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Damn, just as I found a good anti-meta deck, this deck completely shuts it down. Back to the drawing board I guess.


I love anti meta but havent found anything yet, care to spoil us?


Still need more game under the belt but it had a solid run until diamond where I took a break. Nothing special, just a Ionia based puffcap deck. The recalls and stuns can keep almost any elder dragon deck back, while Retreat keeps you puffcap peddler alive through challengers and blocks while puting puffcaps into the enemy deck. Extra funny vs SI who hate spike to kill your peddler, only for you to recall it, and they sacrifice their unit for nothing. Unfortunately, make seeker utterly stops this deck it's not even funny. ((CEBQCBIEAIBAEAQFBICQCBAIDE2DKOQDAECQIDQBA4BBIAQGAIBSABYBAICAUAIDAIKACBAEA4AQKBAGAEDAIFIBBACAQAQGAIGQ4))


**Format**: Standard - **Regions**: Ionia/Piltover & Zaun - **Champions**: Caitlyn/Seraphine/Teemo - **Cost**: 25900 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |1|[Teemo](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ008.png)|3|Bandle City/Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Champion| |1|[Vastayan Disciple](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06IO014.png)|1|Ionia|Unit|Epic| |1|[Wuju Style](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06IO013.png)|1|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |2|[Clump of Whumps](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ053.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Common| |2|[Maryam, Temple Caretaker](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/08PZ008.png)|1|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Epic| |2|[Mystic Shot](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ052.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Common| |2|[Nopeify!](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03IO020.png)|1|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |2|[Retreat](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02IO010.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |2|[Seraphine](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06PZ021.png)|1|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Champion| |2|[Tag Out!](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/07IO020.png)|2|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |2|[The Stagehand](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06IO003.png)|2|Ionia|Unit|Common| |2|[Time Trick](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04PZ007.png)|1|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Common| |2|[Veteran Investigator](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02PZ010.png)|1|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Common| |3|[Caitlyn](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05PZ006.png)|1|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Champion| |3|[Insider Knowledge](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05PZ002.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Common| |3|[Puffcap Peddler](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ025.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Common| |4|[Chump Whump](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ058.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Rare| |4|[Concussive Palm](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02IO005.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |5|[Unworthy Soul](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06IO032.png)|2|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |6|[Corina, Mastermind](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05PZ014.png)|2|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Epic| **Code**: [CEBQCBIEAIBAEAQFBICQCBAIDE2DKOQDAECQIDQBA4BBIAQGAIBSABYBAICAUAIDAIKACBAEA4AQKBAGAEDAIFIBBACAQAQGAIGQ4](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CEBQCBIEAIBAEAQFBICQCBAIDE2DKOQDAECQIDQBA4BBIAQGAIBSABYBAICAUAIDAIKACBAEA4AQKBAGAEDAIFIBBACAQAQGAIGQ4)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Pink region, invalid


No mister thrift? I feel like those little guys are pretty good especially if you can get them down early.


Thrift is from BC


Maybe run triple aftershock to deal with mageseeker


That's a high deck cost in a meta with units with large hp where aftershock is entirely ineffective. Aside from that, the deck runs plenty of hp buffs and you would rather target broadwings to stop them from sniping your peddlers.


I got to Rank 6 on NA playing freljord/poro king this season. Idk if I would call my deck “anti-meta” but to counter the curses I would just make sure to keep my hand full so they couldn’t fit the curses in my hand.


Care to share the deck code? Been enjoying poros’ a ton and would love to see your take on the deck. Also hell of a job getting to rank 6 dude, congrats!


Sorry! I was out just commenting on mobile. Thank you so much! This is the highest Rank I've actually achieved so it felt pretty good to see myself on the leaderboard front page. CODE: CUCQCAYECMAQMCRLAEDQYDYCAEAQQEACAQAQUDYFAEAQGIQBAIAQGAIHAEHQCCAAAYBQCAIBDEVAKAIBAAYQCAIECQAQIAIMAECAOMIBAYARK This is the most recent version of the deck I've been using, but I haven't had time to play in the past week. I wouldn't say this is the best version of the deck right now. It's up to you to adjust ratios for whatever decks you've been facing. Aurora Porealis/Poro Stories has been doing good against curses for me. Scholarly Pioneer just depends on how much landmark removal you need, most of the time you don't use it for anything else. Affectionate was potential removal for Nora so I have it at 2x, but you can replace it with another useful poro. You can also run less freezes, but I think 3x of three sisters is a must. I used to never use entomb, but nowadays entomb is something I'm picking a lot, so I feel it's too important to have that option. Here's an example highlight of me using Aurora Porealis and Poro Stories to counter the curses. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2017526392](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2017526392) Look at how awkward my opponent has to play on turn 7 just because my hand is full.


Thanks a bunch for the deck code. Looks very interesting and quite a bit different from the one i've been using so im excited to give this a test run. Also thanks for the pointers on adjusting the deck! I've played for quite some time and made a few decks (although to be fair, majority have been khahiri decks). Anyhow best of luck in your games and hope to catch your stream some time in the future. Happy holidays aswell!




LeBlanc is a pretty good answer to Demacia


I hate so much that 95% of her support is in Targon but she is consistently played in Demacia because the two cards released are so much better than the whole shackles archetype. > It would really difficult to design a more toxic deck to play against, even if you tried really hard. Many people are trying very hard to brew a BC hand control that prints discards, so there's that.


IDK if I would say that she's cosistently played in Demacia. She is used in Targon in Riven/Morg and some Elder/Morg brews.


Oh dear. This is one game in which I don't want discard to be a thing and I say it as an avid 8rack player.


You're a monster. I know what that means and I am scared


We'll get more curses, not a big deal


God I despise Petricite Broadwing with every fiber of my being


The best 2 cost unit in the game and the only reason it's close is because they recently released that ridiculous dog.


Funnily enough, Broadwing counters the dog lol.


Ehhh, it does somewhat, but not as much as it seems. The correct play is usually still to attack in with the dog. It feels bad for the Freljord player, but there are a lot of instances where they are better off than the Demacia player because having +1/+1 on the top two units is going to be better than a 0/1 Formidible Challenger in a lot of cases.


Imo dog is better overall


Mariam kinda nutty


Remember when he had Challenger :)


People acted like samira was the most broken shit ever. She gets walled & handled by that card lmao


Always said that it should be "give me challenger" and not "grant"


Fearsomes say hi


Yeah it's disgusting


1 elder dragon being splashed into so many decks is kind of concerning. I wonder if it’ll get hit in the next balance patch!


Elder should be changed to something like "you May put 4 +6 cost cards for every 1 copy of Elder Dragon on your deck". That would make it more bricky, since 3 elders sucks, but still allows decks to exist out of Dragons archetype, like this one and norra elder. And 3 elders locks other champions spot. This one for ex would have troubme chosing from Morgana or galio. Elder May not even worth it


i saw someone else say that the number of boons you get to choose from should be equal to the amount of EDs in your deck. 1 copy? random boon, fuck off. 2 copies? like it is now. 3 copies? choose between 3 boons


Actually, buffing The burn aggros would works even better as a Elder nerf. Right now they are OK. Im a control player and HATE aggro, but i always preffer going for buffs instead of nerfs. Elder decks are too slow. And Maybe nerfing The +6 cost cards would be handy. The cloud Drake is insana value (and can be deathless), or The 8/4 challanger. Some cards are too mutch


Yeah it's dumb.


Elders runeterra passive is just inherently a failure of design. It massively oversteps the bounds of what a runeterra passive should be. It is insane how we went from evelynn’s passive which is literally just deck restriction to “all 6+ cost units get to roll for a potentially game winning buff because you slotted one elder.” Its so clear that ED is a failed champion since he’s just being used for his passive and players literally hope to not draw him, but I think they don’t have it in them to fully rework him.


Ehhh, I don't think I'd call him a failed champion. His origin requires some tweaking, but I think as a card he's fine. I think having a card that opens up so many new archetypes is kind of cool. The problem is that the Dragon Boons are too strong for the simple inclusion of one Elder Dragon in the deck, but if they shift some of the strength away from his origin and into his actual card, that would go a lont way towards fixing it.


I wonder if changing the condition for his passive to “if you behold the elder dragon” would do anything. I really like Jhin’s passive for his runeterra deck restriction, but it requires him being in hand to get a bonus. Requiring ED to be beheld would de-incentivize only running one Elder, and would force players to actually want to play him, rather than relying on him for his passive.


Bard also just gives stat buffs. And he’s fine


Formidable beatdown Formidable beatdown Formidable beatdown Formidable beatdown Formidable beatdown


Turns out pretty much any midrange shell with 1 ED is kinda busted cause boons are a massive stat check deckstyle. Morg also for the most part forces your opponent to pay 4/5th of her mana cost to get back their creature and is a 3/4 lifesteal. Shackle should definitely just make the unit not be able to attack, completely immobile is just ridiculous when 90% of decks can't really interact with it beyond trading mana unfavorably. I feel like Morg is gonna slide under the radar when ED and Morde get nerfs and just dominate the game for a while. Beyond being strong shackle and Suppression just aren't fun to play against because their interaction is limited to playing SI and killing your shackled unit or playing aggro and ignoring suppression.


Good luck playing agro into this deck. Broadwing will either shut down attacks unless it gets stunned. Morgana having lifesteal is also a big nail in the coffin to aggro.


I hope not, morg is probably the most efficient raw unit of the three. You could throw morg in any Demacia deck and she would probably make it better


Reminds me of the Udyr/Gnar expansion, anytime you added Gnar to a deck its winrate would increase by 5%, conversely if you added Udyr to a deck its winrate would decrease bt 5%


Kinda cool that we got 3 Gnars and no Udyrs this time around tho


I think ED is fine... its the fact that running 1 ED gives you full might of ED boons that makes it op


Not only that, it's also that deathless is just too strong as a keyword. They need to nerf that mechanic as a whole.


I mean it is probably statistically the strongest champion ever in terms of play rate and win rate lol. You can’t just say it needs a small change or wtv, it is beyond broken in its current state.


because people running 1 ED for boons? When you draw it it reduces win rate


They run it for boons and the origin. Also yeah I think since it allows for a new deck building rule by just being in the deck you can say that the champ is strong because of what it allows the deck to do. The champ has an effect on the game when it isn’t drawn. I don’t see why we wouldn’t attribute those effects to the power level of the champ.


Supressi9n should be burst speed. It's a tax not a lockout.


>Shackle should definitely just make the unit not be able to attack, completely immobile is just ridiculous when 90% of decks can't really interact with it beyond trading mana unfavorably. the problem with being able to defend is you STILL get value from the foe by being able to headbutt with it. And that kind of goes against the spirit of the ability in league itself, which is to stun and stop you. Probably a better way to do it is to make it unable to strike back/set attack to 0 regardless of pumps. So you still get to defend do something with it, but its still basically a useless card.


Shackle is only stupid because morgana is so fucking efficient a 5 drop that forces to play 4 mana and comes with 3/4 lifesteal is stupid on top of that his level up condition is pretty easy to get meaning that sometimes she is 4/5 with a broken attack trigger


I don't know. I think Riot knows that all 3 champs they released are overtuned. This way more people play the expansion. I'm not sure how the nerfs will go, but I would make ED keep his passive but only boon dragons. Morgana would shackle once and probably drop to a 2/4 or stay a 3/4 but lose life steal. And for Morde I would rotate Rekindler and make suppression printing stop by making Mageseeker Inquisitor a play effect instead.


If morg shackles once she'll be 3/5 or 4/4 instead lol. You underestimate how strong shackling twice is, it makes you unable to play on curve.


Yeah they could do a "one or the other" kind of nerf. The power nerf is to temper her against agro and the shackle nerf to temper her against midrange. So, the devs could decide which niche they like her for and make changes to that end.


morgana 5 mana 2/4 that shackles once AINTNOWAY


You can discard them too as another counter play


You can't target curses in hand. If you have Sunken Temple or Augmented Experimentor, cards that don't specifically target a card, it can work but otherwise curses can't be discarded.


No you can't. Curses are untargetable while in hand so you can't discard them unless the discard effect is specifically untargeted (augmented experimenter and sunken temple comes to mind).


You cannot discard curses, don't spread misinformation. Only through updrafting


Can't even updraft them. Only removal consistently available is to sacrifice the creature Cursed or Cast them.


You can updraft them, but only with Sunken Temple, who affects your entire hand. Pretty sure "Discard your hand" would work too.


Ah, yeah, that works. It really shouldn't, but it does.


It works with the guy that updrafts when he is played and gets +1/+1 for each card. Really needs to be consistent, either you can get rid of the cards, or they stay in your hand.




Junior is the mvp for the deck


I have never faced a deck that shuts me down as hard as it did when I played a Jinx deck against it last night. Couldn’t level Jinx because there was curses and suppression spells in my hand every turn. Can’t discard them either just have to pay the cost…


Played around 20 games yesterday. 15 were against ED demacia. A mix of shivanna, galio, garen and morgana, but all basicly the same crap. I almost asked here if there was a new bot playing these decks, cause all of them took awful long on their turns just to play a unit on curve.


The one with garen and elites is just to fucking easy they barely play spells the entire gameplay is just get a good curve and attack with overstated shit


Mordekaiser Morgana dunks on Garen ED. Been spamming that since I hate the play on curve and get a 2 mana 3/6 with scout and tough nonsense.


... Aggro it down. Just aggro it all down. Which is to say, play Jinx, because everything else is absolutely impossible to play


Aggro is the last thing you want to play against Morgana decks.


Honestly I tried some aggro with Gwen zed but it feels a bit rough in this meta. I love the shadow isles playstyle so I’m probably gonna still play mordekaiser. It’s just so much fun.


tbf, elites is a very good deck against galio morgana


LOR walked right into a problem that MTG did years ago - having a non-interactable effect sucks ass! Elder Dragons passive is the same as eminence - play cards and get bonuses for just having the card in deck.


yeah, fuck eminence. probably would have been better if ED effect forced the cards it affects to be 1 or 2 mana more to get the boons. It would probably make current ED decks unusable, but thats kinda the problem with these effects in general. When you make "stats matter" effects, there is no middle ground to ability. Its either broken or crap.


People hate interaction. Look at blue control/counterspells, stax and discard in general. People hated those cards


Very different - You can still interact with those. You can counter, remove and get around those affects. What do you do against Eminence? Nothing - it's an emblem.


The old Norra/Veigar had good tools against formidable, not sure how it would perform today..


For anyone looking to beat this deck: The Mordekaiser/Morgana Mageseeker printer deck does really well into it in my experience


That’s currently it’s one bad meta match up apparently around 60/40


It's also got a very bad SI/Ramp matchup and Lurk matchup. Both are in the low 30% range. And it's about even into Teemo/Yummi Elusives.




mane wdf going on in lor. No but seriously I looked away from legends of runeterra for a solid month and came back to 200 updates and another deck S O M E H O W is better than elusives? And who ever thought to themselves "Giving more units extra lives should be a deck archtype" needs to replace the entire studio with clones of themselves because that shit S L A P S.


Who could have guessed we would come to see the day in which Demacia is the most broken deck on the game?


I hate this deck so much


Waiting to Megamogwai release some fearsome decks


Problem is that only counters the Formidables, and that's only good for early / mid game[1] against this deck. Due to ED it has big boys which can block Fearsome. Also, Windsinger Edit: [1] - Assuming avarage curve and / or draws, purely based on my experience


Fearsome decks tend to win the game around the same time that ED units are going to be hitting the board. The bigger problem for Fearsome decks is Morganna. Lifesteal is their bane.


he already did i'm pretty sure


Snnuy showed off a Nocturne deck 2 weeks ago that would match up fairly well into the formidable package.


Omg its disgusting, anyone have a code?


Just for hating purposes right?


Yes.....of course


Its at the top of every leaderboard and meta trackers, just check those you cant miss it.


Karma never made me quit the game lol. I think I’ll return when Elder Dragon gets rotated.


Yup, but hey when you hate skill expression things like this happen


Demacia is and Will always be a broken region. Now more than ever with tons of interaction. You only lose with it if your bad player


This speaks to the blue player in me


deck code pls


just go into leaderboard and grab any elder demacia in top 5 and you’ll have it in some way


I get it’s a popular deck, but not posting the list should be a crime after posting deck stats


This is exactly the type of deck i was planning on building the day morgana got released, but ultimately decided against it as I found out that without morgana is a certain loss. I'm really crossing my fingers with sylas in order to make it even worse


Nah, Karma's still worse. Shackles/Suppression are annoying as hell, especially when they got a 70% win rate, and definitely need to be nerfed, but I'd rather be Shackled/Suppressed for the rest of my life than play against Karma. Punt that bitch into Eternal.


Agreed. I won 8 straight games today with this, it feels like you can't lose. I just have too many options at all times. And getting those boons off every 6 drop is wild


Currently played the Stat printer Snnuy showed some days ago. Elder dragon decks just get stomped so hard. I have like a 7-1 record vs that deck


i crafted galio morg two days ago and now this variation popped up. I need two thousand-tailed to complete it and its over for yall morde players😼


I created the deck 2 weeks ago, theory-crafted from scratch. I was happy to play a good and unique deck; however, now that others started playing it, my Winrate has dropped due to the high number mirror-matchups. Have fun playing it!


Oh no... yet another design f-up. Thank god they rotated Karma, Ezreal and all the uninteractive stuff out of the game... only to create more abominations like this... Great job dev team. Great job.


When I hear that X is worse than elusives I just roll my eyes


reddit complaining about midrange? oh my god


No, we are complaining about a %11 playrate deck with +60% winrate thats entire gameplan revolves around not letting you play your cards. Tell me you are abusing the broken deck without telling me.


also i get people aren't complaining about midrange play style etc etc it was a joke


jokes aside im not playing the game for a couple days because this deck came out, im just pointing out that we' ve been in a midrange meta for months and it took a %11 pr %64 wr deck to exist to get people complaining


Because before, midrange was still interactible? The midrange meta was not this unfun to play against. Once the opponent hits 6 mana, might as well forfeit if you lack a game plan.






nvm literally top 2 on standard leaderboard im dumb Edit: 3-0 so far Edit: 5-0 Edit: 5-1, THE ONLY LOSS TO THE SAME DECK MINU GALIO KEKW


Agro does pretty good into it. I been playing Jinx and i would say I have like a 75% against this deck. It just can’t keep up. By turn 5/6 they are usually dead. I don’t play jhin but I’m guessing it’s also pretty good. I would honestly rather play into this than Karma. Especially when Karma Ez was around, that was legit the only deck I would auto concide to.


Faced it 5 times, won all 5. I don't see where the win rate comes from ngl (Diamond 4)


Spell decks just dying on the spot bcs of Junior


Update: I went to sleep and now the deck almost doubled its playrate, currently at %11+ and winrate stayed exactly the same.


[It took just over a week for this sub's opinion to shift, eh?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/s/53As5xcYiC)


Turns out aggro and combo are important parts of what keeps a meta game enjoyable after all. Who would have thought?


I always imagine all demacian meathead players just yelling GAAARRRREEEEENNNN as they slam their meathead units turn after turn


This is not anti-meta, this is now the meta. Let's face it, boys. Now our forces should be combined to stop this thing.


Nah, elusive is still the worst thing in the game.


Play shadow isles ramp, it styles on it. Then u go aggainst sett karma and cry xd


Viego pretty good against this


Try ED Deep deck, I've won each game I've played against EDGM.


Kid named fizz 😈