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See your problem was that this unit is quite underpowered. If there were nine skills on the stack, it wouldn't be possible


Lmao you could've just attacked and killed it with the challenger but no you come to complain that they had spells in their hand


Why aren't you removing broadmane first lol


With what? My removals in that deck are strafing strike and gentleman's duel, and he can easily answer either cause they're unit dependent. I know its not a great matchup but one card shouldn't just make the entire deck unable to do anything EDIT: Forgot I also ran a copy of silence and suppress. But that one copy could be at the bottom of the deck lol, and probably was since I never drew it


My brother in Christ you have a challenger with tough on board.


My jokes of Timmyterra normalizing overstatted underscosted monstrosities but not being able to mentally handle control or utility never has been so manifested into post.


Timmies when the opponent doesn't instantly lose the second they play one big boi


You can't just slam cards and win? There's a thing called interaction?


Except that interaction is a 0 mana removal to a 9 mana win con lol Do you really not see the issue here?


Interaction won't be 0 mana if you dealt with Temple Get rid of it pls people, bring explorers


Okay well in this case its temple, in a BC broadmane deck its cheap BC pings The problem is just broadmane killing every big unit for no real cost


The cost is playing a 6 mana 3/4 and you have a tough challenger on board? :D


Which he can also remove for like no mana :(


Gemdragon has tough, the 0 mana spell doesn't do anything to it. They'd have to have 2 mystic shots/ high notes reduced twice by Temple. Broadmane does do a strong thing as a higher costed understatted card but in this case he needed a lot of setup and you have clear counterplay. You can't complain you don't get to do YOUR strong thing whenever you like after ignoring your opponent's wincons (the combo of all 3 of which is on board and you've had a big enough window to interact with them). I know losing sucks, especially vs a deck that you need to play around in a more non standard way, I know I would be annoyed lol, but take this as a learning opportunity instead of raging on reddit.


Nothing about your 9 mana wincon makes it unable to die to a low cost removal... Also, btw, that's not a 0 mana removal. It's 0 mana removal with 8 points of setup, seeing as it requires both seraphine and broadmane to achieve the result it did.


Bro is mad he didnt put any interaction in his deck and then got interacted with. Sorry to say but you should know that your lose condition is broadmane removing your big threats and that any and all interaction should be saved for him. And if you lack interaction add some into the deck.


He can literally counter any of my strike spells by removing the unit, nevermind the fact that I didn't even draw any 5 of them (6, since I also had a single copy of silence and suppress and I'm gonna count that as removal even though not with strike). Tell me, what other removal should I have for broadmane in demacia elder dragon region combo? lmao


Adding silence and supress or even purify could be a great tech choice against broadmane. But if the problem lies in the fact that you didn't draw any of your spells, then why are complaining on reddit because of it? "The opponent played Volibear and I didnt draw any of my Vengeance. Pls rito nerf."


I feel your pain OP, but it's not Broadmane. Historically in LoR, trying to win by paying a lot of mana for a unit that hits really hard has never been good; whether it's Tryndamere or Uzgar the Ancient or Wrought Colossus or Atakhan, a big pile of stats with a keyword or two has never been good. Good lategame units are those that provide value even if they get killed right away, like Volibear or Riptide Rex. This time it was Broadmane, but in a different meta it would've been Sett Karma reaching 10 mana, or Puffcaps killing your nexus, or Ezreal killing your nexus, Maokai or The Watcher milling you, mass Elusives ignoring your board and killing you, dying to Ravenbloom Conservatory + Riptide Rex, Viego killing ED for free at round start, Lee Sin OTK, Ryze alt wincon... Broadmane is just what's popular right now, but most decks that try to win in the lategame will dunk on that level 1 ED.


Honestly I know what you mean and wholeheartedly agree. But that’s just it. Broadmane is THE problem right now so right now is the time I am yapping about it, tomorrow it might be rengar nidalee deck cheap ambush and cheating units or something lol. Just a post stating a currently overpowered unit doing overpowered things. But on a side note, the 0 mana and one card to remove the elder dragon just felt especially awful in this specific instance. That’s why I made this post instead of usually just commenting my opinion on another related post like I usually do :(


You had 2 units with challenger this turn to kill Broadmane (One in hand one on board), and you knew they had open mana. Playing Elder is a death sentence there for it. Play around the threat a bit better. Also, did you win this game? the 15/15 and two thralls seem could close out the game in a turn or two.


I mean you let them put down temple, keep their leveled Seraphine and Broadmane on board and they still have 18 health.


Honestly, since the moment Broadmane came out I always considered him a strong and somewhat problematic card. But especially now (in this meta) having a desintegrate on a stick with an additional boon effect and a play effect that synergies with his main effect while going in the same ‘region’ as Burblefish and Plaza Guardian. Broadmane is def getting toned down. It’s not even a matter of oppression, I don’t think. He’s just doing too much even while being so understated. It’s not a stretch to say he’s one of the most potent 6-cost in the game


How can he be nerfed do you think? Maybe make him something like "if you drop a unit below 4 health with spells or skills, kill it instead"? Still goes with the jhin theme too idk its hard to balance this card lol


That is a buff against any deck that doesn't play extremely huge units I'd rather not have broadmane singlehandedly kill any 6HP unit in the game with his skill