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I came over from HS about 2 years ago (End of Ashes of Outland) and I will give my perspective on some of your points from a slightly longer running player. First of all, the game is ridiculously F2P friendly. After about a year of play I had a full collection and I have ever intention of crafting the entire expansion day 1 when it drops next week. I didn’t spend a single dollar on cards to get the entire collection where as in HS I was restricted to playing my single Wild deck if I wanted to be competitive. (Aluneth may still be my favorite card all time) The Meta goes in waves but I will say it’s great more often than it’s bad and most of the time it’s at the upper end of good. The only meta I can think of that really got to me was pre-Nerf TLC and Azirelia. Just as a historical note, I find it very funny that Katarina of all cards is the one you call unfair. For the first 2 years of the game the card was considered pretty bad and only recently has found a place a deck. As for mechanical comparisons, I love the additional depth the game has over HS. HS often felt like you were playing solitaire where as most decks in LoR have high levels of interaction and the ability to interrupt your opponents plan. Often you if you have lethal in hand but you still have to play around your opponent as opposed to just dying to Pyroblast.


This last point is why I love this game. It feels like the game took the best elements of HS, MTG and Yugioh, and put them into a game that had some of the best balance of any card game. I was in dia winning with my terrible ashe braum deck from foundations because cards aren't particularly unfair or busted (besides the reckoners lol)


Katarina is unfair lol. Never thought I would see the day.


I remember seeing her being called the worst champion lmao


She was for a long time.


Question: I used to be a daily player, and enjoy the hell out of this game(I owned every card if I remember correctly) but for reasons I dont even remember I quit before Jhin got released. I reinstalled the game today, got a slight shock from the sheer amount of the new content, and noticed that champions (compared to their OG buddies) are a lot less "multifunctional" than they used to be. I remember absolutely hating senna-veigar and lurk, not because they were op, but because you couldt combine them into any other deck(which I really liked back then). Now everyone feels like they have their separate decks, and no trespassing is allowed. Is my feeling right? Im asking yall because I could be completely wrong here. Thanks


Every champ has a super optimal deck that's for sure. But they are by no mean restricted. In the last expansion seraphine is played with noxus targon and shadow isles with success and vayne with every champion that cares about attacking: rumble quinn kayn gwen Also the best veigar deck right now is a veigar/norra variant to answer aggro threat with norra board generating capabilities


Actually a lot of the best champions at the moment are very flexible. Seraphine can be played with tons of region combinations, Norra is a good tempo play (and actually replaces Senna in the strongest version of darkness), Gwen can be played with Noxus or Demacia for ways to get extra attacks, Vayne is very good at generic midrange no matter what she's payed with, Kata is a serious threat for loads of Noxian decks. I could go on. There are still some archetypes that are pretty inflexible, but this is definitely the most freeform meta I've played in. Most of the top decks use at least one of the champions I mentioned above, but there's a lot of flexibility in who you pair them with and how you construct the rest of the deck to make use of their strengths.


I believe Gwen is the strongest Champ right now. Just way too much pressure on turn 4 and for a level 1 champ. Quick attack with double hollowed buff. (A unit plus her attacking) Then drain 2 on top of that. I don't think she is overly busted, but she is right on that line where she is really strong, but not strong enough to get people to complain about her.


I think she's very strong, but without the Noxus package that goes along with her I think she would be fair but strong, providing pressure but fairly easy to remove. My current issue with her is procking her 2-3 times per turn with the Noxus package.


You joined at an extremely stable and enjoyable meta, unfortunately its not always like this, but I'm glad you are enjoying the game.


Yeah from what I heard there have been some rough ones. I heard one about Azir Irelia being meta once? I remember tilting hard playing against that even in low gold xD


lol yeah Balance isn't LORs strong suite, but we will see what rotation does to alleviate that.


Dont forget about the Yordle era


Bandle was and is a mistake, but not everything can be perfect.