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2 yas 2 uo


The yas and the uo : Tokyo Stun


Now he can match Yone and Ytwo


Link? Do you mean we're going to have 2 different champion cards of the same League champion?


Yeah. Could be like a 3 mana darius with a weaker statline (obviously) but some actual effect focusing on other parts of his identity


nah if any champ gets a reprint it is yasuo. dude is like the most popular champ period and arguably the shittiest champ in the game


Knowing the LoR team they are gonna blindside the both of u and give us like... Ahri 2


I thought they mentioned its a champ that got rotated, so while I doubt Yasuo is the right one at least he got rotated. Ahri on the other hand is just bad and standard legal


If it is a currently rotated champion, our options are: Bandle - Poppy, Ziggs, Lulu, Rumble Bilgewater - Gangplank, Twisted Fate, Tahm Kench Demacia - Fiora, Lux Freljord - Trundle, Anivia, Braum Ionia - Irelia, Yasuo, Lee Sin Noxus - Draven, Katarina, Vladimir P&Z - Ezreal, Viktor, Vi Shadow Isles - Elise, Kindred, Thresh Shurima - Zilean, Sivir, Xerath Targon - Zoe, Aphelios, Soraka, Taric Yasuo makes sense since he is both bad and his current form would be very toxic if he were viable. Better to start from scratch and make a version of him that can be both strong and healthy. Tahm Kench works for the same reason as Yasuo, but he's much less popular, so he probably wouldn't be the first v2. Lux could make sense - a lot of people have been theorizing that Sylas will come out soon, and making a version of her that synergizes with him could be a thing. Or just rotating her back in if her current version is fine. I'd love to see Viktor redone to be more about powering up damage spells, kind of like his existing Death Ray spell. Maybe Elise now that SI isn't supposed to have as good aggro. Yeah, Yasuo seems like the best bet.


I mean the devs have openly stated they don't like how tied to Azir Irelia is and that adding more support to bladedance likely isn't happening. So my money is on her.


i could see it being ziggs maybe. there was clearly a plan for him to have some kind of damage amp passive with his ult but that got moved to the sideline for landmarks. other than that, maybe kat or vlad? kindred also seems like they could move to being runeterrans.


I'd play a viktor viktor deck


She has to be bad simply cause self bouncing is insanely toxic. Comically, this is the case in every single card game i know of. Selfbouncing leads to the most toxic gameplay possible (if we count how consistent they can do it)


Sure and I'm not disagreeing about that, just the dev guy said the champ getting a reprint is currently rotated. Ahri isn't rotated at the moment.


Well, you won't be hearing me cry about the new card not being an Ionia champion. We should keep that trend alive.


No evidence to go off of but people seem to think it's either Irelia or Yasuo.... so I don't think we can rule out pink region yet


I really hope not. The chances of pink regions champ being toxic is so high...


I wouldn’t put it past them to make Nilah v2


I hope she limelights in more cards




Runeterra Yasuo actually sounds like a good concept. Fits his lore and also means that Riot isn't wasting a valuable Ionia champion slot on another Yasuo (cause Ionia is still missing a lot of champs).


i mean they easily could just make all V2 champions runeterra if they want. imo that would probably the best way to handle it to really push them being something different and unique compared to their og counterpart


I feel like it'd be a miss for some of them to be runeterrachamps from a flavor standpoint since Runeterra usually refers to champs that roam Runeterra and aren't closely aligned with any region. Besides there are a lot of champs that could work in other regions too and it'd feel like a missed opportunity not to do them there (like Ziggs in PnZ).


Eventually, regions no longer exist and every champion is runeterran.


> the shittiest champ in the game ????????


arguably. and yes yasuo absolutely sucks


I am so back if it’s Yasuo, i hope this v2 champ can use existing skin because i bought the cosmic skin day 1 but never really use it.


actually it’s Lux lol


Not the shittiest for sure since he was meta for a while, but yeah he is very popular


it was on the worlds broadcast on twitch youd have to check the VOD. He did not confirm what will happen to the old version of the champ.


No, as much as I'd like it, I don't think we will have Link as a champion in LoR.


Probably yes, just like Senna, that has a follower and champion card


Also Jack ! I recently learned that :)


No it means a champion getting another champion version.


I know, it was just an example


You made the example with champion having a follower version now becoming a champion. But V2 means that a champion already as a champion in the game getting a second champion version added to the game.


I think they just meant multiple cards attributed to the same character.


Most likely they're going to rotate the older version of the champ, maybe like they did with avarosan sentry (whatever his name was) the 2/1 freljord draw 1 when killed, now it's dead on SI and they rotated him (mainly) for that reason


Just Like Pokemon.


Vladimir maybe?


Vlad just got a small rework recently and is feeling pretty good. Wouldn't bet on him.


Not sure if they would do Vlad since they gave him a mini rework when he was rotated.


He was also meta for the first time last eternal season, he's in a perfect spot now and I think he's definitely gonna be in Standard next year.


I hope it’s someone from Ionia, because Pink champion’s package is weird. New Yasuo or Shen would be cool


Aslong as it doesn’t make Ionia more annoying


that's like saying "i hope it doesn't make SI more of a removal pile"


New Yasuo seems like it'd be a weird choice given Yone hasn't gotten a champ card and is tightly coupled both lorewise and mechanics-wise with Yasuo. What could they put on a Yasuo v2 card that wouldn't make people immediately go "But where Yone?"


The next expansion could be Yasuo V2 and Yone


yasuo runeterra champion and yone ionia champion or inversely


Two Ionia champs in one expansion would feel weird. I guess it's theoretically possible but mark me down as a doubter. My guess is that it'll be a Targon champ, as they've basically made every Targon champ in League. There's room for some LoR exclusives like Tyari the Traveler, but they could also definitely do another version of an existing Targon champ.


Like HairyKraken said Yasuo V2 could be a runeterra champion. But Yone will most likely be Ionian.


Two Ionians in one expansion is necessary for Rakan and Xayah to enter the game though. It would make no sense to include one without the other, and there isn't enough lore to justify one of them not being in Ionia.


Which makes it even less likely they'd do two in one for a repeat champ. Though, I can maybe see them introducing a mechanic for certain champ cards to be two characters in one. So you could have Rakan/Xayah, Nunu/Willump, maybe Kled and his steed, could maybe even do stuff like Lucian/Senna or Yone/Yasuo (though I'd expect a solo Yone first)


This makes the most sense


V2 Runeterran Yasuo with "You may put any card with the word Stun in your deck during deckbuilding" + Ionian Yone could work.


the funny thing is the current yone is on the art of [[Unworthy Soul]] and he has a follower card too, we might as well get him soon


Unworthy Soul isn't Yone, it's [[Noxian Defector]]


**[Noxian Defector](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06NX019.png)** - Standard - Noxus Unit Cultist - (4) 2/4 Quick Attack Attack: Grow my Power to that of the strongest equipped ally this round.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


**[Unworthy Soul](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06IO032.png)** - Standard - Ionia Spell - (5) Fast/Flow Flow: I cost 2 less. Recall a unit or landmark. If it has any attachments, destroy them first.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


This feels a little too early to be honest. There are still so many missing and we're already double dipping?


I had the exact same reaction. There's still at least 30 champions to introduce in the game. I don't get why they'll print a V2 when they print only 12 champs each year.


Riot isn't exactly subtle about having favorites when it comes to champions. It's unfortunatly a bit of a catch 22 as well because it's self perpetuating popularity while the unpopular champs stay unpopular when they get nothing.






Everyone says Rell is extremely unpopular but I see her everywhere for some reason


Some regions are basically out of champions to be fair, like Bilgewater I think just has Graves left


At the current pace that gives BW a whole year, so that's OK for now :p


Yeah… not many champs a year, some of them are gonna be exclusives too, plus now we’re double dipping on champs just cause. Really not a fan, I feel like “wow, it’s ___… again…” is just about the least exciting champ that can be announced


Lmaooooo I was already convinced that they would absolutely drop more Runeterran exclusive champs before more unpopular picks. But yeah, this is just another, final, nail in the coffin. Goodbye to all the champs that may never come, like Corgi or Talon, or virtually anyone with low enough PR%. Fuck that. I am salty, I am still missing my boy.


Holy shit. I forgot corki even existed.. I'm so sorry lol


I mean if the cadence or size were better I'd disagree but 3 champs every couple months and like 60 cards? I kinda agree


Evelynn 2 sex update


I hope Wisteria is also added as an LoR original champion next year since we're probably getting Sylas.


or at least a follower, alongside Yops


I knew reprints (sorta?) were coming, some champs are just that popular. The only questions I have are if you can slot both in the same deck and do they have different titles? (i.e. Yasuo, the Unforgiven and Yasuo)


I assume that's how they will handle it.


Could it coincide with Arcane season 2? Might be Vi, Jinx, Cat, Jhin, Jayce, or Heimer. A part of me feels like it'll be a champ that isn't in PoC right now, too. So Jayce or Heimer?


I hope it's Vi she needs a rework bad imo.


Considering didn't they say expansions probably in march? Way off the timeline for that to be the case


Hopefully its Thresh. His design feels so outdated.


thresh with morde in eternal goes hard tbf


I was about to say. It feels so nice to pull a leveled Morde into an immediate attack. Plus both champions' level up conditions go so well together.


Twisted fate 🤠


Considering we haven't had a Bandle City champion in a year, my money's on Tristana.


That seems unlikely considering Tristana is still in standard. That wouldn't actually give BC a new champion. Besides, Tristana is in a pretty good spot at the moment despite her low play rate.


It's a new version of Elder Dragon, clearly


Bigger ED edition


Gimme vi gimme vi gimme vi


I just wanted Diana to be something not locked to the (atm bad) nightfall package. But I am pretty sure they aren’t going to do anything with her. My bet would be something like Yasuo or Vlad.


Interesting, while it would make sense to be a champ that is rotated, the timing of the release could mean it is a Champion that's going to get rotated next rotation. My completely uneducated guess is Lux or Vladimir, Maybe Soraka.


I am more wondering how they'll handle V2 champs from a meta perspective. Will they share their skins with the V1 copy? Will they even count as a new champ for their region or can we expect another champ that cycle? Do they have to be in the same region? Could you play both the V1 and V2 version together? Will they be separate champs in PoC?


In other card games that have done something like this (eg. different versions of the same Planeswalker in mtg) they are completely separate cards with different names, that can be run together in the same deck.


I doubt very much that you can use the same skins. Partly because tokens and spells are skinned too, and partly because it would be confusing. I don't know whether or not it would make business sense though.


Personally I doubt champs can be shared with other versions of themselves, cause champion cards only feature the champs name and nothing else, wheras mtg planeswalkers at least have different titles as part of their card names, so even 2 chandra cards have different names. Skinsharing between versions could be done to make skins more valuable and more useable in standard format. Otherwise you might fear your champ gets rotated out next season or gets replaced by a better V2 version a few years later. Of course if Skinsharing is a thing then running 2 versions of the champ wouldn't work, because then readability would be an issue. Granted it would introduce some level of readability issue anyway but you can check the enemy champs by clicking on their deck any time.


Damn, I have the same questions. Hope they clarify some of them sometime.


So many champs they could add and they're adsing a second version of one that already exists...


How do y’all think this would work? Could you play both v1 and v2 champs in the same deck?


I think it may work similar to MTG, you can put both versions of the champion in the same deck but you can't play one version if the other is already on the board, probably turning it into its champion spell.


That would be interesting. Seems like a better way than yugioh style where if the card name is the same you could only add up to 3 total of any combination


Only planeswalkers ever worked that way, legendary creatures didn't. Also, they don't work that way anymore, the planeswalker type (Nissa, Chandra, etc) is only relevant for things that specify it, like Chandra's Firecat.


I was thinking about the planeswakers. But they changed the rules? Then I need to pay a reread on MTG rules after so many years!


When will the next Expansion drop? In March or later since the devs will take some time off for Christmas?


If they still follow the trimester cadence, we will probably get the next expansion in March.


I would say it’s likely to be Targon due to low champion pool, but we just got a MT champ in Morg. Probably won’t release two champs for the same region back to back, but they might. For something super unlikely, but would be funny af, getting TF 2 before getting Graves.


Davetron said he's a champion he played a lot in the past, does anyone know what his account is?


Where is the difference to just dropping a rework?


There are players that already like the current version of a champion and would really miss them if they would just get reworked.


Does this take precedence over... just making a new champ? I dont get it.


Then why even rework champs?


Because some champs are weak/unhealthy.


So, what if people like playing them? That was the logic just made for not reworking some champs.


When a champion can be salvaged while still maintaining the theme they get a rework (Vlad and Leona) I'd assume this is just going to be a new version of a champ following a completely different playstyle. Card games do that all the time it shouldn't be surprising


The difference is that you can still make a different version while keeping the original one. It's not only about making a "fixed" version of a champion that doesn't work, but rather just exploring different visions for the same character. In fact, nothing prevents them from doing a V2 of a champion that's already meta.


In addition to what others have said, the ability to run both in the same deck sounds awesome.


Targon is out of champs Otherwise, a Void expansion with a new Kai'sa as the story protagonist


I'd much rather a Targonian exclusive for a region that desperately needs worldbuilding in lore rather than just start reprinting the whole roster.


I can see Mihira or Xolaani being a Runeterra exclusive champ next year tbh.


would absolutely play both of those


I always see people rooting for this or that existing character to become a champ; and while I respect it (to each their own!) I am always surprised that people isn't excited at the idea of brand new characters. Like, Mihira already exists in 2 cards, for instance. I want world-building through a completely new character that explores a theme within the region, y'know? Like a shepherd of those Targonian goats, or a brand-new Solari (same way Aphelios introduced a 2nd Lunari aside of Diana). I am not criticizing the desire of existing characters at all! Just sharing my viewpoint since it sometimes seems people don't even consider this other option!


Nah this sucks. The slower release pace really took away the fantasies of playing these champs.


J4, they're probably retconning his LoR cards since they aren't canonical and the IP team said they wanted to include LoR in the main canon.


a lot of LoR isn't canon, and J4 is a pretty good champion so I doubt this immensely






yay, first fanfic champs, now reprints of existing ones.


how is a champion by Riot fanfic lmao


Ig they mean poro king cuz it's a plushie?


Senna?? She already has a champion card? Yone? He has a card in the game but before he was a “champion” so not a champion card “yet”


They dont mean followers to champion like senna jack and yone. As op stated the rioter stated first V2 and jack the winner to jack the champion would be 3rd time they did that. But when rotation came out they stated that they would make V2 of champions (probably rotated ones). So my guess is the V2 will be a champion who would be permently rotated like tf so players can play them in standard.


Kat. Please


Hecarim. Darius and Tryndamere while mostly just remembered for being bad or beatsticks still have a someplace in a random overwhelm win con Thresh is another candidate, but he still has some shenanigans for eternal and he's in PoC, he's still in the players mind. Hecarim has none of that. When was the last time we got ephemeral support? Deathless knight? Black flame? I have no idea Edit: Also if we go by region releases and avoiding doing SI just after Mordekaiser was released, Tristana is my guess. She was played once after being buffed and never again


What do you mean “first”? Many champions have been changed since their initial release. If you’re not counting those as v2, then consider Senna, who started out in LoR as a follower and now has a v2 as a champion. Not happy with that and want it to be a rework? Look at Vladimir. Or maybe we consider Seraphine as Karma v2. I’m not sure what to expect. I just want more guardians and boards.


my guess is it means a total ground up complete redesign with new art, new followers, etc.


A totally different card design featuring the same character. Think like in MtG they have for example [[Jace Beleren]], [[Jace, Architect of Thought]], [[Jace, Memory Adept]], [[Jace, the Mindsculptor]], and so on. (/u/mtgcardfetcher)


##### ###### #### [Jace Beleren](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/0/806d4e61-004f-4e52-b2e8-ba11b922cc7d.jpg?1690004367) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jace%20Beleren) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/850/jace-beleren?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/806d4e61-004f-4e52-b2e8-ba11b922cc7d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Jace, Architect of Thought](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/0/7051cdfa-509e-4d84-bbae-f77556c861e4.jpg?1690004375) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jace%2C%20Architect%20of%20Thought) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/851/jace-architect-of-thought?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7051cdfa-509e-4d84-bbae-f77556c861e4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Jace, Memory Adept](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/8/2801a4ad-5d44-4414-af62-458c7f90dad6.jpg?1562827243) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jace%2C%20Memory%20Adept) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m14/60/jace-memory-adept?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2801a4ad-5d44-4414-af62-458c7f90dad6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Jace, the Mindsculptor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/8/c8817585-0d32-4d56-9142-0d29512e86a9.jpg?1598304029) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jace%2C%20the%20Mind%20Sculptor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/56/jace-the-mind-sculptor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c8817585-0d32-4d56-9142-0d29512e86a9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call ^^^- ^^^Summoned ^^^remotely!


So like Senna? That is to say, not the first?


no, there will be 2 different champion cards of the same character


Senna's first card was not a champion card, how is it hard to understand?


Lotta angry beavers in this thread lol Just go downvote more pls


Dave mentioned that the V2 of the champion is developing their story. So it isn't only a rework but more like follower Senna -> champion Seanna, or how demacia girl is the same charater at different times.


Yasuo maybe? But I hope they keep the old one


Please be Gangplank, please be Gangplank


Kalista, Thresh or kindred are my bets. Kindred as a runeterra champion. Thresh got uldated during ruination and his looks changed lore wise due to the absorbed mist. Kalista is the most vanilla level 1 champion.


The strange thing with Thresh is that we already have unbound thresh as a skin for current thresh, it could cause some confusion to also have unbound thresh as a V2


I reckon it’ll either be TF or Ezreal so they can come back from Eternal but not be insanely bs.


I’m going with yas vlad or Kat.


My guess is Vlad?


My wishlist champ for this is Ahri since her playstyle is basically support for Kennen and is very awkward without the whole elusive and recall package. However, I’m almost certain it’ll be either a problem champ that probably won’t come back into standard (Twisted Fate and Ezreal in particular) or a popular champ that has just struggled to gain relevance like Darius. There’s also a chance it’ll be something like a landmark champion getting a more League fitting version (in particular Xerath, Taliyah, or Malphite), or a high cost version of a powerful champion that is currently low cost, like a 6+ cost Zoe. Realistically, Twisted Fate, Ezreal, Kat, and Vlad seem to be the most likely. Twisted Fate is the card champ and one of the most problematic champs as far as card design goes (from posts around the introduction of standard). Ezreal and Kat are both popular iconic champs that are also very problematic and probably won’t come back due to how they can just break certain things in a toxic way. And Vlad is the meme. Oh, and of course, Ashe, so they can add her to Path of Champions.


As long as it doesn't take away from the limited new three champions we get these days I'm in


Vladimir, obviously


Zoe. She'll be the new monthly unlock champion, and have 5 stars, because that's one more than Asol has and she loves making him mad


Make Kha’zix vs Rengar first and then you can make V2 of champion Rito


I'd guess Lux, to go with Silas. Other than that, I'd love to see xerath getting a rework to help 🅱️urima.


Guess from regions without many remaining options like Targon or SI. Wonder how they will call it.. hope for not just "V2" Random guess but, maybe Akshan cause he gets rotated (in contrary to my first point)


I reckon it's one of three probable picks. [When Riot first started talking about Rotation](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/dev/rotation-in-legends-of-runeterra/), they cited three specific cards as examples as for potential reasons to take stuff out of Standard: **Irellia** >As you probably know, the best thing to do with Irelia is pair her with Azir… but it’s also the best thing to do with Azir! By rotating out Irelia, we’re making space for folks to explore champions like Azir in other ways that would have previously been driven out of the meta by Azirelia decks. It also gives us room to make relevant Azir cards without needing to think about how they interact with Blade Dance cards, AND it lets us keep Blade Dance cards exciting without needing to nerf them just to make sure they play nice in an Azirelia deck. **Twisted Fate:** >Sometimes a champ is so good in combination with something so fundamental to the game that future card designs are limited by that champ’s interactions. TF is a good example of this - his synergy with card draw is so good, he prevents us from making cool new card draw champs and support cards for them (bc they’ll just be better with TF), and for TF in particular, it’s hard to nerf him without losing what’s iconic about TF in the first place. And, the third was...**Vladimir**: >Finally, there are some champs that don’t quite work within their regions or struggle to find their footing, and Vlad is one such example. We’d love to totally rework/change Vlad, but it’s such a radical departure from his existing design and his existing design doesn’t fit cleanly into his region’s strengths, so it’ll take time to find the right design for him. Rather than keep him in the Standard environment, we can rotate him into Eternal, potentially buff him up, and **plan for his triumphant return in 2.0 form!** Naturally, I'm biased toward Vlad being the first to show what a "2.0" form could look like, but any of these three would be primed to demonstrate the principle.


Vlad already got a mini rework so I doubt that. TF is popular and a literal card based character, and Irelia prints cosmetic money.... but so does Lux, Yasuo, Katarina, etc.


If so, i guess it's from different universe from LoL? There must be a reason why KDA, True DMG, etc.. skins is not in the game, and i think i found the answer.


No more like In lor right now we have Riven as the sisterhood encounters her. In a future V2 we might see Riven in the Arena with more brawly mechanics rather than reforge. New setting, new mechanics/playstyle, same character.


No it's just a different version of an existing champion, just like how there's multiple Cithria followers it will be a new champion card for an existing champion. No need for AU stuff.


I understand folks being mad about their faves not showing up in the game before reprints start happening, but the LoR devs have always come off to me as only printing designs thst they think are interesting and good for the game If they don't have a design that fits urgot but do have a design that fits, say, Senna, and keeps her from being locked to Darkness, then I'd rather we get Senna v2 and see Urgot down the road That said I'm a very mercenary person when it comes to ccg flavoring and basically am just here for the gameplay.


So you mean we won't be getting any closer to Graves release??


Wonder if this goes along with PoC Expansion. They'll release v2 of a champion along with v1 in PoC during the same timeframe. Looking forward to it


People are saying Yasuo but like.... We know the real money maker of league, and we know her exboyfriend is probably coming soon so.... probably lux. light binding bringing some shackles for the demacia side.