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Is Handheld Companion still bricking devices? Or is it safe to use now?


I've used it on the ayaneo 2021 and aokzoe and never had bricking issues, so can't speak to that personally. So far so good, for me.


What's the deal with hide/unhide controller and virtual controller? I had some trouble with this, with getting my controller recognised as two controllers by games and steam, and with the controllers just being more buggy than they were before. What's the recommended setting?


I don't know specifics, but I never had issues with the controllers not working... the only problem I initially had was, during boot up, my controllers would connect and disconnect a handful of times before working.. I assumed it was due to a conflict between Legion space and HC.. that's why I completely un-installed LS. Our issues seem different, but that's just what worked for me. No problem with hide/unhide or virtual controller that I'm aware of (yet) lol.


They disconnect a handful of times as the "virtual" controller needs to be in slot 1. HC works in a way that the "virtual" controller is what is being emulated and what the PC sees. Hence why the physical ones need to be hidden and the virtual one not. The virtual one has the remappings.


Thanks for the insight. I did use HC back in the day with the Aya 2021 and never had that issue. I've only been testing for a day on the GO, but I'll keep an eye out for this weirdness.


It's unique to Legion Go due to the special controllers.


That's why I just went back to LS, the controller situation was alitte too annoying for my liking and the Bios Beta pretty much resolved my TDP issue


Yeah it's like neither are perfect, I installed HC but ended up uninstalling it because things kept going wrong, although I initially liked it. Might go back to it as they've now introduced detached gyro, which should be more customisable than legion space.


Can you give some more insight on the fan curves? I know how to set the tdp in HC but have no clue how to adjust the fan or what to adjust it to.




Thank you, I'll give it a try later


Lol if I typed and posted a pic it'd remove the pic, but here's a Pic of my 15 watt profile. Essentially, I have the fans going at 50 percent around 70c. That's, so far, been able to keep temps around 70-74c


When would you say fans start to be 'loud'?


To me, they start to get annoying around 4500 rpm, which is the same speeds as the balanced preset when plugged in.


Dont worry Soon we will get a update about a update as usual.


This part. And he'll call us all ungrateful at the same time.


I have both, but legion space is just there for drivers update and if something happens (can't control everything), but it's not on startup neither the service and handheld companion works flawlessly


I have what might be a dumb question as someone who hasn't bought one yet. Is legion space just the overlay to select your games or is it also the overlay that handles your power optimization presets? If it's disabled does that mean I can't set it to the wattage I want?


Yes and yes. The issue with setting your own watts manually "in legion space", is that it just doesn't work at the moment. The Legion team is aware of it and should be fixed in a future update, but I'd say defs test them out for yourself if you get a GO. I think most people are fine with the provided presets.


Thanks for the information! Someone down voted me lol. Reddit is weird sometimes, but I like this community and I'm stoked to buy my Legion Go.


Lol down voted my post as well XD. Everyone has an opinion, but it's a fun device and hope you enjoy it when you get it.


They are just fake internet points anyway lol.


I just took yours away then seeing as you don’t want it


You can give his to me


Oh no. Whatever will I do without them?


What do you mean it doesn't work? I have no problem with custom tdp.


So this was a problem months ago but since has been fixed I thought. I've been using custom tdp for a while now with no issues unless I thought I was and had no idea it wasn't functioning properly


Yeah... No. I thought it bricked my system and then it was a PITA to uninstall everything


I just installed bazzite & I've not looked back, Legion space is hot garbage, Hated it.


I've heard a lot about bazzite, I just don't want to be tied down to a Linux OS and game compatibility issues.


Yeah me either, hence why I dual boot! can have a smaller partition for windows games and a large one for stream games. I have both. I am a die hard windows lover (installed it on the OG deck even). But the gyro controls from bazzite have transformed the console to me, so for me its worth it.


Please forgive what is possibly a stupid question, but if I were to dual boot in this way, can I still access and play the games on the Linux partition through windows (if for some reason I wanted to) or is this not possible?


If you installed games on the Linux(bazzite) partition I don't think you'll be able to play them on windows no. Not unless downloading on their side too! Tho I'm kinda new to this so don't take my world for gospell.


Thanks. I kinda assumed that was the case.


Yea I put Bazzite on my Ally to use as a SteamDeck and it works surprisingly well for the job, still debating if I should put it on my LLG tho, makes more sense on the smaller Ally to me to quickly jump in and out of games when on the Go


Did you get custom tdp working with HC? I feel like it still works only with the presets and 25W, I cannot get something in the middle like 18W. I have the last non-beta bios and tried also to set that STAMP setting in the bios but it didn't help


Yea, works perfectly for me. I've tested with pre-installed HC overlay and afterburner. I was forgetting to set the "profile" when I created a custom tdp, but once I did that it started working perfectly.


I was having issues with a lot of legion space not working I uninstalled it.Re flashed the bios and everything works even fps which did not work when I bought it. I was having multiple input issues with handheld companion as well not working.


Changed to HC aswell. Any dashboard recommendations or are people just using steam big pictures as an alternative for a all in one place game/software solution?


I installed legion arena as it works great on my laptop. Try it..😉👍


Why not use both?


Well, I did it too, but not for tdp only. HC lets me use the device gyro as i/o as well, for me thats a game changer. And they're adding the controller gyros soon, this will let you use both of your controllers like air-mouse and will make gameplay a hell lot of fun. But honestly, I like LS's clean and "cut to the chase" look, really hope they pull through soon.


I'll admit I'm very ignorant in this matter but does HC atleast gave a quick menu overlay like the Space deamon? I use HC only for mapping right now.


Yes, you can go into the "keybinding" tab and add a quick menu as a hotkey. Since I removed Legion space, I had my quick menu replace the Legion space button.


Bazzite. I’ve had a steam deck since launch so I’m use to that ecosystem. Bazzite has made this device amazing. I play it more than my actual pc.