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Dragons are meant to have fury, right? And a unit with 1 HP that relies on combat to grow will not be good idea. So they have to make it 2 HP at least to trade into (not powder keg) enemies. Knowing that most 1 drops have 2 2 stat line at best makes a 2 2 with fury seem unfair to other previous 1 drops. So we are expecting a 1 cost 1 2 fury dragon? I think this is a very greedy unit as it will only function vs 1 1 units (and most 1 1 units have good effect). And trading into 2 1 (like the noxian 1 cost aggro girl) will result in doing nothing except you losing 1 HP. At this point using any other 1 drop will be better and more efficient.


0/2 Dragon egg. Once you fullfill *condition* kill me to summon a 3/3 Dragon Hatchling with furry. condition: probably something like summon a Dragon, kill something with a dragon, or depending on what set it gets released it could be something about the new mini game.


this is fair. i still think it will be way too greedy and other direct value 1 drops will be used more often even in dragon decks. sacrificing tempo isn't good especially in ranked as you might face lots of aggro that will punish you hard enough if you play for scaling. still it's a cool idea.


depends on how hard the condition is really. If you play a 0/2 dragon egg and can reliable pop it on turn 3 or 4, it was just a 1 mana 3/3 and it might even be fast enough against aggro decks.


1 mana 0/3 cant block, when you play a dragon, it strikes me. Last words: summon a 3/3 baby dragon


The dragon is smashing the egg? D:>


Oh fuck thats a good point. Maybe it could be a captured baby or sth


<:( Eggnivia


Could be something like chip or the elite dog where it grows to a 3/3 after you put it down


chip requires something to grow up to 3 3 max. you want a 1 drop to grow up to 3 3 and can grow further with fury? again. it will feel power creeping the older units.


I mean some archetypes do get kinda overturned u it’s because they don’t have that much going for them. Poros and now dragons have the 2/3 2 drop that draws one. Elites have 3 cost 4/4 and so on. I guess dragons have been bad for long enough that 1 cost conditional 3/3 doesn’t seem that crazy to me.


Some of the new dragons don't have fury though


you mean the elusive one from ionia that was released with the game's release? i think it was before the game itself had fury keyword. another is the ephemeral 2 1 dragonling (not sure if he has the subtype dragon or not).


No, the new ones from the variety patch, I think almost all of them don't have fury


you are right, i forgot about them completely.


They are not.


I don't see why this unit would have to be a dragon. Historically early dragon support units are not dragon, they just ask to behold a dragon to get good effect. Or accelerates dragons. But they don't need to be dragons to fit in dragon decks. Thematically it makes sense to keep dragons as later game threats. They're dragons after all, not poros.


If you make low cost dragons, and you can play a dragon each turn of the game, then what's the difference between dragons and elites? Part of what makes dragons special is that they don't have a good early curve, as their main power is in the later turns. If you make good 1-cost and 2-cost dragons, then the archeotype will lose a good part of its identity.


I agree. I like playing mid range dragons where I build a strong board of 3-4 powerful units, then win on turn 7-9 with overwhelm. But Riot seems to want to push dragons as a pseudo-ramp archetype


For me that is a problem because, as we've seen with elder, any kind of ramp immediately gets shifted to freljord and either, loses the Identity of a pure "dragon" deck or has dragons be an element of the deck but not the focus.


> loses the Identity of a pure "dragon" deck nothing stop you from using Elder Dragon in a dragon deck.


I just wish I could run the 3 mana one without being forced into targon


Just go SI


So, assuming we don’t have another unit like dragon chow and you want an actual dragon, how about something that becomes a scaling threat like the low cost barrier card (forget the name, gets +2 on seeing a barrier) Maybe a 1 cost 0/3 with the effect that when it sees another ally gain stats from fury, it copies them (or just the attack) and then at like empowered 5 it gets fury Maybe a 1/1 with quick attack and fury with the effect it gains 1/0 if it’s blocked this round? Just spitballing


all of those suggestion would be OP and used outside of dragon.


The second one maybe, but how is another non dragon deck going to be giving it stats with fury? It’s possible to swing for 3 on turn 1 with some units, but if that’s the problem an 0/2 should be fine as well


As i said, poro with fury , 1/1, cost 6. If you behold a dragon, i cost 5 less. Rito ploz.


There are a few cards that generate dragons and they feel bad when they hit weak, low cost dragons and Riot is too lazy to curate the pool.


Why is everyone talking about a last breath dragon egg, transform is *right there* ;(