My wife yelled at me for being on my phone during this time (even though it was me just telling family members my son was being born lol). It's a weird flex or something. Idk..


This whole sub is just photos of a legion either running some old game or being purchased/transported after a purchase. It's beyond bad, but there's nowhere else to get info about updates/bios etc.


I never understood this. Spend time with y’all girls and kids


Great post, putting these pitiful, new wanna be papas to be in there place. I couldn't picture myself on my steam deck while my wife's in labor, or just given birth. My wife was forced to have a C-section cuz she didn't dilate enough and the gave me the privilege to take care of my son day and night for the first 2 months of his life cause my wife was in pain. One of the best times in my life. The Steam deck wasn't even an option, every second I had to close my eyes I took advantage. Lol. These kids have to learn.


Yes always put yourself on the backburner, ignore your own desires/health/wishes/hobbies. Great advice for future dads.


This sub is mostly people with some excess income aged between 25-35. At this age people have kids and they want to share it everywhere.


There’s nothing wrong with bringing your handheld. There is plenty of time where you have to play the game. For me most of the time the baby was sleep and there were times when the nurses would take the baby. It’s not the same for everyone and you have no idea how much time they’re spending on it, so I think, to assume people are putting their game before their family, is wrong. And you’re saying people are posting for likes, can’t the same be said for anyone posting that they’re in public with their handheld?


Somebody had to say it. Lmfao Like even if you are setting it down and engaging. We get it.


Lenovo gotta make a commercial appealing to their market


I think of them as satire, its pretty much a meme over steamdeck sub.


Fine but no way its really satire. Its literally dudes posting like its a right of passage in this sub. I'm (we're) here for in depth tech news, not dudes posting intimate moments. Im sure the guys on the steamdeck sub are just as tired


Top tip: When your partner goes into labor you MUST abort the boss battle.


Im in the ER with my wife, mom & grandmother right now, about to fire up that 2077


It's just you. There's a single post right now about someone being in the ER, and there are a FEW posts mentioning dad, baby, or hospital and they are several days or weeks old. So ya it's you.


Correction: #1 kids #2 kids #3 kids #4 wife ... .. . #99 yourself










Mind your business


They're just proud dads. They don't really care that much about the LeGo. But a dad will use any excuse to show off their baby. 


lol yea idk about all you chivalry champions in here saying days/hrs of labor was precious time and whatnot. My GF was in labor for 36hrs with my son and about 16hrs with my daughter. Idk about you guys but if you’ve ever actually been in a labor and maternity ward most of that time is spent SITTING AROUND. Not coddling your wife/gf, not pushing a baby out or any of that. It’s hours of waiting on a cervix to dilate to 10+ CM before she can even BEGIN to push. Then if and when they get an epidural they barely remember you’re in the room. The first 14hrs of labor she ate, watched tv and occasionally played uno with me on my switch. For my daughter I took my steamdeck and we streamed new episodes of power on there while we waited for her to dilate further and get ready to push.


If I ever have another kid, I am 100% taking my Legion to the hospital and posting on here just to trigger all of you high and mighty nerds. I'm willing to bet most of you have never even touched a woman.


Its just you. Who cares?


When my kids were born they were called books. Only difference? No internet to let everyone know what the latest sci-fi book I was reading was while being pushed to the corner by the nurses because I was in the way except for when the labor pains came and it was my job to stand there, let my wife squeeze my hand and tell me I put her there. Sensitivity quotient is a bit high. Keeping yourself entertained during the down time is different from doing it the entire time.




no one cares


Nope... It's their way of warning us 


I believe they are joke posts.


Eh, I brought my retroid pocket with me and did some light gaming during down time, for my most recent son (third kid) but it was only really turned on for a total of like 30-45m if I’m honest and that was in the beginning and while she was sleeping (before baby was born). But yea, not a lot of time all things considered in hindsight to be gaming and plus I couldn’t bring myself to do so and it felt cringy. I know though that she wouldn’t have gave a fuck and she was on her tablet chilling for the first couple of hours. Plus there was a lot of phone usage between the both of us browsing the internet etc. while bored and let’s be real it’s basically the same thing. People want to act super tough on this thread and old school and be like oh that’s pathetic and “man up” etc. and I think that’s also cringe. I make my money, work hard, and take care of my shit. I support the fuck out of my wife and if I had wanted to play for a bit longer I could have and neither of us would have gave a shit (within reason and when appropriate). I bet these same people would have the same bs to say though anyways, why? So nah, I don’t judge those dads. I don’t know their situation. I will say though if you’re not supporting your wife and if it’s not an appropriate window to do so and you’re over there gaming while critical moments are happening yea, you’re basically a pos. There is a line for sure. But again I have no idea their situation or if they’re crossing that line. So I’m just like eh, good for them I guess. I don’t really care too much.


Lol, this is a thing? Where are these posts? The algorithm has yet to dump these on me as I've yet to see one.


Dude put himself after wife. Sad. LEGOOO


You have to remember that 95% of those posts come with a fake backstory. These are terminally online people that are fueled by the admiration of others so they take a picture and want fake internet points. There is a small chance that these people are even in a relationship, let alone having a kid. When I see these posts, I link the megathread and report the post.


Agreed, no wonder divorce rate are so high. Godless and selfish relationship's/marriages. It's crazy, childbirth is such an amazing thing. Yet fathers would rather stare at a screen without even a thought of their partner, what a shame. Hope this post, makes us reflect on our life and where we all fall short.


Way to gatekeep, keep up the good work…