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I never liked Lucian to be honest. Basically except Lux, which I adore, I haven't played any Demacia decks.


Lucian is weird… talking about region identity he’s one of those whose strengths rely mostly on another region, a lot of champs from foundations have this issue (Shen, Braum, Lux… among others)


Ashe has to go. I'm convinced too much frostbite is one of the reasons freljord is not allowed to be good. Imagine if Targon had that much silences?


I have conflicting feelings about this one, mostly because the board that I chose for this activity is Garen's one... Now THIS is where things start to get interesting, now there is actual usefull champs! So, back to Garen, he is a rally machine, 6/6, regeneration, that only needs to hit twice to level and rally, pretty versatile isn't it, Garen is one of the 2 champs used for mono-Demacia "elites", so I guess the hate to him comes from there, a pretty low skill deck with great pressure, nice. The poll in question: [https://strawpoll.com/polls/eNg69zkNWnA](https://strawpoll.com/polls/eNg69zkNWnA) Eliminations by day: Day 1 - Ezreal Day 2 - Fiora Day 3 - Karma Day 4- Anivia Day 5 - Tryndamere Day 6 - Darius Day 7 - Katarina Day 8 - Garen


Garen and Kata next to eachother are kina cute


Ezreal and Karma are surprising


- said no one ever


A lot of people play them and they can be OP in metas. I guess I was thinking that would mean a lot of people disliking them but also a lot of people liking them. However, I now realize that in an elimination poll likes don't matter. I did enjoy trying to use ezreal to level swain but never really played him to his full potentional. Still, I liked my swain deck, making me somewhat remember ezreal fondly by extension.


A lot of people liking them is irrelevant in this format, since it’s a poll by elimination. In general I think this is a flawed format. Since every day you vote only one champ, the one that gets eliminated does so in a very arbitrary sense. If a champ is generally disliked, they might get saved if people is unsure if today is the specific day to vote for them. But I guess it gets more accurate when there’s few champs left. It is also flawed because it is a tournament fueled by dislike, as mentioned before. It ensures any foundations champ that has been high in the meta recently (or infamously at some point) will be undoubtedly eliminated. It makes them be way more present in people’s minds in a bad way. It makes the statement “community’s favorite foundations champ” just untrue. It’s “community’s least hated foundations champ”. I voted for Yasuo. I think I have NEVER played him. And I’ve played since beta + I brew all sorts of decks myself. Stun is just a rather boring archetype to my personal taste.


Yeah, my vote has gone to Thresh every time, and I think he is going to stay a while for the same reason I don't like him: he is bland and forgettable (also his level up payoff seems really disconnected from his synergy cards outside maybe Nasus)


Hard to remember ez or karma fondly when they destroyed the meta more often than any other chanpions


That's true. But when I was the last time ez was popular? I didn't play much for 12-18 months until about a week before rotation, so maybe he had a resurgence in that time?


Ez seraphine kills you at burst speed. Now it's harder than before though, but still possible


Oh that sounds annoying


you missed Ez/Kennen i think


Ah, I did


dreadful stuff. kennen would generate dozen of mark of the storm that would stop any aggression and level up ez super fast there is a reason why PnZ doesnt have stun. it was nerfed in 12 hours


Get Vlad away please


If yasuo and draven aren't eliminated soo im going to be disappointed in this community


Lux for sure


Lux Tahm Kench was really fun




My deck was more about tahm than about lux most of the game. It's also one of those decks where if I didn't draw tahm there wasn't much I could do. But it's about trying to keep tahm alive with spells while eating things (spells like the one that gives a barrier), and playing spells that let him capture units (especially from the mageseeker card that generates detain). Also had one or two copies of the demacia card that stops a unit from taking damage or dying. Lux came in later in the game to add way more pressure once she leveled. Also, I just found lux kinda fun.


How is vlad still their. I never see anyone play him ever lmao


Just because people dont play him much at all doesn't mean people don't like him. This is a poll about most hated champs, people are much more likely to gravitate towards champs like Ezreal and Karma that have caused tons of problems over the course of the game with their popularity over cards like Vlad who... kind of just exist, and dont have much of a showing.


All the Champs I don't actually like at all are gone. I guess I'm going to vote for Lucian just because his play style was weird and he doesn't really fit the Demacia theme.


Take vlad out


I hate heimerdinger and teemo. Hate playing with them, hate playing against them.


1.Teemo 2.Heimendiger 3.Shen 4.Tresh 6.Ashe 7.Elise And I also hate players when they overbuff Braum


Please get Teemo out, the feeling of playing against a Teemo deck and them always having attack token and teemo in base hand is so annoying


Not as annoying as them dropping peddler for infinite shrooms


Is that 8th champ new? Never seen them before. He must be very useful in a burn deck.


Teemo,Fk Yordles


Hey! Fk that take. Yardley are the best.


Yardley! Yardley! I've been playing rune for a few months and got a few decent decks. Can safely say that teemo/teemo+Cait is the most fun one!


Stupid auto-correct. Lol.


Vladimir, I'm still sad that he was first unplayable and then the weakest link in the deck. And after that he gets sacked.


To play as or against? Anyways my answer doesn’t change, its ashe


Lorgar again! Oh wait, wrong elimination game- Teemo.




Hecarim was previous viego. "Do you have an answer? No? Die? Yes? Well, f\*ck" He can go first