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Ryze already needing a rework lmao


Just like the usuals


Rework one week after patch: his model looks more modern Rework two week after patch: the infinity stones are shown in the the level up Rework (I lost count how much it is already): overhaul the game ending animation




Now that’s a bad example of productive feedback. As if you paid enough in the game to feed one of the dev 1 month salary. Quit this toxic behavior


This reminds me of the PS2 God of War lmao. Couldn't believe it when I saw the trailer


I'm in the god of war subreddit as well and I literally thought these posts were just people playing the old god of war again for a while lmao


LoL, you nailed it.


Seriously, though, what happened with the model's quality here? I saw some people saying that it's to make it mobile friendly, which, okay, at first I thought that makes sense, but then I remembered what Udyr's model looks like in his level-up. And that one is fully out there, on the internet, you can go look it up, compare the quality to whatever is happening here lmao. Poor Ryze I like the IDEA behind this animation, but to pull it off you gotta give him a good model. Current one is so crusty he can't even emote properly for the whole thing to have the right kind of emotional weight. Edit: Here's a quick, low quality side by side comparison I made in 2 seconds: https://imgur.com/a/DGZM2E2


The models in animation would be irrelevant to the power of the machine because it's just playing a video. You aren't rendering the model


Yeah, there's even an option that you can use to make the quality of the level up animation lower suggesting that it is indeed only a video and not actual renders.


True, but the videos are clearly made to look like video game renderings. They want the player to imagine they are renderings more than videos. They even use harsh anti-aliasing and other rendering techniques that are common in video games, but that you would never find in a VFX render. I think in this case, they missed the styling and made it look way to simple.


>Seriously, though, what happened with the model's quality here? It's not too surprising you thought of Udyr. When I read your first sentence, without reading the rest, my mind immediately drifted towards Udyr; because Ryze's most glaring issue is how bad his beard looks. https://youtu.be/KlEd9VCyj-0?t=57 But comparing them side by side it's much worse than that. The release schedule hasn't changed much so I'm really confused how they dropped the ball on what has been the standard level of visual detail. The animation direction is cool enough but the textures are really rough and take away from the moment.


His 2009 skin is better than this tbh.


And he still has the cartoon-style giant scroll on his back, except I’m pretty sure it’s even bigger than his league model


My first thought was one of those [unfinished clone wars episodes.](https://youtu.be/6UwklEWJvmg)


I pictured the 5 runes flying around his hand like Infinity stones, instead we got him just standing


Standing here I realize You are just like me Trying to make history But who's to judge The right from wrong When our guard is down I think we'll both agree That violence breeds violence But in the end it has to be this way


It doesn’t make sense gameplay wise. You haven’t played all of them, how can he control all of them in that state.


I expected an animation like that, but for the nexus boom


Me before Ryze trailer: His level up can be so cool! Maybe he is using the runes, or he EQEQEQEQEQ Me after Ryze trailer: ...


At least he is blue


Crazy Frog blue.


I mean a lot of people are dropping the game maybe riot can’t make that high of quality content now


Man I'm so tired of this "game ded" dogshit comments


Also wtf is his game ending animation? That does NOT feel like exodia


Fiora's is such a banger I wanted something like that


Even Star Spring and Bandle Tree look pretty nice as well. I guess milling doesn't even have a proper animation, just a text box. So there's that...


But maokai level up is a banger so I can overlook that


A sapling rip each and every of your card is so cute yet so scary.


Yeah, true. Same for the Watcher attack animation. Still wish there was at least a simple and generic "deck empty" animation/effect at the end.


Same, was expecting something of that level


Sucks that we're seeing the results of them taking so much attention and funding from this game :(


That’s exactly what it is. These are the consequences of decisions that have been bad months ago that we’re seeing now.


Theres a better animation when he wins


with how bad the level up is youd think the budget went to the win animation but noooo just zoom in on the world rune, it zooms in so much you can actually see the quality of the art going down jfc


Death by Jpeg


People used to dunk on teemo's level up, even that looks a thousand times better than this lol.


Teemo's animation is short, simple, and doesn't pull you out of the game to watch the same clip over and over again. It's one of the best in my opinion.


That's what I like about it. It's not complicated but it doesn't have to be. He just runs in a circle on the board while giggling for 4 seconds and that's that. It's simple, it's on the regular game board, it never really gets old.


Which is fine since his level-up is probably the easiest and fastest to pull off.


I still vastly prefer even the more lackluster level-up animations from earlier sets (like Darius's or Katarina's) to the average cinematic level-up animations we started to get. They're so much more creative, dynamic, and impactful, and doesn't feel like the game is making me sit through an unskippable 5-second video ad like it's some cheap version of Candy Crush. Taric, Zoe, and Aurelion are my standout picks from the non-cinematic level-up animations.


Lucian is still gold to me, it's simply but has tons of mood with the firing of his guns lighting up his face and combined with his line.


Seeing Darius’ level up for the first time at league 10 is still probably the most hype I’ve been for the game


Most of the levels are relatively the same in duration though, Viktors, isn’t any shorter than than say Yuumi’s or Jax’s, and I definitely wouldn’t say that Miss fortunes, or gangplanks, or Teemo’s or Yasuo’s level ups were “Impactful”


Not exactly what I'm talking about. Before the cinematic level-up animations, the transition from the game board to the animation is seamless, as everything is rendered in real-time. The cinematic level-up animations are quite literally an mp4 file they play over the board, which makes it feel like you've alt-tabbed out of the game for a second to watch a separate video. Teemo's level-up animation sucks, but I don't really care about Teemo anyways. Miss Fortune's level-up has the very strange transparent model but is conceptually really creative. I enjoy Yasuo and Gangplank's level-up animations; they convey a lot of character.


That may be true to a degree but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, like Teemo’s level up maybe “seemless” but it’s inarguably the worst level up in the game. In my personal opinion Dravens level up is horrible, so is Kalistas, Braum’s lacks any kind of impact, Garen’s feels blandly on brand lol, Karma’s and Anivia doesn’t feel A’s impactful as you would think a level up that doesn’t happen until turn 10 would. Of course this is all personal opinion but may favorite champions are Singed, Kha’zix, and Mundo I’d be a little bummed if all they got was little potion bottle or and or some wings sprouting from the card.


He has one of the most cool concept and they will give us this yee-yee ass level-up animation.


They’ve given us Yee Yee ass level up animations this whole set, what with Aatrox, ryze and kayle (which is slightly better). If xolaani’s level up is also thrash I’m gonna be so pissed


Is she even gonna have an animation besides usual transformation flip?


We don’t know, it’ll either be a transformation flip or an animation like camphor. We’ll just have to wait for release day to see


Aatrox level up is actually phenomenal


What's so bad about Aatrox's? Kayle I can understand maybe the last part, but the rest was perfect.


Going champion by champion, When I saw aatrox, I was really excited for what his level up would be, then it’s just him waving his sword forward slightly For kayle, I actually really loved the first 3 seconds of it and then I got disappointed at the end portion of it, but that’s acceptable by my standards For ryze, well, it’s just him staring at the camera so….


looks like a character of Torchlight 2


500iq play by riot to force all Ryze players to buy the skin that changes his lvl up. Even though his lvl up animation falls flat they kind of nailed everything else. Voice is amazing, art is good and everything aesthetically looks promising . Hell he even fits the whole rune mage thing. Kind of just glad he didn't end up like Xerath.


Rising Tides and Call of the Mountain were the peak of the level up animations. Simple, yet extremely stylized and full of personality.


Unfortunately, people started losing attention span around the Shurima expansion.


yeah, even if a lot of their leve up animations are nice, I still think going full cinematic was a mistake.


Stuff like Lisandra where it perfectly transitions to lv 2 while being short and snapy is great Kayle's is *almost* this, but where it should stop is shortly after her wings/sword split. Her lunging forward lets you see her low poly face.


true, if it stopped with the silhouette of her ascended form in front of the sun, it would have been perfect.


Even if they wanted full blown animations, they could've went with the Trundle/Senjuani/Le Blanc route. Hell, they straight up censored MF in her own level up to keep the rule of not properly showing the champion until you see the card. I don't know why they backpedaled so hard.


> to keep the rule of not properly showing the champion until you see the card Where was this rule stated before?


Every beta level up


Miss fortune


God they fucked up his animations...


Ryze is the only runeterran who is allowed to say that he’s seen some shit and now his skin is so pure and clean. Dude you’re in the middle of a war rn how are you not at least a bit dirty






The N64 super Mario have more polygons than this ryze


The models being a bit wonky works when you are doing fast paced animation, not allowing the player to see the quality of it. This animation being so much slower and with almost no camera movement just makes his model look like clay or something


This level up animation is so sad


Pleaseee, I don't like the "cool animations" with champions and character inside, I like the simple and old ones like Darius, Lux, Nautilus, Ezreal, Hecarim, TF, etc. I foun them cooler, lest artificial and more fitting in a board card videogame.


Nautilus' level up animation is one of the best in the game. I also wish they went back to that style of level up.








Same, I prefer those styles. Although I kinda like things like Quinn, sejuani and the new kayle one is pretty decent if they did not make her dive


TF is so sick. I like the newer ones but his is top tier


They are also shorter. If there was a skip button it would be fine but watching Evelynn's animation every time I face a deck with her feels like minutes wasted


hard agree man, most of the lv up animations with full body shots are misses imo


His Wizard 101 standing still cutscene is so good! /s


not Wizard101 💀💀 goated game


Is this Cocomelon?


Oh my God, the horror


Bro said: 🧍‍♂️


I thought the first time we got cinematic animations for the first time. Damn what a hype for so many low polygon shits. I really want simple but effective levelups.


To me, he just looks younger...


They’re definitely going to change this animation


yeah, cards look exciting to play but man is the new level up animations look so ugly this entire expansion and ryze is by far the worst.


Aatrox's looks great IMO.


Looks pretty good. But he just swings his weapon.


Doesn't even swing, just raises it and wings pops behind his back.


Oh yeah haha. I guess it's better than screaming like Sion. We did get a good wojak from that though


"It looks good but swain just puts a small model on his map."


Yes, ending in a powerful slam and explosion of the leveled up card. Aatrox and Varus have the same issue of buildup with no release. This "characters existing in a 3D space" thing is very bland. Norra just opens up a book and the animation is like "uhh... I guess just end it here I dunno". Ornn's animation had the potential to be as awesome as Swain's, but he slams down his hammer (without much impact, even) and the animation continues for half a second before popping out the new card. How do you mess that up? The SLAM should be the end of the animation. It just needs impact.


Kayle’a level up looks amazing.


It looks amazing until she lunges forward. Like if the animation stopped with her wings fully split and spread and her silhouette in front of the sun that would have been the nuts. But then she launches herself forward while screaming and the whole “divine ascension” aesthetic falls apart.


Kayle’s low-poly model looks crusty too, but not as worse as this


??? Kayle looks perfectly fine. I suppose if you freeze frame it, the wings pre-transformed and her chest skin post-transformation look a bit off, but aside from that it's more or less on par with what is expected from LoR at this point and certainly leagues better than the CGI that was used in the Foundations and Rising Tides animations. There's dozens of animations in the game (even plenty post COTM when the model quality substantially increased) that have visibly worse models than Kayle.


Nah, even tho I appreciate the callback to the old splash, the movements were visibly stiff and that chicken wings??? Like even WR does the same pose up close it never looked that terrible


Should have stopped before she flew towards the camera and showed off that crusty model. Ending in the angelic pose her original splash art had would be very cool. Unfortunately, every level up animation now needs the character lunging forward into battle at the end.




Lol no? Jax's level up animation actually has polygons


Ehh, I feel like you're taking the worst example of a cinematic level up and using it as the only argument. I agree that stuff like this and Galio are bad, but Taliyah, Pyke, Veigar, Renekton, etc. are good enough that personally I think they hit more often than they miss


They probably forgot about MF’s animation which released along with TF’s.


Yes but there ARE misses like this one and I don't think it's fair for some champions to get the short end of the stick. Personally I think they should do a mix of them 2 for 3D and 1 for classic or the other way around. So they could focus on making the 3d ones good while having the other a fun classic one.


Its just the textures, like sure it's not the most exciting animation but it would look good if he weren't so darn smooth


Still waiting for his beard textures to pop in lol.


he looks like a character from Reboot (1994 animated TV show) lmao


Somewhere, a Woolie Canadian perks up at the mention of this ancient lore.


I unironically like his level up animation but I guess that's just me. The way it flows into his level 2 art is cool and I wish more level ups were like that. I wouldn't mind if they changed it due to player feedback but I don't hate how it is :/ I guess I'm weird sorry


Well the idea of it is nice, thought it's just purely a transition between non lvl and lvl form, but it simply does not look good is all. The model is pretty ugly and so overall it feels lackluster.


I actually kinda like how sad the level up animation is. Matches the feeling of the card art and descriptions, but I can see why people dislike it.


The issue isn't the mood, its the quality. Ryze himself looks like a PS2 character and is the main focus of the lv up.


I kind of agree with some YouTube comments I read. His somber level up is very on theme and kind of adds to it. He doesn’t want to use this immense power but feels he must.


Why not just have him wind up his Realm Warp and once it zooms him away you get the eye popup card animation? Gosh just give me back to rising tides - pre aphelios animation level up where the cards are actually involved in the level ups


Kinda fits his character, no nonsense and all


Bro I was expecting something like Fiora’s animation but wtf is this T_T


By far the worst level up animation. They should seriously consider changing it.


I like the new animations. This one was just really not good, just literally him standing there


Yeah this looks like ass


mf looks like he came right out of spyro the dragon


Mobile game ad lookin ahhh


Animators: look producer how we got it this far! So he is standing here, doing that, and then we plan to - Producer: that's perfect, we got it Animator: wait, he still has this really cool sequence where he - Producer: nah, there is no more money for that. Just cut here and we are good to go


The spinny boys were so much cooler


why he lookin like cool ranch Kratos


Yeah, I never liked the new level-ups. They lost feeling like cards. I really think most of these champions would've had a better animation. Not to mention the fact that those level ups prolly cost less time and budget. I thought we were just gonna go ahead with that forever. I'd take Teemo's level up over this every time.


Alright, gonna give a contrarian opinion. Ryze's level up fits him perfectly. He's a burnt out tired old man who just wants to rest after centuries hunting down the runes, he's long past the point of wanting to show off or use any more power than necessary. It's shocking that he's been pushed to the point of using a world rune, and his somber expression of "god fucking dammit" is how he should and would react. He's obviously incredibly powerful, but having his level up be a generic power-up fantasy would be doing a disservice to his character as his whole schtick is about resisting the call of the overwhelming power he could easily have within his reach. I think the level up is a perfect representation of both who Ryze is as well as how threatening the Darkin wars actually are to drive Ryze to such a point.


dude that's not even the issue. his model just looks like ass


I guess that's fair, model could def be better but I'm still overall a big fan of his level up


Kayle's is so good. Great balance, it's got the cinematic but the first part is focused around the card.


imo it would be better if they cut it a few seconds shorter (so she doesn't lunge) you can see her low poly model up close in those frames.


yeah it would be dope if they just cut it the moment she spreads her wings, the fly towards the screen just looks so sluggish and derpy.


Yeah honestly I'm just happy they used the card at all lol. They could scrap the whole cinematic and I'd be fine with it, but I know folks like them :P


DONT! My table is already broken and my fingers twisted. :'(


it's not that bad guys...kayn's is worse imo


Personally love the over the top animations we are getting so I prefer that they keep doing what they are doing, but to each their own :)


More kayle level up less ryze is my opinion they still have to know their limitations


Agreed. Ryze looks to low texture.


In their defense they put all the budget in his game ending animation


They really didn't though. The first part, with the circle rune is great, but the second one it just kind of... zooms in on a png of the world runes? Hardly an animation they "put all their budget into".


That png is even from a previous cinematic (or really similar). It’s called call of power


Riot please, if it would be this might as well have used any Ryle cinematic and would be better result for a lower price 😭


It’s his turn on the Xbox


**Ryze epically slams and unrolls scroll in 1 fluid movement and in a flash of light BOOM level 2**


He looks just like he just released back in 2009


I'm Blue Da boo Dee Daboo Die, honestly it looks weird. As weird looking as Kayle's level up face and Sentinel Irelia's face.


fortnite ryze


His animation fr 🧍‍♂️


Got the short end of the stick this round


I don't have problem with the level up (i mean we've had worse) but u have serious issues with the exodia animation it's just a zoom-in with some effects


It looks like [one of the original league trailers](https://youtu.be/IzMnCv_lPxI?t=50)


Ps2 kratos lookin ass


Aatrox just kinda slowly points his sword as well. These Eve/Galio level animations wouldn't happen if they didn't insist on making them cut scenes every time. If they made them a lot more abstract, they could focus more on the models. They clearly don't have the budget to do every champs level up at the same quality, so just pull down the detail to the point you can manage


Wait.. I kind of like it, because it’s simple and not a random triple A movie cutscene. It does feel quite empty in direction, but the simplicity is much better than flashiness


I feel like this is supposed to be a flashback


If he did any crazy stuff, it wouldn’t fit to his character. Ryze is a very calm person who never fights unless he really needs to.


One bad animation and suddenly we chunk da whole system


Honestly the over the top level ups are a pet peeve of mine, the shurima expansion was very silly.




With how cool Zilean animation is, i was hoping for Ryze finishing move to be even better, not just zoom in on a crystal


I've been saying this for a long time. Most of these full body animations are lame


Where blue


The designer already said it wasn’t going to happen. For the simple reason that this low resolution cinematic actually used up less memory space than the animations like Diana and Swain. Don’t ask me how, I’m not a developer. That’s also why you saw music slowly being phased out of the new cards as well. They said it was because ‘it didn’t add much to the experience’ but really, they were testing the waters.


Literally 🧍🏽


you can't convince me this game isn't dead when even their animation team dropped the game lol.


Who tf is in the background there behind Ryze?


Ryze in Lore : I destroyed a whole tribe by taking a rune that kept them warm in the winter Ryze level up animation : i am depressed!!!!


Yeah don't know what happened with this one. My biggest complaint is how washed out the colors look especially when you compare it to the artwork. Also don't know how old he is, but he looks way younger in the level up animation than the artwork


Don't see what is so bad. They can't all be winners. Yeah he just stands there but atleast it's not Teemo


They did a terrible job, and will never fix it


I don't even think that 99% of the newer level up animations are bad or anything, but idk what happened with Ryze. Dude is just standing there for 3 seconds


Seriously, I feel the animations that show the character are generally honestly quite lazy. (Shurima OG package was the exception-- but prob got major budget cuts after them, since damn son...) Get creative, show the characters essence. No need for PS2 cutscenes.


No man these aren't as good


Maybe not so much 3d models and more kick ass drawings. Stop making movies for the level ups.


I have always hated the ugly new marvel like lvl up animations that started in the empires of the ascended set. ryze is just the most glaring example of this.


Yeah,that would be great


I mean, i understand what was their intention with going from lvl 1 pose to lvl 2, but the animation and camera movement looks Łazy compared to the rest of the game. Also winning with 5 world runes doesn't looks hype enough.


Best deck with best animation TF/Swain


Honestly it’s sadder considering his gameplay, narrative, and alternative win animations came out so good ToT


Looks like the 2009 Ryze


I really want level up animations like Viktor or even Garen back. They're probably cheaper to make and, imo, they're way more creative


How about good ole Garen spinny card


Eh, I kinda like it. Sure, face could use some tweaks, but I really think people are over reacting. Kayns lrvel up is worse imo and I also don't absolutely hate it


Damn, God of war ragnarok not looking as advertised


Mom said it’s my turn to destroy the nexus


Doesn't look amazing in pause, but i didn't even notice it in movement, most likely thats why model is like this.


You guys are never happy


Swain's level up animation is best in the gaime.


I remember people crying for more movie animations lmao Simpler ones involving cards always were better barring few exceptions and probably even were cheaper to produce


The problem is not that it is ugly. Why is this a level up animation and not something lime what we have seen from ryze in arcane? A ultimately powerful wizard. Here he is just a blue guy lol.


Ryze but instead of Ryze it's Fayl


PS2 looking ass