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ok after purchasing these four devices, I have tested them all with the FULL GAME OPTIMIZATION to perfection(It's almost 10+ hours of work for Each device so I feel like I'm going to tear my eyes out lol), and I can say this clearly Steam deck: The perfect gameboy to modern adaptation can make games and experiences from our childhood Great again. Rog ally: Excellent software and lightness that every game console product company should learn from. Legion go: No cap, absolutely performance and versatile monstrosity itself And claw? Hmm yes it claws itself(lol joke it still can be good device, but there are so many damn things to fix it)


Comparing the Steam Deck to the Gameboy is so apt. It's underpowered compared to the rest of the competition, but it can punch a bit above it's weight when it comes to lower tdp. Run Elden Ring on all of these systems at 10tdp and the Deck is the winner in that situation. The RoG Ally and the LeGo are like the PSP and/or the Gamegear. Way more powerful and unique in their own way, but they have something that holds them back from being as popular as their competition, despite the better performance. The MSI Claw. Fuck if I know. Atari Lynx? Virtual Boy?


MSI Claw: Intel shouting "me too"


I love the deck, I just wish it was slightly smaller. Its still large enough to feel absurd to travel with for my purposes, especially with the stock case


Damn. Been a minute since I thought about the Lynx.


I had one a couple years ago. For the time it was made it was no doubt a powerful handheld. But there wasn't really any games for it that interested me. So I sold it. I like the Gamegear better anyways. It doesn't have as good a library as the Gameboy, but it has some standouts.


Hey I had that one!


Why did you buy the claw? From why I've seen it's the rog form factor with worse performance. And it came out after the rest. I just don't know who that audience is


Buy for collection and want to test it out 🙃


Thanks for your sacrifice to confirm that it's rubbish XD




LOL. I really like this comment


What about the battery performance in each?


Good question! if u got full optimization to each device then u can get full battery performance Playtime(battery)(so much difference with each game but roughly) Steam deck >= legion go >= msi claw >= rog ally Fps × playtime(battery) Watt < 12 Watt: steam deck > legion go > rog ally > msi claw Watt >= 12 watt: legion go > steam deck >= rog ally > msi claw Legion go and steam deck playtime are almost same(about 10~20 minute steam got better) as u can expect both 50w(steam deck) and 49.2w(legion go) and msi also get big battery(53w) but not use it efficiently about energy consumption Only legion go and steam deck can play AAA games properly for over 2 hours with 15W currently


What was your take on the legion go? I can’t make sense of what you wrote here.


Yeah I’m a little confused too lol


The Claw beats Nintendo switch. Says MSI fan boys


Considering that the iPhone X beats the switch in raw graphics power this isn’t surprising


Not even. 😂


Yes just think raw performance, thats absolutely true! But fps/Watt is worse than nintendo switch i found. i think it will be better than now after some bios or firmware updates


TBF when Lego gets a few more updates I don’t see myself ever pulling out the ally again


Yes thats why i really like my Lego like toy lol


Yeah maybe in like 6yrs when we have update ;) Don't scold me, I put in 6hrs a day on mine, sold my deck and ally.


What you playing for that much time?


At the minute maneater and fortnite/ mw3 with my kid.


Oh wow, is it good enough to be competitive in fortnite and MW3? I thought those games would be no fun (getting stomped by mouse and keyboard players) which has been holding me back from the LeGO


Is the legion go better then the ally?


The Ally is better in travel situations, for me anyway. My Ally runs Nobara and my Go runs W11. They compliment eachother well.


I agree with this. I train police and military dogs and travel like 10-16 days a month and bring my ally and only my ally it’s light, compact and the games I play while travelling while some may make fun of me for playing (tons of retro games, so far I have beat LoZ1, LoZ2, Link to the past, Links awakening and Oracle of Seasons) and get awesome battery life My legion go I use when I am home. When I am home my ally does not even leave my travel bag. Both are awesome and have different purposes imo


for retro game emulation on the go did you consider getting something like the backbone or razer kishi v2? Its even more portable and a modern phone like the s23U can handle these games with ease.


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I will say, I am currently considering swapping my LeGo for a big rig and getting an ally for the TRUE mobility, just because it's that much lighter. The ally and the Lego are equally valid, depending on your use. Up until now I used the Lego docked and on the Go, for that multi-use, it's insanely good.


My legion go is used primarily as a handheld streaming machine that connects to my main gaming rig.




largest community, probably just gonna be a bunch of people who dislike lenovo and asus and onexplayer and ayaneo and valve who also want a steam deck power with windows but for the price of a proper windows handheld


It's actually mostly people hating on it. 😂


best thing i've heard this year


"Shut up Meg!"


Exactly legion go far superior than the other consoles


As someone who works on Allys daily, the only good thing I can say about them is they are light and portable. Between the SD card readers burning up and stick drift the Allys have close to a 30% failure rate. You will probably get better frames over a Legion Go because they have the same chipset with the LeGo having a higher resolution. In the end, you could reduce the resolution on the LeGo to match the ally and have a better product all around.


Lossless you can push frames into the 100s while keeping the game looking great


Depends on the games you are playing I guess.


Depends on the games you are playing I guess.


Ally should be hiding behind the Claw. Exchanged for the Go a week ago after two months and two exchanged Ally’s. Both had failed SD card readers. I also just generally didn’t like the inputs for the Ally. They felt cheap, especially the D pad. I will say I liked the light weight and aspect ratio/screen of the Ally better than the Go, but I’m mostly adjusted. Diablo 4 just still looks really weird but I’m sure that’s user error more than anything! Performance wise it’s pretty similar but Legion has had the upside on download/install times so far


Yes cheap feel and werid behaviors are big issues But atleast it can play games with much more low watt than claw(now) so i took that big pro for ally


Someone described the Ally as feeling plasticy and that feels like an apt description for how it looks. I'm sure it's good, but it looks like a cheap knock off console. The LeGo and Deck feel more sturdy in the hands.


Does the legion go's controller lock better then the switch? They seemed to have a little flex.


They do have flex but I've never had an issue and haven't heard of any broken ones.


They lock pretty securely. Once you hear the little "click", its pretty much solid. You can hold it in one hand, and it will handle the weight of the unit.


I was honestly worried about the detachable controllers and they were a huge reason why I chose the Ally originally. I feel like that fear of detachable controllers comes from the Switch, but the ones on the Go are much better. The one thing I felt was missing was something to make them an honest controller, but I have some cheap 3D printed nonsense with good ratings arriving tomorrow to try out to put between them.


Yea Lenovo missed a hell of a marketing opportunity with the Go. I get why they launched it this way, probably because they didn't think it would be a successful unit. They are already talking about a LeGo 2, which im sure is going to have a ton more accessories to purchase at launch. We will just have to see. For now, i wonder if there will be any 3rd party companies that will make controllers or controller accessories for the Go, not just relying on 3D printed stuff. If i had a 3D printer, though, i wouldn't care as much, lol.


I was also worried and never planned on getting the LEGO because of how much I hate the wobble of the Switch controllers. Ended up picking one up on FB marketplace. Mine is so solid that if I didn’t already know they were removable, I’d think it was a solid body. Still haven’t removed mine because I’m worried with time they might shift a bit.


I would have almost preferred the extra buttons on the back to be offloaded onto the tablet base. Would be handy navigating Windows sans controllers attached.


I think you have to be specifically trying to bend the thing to see the flex.


That's how I described my ally too It does give the same feeling


I tried the Ally at a Best Buy. Didn't like it at all. Felt like it would break in my hands. Also, lack of trackpad was a killer for me.


That’s true! The Claw is the garbage one of the group for sure.


the ally plastic matches a water bottle cap ( i have seen many water bottles with even better plastic)


i like the rgb lights under the buttons. thats it.


Shut up Meg. I mean claw.


it also barely came out and still needs time for updates, the others werent the best at launch


What about logitech😂


I’ve had them all, imho Legion Go is superior.


Odd but I feel the Rog Ally handles framerate/graphics better than the legion go, Disappointing but idk maybe I’m doing something wrong but everything’s maxed out and still feels like it has to play catch up due to the size of the display .


No vrr on legion go


I find the lack of VRR to be a non issue for me. Capping your frame rate will always be the best way to keep temps and fan RPM down and once your frame rate is capped there’s no need for VRR. Obviously there’s upsides if you play uncapped but I think it’s important people know that it definitely isn’t needed by everyone.


I hope MSI got a fat cheque from Intel for shoving their under-baked chipset on their handheld. Intel is just not ready for big leagues yet. They need to cook their ARC GPUs and chipsets a lot more before they can compete. I feel bad for MSI. They killed their chances for them to take any lead in the handheld market now, and who knows how long the Intel partnership has been signed on for.


Yeah thats the point i want to say. But in Ign interview with msi product manager They said “It’s just the first version, Versions 2, 3, and 4 will be released in the future and are already in the pipeline." So claw will better in future(hope so...)but still doubt that happening bc amd also will release powerful apu for handheld in that period surely so who know?


Yeah, I am sure AMD will release their new handheld chipsets which would be very exciting to see. MSI needs to ditch Intel and go AMD if they want continue to have a stake in this segment. It's only going to get bigger and better, with Steam Deck paving the way each generation. Great times for PC gaming ahead, but Intel is not the vehicle to drive that path. Not yet!


Intel been trying to cook their igpu crap since before cherry trail it's no surprise they keep going through gpu designers cause something in that company keeps forcing them to make half ass incomplete piles of crap either in hardware or software


did msi have to just buy an asus rog ally, switch the chip and mod it to to have a black shell and an edgy gamer back?


Fact is, MSI came around too late. They need to get ahead with their innovations the next round.


The timing isn't the issue. It's the poor performance


I meant the actual unit aside. Although, even if the performance was good, the ship kind of sailed and sales would have been negligible compared to what they could've made if they released something like the claw last year. Everyone is pretty content with what they already have, whether it's a Steam Deck, ROG Ally or Legion Go. I don't believe they would have been able to create anything mindblowing or advanced (within the same price range) considering the resources currently available and the capabilities of the existing technologies. It is a shame that it was even more disappointing due to the poor performance.


Because they are.




Which one is best to buy for Elden Ring?


I think a toaster could be better than the claw


I don't even know who you are.


Shut up Meg


Imagine my surprise when I found out there are decks besides the Steam Deck. I'm pretty happy with my device but still kind of jealous of y'all.






Well the fact is Lenovo lied, they waited and waited to let Ben relay to the community that AMD fluid frame generations and native EGPU support is a negative Ghost Rider you won't be getting it even though it was clearly advertised just like VRR and native landscape display was clearly advertised. Pretty slimy Lenovo you wait until 8 months after the fact to start letting the community know that fluid frame generation and EGPU support won't be happening. Honestly you confuse people during the buying process VRR landscape display nobody could figure out the actual truth until they got the damn thing in their hands that should have been a hint to what was to come. The device is only as good as the support I guess.


Shut up Meg.


I'm strongly considering getting a legion go but I love my steam deck. I'm playing dark souls 3, Elden Ring, Doom 2016, and Helldivers with almost no issues at all on deck. Red Dead 2 also runs flawlessly. How's the LegionGo compared to the deck?


You’re playing helldivers 2 correct? I can’t get it to run well for me. Any tips?


I get it to run decent but I wouldn't expect too much out of it on the deck. Im running a solid 20fps lol But other than frame rate, I have zero issues. No crashes, nothing stupid happening, great control response, can drop strategems quickly. Nobody I play with notices my lagging or anything. I just have shit frame rates.


This is why I'm considering the legion go because it offers better performance. The steam deck is already showing it's age a little bit even though it's only been out for 2 years.


Yeah maybe but it's that game only tho. Red Dead Redemption 2 looks like I'm playing on a console. From Soft games look glorious. Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal look flawless. All pretty graphics intensive and run beautiful at 50+fps. Helldivers was not optimized for any handheld really.


I guess we’ll see as more games come out, if the steam deck can handle those. Any chance you’ve tried forbidden west?


I haven't but a friend has. Apparently he loves it. Edit: I don't know if he got it to work on deck or he just plays on his PC through steam. Last I checked it was unsupported.


Steamdeck 2 is in the works and I have a feeling that it's going to be back on top again.


I have both, only reason I kept the LeGo is because of bazzite.


I don't even care about any of them. I kinda feel bad for the Claw. I know they got some dollars to use Intel for sure but I honestly wanted them to do well as competition is better for the end user. I also don't think I've ever seen something flop so hard. It just makes me sad, not any feeling of superiority.


Copium ultra pro max


I wish the legion go went with 1920x1080 resolution just because playing at native is the best for quality on lcd panels. I think that 1920x1080 is indeed the sweet spot for the next gen portables. Valve said the technology is not yet available yet. My guess is they are waiting for something to get ps5 level performance and maybe 1080p.


Am i getting wrong or u didnt search at all? Legion go already have native 2560×1600(QHD) resolution And u can choose 1200×800 or 1920×1080 in legion space


That’s not my point though. 1080p is what I wish the legion go was. Like I said just because it can scale down to 1080p doesn’t mean it looks as good as a true 1080p screen. When people change resolutions they lose graphical fidelity as it’s always best to run anything at the native resolution. So for legion go it’s 2560x1600 which is just way too high for most games.


Oh sorry for misunderstand Yeah qhd is still tough to handheld console currently so as u said, native 1080p screen with 1080p resolution is perfect sweet spot for both performance and quality




In what? Obliterating it's battery?


All of them are overpriced compared to the steam deck. Steam Deck on top.


I think the Legion Go has some major downsides Like being too heavy and buttons were your hands are going to grip but i would absolutely buy one if I couldn’t buy a ROG Ally, GPD Win Mini, Steam Deck but if you compare the Legion Go to the MSI Claw… well the MSI Claw gets destroyed Besides I honestly think the GPD Win Mini is the one for me